
Self-Regulation Ability: Nature & Importance

self regulation

Generally, every individual can resist impulses at a personal level, adapt their behaviour to a range of standards, and modify prevailing behaviour in the service of achieving distal goals; it is called Self-regulation. Various common terms have been frequently used to represent the notion of self-regulation including “self-control, self-management, anger control, emotion regulation, and impulse control.” Singh and Sharma (2018) found that Self-regulation acts as a framework to be used as an intervention to manage chronic health conditions and predict better psychological well-being. Our self-regulation ability in every field e.g. education, sports, health and vocational, etc. associated with positive functioning and outcomes. Here are some famous quotes about the significance of self-regulation ability:

If you conquer yourself, then you conquer the world” (Paulo Coelho)

 “The biggest challenge to self-control is emotion regulation. Successful people know how to make their servants rather than masters” (Paul TP Wang).

Self-control is the only possible road to character development” (Dennis Prager).

Indian culture has been always highlighting the power of the Self (Sawayam); it is the one’s self that leads them towards success and growth or failure and deterioration. Bhagwat Geeta (an ancient Indian Grantha) underlines the power of self in chapter 6: (verses 5 & 6) states that

 “One should lift oneself by one’s efforts and should not degrade oneself; for one’s self is one’s friend, and one’s self is one’s enemy.”

Mahatma Gandhi also recognized the role of the Self-system in our life.

He stated that  

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your actions become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny.”

Role of self-regulated learning in Academic achievement of students:

Academic results are vital in determining learning success rates for both students and teachers. It is consequently critical to determine the elements that influence academic outcomes, such as the efforts, beliefs, and learning techniques that students employ in the class when studying, or during tests. Psychologists, Educationalists, Researchers, and Academicians have long recognized that students’ beliefs about their academic capabilities; self-regulated learning play an essential role in their academic journey to achieve and academic performance. This motivational concept received much attention from educational researchers because of its purported influence on students’ academic functioning.

Self-Regulated Learning strategies increase the student’s strategic control and domain

Furthermore, these kinds of learning strategies increase the student’s strategic control and domain, as they can better conduct their learning processes and tactics, manage the effort to be placed to know a certain topic and control their emotions in the face of adversities. A student’s capacity to manage his or her learning without relying on others is referred to as self-regulated learning.

One of the elements that contribute to the poor quality of student learning is a poor self-learning pattern. Students with effective self-regulation are aware of the value of learning and can regulate their emotions to improve the learning process and outcomes. Self-regulation enables students to evaluate their performance. Students with a high degree of independence can generally arrange their learning process, and complete activities, and homework without relying on teachers, parents, or friends. Consciously, he is highly independent in his studying since he desires to attain great success. Students with low degrees of learning independence, on the other hand, are heavily reliant on others to learn.

Self-learning is a key component of college preparedness.

Self-learning is a key component of college preparedness. Rani and Singh (2022) found that college students who are high academic achievers are higher on all self-regulated learning strategies, based on the Pintrich model (1991) in comparison to college students who got low grades or result percentage (low academic achievers).

Self-system beliefs and Learning strategies are fundamental to a student’s motivation and performance. Its positive association with other constructs has indicated that self-regulated learning has a stronger effect on academic performance, and emotional, cognitive as well as behavioral functioning of the students. Therefore, Researchers can say that these are the most important variables that determine the academic achievement of students and their success in other areas of life.

How does self-regulation work in learning?

When we answer the question “how does self-regulation work?” I think Kanfer’s (1970) self-regulation model stated that an individual can involve in goal-specific behavior as these skills or capacities allow an individual to delay gratification in the short term so that one could accomplish the desired outcomes.

self regulating chart

Here we are presenting how one can adopt and follow the self-regulated learning process in health in their daily behavior with an example:self regulating learning chart


People are suggested for applying a self-regulation approach to manage and control critical issues in health behaviour. Self-regulation techniques are widely used. Successful people and learners use self-regulation to effectively and efficiently accomplish their behavioral tasks and health goals. They can opt for different strategies and monitor the effectiveness of that strategy while evaluating and determining the next course of action. Through the use of the steps in self-regulation strategies (Planning, self-monitoring, Failure detection & correction, self-reinforcement, and self-instructions,) performance can be greatly improved and goals can be achieved easily and shortly.

Self-regulation strategies can be used as a promotional as well as curative techniques or routes to better health. Self-regulation capacity will always work as a controller or buffering agent in health complaints. In the academic field self-regulated learning improves students’ academic engagement, goal-setting, task selection, perseverance and effort, intrinsic motivation, strategy usage, performance and accomplishment, and even career choice.  Self-regulation ability increase the student’s strategic control and domain, as they can better conduct their learning processes and tactics, manage the effort to be placed to know a certain topic, and control their emotions in the face of adversities

 Related: Stress In Children , Causes and Management Tips


Kanfer, F. H. (1970). Self-regulation: Research, issues, and speculation. In: Neuringer, C.; Michael, J. L., (edi.). Behavior modification in clinical psychology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts; p. 178-220.

Rani, R., & Singh, S. (2022). Study of the self-efficacy and self-regulated learning about academic achievement among college students. [Master’s thesis, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi].

Singh, S. & Sharma, N. R. (2018). Self-regulation is a correlate of psychological well-being. Indian Journal of Health and Well-being, 9(3), 441-444.


Dr. Surjeet

Dr. Surjeet Singh

Assistant Professor (Psychology)

Government College for Women, Tosham, Bhiwani, Haryana


Mob. No. 9802251107

Assisted by: M.S. Yadav, Lecturer

 A Word From RLE Mission

One of the factors that contribute to poor student learning quality is a poor self-learning pattern. Students with effective self-regulation recognise the value of learning and can control their emotions to improve the learning process and outcomes. Students can assess their own performance through self-regulation. Students with a high level of independence can usually plan their learning process and complete activities and homework without the help of teachers, parents, or friends. Dr. Surjeet Singh has always assisted students in improving their learning abilities. I’d gotten the chance to work with him. He struck me as sincere, helpful, and soft-spoken. I anticipate that he will continue his efforts to improve the learning abilities of Haryana’s rural students.

2 thoughts on “Self-Regulation Ability: Nature & Importance”

  1. Pingback: Self-regulation in Schools: An Essential Requirement for Students

  2. Pingback: Learning the Skills of Self-Regulation and Put them Into Practice

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