
Speech Writing

What do you mean by speech writing? Do your speech-writing techniques help with your communication skills? Does your speech writing help you to become a better speaker? Speech delivers a message to the audience through spoken words. Speech is used to persuade the audience or to describe a burning topic.

Speech writing is the process of communicating a thought or message to a reader by using proper punctuation and expression. Speech writing is similar to other types of narrative writing. However, students should be aware of some different punctuation and writing structure techniques.

How can we start a good speech in the school prayer?

Most people are nervous before their first speech, and it’s natural. Therefore, learn the techniques of good speech in front of an audience. The following are some tips you must learn to deliver a good speech in front of your audience:

    • Control your anxiety while giving a speech. It is normal for a beginner. Therefore, learn to control your emotions. Use a lecture stand to gain confidence while giving a speech.
    • Shy away from your shyness while delivering a speech.
    • Prepare your topic in advance before the speech.
    • Start with a positive and impressive note.
    • Address your audience. Therefore, they choose a topic of their interest.
    • Before you begin to draught your message, consider who the message is intended for. Find out as much as you can about your listener.
    • Always organise your material for speech in a proper way.
    • Don’t try to be over smart. Speak in a natural way.
    • Use humour and a light tone to make your audience comfortable.
    • Begin your speech with, “Today I’m going to talk to you about X.” The vast majority do not. Finish your speech with a summary and a powerful statement that your audience will remember.

How can you write an impressive speech?

To set a tone of impressive speech, the followings are the tips to follow while writing a good speech:

Format of Speech Writing

The structure of speech is very impotant where your audiences are on a journey and follow the route you provide. There are three major parts of any speech writing:

Impressive Beginning:

  • Greet your audience in the beginning.
  • Introduce yourself in the beginning and greet your audience. “Good friends, I am here to speak about…”
  • The beginning of the speech should be impressive. “Every day, we read in the newspaper about the nuisance of this problem.”
  • Start your speech with the most important point that proves your intention. “Introduce your topic main point…”
  • It can be a question or an impressive statistic. Introduce your topic in brief at the beginning. “Do you know what happened yesterday in the city?”
  • A good beginning should be impressive and attractive to attract your audience’s attention.

The middle of the speech.

  • In the middle section of your speech, your argument gains momentum.
  • It constitutes the majority of any utterance.
  • Explain your speech in detail with concrete examples in an impressive way.
  • Look into the eyes of your audience. Are they listening to you?
  • Include a list of reasons and justifications why the audience should agree with you.
  • Handling objections is an important aspect of speech composition.
  • As a speech is a monologue, there is no time for questioning or dissent.
  • A persuasive speech will be able to answer any possible objections within the speech itself.
  • Thus, you respond to audience questions as they are posted.
  • In order to persuade an audience, they must be able to recognise your knowledge. You must resemble someone they wish to imitate.

The conclusion of the speech

  • You want your audience to remember your message after your speech.
  • The conclusion is usually the most memorable part of your speech.
  • You could end with a summary of the most important points, a link to the rest of your speech, or a call to action (CTA).
  • Calls to action can be effective because they motivate the audience to act.
  • This can be done by promising something or by putting a question at the end.
  • The end of the speech should always be the talk of the day.
  • Therefore, end your speech with an interesting note.
  • Conclude your speech by tying up all the main points of your speech.
  • Never forget to say thanks at the end of your speech.

Which type of language should you use in speech writing?

  • Design the language so as to be listened to and conversational.
  • Adopt the strategy of repetition, which helps the audience to remember the point.
  • Present the unfamiliar material in an easy-to-understand language.
  • Your language should be clear and understandable so that the information can be reached in the proper way.
  • Use concrete language instead of abstract language. Typically, abstract language refers to ideas, qualities, or concepts. In contrast, concrete language appeals to our senses by describing things or ideas in a vivid, specific language.
  • Use emotional language in your speech.
  • Use questions while addressing the audience.
  • Using silence at the appropriate time allows the listener to absorb, reflect, and review your message. This is an excellent method for keeping the audience focused and engaged.