
30 Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement: 150 MCQs SSC CGL CHSL CUET

CUET English: Subject-Verb Agreement

30 Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement: 150 MCQs SSC CGL CHSL CUET. Subject-Verb Agreement refers to the grammatical rule that states that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number (singular or plural). This means that a singular subject must have a singular verb, and a plural subject must have a plural verb.

CUET English: Subject-Verb Agreement.

English: Subject-Verb Agreement

30 Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement: 150 MCQs SSC CGL CHSL

30 rules of subject-verb agreement with examples:

Rule No. Rule Example
1 Singular subjects take singular verbs. The dog barks loudly.
2 Plural subjects take plural verbs. Dogs bark loudly.
3 Compound subjects joined by “and” take plural verbs. Tom and Jerry are good friends.
4 Indefinite pronouns are singular and take singular verbs. Everyone wants to succeed in life.
5 Some indefinite pronouns are plural and take plural verbs. Many have contributed to the project.
6 Collective nouns can be singular or plural based on context. The team plays well. / The team have different opinions.
7 Ignore intervening words between subject and verb. The book, along with the pen, is on the table.
8 Titles, names, and titles take singular verbs. The Lord of the Rings is a popular book series.
9 Subjects joined by “or” or “nor” take a singular verb if the subjects are singular or if the first subject is singular. Neither John nor Mary likes spicy food.
10 Indirect questions take singular verbs. What is the answer to the question?
11 Singular verbs are used with each, every, either, neither, everyone, somebody, anybody, nobody, someone, anyone, no one, and the words that end in “-body” or “-one”. Each student has completed the assignment.
12 Phrases that indicate portions, such as a lot, a great deal, a majority, some, all, most, none, and part, use singular verbs when they refer to a single unit. A majority of the cake was eaten.
13 Some nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning take singular verbs. Mathematics is my favorite subject.
14 When the subject follows the verb, use a singular verb. There is a pen on the table.
15 When sentences begin with “here” or “there,” the subject will always be placed after the verb, so singular verbs are used. Here comes the bus.
16 The pronouns “either” and “neither” are singular and take singular verbs. Neither of them is going to the party.
17 If two subjects are joined by “and” and are preceded by “each” or “every,” the verb is singular. Each student and teacher was happy.
18 Singular subjects joined by “with,” “as well as,” “together with,” and “along with” require singular verbs. The teacher, as well as the students, is excited.
19 The expressions “more than one” and “not only” are singular and take singular verbs. More than one person is responsible for the accident.
20 The subject “nobody” is singular and takes a singular verb. Nobody knows the answer.
21 When the words “each” or “every” come before the subject followed by “of,” the subject is singular, and a singular verb is used. Every one of the students has a book.
22 If the subjects are both singular and connected by “either/or” or “neither/nor,” use a singular verb. Neither the cat nor the dog is friendly.
23 If the subjects are both plural and connected by “either/or” or “neither/nor,” use a plural verb. Neither the cats nor the dogs are friendly.
24 Some nouns ending in “-ics” (e.g., economics, statistics) are singular and take singular verbs. Economics is an interesting subject.
25 Fractions and percentages take singular verbs when they refer to a singular entity. One-fourth of the cake has been eaten.
26 When the subject is a title of a book, movie, or other work, it is treated as singular and takes a singular verb. The Lord of the Rings is a famous trilogy.
27 Some nouns, when used in a collective sense, can take either a singular or plural verb, depending on the context. The jury has reached its decision.
28 If the subject is a sum of money or a period of time, use a singular verb. Five hundred dollars is a lot of money.
29 Words such as “and,” “as well as,” “together with,” “along with,” “including,” and “accompanied by” do not affect the number of the subject. The verb agrees with the subject, not the added phrases. The teacher, along with the students, is excited.
30 Singular subjects in the following phrases always take singular verbs: “a pair of,” “a group of,” “a variety of,” “a number of,” “the majority of,” “the rest of,” “the percentage of,” and “the part of.” A pair of shoes is under the bed.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on Subject-Verb Agreement

5 Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) for each of the 30 rules of subject-verb agreement, along with their answers:

1.Rule: Singular subjects take singular verbs.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The dogs barks loudly.

b) The dogs bark loudly.

c) The dog bark loudly.

d) The dog barks loudly.

Answer: d) The dog barks loudly.

Question 2: Which verb form correctly agrees with the singular subject?

a) They eats dinner at 7 o’clock.

b) She eat dinner at 7 o’clock.

c) He eats dinner at 7 o’clock.

d) I eat dinner at 7 o’clock.

Answer: c) He eats dinner at 7 o’clock.

Question 3: Choose the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The cat play in the garden.

b) The cat plays in the garden.

c) The cats plays in the garden.

d) The cats play in the garden.

Answer: b) The cat plays in the garden.

Question 4: Which option correctly pairs the singular subject with the singular verb?

a) She eat pizza every Friday.

b) He eats pizza every Friday.

c) We eat pizza every Friday.

d) They eats pizza every Friday.

Answer: b) He eats pizza every Friday.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The student is studying for the exam.

b) The student are studying for the exam.

c) The students is studying for the exam.

d) The students are studying for the exam.

Answer: a) The student is studying for the exam.

2.Rule: Plural subjects take plural verbs.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The team is playing well.

b) The team are playing well.

c) The teams is playing well.

d) The teams are playing well.

Answer: d) The teams are playing well.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the plural subject.

a) Every student have a textbook.

b) Every student has a textbook.

c) Every students have a textbook.

d) Every students has a textbook.

Answer: b) Every student has a textbook.

Question 3: Which option demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The boys is playing football.

b) The boys are playing football.

c) The boy are playing football.

d) The boy is playing football.

Answer: b) The boys are playing football.

Question 4: Which sentence shows correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The children is running in the park.

b) The children are running in the park.

c) The child are running in the park.

d) The child is running in the park.

Answer: b) The children are running in the park.

Question 5: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The horses runs in the field.

b) The horses run in the field.

c) The horse runs in the field.

d) The horse run in the field.

Answer: b) The horses run in the field.

3.Rule: Compound subjects joined by “and” take plural verbs.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Tom and Jerry is good friends.

b) Tom and Jerry are good friends.

c) Tom and Jerries are good friends.

d) Tom and Jerries is good friends.

Answer: b) Tom and Jerry are good friends.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the compound subject.

a) Bread and butter taste delicious.

b) Bread and butter tastes delicious.

c) Breads and butters taste delicious.

d) Breads and butters tastes delicious.

Answer: a) Bread and butter taste delicious.

Question 3: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Milk and cookies is my favorite snack.

b) Milk and cookies are my favorite snack.

c) Milks and cookies is my favorite snack.

d) Milks and cookies are my favorite snack.

Answer: b) Milk and cookies are my favorite snack.

Question 4: Identify the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The cat and the dog is playing in the yard.

b) The cat and the dog are playing in the yard.

c) The cats and the dog is playing in the yard.

d) The cats and the dog are playing in the yard.

Answer: b) The cat and the dog are playing in the yard.

Question 5: Choose the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Rice and beans is a popular dish.

b) Rice and beans are a popular dish.

c) Rices and beans are a popular dish.

d) Rices and beans is a popular dish.

Answer: b) Rice and beans are a popular dish.

4.Rule: Indefinite pronouns are singular and take singular verbs.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Everybody wants to succeed in life.

b) Everybody want to succeed in life.

c) Everybodies wants to succeed in life.

d) Everybodies want to succeed in life.

Answer: a) Everybody wants to succeed in life.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the indefinite pronoun.

a) Each of the students has a textbook.

b) Each of the students have a textbook.

c) Each of the students has textbooks.

d) Each of the students have textbooks.

Answer: a) Each of the students has a textbook.

Question 3: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Somebody have already answered the question.

b) Somebody has already answered the question.

c) Somebodies have already answered the question.

d) Somebodies has already answered the question.

Answer: b) Somebody has already answered the question.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) No one like to be alone.

b) No one likes to be alone.

c) No ones like to be alone.

d) No ones likes to be alone.

Answer: b) No one likes to be alone.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Anybody have a pen I can borrow?

b) Anybody has a pen I can borrow?

c) Anybodies have a pen I can borrow?

d) Anybodies has a pen I can borrow?

Answer: b) Anybody has a pen I can borrow?

5.Rule: Some indefinite pronouns are plural and take plural verbs.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Many has contributed to the project.

b) Many have contributed to the project.

c) Manys has contributed to the project.

d) Manys have contributed to the project.

Answer: b) Many have contributed to the project.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the plural indefinite pronoun.

a) Few of the apples is ripe.

b) Few of the apples are ripe.

c) Few of the apple is ripe.

d) Few of the apple are ripe.

Answer: b) Few of the apples are ripe.

Question 3: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Several of the students is absent today.

b) Several of the students are absent today.

c) Severals of the students is absent today.

d) Severals of the students are absent today.

Answer: b) Several of the students are absent today.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Both of the options is correct.

b) Both of the options are correct.

c) Both of the option is correct.

d) Both of the option are correct.

Answer: b) Both of the options are correct.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) None of the pens is blue.

b) None of the pens are blue.

c) Nones of the pens is blue.

d) Nones of the pens are blue.

Answer: a) None of the pens is blue.

6. Rule: Collective nouns can take singular or plural verbs depending on the context.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The committee are reviewing the proposals.

b) The committee is reviewing the proposals.

c) The committees are reviewing the proposals.

d) The committees is reviewing the proposals.

Answer: b) The committee is reviewing the proposals.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the collective noun.

a) The jury are reaching a verdict.

b) The jury is reaching a verdict.

c) The juries are reaching a verdict.

d) The juries is reaching a verdict.

Answer: b) The jury is reaching a verdict.

Question 3: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The team are winning the game.

b) The team is winning the game.

c) The teams are winning the game.

d) The teams is winning the game.

Answer: b) The team is winning the game.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The audience are clapping loudly.

b) The audience is clapping loudly.

c) The audiences are clapping loudly.

d) The audiences is clapping loudly.

Answer: b) The audience is clapping loudly.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The family are going on vacation.

b) The family is going on vacation.

c) The families are going on vacation.

d) The families is going on vacation.

Answer: b) The family is going on vacation.

7.Rule: Titles of books, movies, songs, etc., take singular verbs.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) “The Lord of the Rings” are a famous trilogy.

b) “The Lord of the Rings” is a famous trilogy.

c) “The Lords of the Rings” are a famous trilogy.

d) “The Lords of the Rings” is a famous trilogy.

Answer: b) “The Lord of the Rings” is a famous trilogy.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the title.

a) “Pride and Prejudice” are a classic novel.

b) “Pride and Prejudice” is a classic novel.

c) “Prides and Prejudice” are a classic novel.

d) “Prides and Prejudice” is a classic novel.

Answer: b) “Pride and Prejudice” is a classic novel.

Question 3: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) “The Beatles” is a famous band.

b) “The Beatles” are a famous band.

c) “The Beatle” is a famous band.

d) “The Beatle” are a famous band.

Answer: b) “The Beatles” are a famous band.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) “The Sound of Music” are a beloved movie.

b) “The Sound of Music” is a beloved movie.

c) “The Sounds of Music” are a beloved movie.

d) “The Sounds of Music” is a beloved movie.

Answer: b) “The Sound of Music” is a beloved movie.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) “To Kill a Mockingbird” are a classic novel.

b) “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a classic novel.

c) “To Kills a Mockingbird” are a classic novel.

d) “To Kills a Mockingbird” is a classic novel.

Answer: b) “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a classic novel.

8.Rule: Fractions or percentages as subjects usually take singular verbs.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) One-third of the cake were eaten. b) One-third of the cake was eaten.

c) One-thirds of the cake were eaten.

d) One-thirds of the cake was eaten.

Answer: b) One-third of the cake was eaten.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the fraction.

a) Fifty percent of the population vote in the election.

b) Fifty percent of the population votes in the election.

c) Fifties percent of the population vote in the election.

d) Fifties percent of the population votes in the election.

Answer: b) Fifty percent of the population votes in the election.

Question 3: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Three-quarters of the pie was delicious.

b) Three-quarters of the pie were delicious.

c) Three-quarter of the pie was delicious.

d) Three-quarter of the pie were delicious.

Answer: a) Three-quarters of the pie was delicious.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Half of the students has finished the assignment.

b) Half of the students have finished the assignment.

c) Halves of the students has finished the assignment.

d) Halves of the students have finished the assignment.

Answer: b) Half of the students have finished the assignment.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Twenty percent of the team are absent.

b) Twenty percent of the team is absent.

c) Twentys percent of the team are absent.

d) Twentys percent of the team is absent.

Answer: b) Twenty percent of the team is absent.

9.Rule: When two subjects are connected by “either…or,” “neither…nor,” or “not only…but also,” the verb agrees with the subject closer to it.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Either the teacher or the students is responsible for the mess.

b) Either the teacher or the students are responsible for the mess.

c) Either the teacher nor the students is responsible for the mess.

d) Either the teacher nor the students are responsible for the mess.

Answer: a) Either the teacher or the students is responsible for the mess.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the conjunction.

a) Neither John nor his friends like spicy food.

b) Neither John nor his friends likes spicy food.

c) Neither John nor his friends liking spicy food.

d) Neither John nor his friends are liking spicy food.

Answer: b) Neither John nor his friends likes spicy food.

Question 3: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Not only the dog but also the cat are outside.

b) Not only the dog but also the cat is outside.

c) Not only the dog but also the cats are outside.

d) Not only the dog but also the cats is outside.

Answer: b) Not only the dog but also the cat is outside.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Not only the book but also the magazine are interesting.

b) Not only the book but also the magazine is interesting.

c) Not only the books but also the magazine are interesting.

d) Not only the books but also the magazine is interesting.

Answer: b) Not only the book but also the magazine is interesting.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Either the teacher or the students are going to the field trip.

b) Either the teacher or the students is going to the field trip.

c) Either the teacher nor the students is going to the field trip.

d) Either the teacher nor the students are going to the field trip.

Answer: b) Either the teacher or the students is going to the field trip.

10.Rule: When the subjects joined by “and” refer to the same person or thing, the verb is singular.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Bread and butter are his favorite breakfast.

b) Bread and butter is his favorite breakfast.

c) Bread and butters are his favorite breakfast.

d) Bread and butters is his favorite breakfast.

Answer: b) Bread and butter is his favorite breakfast.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the conjunction.

a) Peanut butter and jelly is a classic combination.

b) Peanut butter and jelly are a classic combination.

c) Peanuts butter and jelly is a classic combination.

d) Peanuts butter and jelly are a classic combination.

Answer: a) Peanut butter and jelly is a classic combination.

Question 3: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The laptop and the tablet is on the table.

b) The laptop and the tablet are on the table.

c) The laptops and the tablet is on the table.

d) The laptops and the tablet are on the table.

Answer: b) The laptop and the tablet are on the table.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Fish and chips is a popular dish in England.

b) Fish and chips are a popular dish in England.

c) Fishes and chips is a popular dish in England.

d) Fishes and chips are a popular dish in England.

Answer: b) Fish and chips are a popular dish in England.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Cheese and crackers are served as appetizers.

b) Cheese and crackers is served as appetizers.

c) Cheeses and crackers are served as appetizers.

d) Cheeses and crackers is served as appetizers.

Answer: a) Cheese and crackers are served as appetizers.

11.Rule: When a collective noun is considered as a single unit, the verb is singular. When the individuals within the group are considered separately, the verb is plural.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The team is playing well this season.

b) The team are playing well this season.

c) The team have playing well this season.

d) The team has playing well this season.

Answer: a) The team is playing well this season.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the collective noun.

a) The jury are in disagreement about the verdict.

b) The jury is in disagreement about the verdict.

c) The juries are in disagreement about the verdict.

d) The juries is in disagreement about the verdict.

Answer: b) The jury is in disagreement about the verdict.

Question 3: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The family is planning a vacation.

b) The family are planning a vacation.

c) The families is planning a vacation.

d) The families are planning a vacation.

Answer: a) The family is planning a vacation.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The audience is clapping their hands.

b) The audience are clapping their hands.

c) The audiences is clapping their hands.

d) The audiences are clapping their hands.

Answer: a) The audience is clapping their hands.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The committee are reviewing the proposals.

b) The committee is reviewing the proposals.

c) The committees are reviewing the proposals.

d) The committees is reviewing the proposals.

Answer: b) The committee is reviewing the proposals.

12.Rule: When an indefinite pronoun is the subject, the verb agrees with the pronoun’s meaning.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Somebody is knocking at the door.

b) Somebody are knocking at the door.

c) Somebodies is knocking at the door.

d) Somebodies are knocking at the door.

Answer: a) Somebody is knocking at the door.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the indefinite pronoun.

a) None of the cake is left.

b) None of the cake are left.

c) None of the cakes is left.

d) None of the cakes are left.

Answer: a) None of the cake is left.

Question 3: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Everyone were happy with the decision.

b) Everyone was happy with the decision.

c) Everyones were happy with the decision.

d) Everyones was happy with the decision.

Answer: b) Everyone was happy with the decision.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Everything are going as planned.

b) Everything is going as planned.

c) Everythings are going as planned.

d) Everythings is going as planned.

Answer: b) Everything is going as planned.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) None of the students has completed their assignment.

b) None of the students have completed their assignment.

c) None of the student has completed their assignment.

d) None of the student have completed their assignment.

Answer: b) None of the students have completed their assignment.

13.Rule: When expressions like “each,” “every,” “either,” “neither,” “one,” “no one,” “everyone,” etc., are used as subjects, the verb is singular.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Each of the students are responsible for their own work.

b) Each of the students is responsible for their own work.

c) Each of the students are responsible for his own work.

d) Each of the students is responsible for his own work.

Answer: d) Each of the students is responsible for his own work.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) Neither of the cakes are delicious.

b) Neither of the cake are delicious.

c) Neither of the cakes is delicious.

d) Neither of the cake is delicious.

Answer: c) Neither of the cakes is delicious.

Question 3: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Every of the employees is required to attend the meeting.

b) Every of the employees are required to attend the meeting.

c) Every employee is required to attend the meeting.

d) Every employee are required to attend the meeting.

Answer: c) Every employee is required to attend the meeting.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Either of the options are suitable for me.

b) Either of the options is suitable for me.

c) Either of the option are suitable for me.

d) Either of the option is suitable for me.

Answer: b) Either of the options is suitable for me.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Neither of the students has finished their homework.

b) Neither of the students have finished their homework.

c) Neither of the student has finished their homework.

d) Neither of the student have finished their homework.

Answer: a) Neither of the students has finished their homework.

14.Rule: When gerunds (verbs ending in “-ing”) are used as subjects, the verb is singular.

Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Swimming are a great way to stay fit.

b) Swimming is a great way to stay fit.

c) Swim are a great way to stay fit.

d) Swim is a great way to stay fit.

Answer: b) Swimming is a great way to stay fit.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the gerund subject.

a) Writing essays are challenging.

b) Writing essays is challenging.

c) Write essays are challenging.

d) Write essays is challenging.

Answer: b) Writing essays is challenging.

Question 3: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Dancing are her favorite hobby.

b) Dancing is her favorite hobby.

c) Dance is her favorite hobby.

d) Dance are her favorite hobby.

Answer: b) Dancing is her favorite hobby.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Cooking dinner are his responsibility tonight.

b) Cooking dinner is his responsibility tonight.

c) Cook dinner are his responsibility tonight.

d) Cook dinner is his responsibility tonight.

Answer: b) Cooking dinner is his responsibility tonight.

Question 5: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Jogging every morning are good for health.

b) Jogging every morning is good for health.

c) Jog every morning are good for health.

d) Jog every morning is good for health.

Answer: b) Jogging every morning is good for health.

15.Rule: When “either/or” or “neither/nor” is used to connect two singular subjects, the verb agrees with the closer subject.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Neither the cat nor the dogs are friendly.

b) Neither the cat nor the dogs is friendly.

c) Neither the cat nor the dog are friendly.

d) Neither the cat nor the dog is friendly.

Answer: d) Neither the cat nor the dog is friendly.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Either the teacher or the students have the answer.

b) Either the teacher or the students has the answer.

c) Either the teacher or the student have the answer.

d) Either the teacher or the student has the answer.

Answer: d) Either the teacher or the student has the answer.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) Neither the book nor the movie are interesting.

b) Neither the book nor the movie is interesting.

c) Neither the book nor the movies are interesting.

d) Neither the book nor the movies is interesting.

Answer: b) Neither the book nor the movie is interesting.

Question 4: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Either the cake or the cookies taste delicious.

b) Either the cake or the cookies tastes delicious.

c) Either the cake or the cookie taste delicious.

d) Either the cake or the cookie tastes delicious.

Answer: d) Either the cake or the cookie tastes delicious.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Neither the dog nor the cats is hungry.

b) Neither the dog nor the cats are hungry.

c) Neither the dogs nor the cat is hungry.

d) Neither the dogs nor the cat are hungry.

Answer: a) Neither the dog nor the cats is hungry.

16.Rule: When “both/and” is used to connect two subjects, the verb is plural.

Question 1: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Both the cat and the dog is sleeping.

b) Both the cat and the dog are sleeping.

c) Both the cats and the dog is sleeping.

d) Both the cats and the dog are sleeping.

Answer: b) Both the cat and the dog are sleeping.

Question 2: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) Both the mother and the daughter is reading.

b) Both the mother and the daughter are reading.

c) Both the mothers and the daughter is reading.

d) Both the mothers and the daughter are reading.

Answer: b) Both the mother and the daughter are reading.

Question 3: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Both the chair and the table is made of wood.

b) Both the chair and the table are made of wood.

c) Both the chairs and the table is made of wood.

d) Both the chairs and the table are made of wood.

Answer: b) Both the chair and the table are made of wood.

Question 4: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Both the car and the bike is parked outside.

b) Both the car and the bike are parked outside.

c) Both the cars and the bike is parked outside.

d) Both the cars and the bike are parked outside.

Answer: b) Both the car and the bike are parked outside.

Question 5: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Both the flower and the tree looks beautiful.

b) Both the flower and the tree look beautiful.

c) Both the flowers and the tree looks beautiful.

d) Both the flowers and the tree look beautiful.

Answer: d) Both the flowers and the tree look beautiful.

17.Rule: When the subjects connected by “as well as,” “along with,” “together with,” “in addition to,” or “not…but” are different in number, the verb agrees with the nearer subject.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The cat, as well as the kittens, is sleeping.

b) The cat, as well as the kittens, are sleeping.

c) The cat, as well as the kitten, is sleeping.

d) The cat, as well as the kitten, are sleeping.

Answer: a) The cat, as well as the kittens, is sleeping.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The teacher, along with the students, are attending the seminar.

b) The teacher, along with the students, is attending the seminar.

c) The teacher, along with the student, are attending the seminar.

d) The teacher, along with the student, is attending the seminar.

Answer: b) The teacher, along with the students, is attending the seminar.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) The cake, together with the cookies, are delicious.

b) The cake, together with the cookies, is delicious.

c) The cakes, together with the cookies, are delicious.

d) The cakes, together with the cookies, is delicious.

Answer: b) The cake, together with the cookies, is delicious.

Question 4: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The dog, as well as the cats, chase the mouse.

b) The dog, as well as the cats, chases the mouse.

c) The dog, as well as the cat, chase the mouse.

d) The dog, as well as the cat, chases the mouse.

Answer: b) The dog, as well as the cats, chases the mouse.

Question 5: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The book, along with the pens, is on the table.

b) The book, along with the pens, are on the table.

c) The books, along with the pen, is on the table.

d) The books, along with the pen, are on the table.

Answer: a) The book, along with the pens, is on the table.

18.Rule: When expressions like “one of,” “each of,” “either of,” “neither of,” “none of,” “anyone/everyone/someone/no one of,” or “no one/everyone/someone/anyone but” are followed by a plural noun, the verb is usually singular.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Each of the girls were wearing a red dress.

b) Each of the girls was wearing a red dress.

c) Each of the girl were wearing a red dress.

d) Each of the girl was wearing a red dress.

Answer: b) Each of the girls was wearing a red dress.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) One of the students were absent yesterday.

b) One of the student were absent yesterday.

c) One of the students was absent yesterday.

d) One of the student was absent yesterday.

Answer: c) One of the students was absent yesterday.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) None of the options seems correct.

b) None of the options seem correct.

c) None of the option seems correct.

d) None of the option seem correct.

Answer: b) None of the options seem correct.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Either of the cakes were delicious.

b) Either of the cake were delicious.

c) Either of the cakes was delicious.

d) Either of the cake was delicious.

Answer: c) Either of the cakes was delicious.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) No one of the students are ready for the test.

b) No one of the student is ready for the test.

c) No one of the students is ready for the test.

d) No one of the student are ready for the test.

Answer: c) No one of the students is ready for the test.

19.Rule: When “each,” “every,” or “everyone” is used as the subject of a sentence, the verb is usually singular.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Every student in the class were given a task.

b) Every student in the class was given a task.

c) Every students in the class were given a task.

d) Every students in the class was given a task.

Answer: b) Every student in the class was given a task.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Each of the students were given a book.

b) Each of the students was given a book.

c) Each of the student were given a book.

d) Each of the student was given a book.

Answer: b) Each of the students was given a book.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) Every person in the room know the answer.

b) Every person in the room knows the answer.

c) Every persons in the room know the answer.

d) Every persons in the room knows the answer.

Answer: b) Every person in the room knows the answer.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Everyone in the family are going on vacation.

b) Everyone in the family is going on vacation.

c) Everyone in the family were going on vacation.

d) Everyone in the family was going on vacation. Answer: b) Everyone in the family is going on vacation.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Each of the students have completed the assignment.

b) Each of the students has completed the assignment.

c) Each of the student have completed the assignment.

d) Each of the student has completed the assignment.

Answer: b) Each of the students has completed the assignment.

20.Rule: When “none,” “neither,” or “either” is used as the subject, the verb can be singular or plural, depending on the noun following “of.”

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Neither of the options are suitable.

b) Neither of the options is suitable.

c) Neither of the option are suitable.

d) Neither of the option is suitable.

Answer: b) Neither of the options is suitable.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) None of the students were absent yesterday.

b) None of the students was absent yesterday.

c) None of the student were absent yesterday.

d) None of the student was absent yesterday.

Answer: a) None of the students were absent yesterday.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) Either of the choices are correct.

b) Either of the choices is correct.

c) Either of the choice are correct.

d) Either of the choice is correct.

Answer: b) Either of the choices is correct.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) None of the books was damaged.

b) None of the book was damaged.

c) None of the books were damaged.

d) None of the book were damaged.

Answer: a) None of the books was damaged.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Either of the students have a pen.

b) Either of the students has a pen.

c) Either of the student have a pen.

d) Either of the student has a pen.

Answer: b) Either of the students has a pen.

21.Rule: When a collective noun is considered as a single unit, the verb is singular. When the individuals in the group are considered separately, the verb can be plural.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The team is playing well this season.

b) The team are playing well this season.

c) The team were playing well this season.

d) The team was playing well this season.

Answer: a) The team is playing well this season.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The herd of elephants were crossing the river.

b) The herd of elephants was crossing the river.

c) The herd of elephant were crossing the river.

d) The herd of elephant was crossing the river.

Answer: b) The herd of elephants was crossing the river.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) The family enjoy spending time together.

b) The family enjoys spending time together.

c) The families enjoy spending time together.

d) The families enjoys spending time together.

Answer: b) The family enjoys spending time together.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The committee are discussing the proposal.

b) The committee is discussing the proposal.

c) The committees are discussing the proposal.

d) The committees is discussing the proposal.

Answer: b) The committee is discussing the proposal.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The flock of birds is flying south for the winter.

b) The flock of birds are flying south for the winter.

c) The flock of bird is flying south for the winter.

d) The flock of bird are flying south for the winter.

Answer: a) The flock of birds is flying south for the winter.

22.Rule: When phrases like “as well as,” “along with,” “in addition to,” “together with,” etc., are used to connect subjects, the verb agrees with the first subject mentioned.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The teacher, along with the students, are preparing for the exam.

b) The teacher, along with the students, is preparing for the exam.

c) The teacher, along with the students, were preparing for the exam.

d) The teacher, along with the students, was preparing for the exam.

Answer: b) The teacher, along with the students, is preparing for the exam.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The CEO, along with her team, were attending the conference.

b) The CEO, along with her team, was attending the conference.

c) The CEO, along with her team, are attending the conference.

d) The CEO, along with her team, is attending the conference.

Answer: d) The CEO, along with her team, is attending the conference.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) The book, as well as the pen, are on the table.

b) The book, as well as the pen, is on the table.

c) The book, as well as the pen, were on the table.

d) The book, as well as the pen, was on the table.

Answer: b) The book, as well as the pen, is on the table.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The chef, along with her assistants, are preparing the meal.

b) The chef, along with her assistants, is preparing the meal.

c) The chef, along with her assistants, were preparing the meal.

d) The chef, along with her assistants, was preparing the meal.

Answer: b) The chef, along with her assistants, is preparing the meal.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The dog, together with the cat, are playing in the garden.

b) The dog, together with the cat, is playing in the garden.

c) The dog, together with the cat, were playing in the garden.

d) The dog, together with the cat, was playing in the garden.

Answer: b) The dog, together with the cat, is playing in the garden.

23.Rule: When the words “each,” “every,” “everyone,” “everybody,” “either,” “neither,” “one,” “no one,” “nobody” are used as the subject, the verb is singular.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Each of the students have a textbook.

b) Each of the students has a textbook.

c) Each of the student have a textbook.

d) Each of the student has a textbook.

Answer: b) Each of the students has a textbook.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Everybody in the room were dancing.

b) Everybody in the room was dancing.

c) Everybody in the room are dancing.

d) Everybody in the room is dancing. Answer: b) Everybody in the room was dancing.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) Nobody want to go home yet.

b) Nobody wants to go home yet.

c) Nobody wants to goes home yet.

d) Nobody want to goes home yet. Answer: b) Nobody wants to go home yet.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Everyone on the team are excited about the game.

b) Everyone on the team is excited about the game.

c) Everyone on the team were excited about the game.

d) Everyone on the team was excited about the game.

Answer: b) Everyone on the team is excited about the game.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) No one in the room were listening.

b) No one in the room was listening.

c) No one in the room are listening.

d) No one in the room is listening.

Answer: b) No one in the room was listening

24.Rule: When indefinite pronouns like “some,” “any,” “none,” “all,” “most,” “more,” etc., are used as the subject, the verb agrees with the noun that the pronoun refers to.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Some of the cake are missing.

b) Some of the cake is missing.

c) Some of the cake were missing.

d) Some of the cake was missing.

Answer: b) Some of the cake is missing.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) None of the apples were ripe.

b) None of the apples was ripe.

c) None of the apples are ripe.

d) None of the apples is ripe.

Answer: b) None of the apples was ripe.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) All of the watermelons were juicy.

b) All of the watermelon was juicy.

c) All of the watermelons was juicy.

d) All of the watermelon were juicy.

Answer: a) All of the watermelons were juicy.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Most of the players are injured.

b) Most of the players is injured.

c) Most of the players was injured.

d) Most of the players were injured.

Answer: a) Most of the players are injured.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) More of the information is required.

b) More of the information are required.

c) More of the information was required.

d) More of the information were required.

Answer: a) More of the information is required.

25.Rule: When a collective noun refers to a group as a single unit, the verb is singular. When the individuals within the group are emphasized, the verb can be plural.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The team is playing well this season.

b) The team are playing well this season.

c) The team were playing well this season.

d) The team was playing well this season.

Answer: a) The team is playing well this season.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The jury are still deliberating.

b) The jury is still deliberating.

c) The jury were still deliberating.

d) The jury was still deliberating.

Answer: b) The jury is still deliberating.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) The committee are reviewing the proposal.

b) The committee is reviewing the proposal.

c) The committee were reviewing the proposal.

d) The committee was reviewing the proposal.

Answer: b) The committee is reviewing the proposal.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The flock are migrating south for the winter.

b) The flock is migrating south for the winter.

c) The flock were migrating south for the winter.

d) The flock was migrating south for the winter.

Answer: b) The flock is migrating south for the winter.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The audience are applauding loudly.

b) The audience is applauding loudly.

c) The audience were applauding loudly.

d) The audience was applauding loudly.

Answer: b) The audience is applauding loudly.

26.Rule: When compound subjects are joined by “and,” the verb is usually plural.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Tom and Jerry is best friends.

b) Tom and Jerry are best friends.

c) Tom and Jerry were best friends.

d) Tom and Jerry was best friends.

Answer: b) Tom and Jerry are best friends.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Bread and butter is a common breakfast.

b) Bread and butter are a common breakfast.

c) Bread and butter were a common breakfast.

d) Bread and butter was a common breakfast.

Answer: b) Bread and butter are a common breakfast.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) Mary and John is going to the movies.

b) Mary and John are going to the movies.

c) Mary and John were going to the movies.

d) Mary and John was going to the movies.

Answer: b) Mary and John are going to the movies.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Apples and oranges is fruits.

b) Apples and oranges are fruits.

c) Apples and oranges were fruits.

d) Apples and oranges was fruits.

Answer: b) Apples and oranges are fruits.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The cat and the dog is sleeping.

b) The cat and the dog are sleeping.

c) The cat and the dog were sleeping.

d) The cat and the dog was sleeping.

Answer: b) The cat and the dog are sleeping.

27.Rule: When compound subjects are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the closer subject.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Neither the dog nor the cat are hungry.

b) Neither the dog nor the cat is hungry.

c) Neither the dog nor the cat were hungry.

d) Neither the dog nor the cat was hungry.

Answer: b) Neither the dog nor the cat is hungry.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Either the red or the blue car are for sale.

b) Either the red or the blue car is for sale.

c) Either the red or the blue car were for sale.

d) Either the red or the blue car was for sale.

Answer: b) Either the red or the blue car is for sale.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) Neither the teacher nor the students is present.

b) Neither the teacher nor the students are present.

c) Neither the teacher nor the students were present.

d) Neither the teacher nor the students was present.

Answer: a) Neither the teacher nor the students is present.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Either my brother or my sister are going to the party.

b) Either my brother or my sister is going to the party.

c) Either my brother or my sister were going to the party.

d) Either my brother or my sister was going to the party.

Answer: b) Either my brother or my sister is going to the party.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Neither the book nor the pen are on the table.

b) Neither the book nor the pen is on the table.

c) Neither the book nor the pen were on the table.

d) Neither the book nor the pen was on the table.

Answer: b) Neither the book nor the pen is on the table

28.Rule: When a singular subject follows “each” or “every,” the verb is singular.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Every student in the class has their own book.

b) Every student in the class have their own book.

c) Every student in the class has their own books.

d) Every student in the class have their own books.

Answer: a) Every student in the class has their own book.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Each of the students were given a task.

b) Each of the students was given a task.

c) Each of the students were given tasks.

d) Each of the students was given tasks.

Answer: b) Each of the students was given a task.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) Every child in the playground has their own toy.

b) Every child in the playground have their own toy.

c) Every child in the playground has their own toys.

d) Every child in the playground have their own toys.

Answer: a) Every child in the playground has their own toy.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Each of the students were present at the assembly.

b) Each of the students was present at the assembly.

c) Each of the students were present at the assemblies.

d) Each of the students was present at the assemblies.

Answer: b) Each of the students was present at the assembly.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Every member of the team contribute to the project.

b) Every member of the team contributes to the project.

c) Every member of the team contributed to the project.

d) Every member of the team contributing to the project.

Answer: b) Every member of the team contributes to the project.

29.Rule: Collective nouns may be singular or plural depending on the context.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The team is practicing for the upcoming match.

b) The team are practicing for the upcoming match.

c) The team was practicing for the upcoming match.

d) The team were practicing for the upcoming match.

Answer: a) The team is practicing for the upcoming match.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The jury are still deliberating.

b) The jury is still deliberating.

c) The jury was still deliberating.

d) The jury were still deliberating.

Answer: b) The jury is still deliberating.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) The committee has made its decision.

b) The committee have made their decision.

c) The committee has made their decision.

d) The committee have made its decision.

Answer: a) The committee has made its decision.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The audience were captivated by the performance.

b) The audience was captivated by the performance.

c) The audience were captivated by performances.

d) The audience was captivated by performances.

Answer: b) The audience was captivated by the performance.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The staff at the hospital work long hours.

b) The staff at the hospital works long hours.

c) The staffs at the hospital work long hours.

d) The staffs at the hospital works long hours.

Answer: a) The staff at the hospital work long hours.

30.Rule: When gerunds are used as subjects, the verb is singular.

Question 1: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Swimming in the ocean are her favorite activity.

b) Swimming in the ocean is her favorite activity.

c) Swimming in the ocean were her favorite activity.

d) Swimming in the ocean was her favorite activity.

Answer: b) Swimming in the ocean is her favorite activity.

Question 2: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Playing basketball require skill and coordination.

b) Playing basketball requires skill and coordination.

c) Playing basketball requiring skill and coordination.

d) Playing basketball requires skills and coordination.

Answer: b) Playing basketball requires skill and coordination.

Question 3: Choose the correct verb form for the subject.

a) Skiing down the mountain is a thrilling experience.

b) Skiing down the mountain are thrilling experiences.

c) Skiing down the mountain are a thrilling experience.

d) Skiing down the mountain is thrilling experiences.

Answer: a) Skiing down the mountain is a thrilling experience.

Question 4: Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Dancing in the rain bring joy to her heart.

b) Dancing in the rain brings joy to her heart.

c) Dancing in the rain bringing joy to her heart.

d) Dancing in the rain brings joys to her heart.

Answer: b) Dancing in the rain brings joy to her heart.

Question 5: Choose the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Cooking delicious meals are her passion.

b) Cooking delicious meals is her passion.

c) Cooking delicious meals were her passion.

d) Cooking delicious meals was her passion.

Answer: b) Cooking delicious meals is her passion.

Subject-Verb Agreement Rules and 150 MCQs PDF

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