

learn to grow

Learn To Excel

As children, we were encouraged to learn something new every day.  We did experiments at school, took part in extra-curricular activities, and joined cultural and activist groups during our college years. Learning something new is always an exciting endeavor. The problem is that most of us get wrapped up in busy distractions throughout the day and never find the time to learn the new skill we want.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
― Benjamin Franklin

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

reading and learning

Difference between Reading and Learning or Studying

What do you mean by reading?

Reading is a multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency, and motivation. Learn how readers integrate these facets to make meaning from print. Reading is making meaning from print. It requires that we: Identify the words in print – a process called word recognition.

 Reading Techniques :

  1. Scanning.
  2. Skimming.
  3. Active Reading.
  4. Detailed.
  5. Speed.
  6. Structure-Proposition-Evaluation


Studying Definition

Studying is the process adopted by an individual where a complete devotion of time is required to fully understand and grasp a particular concept. Reading is a process of going through a topic within a given subject to gain information from it.

Definition of Learning

We know that the human brain is immensely complex and still somewhat of a mystery. It follows then, that we understand learning—a primary function of the brain—in many different ways. If you are searching for a definition of learning, these ten explanations show the multitude of ways that learning can be understood and described.

Learning: Definition, Characteristics, and Types of Learning in Psychology

The process of learning is continuous which starts right from the time of birth of an individual and continues till death. We all are engaged in learning endeavors to develop our adaptive capabilities as per the requirements of the changing environment. For learning to occur, two things are important: 1. The presence of a stimulus in the environment and 2. The innate dispositions like emotional and instinctual dispositions. A person keeps on learning across all the stages of life, by constructing or reconstructing experiences under the influence of emotional and instinctual dispositions.

Psychologists in general define Learning as relatively permanent behavioral modifications which take place as a result of experience. This definition of learning stresses three important elements of learning:

    • Learning involves a behavioral change that can be better or worse.
    • This behavioral change should take place as a result of practice and experience. Changes resulting from maturity or growth cannot be considered learning this behavioral change must be relatively permanent and last for a relatively long time enough.

The key characteristics of the learning process are:

  • When described in the simplest possible manner, learning is described as an experience acquisition process.
  • In the complex form, learning can be described as the process of acquisition, retention, and modification of experience.
  • It re-establishes the relationship between a stimulus and response.
  • It is a method of problem-solving and is concerned with making adjustments to the environment.
  • It involves all those gamuts of activities that may have a relatively permanent effect on the individual.
  • The process of learning is concerned with experience acquisition, retention of experiences, and experience development in a step-by-step manner, synthesis of both old and new experiences for creating a new pattern.
  • Learning is concerned with cognitive, conative, and affective aspects. The knowledge acquisition process is cognitive, any change in the emotions is affective, and conative is the acquisition of new habits or skills.

The Definitions

Learning is the act of acquiring new knowledge or is the knowledge that has been gained through study. The word learning is also a form of the verb learn.

Learning refers to the process of gaining new knowledge or mastering new skills. Let’s say you want to know how to speak Spanish. You might have a Spanish instructor teach you how to speak it or you might read a lot of books about how to speak Spanish. Both of these strategies are examples of learningLearning is the counterpart to teaching.

  1. “A change in human disposition or capability that persists over some time and is not simply ascribable to processes of growth.”
    — From The Conditions of Learning by Robert Gagne
  2. “Learning is the relatively permanent change in a person’s knowledge or behavior due to experience. This definition has three components: 1) the duration of the change is long-term rather than short-term; 2) the locus of the change is the content and structure of knowledge in memory or the behavior of the learner; 3) the cause of the change is the learner’s experience in the environment rather than fatigue, motivation, drugs, physical condition or physiologic intervention.”
    –From Learning in Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Richard E. Mayer 
  3. “We define learning as the transformative process of taking in information that—when internalized and mixed with what we have experienced—changes what we know and builds on what we do. It’s based on input, process, and reflection. It is what changes us.”
    –From The New Social Learning by Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner

What Are the Four Types of Learning in Education?

We mentioned before that scientists have for years tried to understand the best ways students learn through research. One of the popular theories, to this day, is the VARK model. This model identifies four types of learners: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and reading/writing.

Psychological definitions of learning

In the life of an organism, Learning can be considered a continuous process. It can be said that a human learns right from birth to till his death. Consistently, human finds something new, acquiring a new skill to face forthcoming situations. It is a kind of mental process that modify the behavior, leaves permanent changes in the life of an individual and an organism based on past experiences, and responds adequately in a given situation. Woodworth (1952) views learning as a form of exercise and also as a process of development. According to him, exercise strengthens the activity that is exercised. But exercise by itself does not add anything new to the individual knowledge. Therefore, the process of acquiring new knowledge is the process of learning.

Characteristics of Learning:

  • Learning is Growth.
  • Learning is Adjustment.
  • Learning is Intelligent.
  • Learning is Active.
  • Learning is the product of Environment.
  • Learning is both Individual and Social.
  • Learning is Purposeful.
  • Learning is organising Experience.