
Letter Writing

Letter writing should be clear, concise, correct, considerate, concrete, coherent, and complete. Letter Writing Complete Solution will provide you with different types of letters. Normally, there are two types of letters, Informal Letters and Formal Letters. Letter writing has always been used for communication. It is a necessary skill that needs to be learned and practiced at all levels. We have been teaching letter writing in almost all of our classes, but unfortunately, the students are not able to learn this skill. In this article, I will discuss the format and types of letter writing with examples of previous years’ question papers of the CBSE and HBSE Boards.

What is the purpose of letter writing?

What is the purpose of letter writing? Before you begin writing, everyone must know the answer to this question. First, think about the letter’s main points and create mental outlines of them. “A letter is a written message sent from one person (or group of people) to another via a medium.” The primary goal of letter writing is to convey a message to friends, offices, and local officials. It implies that your ideas should be self-explanatory and that the letter’s purpose should be met. While writing a letter, you must keep certain points in mind. These are referred to as the “7 C’s” of letter writing.


The art of letter writing is the same as a means of effective communication and things should be properly communicated to the receiver. I had got the opportunity to deliver the live lecture on EDUSAT, HARYANA and an explanation of the 7 Cs of effective letter writing was one of my topics. Today, I am explaining the same things to boost my students’ knowledge. Let us dive into the topic of writing an effective letter by using 7 Cs:

1. Clear: The letter’s content must be clear, understandable, and progressive towards the required results.  The expressed ideas must be logically connected. The language should be straightforward. Long and ambiguous expressions, as well as repetitive words and phrases, should be avoided. Jargon should be avoided.

2. Concise: The letter should be brief and to the point. All words should stand on their own. While writing the letter, try to avoid including any irrelevant information. Long and ambiguous expressions, repetitive words, and long phrases should be avoided. Mention only the necessary points.

3. Correct: Avoid misinformation. Write only those things which are feasible and valid as per the requirement of the letter.

4. Considerate: Be courteous to the letter’s recipient. Always be courteous when writing a letter. Avoid using rude language because it harms the relationship between the sender and the receiver.

5. Concrete: The explanation of the queries should be concrete and effective.

6. Coherence: The letter’s main points should be explained in the first paragraph. In the body of the letter, elaborate on the main points. The solution is required in the conclusion section. It means, there should be continuity in all parts of the letter.

7. Complete: A letter is assumed to have a proper structure and that the contents are meaningful. It means that it should be finished from all sides. The letter should include all parts of the letter. A letter is said to be structurally complete when all of its obligatory and optional parts are present.

Letter Writing complete Solution

Letter Writing Complete Solution

Letter writing should be clear, concise, correct, considerate, concrete, coherent, and complete. Download a Free PDF of Letter Writing: Complete Solution. The Letter Writing Complete Solution will provide you with different types of letters. Normally, there are two types of letters: informal ones and formal ones. Letter writing has always been used for communication. It […]

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You are Harsh/Harshita, living at Amar Nagar, Rajpura. The sanitary condition of your street has made life worse than hell. Write a letter to the Sanitary Inspector of the Municipal Committee requesting him to take necessary steps so that the people may lead a healthy life. H.No. 5 Amar Nagar Rajpura Date: March 15, 2023

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