
CBSE Class 12 2025 English SET 1: Answer key

CBSE Class 12 2025 English SET 1: Answer key PDF

The CBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2025 exam (Set 1) tested students’ comprehension, analytical, and writing skills through passages, literature-based questions, and creative writing tasks. This answer key provides accurate and well-structured solutions to help students evaluate their performance and understand the expected responses. It serves as a useful resource for those looking to cross-check their answers and gain insights into effective answering techniques for the board exams.

Q.1 Passage 1: Sense of Humour

  1. How does the author prove in paragraph 1 that sense of humour is a double-edged sword?

    • The author explains that humour can be used to entertain and make people laugh but can also be employed in a sharp and critical way through snide comments.
  2. Cite evidences from the passage to prove that sense of humour is a valuable tool to make someone’s life better.

    • “A sense of humour is a socially valued trait that almost all of us would prefer to have more of.”
    • “It helps in defusing tense situations and managing alliances and friendships.”
  3. Complete the following sentence suitably with reference to paragraph 3.

    • One significant advantage of humour is that it helps one express forbidden impulses and feel superior in certain situations.
  4. Provide ONE textual evidence with reference to paragraph 5, how a good sense of humour can be a great icebreaker.

    • “Schmoozing with a bunch of new people at a cocktail party is an opportunity to engage in lighthearted banter, and other people are grateful when someone is skillful enough to turn a stiff and awkward situation into fun.”
  5. (Select the correct option)

    • According to evolutionary psychologists, people with a sense of humour can lighten tense situations.
  6. Choose the correct option:

    • “…humour can be a device for connecting people who are operating on the same wavelength.”
      • (C) people having similar interests and attitudes.
  7. Complete the analogy with one word from paragraph 6:

    • advantage: benefit :: indignation : anger
  8. What does the phrase ‘arsenal of tools’ refer to?

    • It refers to the different ways in which humour can be used as a social skill, such as entertaining, easing tension, making connections, and assessing people.
  9. Provide ONE textual evidence from the text which states lack of sense of humour may prove to be a handicap in one’s life.

    • “A person with an undeveloped sense of humour lacks a social skill that puts him or her at a severe disadvantage in the hurly-burly of everyday social life.”
  10. Choose the correct option:

    • (A) Sense of humour elevates the status of a person in the social circle.

Q.2 Passage 2: Youth Aspirations in India

  1. As per the survey, Indian youth is broadly focused on:

    • (C) higher education and career opportunities.
  2. What is the latest trend among Indian youth in preparing themselves for the job market?

    • The youth show a strong preference for higher education while also recognizing the importance of skill development. 76% of them are very interested in pursuing a skills development program.
  3. State one reason for entrepreneurship being the last preference among Indian youth.

    • Entrepreneurship is risky and lacks the job security and career advancement opportunities that public sector and private sector jobs offer.
  4. Cite two evidences from the text to show that gender bias is still a hindrance in the progress of women in society.

    • “60% of female respondents report having no paid work experience, compared to 54% of male respondents.”
    • “15% of female respondents report personal biases such as marital status, gender, age, or family background as a main barrier to employment compared to 9% of male respondents.”
  5. Complete the following sentence suitably.

    • The driving force for the Indian youth to join a skill development programme is the availability of more employment opportunities.
  6. Classify the sentences based on ‘competency’ and ‘adoption’:

    • Sentence 1: Adoption (Ria embraced new technology to gain a global market for her paintings.)
    • Sentence 2: Competency (Ria displays her artistic skill through her paintings.)
  7. Cite two evidences from the text to show that Indian youth is adapting itself to the needs of the job market.

    • “86% of youth feel very or moderately up to date with changes in skills requirements.”
    • “76% of youth report being very interested in pursuing a skills development programme.”
  8. Choose the correct option:

    • The main roadblocks to employment opportunities for females are:
      • (C) (ii), (iii) & (v) → marriage, lack of opportunities, and family background.

Q3: Notice Writing

(A) NOTICE – Road Safety Awareness Workshop

📅 Date: March 12, 2025

Subject: Road Safety Awareness Workshop

All students of Classes IX to XII are informed that a Road Safety Awareness Workshop will be conducted on March 20, 2025, in the school auditorium at 10:30 AM. Experts from the Traffic Police Department will provide essential guidelines on safe road practices, traffic rules, and accident prevention.

Participation is mandatory. For more details, contact the undersigned.

(Head Boy/Head Girl)

(B) NOTICE – Inter-House Science Model-Making Competition

📅 Date: March 12, 2025

Subject: Inter-House Science Model-Making Competition

Our school is organizing an Inter-House Science Model-Making Competition for students of Classes IX to XII on March 22, 2025, at 11:00 AM in the Science Lab. Each House can send a maximum of three teams (2 members per team).

Interested students must register by March 18, 2025 with the Science Club Coordinator.

(President, Science Club)

Q5: Invitation & Formal Letter

(A) Invitation Card – Yoga for Life Programme

Cordially Invites You
to the launch of the “Yoga for Life” Programme

📅 Date: March 15, 2025
Time: 9:30 AM
📍 Venue: School Auditorium

Special Highlight: Yoga for Stress Management by Expert Yogacharya Dr. Ramesh Gupta

Chief Guest: Dr. Neha Sharma, Health & Wellness Coach

Join us to embrace a healthier lifestyle!

📞 RSVP: Principal, J.B. Bhatia Public School

(B) Formal Letter – Declining an Invitation

Mrs. Savita Manjrekhar
Professor of English
36, Green Avenue
Mumbai – 400001
March 12, 2025

The Principal
J.M. Public School
Cochin – 682001

Subject: Regret for Unable to Attend Inter-School Debate

Dear Sir/Madam,

I sincerely thank you for inviting me to be a judge for the Inter-School Debate Competition on March 18, 2025. I truly appreciate the opportunity to contribute. However, due to prior academic commitments, I regret that I will not be able to attend.

Wishing you a successful event.

Yours sincerely,
Savita Manjrekhar

Q6: Job Application & Letter to Editor

(A) Job Application – Hockey Coach

Ajay Sharma
36, N.J. Colony
Pune – 411001
March 12, 2025

The Principal
Bloom Public School
Bhopal – 462001

Subject: Application for the Post of Hockey Coach

Dear Sir/Madam,

I wish to apply for the Hockey Coach position at your esteemed institution. I hold a B.P.Ed degree and have four years of experience coaching school teams. My expertise in defensive techniques, psychological training, and team-building strategies has helped my students excel in state-level championships.

I have attached my resume for your reference. Looking forward to an opportunity to discuss my skills in detail.

Yours sincerely,
Ajay Sharma

Enclosure: Resume


  • Name: Ajay Sharma
  • Address: 36, N.J. Colony, Pune – 411001
  • Contact: 98765XXXXX
  • Educational Qualification: B.P.Ed, Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education
  • Experience: 4+ years as a Hockey Coach
  • Skills: Defensive strategies, team motivation, fitness training
  • Achievements: Coached teams to state and national championships

(B) Letter to Editor – Social Literacy Education

Reena Sharma
36, M.V. Apartments
Pune – 411001
March 12, 2025

The Editor
The Times of India
Pune – 411001

Subject: Need for Social Literacy Education Among Children

Dear Sir/Madam,

Through your esteemed newspaper, I would like to highlight the importance of social literacy in modern education. Social literacy helps students develop empathy, communication skills, and teamwork, which are essential for both academic and career success.

Schools should integrate social literacy programs into the curriculum, conduct interactive workshops, and promote parental involvement to ensure a holistic learning experience. Media campaigns can also raise awareness among parents about its benefits.

I hope this concern reaches educators and policymakers to prioritize social literacy education.

Yours sincerely,
Reena Sharma

Q7: Article & Report Writing

(A) Article – Commercialization of Festivals

Commercialization of Festivals: A Threat to Tradition?
🖋️ By Vinita Yadav, Class XII B

Festivals, once a symbol of cultural and religious significance, have now become heavily commercialized. The impact of globalization and media influence has shifted the focus from tradition to profit-making. Shopping malls, advertisements, and social media campaigns aggressively promote luxury gifts and expensive celebrations.

This dilutes the essence of festivals and influences young minds to associate celebrations with materialistic gains rather than values and traditions. Instead of overspending, communities should focus on reviving old customs, eco-friendly celebrations, and promoting cultural awareness to preserve the sanctity of festivals.

It’s time to strike a balance between modernity and tradition, ensuring that our rich heritage is not lost to commercialization.

(B) Report – Mango Festival

📌 Mango Festival Thrills Visitors at Farmer’s Market
🖋️ By Suraj, Reporter, The Times of India

March 12, 2025: The Annual Mango Festival at the Farmer’s Market witnessed a vibrant turnout of fruit lovers, farmers, and tourists. The festival, organized by the Horticulture Board, aimed to promote local mango varieties and support small-scale farmers.

The event featured mango-tasting sessions, cooking competitions, and an interactive talk on sustainable farming. Over 50 farmers showcased rare mango varieties such as Alphonso, Kesar, and Langra. The festival created a positive economic impact by boosting local sales and promoting organic farming.

The festival successfully blended agriculture with entertainment, proving to be a delightful experience for visitors.

Section C


(40 Marks)

7. Read the following extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the given two (A) or (B):

(A) A Roadside Stand

(i) The expression ‘It is in the news’ suggests:
(B) an important decision has been taken by the government.

(ii) Assertion: The poet complains that the rural people are exploited by the people in power.
Reason: The rural people reposed blind faith in the false promises of the people in power.
Correct option:
(A) Both the Assertion and the Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation.

(iii) ‘soothe them out of their wits’ refers to fooling or deceiving them into submission.

(iv) The irony in the expression ‘they won’t have to think for themselves’ lies in the fact that the government claims to be helping the poor, but in reality, it is taking away their independence and ability to make decisions.

(v) The poet uses the expression ‘greedy good-doers’ to (criticize) the intention of the powerful people.

(vi) The tone of the poet in the above extract is sarcastic and critical.

(B) Keeping Quiet

(i) The poet uses the expression ‘single-minded’ to refer to humans being constantly engaged in materialistic pursuits without self-reflection.

(ii) The poet refers to silence as a welcoming interruption because it offers a break from the chaos of life, allowing humans to introspect and find peace.

(iii) Assertion: The poet personifies Earth as a teacher.
Reason: We learn from the Earth that pausing doesn’t mean the end.
Correct option:
(A) Both the Assertion and the Reason are true, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.

(iv) ‘Keeping our lives moving’ refers to humans being constantly occupied with work and responsibilities without pausing for introspection.

(v) The intention of the poet in the above extract is:
(C) to highlight the reason for our sadness.

(vi) The significance of the last line ‘you keep quiet and I will go’ is that the poet encourages the reader to embrace silence, while he symbolically exits, allowing self-reflection to begin.

8. Read the following extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the given two (A) or (B):

(A) Memories of Childhood

(i) ‘I felt terribly sad’ because the speaker realized the deep-rooted discrimination in society.

(ii) ‘The thought of it infuriated me’ means:
(B) The speaker was angry and condemning.

(iii) ‘I wanted to touch those wretched Vadais myself’ indicates the speaker’s desire to defy social norms and protest against discrimination.

(iv) The incident made the speaker realize that the discrimination was (dehumanizing).

(B) On the Face of It

(i) ‘Years. I take it steady’ reflects the speaker’s optimistic and patient attitude towards life.

(ii) When Derry asks, “How will you climb on a ladder?” he is hinting at Mr. Lamb’s physical disability and questioning his ability to do certain tasks.

(iii) ‘When I go down the streets, the kids shout Lamey Lamb.’ The attitude of the speaker expressed in this line is:
(C) his acceptance of reality and positive attitude.

(iv) Mr. Lamb’s handicap has not diminished his attitude towards life.

9. Read the following extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the given two (A) or (B):

(A) Poets and Pancakes

(i) ‘Indoor shooting’ refers to filming inside a studio using artificial sets and lights.

(ii) The sentence that reflects the sarcastic tone of the writer is:
“Even the make-up department of the Gemini Studio had an ‘office boy’.”

(iii) The hierarchy in the make-up department puts the ‘office boy’ in the lowest rung of the ladder.

(iv) ‘Crowd-shooting’ refers to filming scenes that involve a large number of extras.

(v) The choice of words like ‘paint’ and ‘slapping’ by the author reflects:
(C) the author’s sarcastic and humorous writing style.

(vi) The statement “A strict hierarchy was maintained in the make-up department.” means:
(B) A system of ranks according to the importance of work was followed.

(B) The Last Lesson

(i) The speaker felt sad in his ‘Last French Lesson’ because he realized he would never learn French again and regretted not valuing his lessons earlier.

(ii) The phrase ‘My books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago’ indicates the speaker’s newfound appreciation for learning.

(iii) The phrase ‘going sliding on the Saar’ suggests that the speaker had previously neglected studies in favor of playing.

(iv) The significance of ‘My grammar, and my…’ is that the speaker is overwhelmed with emotion and unable to complete his thought, reflecting deep regret.

10. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each.

(i) Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler?
Edla was happy because the peddler, despite being a thief, had shown gratitude and respect for her kindness. He left behind a rattrap and a letter, acknowledging that her hospitality had helped him escape the metaphorical ‘rattrap’ of life. It proved that kindness could transform people.

(ii) How did Charley reach the third level of the Grand Central Station?
Charley accidentally discovered the third level while wandering through the Grand Central Station. He took a wrong turn, entered a dimly lit passage, and found himself in a place resembling the 1890s. It appeared to be a portal to the past, offering an escape from his stressful modern life.

(iii) How does Mr. Lamb try to remove Derry’s doubts and fears?
Mr. Lamb encourages Derry to embrace life despite his facial scars. He shares his own experiences of being called “Lamey-Lamb” and teaches Derry to focus on possibilities rather than limitations. He urges him to interact with people, appreciate nature, and not isolate himself due to his disability.

11. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each.

(i) How did Dr. Sadao take care of the wounded American soldier?
Dr. Sadao, despite his loyalty to Japan, treated the American soldier out of humanity. He operated on him, removed the bullet, and ensured proper medical care. He later arranged for his escape, helping him board a Korean fishing boat at night to avoid arrest.

(ii) What kind of stories did Jack usually tell Jo?
Jack’s stories always featured a small animal named Roger facing a problem. He would seek advice from the wise old owl and then visit the wizard, who helped him with a magical solution. However, the stories always ended with Roger having to adjust to reality.

(iii) What did the Maharaja do to ensure that he did not lose his kingdom?
To avoid the prophecy of death by a tiger, the Maharaja banned tiger hunting in his state except for himself. He married a princess whose kingdom had many tigers and personally killed ninety-nine. However, his fate caught up with him when he was killed by a wooden toy tiger.

12. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words.

(i) Why did the writer visit Antarctica? How did she feel there?
The writer, Tishani Doshi, visited Antarctica as part of the ‘Students on Ice’ program led by Geoff Green. The expedition aimed to educate young minds about climate change and its impact on the world. Antarctica, being the coldest, driest, and windiest place on Earth, showed her the pristine beauty of nature. She was fascinated by its vast white landscape, blue icebergs, and diverse wildlife. The visit made her realize the urgent need to protect the environment. She observed the fragile ecosystem and understood how human activities elsewhere could affect Antarctica’s delicate balance. The experience left her in awe of nature’s power and reinforced the importance of sustainability.


(ii) How did the poet’s childhood fear come true in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’?
In ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’, the poet Kamala Das recalls a moment when she looked at her aging mother and felt the fear of losing her. As a child, she had always dreaded separation from her mother, and now, seeing her mother’s pale, lifeless face, that childhood fear resurfaced. The poet realized that old age and death were inevitable, and she was helpless in stopping them. The passing trees and sprinting young children at the airport symbolized the contrast between youth and aging. Despite her pain, she smiled and bid farewell, hiding her sorrow. The poem reflects the universal fear of losing loved ones and the harsh reality of aging.

13. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words.

(i) Give an account of the confusion and tension created at the Tiger King’s court when he was a child.
When the Tiger King was born, astrologers predicted that he would be killed by a tiger. The young prince, barely ten days old, shocked everyone by speaking like an adult and questioning the prophecy. He declared that all humans must die one day and boldly asked about the manner of his death. When he was told that a tiger would be the cause, he confidently claimed that he would kill all tigers. This created amusement but also deep concern among the courtiers. As he grew up, he took the prophecy seriously and began hunting tigers to defy fate. His obsession with tiger hunting created tension in his kingdom, as he imposed strict rules and even married for the sake of killing more tigers. Ironically, despite his efforts, he was ultimately killed by a wooden toy tiger, fulfilling the prophecy.


(ii) What idea do you form about the Governor from ‘Evans Tries an O-Level’?
The Governor in ‘Evans Tries an O-Level’ is portrayed as a well-intentioned but overconfident officer. He believes he has taken all necessary precautions to prevent Evans, a cunning prisoner, from escaping. He arranges for a special exam, places a vigilant officer in the room, and ensures the cell is closely monitored. However, Evans outsmarts him by disguising himself as the invigilator and escaping right under his nose. The Governor later manages to recapture Evans but once again underestimates his intelligence, allowing him to escape a second time. This highlights his lack of foresight and failure to anticipate Evans’s resourcefulness. Despite his efforts, he is outwitted, proving that intelligence and planning can sometimes overpower authority.

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