
CTET English Language-1 Sample Paper 2024

CTET English Language-1 Sample Paper 2024, designed by Principal M.S. Yadav, has been teaching English to students and teachers since 1991. This CTET English Language-1 Sample Paper 2024 will help future teachers crack the CTET in July 2024.

Sample papers are crucial for preparing for the English Language I section of the CTET exam in 2024. Here’s why they are important:

  1. Familiarity with Exam Pattern: Sample papers provide insight into the format and structure of the CTET exam. By solving them, you become familiar with the types of questions asked, the marking scheme, and the overall pattern of the paper.
  2. Practice Under Exam Conditions: Solving sample papers allows you to simulate exam-like conditions, including time constraints. This helps you improve your speed and efficiency in answering questions within the allocated time limit.
  3. Identification of Weak Areas: By solving sample papers, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses in different topics of English Language I. This enables you to focus your preparation efforts on areas where you need improvement.
  4. Application of Concepts: Sample papers provide an opportunity to apply the concepts and principles learned during your preparation. They help reinforce your understanding of grammar, comprehension, and verbal ability by applying them to practical exam scenarios.
  5. Self-Assessment: After solving sample papers, you can assess your performance and identify areas for improvement. Analyzing your mistakes helps you learn from them and avoid repeating them in the actual exam.
  6. Confidence Building: Regular practice with sample papers boosts your confidence levels and reduces exam-related anxiety. As you become more familiar with the exam pattern and improve your performance through practice, you feel more confident in your ability to tackle the actual exam.
  7. Strategy Development: Solving sample papers allows you to develop effective strategies for time management, question selection, and prioritization. You can experiment with different approaches and determine the most suitable strategy for maximizing your score in the actual exam.

Overall, sample papers serve as invaluable tools for effective preparation for the English Language I section of the CTET exam in 2024. They not only help you assess your readiness for the exam but also enhance your understanding of key concepts and improve your performance on the day of the exam.

CTET English Language-1 Sample Paper 2024

IMPORTANT : Candidates should attempt questions from Part-IV (Q. No. 91-120), if they have
opted for ENGLISH as LANGUAGE-I only.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (91-99)

Prose Passage:

In a small coastal village nestled between towering cliffs and crashing waves, there lived a young girl named Marina. Marina was known for her adventurous spirit and her love for exploring the rocky shores. Every morning, she would wake up with the first light of dawn, eager to set out on her daily expedition. Armed with her trusty backpack and a keen sense of curiosity, Marina would wander along the rugged coastline, discovering hidden caves and secret coves. Her favorite spot was a secluded beach where the sand sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight. It was here that Marina felt most at peace, listening to the soothing rhythm of the ocean and watching the seagulls dance in the sky. Little did Marina know, her daily escapades would soon lead her to a remarkable discovery that would change her life forever.

Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. What is Marina known for in the coastal village?
    • A) Her love for gardening
    • B) Her adventurous spirit
    • C) Her talent in cooking
    • D) Her skill in fishing
    • Answer: B) Her adventurous spirit. Explanation: The passage states that Marina was known for her adventurous spirit and her love for exploring the rocky shores.
  2. What does Marina carry with her during her expeditions?
    • A) A fishing net
    • B) A backpack
    • C) A camera
    • D) A surfboard
    • Answer: B) A backpack. Explanation: The passage mentions that Marina was armed with her trusty backpack during her explorations.
  3. Where is Marina’s favorite spot?
    • A) A bustling city street
    • B) A hidden cave
    • C) A secluded beach
    • D) A crowded market
    • Answer: C) A secluded beach. Explanation: Marina’s favorite spot is described as a secluded beach where the sand sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight.
  4. What change is hinted at in Marina’s life?
    • A) She becomes a famous explorer
    • B) She discovers buried treasure
    • C) She finds a lost pet
    • D) She makes a remarkable discovery
    • Answer: D) She makes a remarkable discovery. Explanation: The passage suggests that Marina’s daily escapades would soon lead her to a remarkable discovery that would change her life forever.
  5. What did Marina do every morning?
    • A) Stayed in bed
    • B) Went fishing
    • C) Explored the coastline
    • D) Went shopping
    • Answer: C) Explored the coastline. Explanation: The passage mentions that every morning, Marina would wake up with the first light of dawn, eager to set out on her daily expedition.
  6. What did Marina use to carry her belongings?
    • A) A boat
    • B) A suitcase
    • C) A backpack
    • D) A basket
    • Answer: C) A backpack. Explanation: The passage states that Marina was armed with her trusty backpack during her explorations.
  7. What did Marina feel most at on her favorite spot?
    • A) Fear
    • B) Anger
    • C) Peace
    • D) Excitement
    • Answer: C) Peace. Explanation: The passage describes Marina feeling most at peace on her favorite spot, listening to the soothing rhythm of the ocean.
  8. What did Marina often discover along the rugged coastline?
    • A) Hidden caves and secret coves
    • B) Tall buildings
    • C) Shopping malls
    • D) Parks
    • Answer: A) Hidden caves and secret coves. Explanation: The passage mentions Marina wandering along the rugged coastline, discovering hidden caves and secret coves.
  9. What did Marina listen to while at her favorite spot?
    • A) Loud music
    • B) Seagulls
    • C) Traffic noise
    • D) People talking
    • Answer: B) Seagulls. Explanation: The passage describes Marina listening to the soothing rhythm of the ocean and watching the seagulls dance in the sky.
  10. What was Marina’s reaction to her daily escapades?
    • A) Disappointment
    • B) Indifference
    • C) Excitement
    • D) Frustration
    • Answer: C) Excitement. Explanation: The passage suggests that Marina’s daily escapades would soon lead her to a remarkable discovery, indicating excitement.


Amidst the chaos of the bustling city streets,

Lies a garden of serenity, where silence meets.

With every step, a symphony of whispers,

Echoes of nature, where peace lingers.

The trees stand tall, their branches sway,

Whispering secrets of the night and day.

Flowers bloom in vibrant hues,

Painting the canvas with morning dews.

In this oasis of tranquility, time stands still,

As the world outside continues its shrill.

Here, amidst the blooms and the bees,

One finds solace, amidst life’s unease.

Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. What is the main theme of the poem?
    • (A) The beauty of bustling city streets
    • (B) Finding solace in a tranquil garden
    • (C) The chaos of nature
    • (D) The importance of urban life
    • Answer: (B) Finding solace in a tranquil garden. Explanation: The poem depicts a serene garden as a peaceful retreat amidst the chaos of city life.
  2. What is described as “whispering secrets” in the poem?
    • (A) Trees
    • (B) Flowers
    • (C) Bees
    • (D) Morning dews
    • Answer: (A) Trees. Explanation: The poem describes trees as standing tall and whispering secrets of the night and day.
  3. How is time portrayed in the garden?
    • (A) Time rushes by quickly
    • (B) Time stands still
    • (C) Time moves slowly
    • (D) Time disappears entirely
    • Answer: (B) Time stands still. Explanation: The poem suggests that in the oasis of tranquility, time stands still while the outside world continues its noise.
  4. What is the significance of “morning dews” in the poem?
    • (A) They represent sadness
    • (B) They symbolize life’s struggles
    • (C) They add vibrancy to the flowers
    • (D) They indicate the passage of time
    • Answer: (C) They add vibrancy to the flowers. Explanation: The poem mentions morning dews painting the canvas with vibrant hues, suggesting they enhance the beauty of the flowers.
  5. What does the speaker find amidst the blooms and bees?
    • (A) Chaos
    • (B) Confusion
    • (C) Solace
    • (D) Discomfort
    • Answer: (C) Solace. Explanation: The poem concludes with the speaker finding solace amidst the blooms and bees, emphasizing the calming effect of nature.

CDP English Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct with respect to the given sentence? Sentence: Rhymes, songs and chants are ways for children to:
  • (1) memorize words and sentence structure.
  • (2) practise pronunciation.
  • (3) enhance expression and the rhythm of sentences.
  • (4) extend vocabulary.
  • Answer: (1) memorize words and sentence structure. Explanation: Rhymes, songs, and chants primarily aid in enhancing expression, rhythm, and vocabulary, rather than focusing solely on memorization of words and sentence structure.
  1. Which approach/method doesn’t encourage learners to use their native language in a language class?
  • (1) Communicative approach
  • (2) Direct method
  • (3) Audio-lingual method
  • (4) Natural approach
  • Answer: (2) Direct method. Explanation: The Direct method emphasizes using the target language exclusively, without resorting to translation or native language usage.
  1. Which one of the following is NOT true about using the library at the primary level?
  • (1) as an active environment for engagement with books.
  • (2) teachers and other adults can also model reading behavior in the libraries.
  • (3) a read-aloud of the textbook can be best done in a library.
  • (4) learners can be exposed to a variety of genres of children’s literature.
  • Answer: (3) a read-aloud of the textbook can be best done in a library. Explanation: While libraries facilitate exposure to various genres, read-aloud sessions of textbooks are typically conducted in classrooms, not in libraries.
  1. Literacy teaching approach that emphasizes the relationship between letters and sounds is:
  • (1) grammar translation
  • (2) situational approach
  • (3) phonics instruction
  • (4) whole language Approach
  • Answer: (3) phonics instruction. Explanation: Phonics instruction focuses on teaching the relationship between letters and their corresponding sounds to enhance reading and spelling skills.
  1. A student of class V says, “I give my work a final check for accuracy before submitting it to the teacher.” The student is working at the writing stage of:
  • (1) Re-drafting
  • (2) Proofreading
  • (3) Peer-evaluation
  • (4) Drafting
  • Answer: (2) Proofreading. Explanation: Proofreading involves reviewing and correcting errors in written work before submission, ensuring accuracy.
    1. A third-grade teacher wishes to establish a reading corner in her class. In making the judgments for selecting children’s books, which one of the following questions would be most important to be considered first?
    • (1) Are the books written for the independent reading level of most students in the class?
    • (2) Will the books help address the goals of the third-grade reading curriculum?
    • (3) Will these books be appropriate for use in more than one instructional context?
    • (4) Are the authors of these books well-known and respected authors of children’s literature?
    • Answer: (2) Will the books help address the goals of the third-grade reading curriculum? Explanation: The primary consideration should be whether the selected books align with the curriculum objectives to support effective learning.
    1. Which approach/method is geared towards the learner’s main goal of using language in a real-life context?
    • (1) Communicative approach
    • (2) Direct method
    • (3) Audio-lingual method
    • (4) Natural approach
    • Answer: (1) Communicative approach. Explanation: The communicative approach emphasizes real-life communication and interaction, focusing on practical language use in authentic contexts.
    1. A teacher in class III asked her learners to ask their partners five questions about their abilities using the word ‘can’, e.g., can you swim? This type of activity enhances:
    • (1) Controlled oral practice
    • (2) Free speaking
    • (3) Passive listening
    • (4) Oral fluency practice
    • Answer: (4) Oral fluency practice. Explanation: This activity promotes oral fluency practice by encouraging students to ask and answer questions using the target language in a communicative setting.
    1. Which one of the following is NOT correct about teaching grammar effectively?
    • (1) Elicit relevant rules of grammar.
    • (2) Provide practice in communication.
    • (3) Learn grammar by memorizing its rules.
    • (4) Promote genuine communication.
    • Answer: (3) Learn grammar by memorizing its rules. Explanation: Effective grammar teaching focuses on understanding and applying grammar rules in context rather than rote memorization.
    1. A teacher is planning to collect a variety of Teaching Learning Materials (TLM) for his class II students. Which one of the following is NOT a correct criterion for choosing TLMs?
    • (1) The material chosen should provide adequate opportunities for the children to explore and experiment with curiosity.
    • (2) The material chosen should be preferably locally made or locally available, as this would allow for easy replacement.
    • (3) The material chosen should be made by the children only and have some roughness to avoid slipperiness.
    • (4) The material chosen should be attractive and safe for children of this age group to use.
    • Answer: (3) The material chosen should be made by the children only and have some roughness to avoid slipperiness. Explanation: While student-made materials can be beneficial, they should not be the sole criterion for selecting TLMs, especially if they compromise safety or quality.
      1. A teacher asked the learners to exchange workbooks and check their partners’ work. The objective of this task is to:
      • (1) give practice in using new vocabulary.
      • (2) give controlled practice of structures.
      • (3) develop the skill of peer correction.
      • (4) give practice in extensive reading.
      • Answer: (3) develop the skill of peer correction. Explanation: This activity aims to enhance students’ ability to identify and correct errors in their peers’ work, promoting peer learning and collaboration.
      1. Children in the foundational stage are more engaged in learning when:
      • (1) they use multiple senses and actively use their hands.
      • (2) they trace or write letters repeatedly in their notebooks.
      • (3) they focus only on developing fine motor skills.
      • (4) they sing rhymes after the teacher.
      • Answer: (1) they use multiple senses and actively use their hands. Explanation: Engaging multiple senses and incorporating hands-on activities enhance children’s learning experiences and overall engagement.
      1. Which one of the following is NOT a principle for textbook design at the foundational stage?
      • (1) Presentation Principle
      • (2) Concrete Principle
      • (3) Technology Principle
      • (4) Curriculum Principle
      • Answer: (3) Technology Principle. Explanation: Textbook design at the foundational stage focuses on principles such as presentation, concreteness, and alignment with the curriculum, but technology may not always be a primary consideration.
      1. To create an inclusive, welcoming, and joyful environment that supports every child’s participation in achieving the competencies outlined in the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) can be best done by:
      • (1) majorly focusing on the learner’s good health and well-being.
      • (2) displaying children’s work from different domains of development.
      • (3) decorating the classroom for a colorful environment.
      • (4) conducting indoor activities and avoiding them from outdoor activities in scorching heat.
      • Answer: (2) displaying children’s work from different domains of development. Explanation: Displaying children’s work fosters a sense of belonging and achievement, contributing to an inclusive and supportive learning environment.
      1. Which one of the following should be mastered to be literate?
      • (1) Sight vocabulary and pattern recognition.
      • (2) Decoding and language comprehension.
      • (3) Accuracy and phonological comprehension.
      • (4) Phonological awareness and fluency.
      • Answer: (2) Decoding and language comprehension. Explanation: Decoding (reading) and language comprehension (understanding) are essential skills for literacy, enabling individuals to read and comprehend written texts effectively.

      These questions cover various aspects of teaching and learning methodologies, curriculum design, classroom management, and literacy development, aiming to assess understanding and application of key concepts in education.


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