CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Interview Class 12 English PDF is available at for free. “CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Interview Class 12 English” comprises a summary, comprehension, textual questions, an example of the interview, talking about the text, writing, short questions and answers, and things to do and this will make it easy for you to score 100% marks in class 12 English. CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Interview Class 12 English is designed by an eminent teacher who has 25 years of teaching experience in class 12 English.
About the Author Christopher Silvester (1959)
Christopher Silvester is an author, journalist, and consultant. “From 2004 to 2007, he wrote the weekly “Diary” column for the Independent on Sunday.” “Since 2006 has been deputy editor of Spear’s Wealth Management Survey, a quarterly magazine sent directly to 40,000 of the world’s ultra-high-net-worth individuals, since its launch. In this capacity, he has been responsible for commissioning writers and illustrators, copy editing, production editing, and working with designers, as well as writing articles.” He was a student of History at Peterhouse, Cambridge. “The Interview” is an excerpt taken from his introduction to the Penguin Book of Interviews, An Anthology from 1859 to the Present Day.
NCERT Class 12 English Flamingo
The Interview Summary Complete NCERT Solution Class 12 English
Introduction of The Interview Summary
The interview summary explains the main points of the chapter so that students can quickly grasp the essence of the chapter. “The Interview” is an excerpt taken from his introduction to the Penguin Book of Interviews. The interview was written by Christopher Silvester. The author explains the discourse and the techniques of the interview, which have become the mainstays of journalism these days. The summary of “The Interview” will convey the importance of the interview and its drawbacks at present in the first part. The second part is an extract from an interview between Umberto Eco, the professor, and Mukund Padmanabhan. The different points of view of celebrities in the interview have been addressed by the author. The interview educates us about upskills, methods, and merits of an interview. In the second part, the author reveals the celebrated author of “The Name of the Rose”, Umberto Eco, and his literary techniques in writing novels, children’s books, and mythological books.
Main Points of “The Interview” Summary
At the inception of the chapter, Christopher Silvester introduces us to the techniques of an interview. The interview dates back 130 years, and in the modern world, it is popular in journalism. An interview is taken differently by different people. It is accepted by many people and, at the same time, it is criticized by many. Sometimes, the interview deliberately diminishes the individual’s personality and life. The originality is lost somewhere in the process of taking the interview. It can leave a long-lasting impression if it is used in its true sense.
The perception of an interview is that it spoils your individuality and hurts you somehow. V.S. Naipaul “feels that some people are wounded by interviews and lose a part of them.” Lewis Carroll, the writer of “Alice in Wonderland,” considered it “horror” and was never allowed to be interviewed. Rudyard Kipling and his wife, Caroline, expressed their criticism with a strong attitude toward the interviewer. She considers the interview “immoral”, “a crime”, and “vile”. H.G. Wells considered the interview an “ordeal”. Although interviews have many drawbacks, they are still a “supremely serviceable medium of communication,” according to Denis. Britan has written, “Almost everything of the moment reaches us through one asking questions of another.” Therefore, the interviewer holds unprecedented power and influence.
In Part B, Christopher Silvester introduces us to the excerpt from the interview between Umberto Eco, the professor, and Mukund Padmanabhan, The Hindu. Eco is a professor at Bologna University in Italy. He is regarded as a scholar due to his ideas on semiotics, or the art of signs. Umberto Eco became a star with the publication of “The Name of the Rose,” which sold more than 10 million copies. The interview starts with a question from Mukund, who wants clarification about how he manages all his different jobs. Umberto Eco replies, saying that he is doing nothing new and that all things are the same in his view. He tells Mukund that he writes books on non-violence and peace for children. He further tells Mukund that he writes novels on Sundays and professionally, he is an academic scholar.
Furthermore, Eco explains “empty spaces.” According to Hom, we all have empty spaces in our lives as they are available in atoms. The Earth also has empty spaces, and if we remove the empty spaces from our world, the world will be like a small feast. Eco calls these empty spaces interstices. In addition, he explicates that his novel, “The Name of the Rose,” is not an easy one, and it has elements of detective fiction, metaphysics, theology, and medieval history. Publishers had never expected such success from this novel, as people like to read trash. It means that everyone was surprised by the success of “The Name of the Rose”.
Conclusion of “The Interview”
To recap, the interview summary elucidates the importance of the interview, and the attitudes of different people, and, overall, the interview is an informative piece, as is clear from the interviews of Umberto Eco and Mukund.

The Interview Reading Comprehension Complete NCERT Solution Class 12 English
Paragraph 1. Page 68.
1. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: (Most Important)
Since its invention a little over 130 years ago, the interview has become commonplace in journalism. Today, almost everybody who is literate will have read an interview at some point in their lives, while from the other point of view, several thousand celebrities have been interviewed over the years, some of them repeatedly. So it is hardly surprising that opinions of the interview — of its functions, methods, and merits — vary considerably. Some might make quite extravagant claims for it as being, in its highest form, a source of truth, and, in its practice, an art.
Q.1. Who is the writer of these lines?
Ans. Christopher Silvester is the writer of The Interview.
Q.2. When was the interview invented?
Ans. The interview was invented 130 years ago.
Q.3. What is the commonplace of journalism?
Ans. An interview is commonplace in journalism.
Q.4. What is the interview?
Ans. It is an art to be learned.
Q.5. What is the source of truth?
Ans. An interview is the source of truth.
Paragraph 2. Page 68.
2. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Others, usually celebrities who see themselves as its victims, might despise the interview as an unwarranted intrusion into their lives, or feel that it somehow diminishes them, just as in some primitive cultures it is believed that if one takes a photographic portrait of somebody then one is stealing that person’s soul. Some might make quite extravagant claims for it as being, in its highest form, a source of truth, and, in its practice, an art. Others, usually celebrities who see themselves as its victims, might despise the interview as an unwarranted intrusion into their lives, or feel that it somehow diminishes them, just as in some primitive cultures it is believed that if one takes a photographic portrait of somebody then one is stealing that person’s soul. V. S. Naipaul 1 ‘feels that some people are wounded by interviews and lose a part of themselves,’ Lewis Carroll, the creator of Alice in Wonderland, was said to have had a just horror of the interviewer’ and he never consented to be interviewed.
Q.1. Who are the victims of the interview?
Ans. Celebrities considered themselves the victim of an interview.
Q.2. What is the belief in some primitive cultures about being photographed?
Ans. In primitive cultures, being photographed is stealing a personal soul.
Q.3. What is the source of truth?
Ans. An interview is the highest form, source of truth, and art.
Q.4. How does an interview affect celebrities?
Ans. Celebrities are considered an intrusion in their life.
Q.5. What is V. S. Naipaul’s view on interviews?
Ans. An interview is a wound as per V. S. Naipaul.
Q.6. Who is the creator of Alice in Wonderland?
Ans. Lewis Carroll is the creator of Alice in Wonderland,
Q.7. What does Lewis Carroll say about the interview?
Ans. She considers an interview a horror.
Paragraph 3. Page 69.
3. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Rudyard Kipling expressed an even more condemnatory attitude towards the interviewer. His wife, Caroline, writes in her diary for 14 October 1892 that their day was ‘wrecked by two reporters
from Boston’. She reports her husband as saying to the reporters, “Why do I refuse to be interviewed? Because it is immoral! It is a crime, just as much of a crime as an offense against my person, as an assault, and just as much merits punishment. It is cowardly and vile. No respectable man would ask it, much less give it,” Yet Kipling had himself perpetrated such an ‘assault’ on Mark Twain only a few years before. H. G. Wells in an interview in 1894 referred to ‘the interviewing ordeal’, but was a fairly frequent interviewee and forty years later found himself interviewing
Joseph Stalin.
Saul Bellow, who has consented to be interviewed on several occasions, nevertheless once described interviews as being like thumbprints on his windpipe. Yet despite the drawbacks of the interview, it is a supremely serviceable medium of communication.
Q.1. What is Rudyard Kipling’s view of interviews?
Ans. Rudyard Kipling thought it was immoral and a crime.
Q.2. What are the negative points in the interview?
Ans. It is cowardly and vile.
Q.3. What does H. G. Wells feel about the interview?
Ans. According to H. G. Wells, an interview is an ordeal.
Q.4. How does Saul Bellow feel about the interview?
Ans. Saul Bellow feels interviews are like thumbprints on his windpipe.
Q.5. What is the medium of communication?
Ans. An interview is a medium of communication.
Paragraph 4. Page 70.
4. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: ( Important)
Now that is more difficult to explain. I have some philosophical interests and I pursue them through my academic work and my novels. Even my books for children are about non-violence and peace…you see, the same bunch of ethical, philosophical interests. And then I have a secret. Did you know what will happen if you eliminate the empty spaces from the universe, eliminate the empty spaces in all the atoms? The universe will become as big as my fist. Similarly, we have a lot of empty spaces in our lives. I call them interstices. Say you are coming over to my place. You are in an elevator and while you are coming up, I am waiting for you. This is an interstice, a space. I work in empty spaces. While waiting for your elevator to come up from the first to the third floor,
Q.1. How does Umberto Eco fulfill his philosophical interests?
Ans. Eco fulfills his philosophical interests through his academic work and novels.
Q.2. What is the subject of children’s books?
Ans. Children’s books are about non-violence and peace.
Q.3. What is the secret of Umberto Eco?
Ans. Umberto Eco works in empty spaces.
Q.4. What are empty spaces?
Ans. Empty spaces are free time in our lives.
Q.5. What will happen if we remove space from space?
Ans. The universe will become very small if we remove space from the universe.
Q.6. What are empty spaces called?
Ans. Empty spaces are called interstices.
Paragraph 5. Page 72.
5. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: ( Most Important)
The Name of the Rose is a very serious novel. It’s a detective yarn at one level but it also delves into metaphysics, theology, and medieval history. Yet it enjoyed a huge mass audience. Were you puzzled at all by this? Umberto Eco: No. Journalists are puzzled. And sometimes publishers. And this is because journalists and publishers believe that people like trash and don’t like difficult reading experiences. Consider there are six billion people on this planet. The Name of the Rose sold between 10 and 15 million copies. So in a way, I reached only a small.
Q.1. Who has written, “The Name of the Rose”?
Ans. Umberto Eco has written “The Name of the Rose.
Q.2. What are the subjects discussed in “The Name of the Rose”?
Ans. It’s a detective yarn at one level but it also delves into metaphysics, theology, and medieval history.
Q.3. What is the belief of journalists and publishers about “The Name of the Rose”?
Ans. Journalists and publishers believe that people like trash and don’t like difficult reading experiences.
Q.4. What do the readers like to read, as per journalists and publishers?
Ans. People like trash and don’t like difficult reading experiences.
Q.5. How many copies were sold of “The Name of the Rose”?
Ans. The Name of the Rose sold between 10 and 15 million copies.
CBSE Sure-Shot Important Textual Questions The Interview Class 12 English
Written By Christopher Silvester
Complete Solution By M.S. Yadav, Principal
Questions from the Text: Complete NCERT Solution Class 12 English
Page 69.
Question.1. What are some of the positive views on interviews? (HBSE 2013, 2015, 2018).
“Almost everything of the moment reaches us through one asking questions of another.” The interview is an informative piece, as is clear from the interviews of Umberto Eco and Mukund. It provides vital information about the subject discussed in the interview. Christopher Silvester observes interviews as a “supremely serviceable medium of communication”. Denis Brian has revealed that in the present world, we come to know “our contemporaries” continuously through their interviews.
Question.2. Why do most celebrity writers despise being interviewed? ( HBSE 2020; Pre-Board Jan. 2020)
Most celebrity writers hate interviews as they blemish their reputations. V.S. Naipaul “feels that some people are wounded by interviews and lose a part of them.” Lewis Carroll, the writer of “Alice in Wonderland,” considered it “horror” and was never allowed to be interviewed. Rudyard Kipling and his wife, Caroline, expressed their criticism with a strong attitude toward the interviewer. She considers the interview “immoral”, “a crime”, and “vile”. H.G. Wells considered the interview an “ordeal”. They consider themselves victims of being interviewed.
Question.3. What is the belief in some primitive cultures about being photographed? (HBSE 2012, 2015).
In primitive cultures, people are against taking their photographs as it is considered stealing personal information. So, they don’t allow the photographer to have their picture. Sometimes, it is true that they might misuse the photographs.
Question.4. What do you understand by the expression “thumbprints on his windpipe”?( HBSE 2011, 2012).
“Thumbprints on his windpipe” means to block or throttle suffocating someone by putting pressure on his throat. Saul Bellow makes use of this expression to cite the pressure and stiffness felt by the celebrity while being interviewed.
Question.5. Who, in today’s world, is our chief source of information about personalities? ( HBSE 2011).
Although interviews have many drawbacks, they are still a “supremely serviceable medium of communication,” according to Denis. Britan has written, “Almost everything of the moment reaches us through one asking questions of another.” Therefore, the interviewer holds unprecedented power and influence.
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Complete NCERT Solutions Class 12 English: Chapter 7 The Interview Flamingo
Written By Christopher Silvester
Complete Solution By M.S. Yadav, Lecturer in English.
Understanding the text: Complete NCERT Solution Class 12 English
Page 73.
Question.1. Do you think Umberto Eco likes being interviewed? Give reasons for your opinion. ( HBSE 2015) ( Most Important).
Absolutely yes, as it is clear in part B of “The Interview,” where Umberto Eco is giving an interview to Mukund of The Hindu in a comfortable way. Umberto Eco delivers his way of writing and the subjects he wrote about easily. The interviewer never feels uncomfortable while taking his interview. He allows the interviewer to feel relaxed and laugh, which makes the atmosphere light. He tells him how he uses his empty spaces to think about the subject of his writing. He considers himself an academic scholar instead of a novel writer. Therefore, Umberto Eco likes being interviewed.
Question.2. How does Eco find the time to write so much? ( Most Important)
Umberto Eco explains his way of writing in Part B of “The Interview,” Eco finds the time to write. Firstly, he tells Mukund that people feel that I am writing “many things,” but in reality, “I am always doing the same thing.” His philosophical interests in his academic work, novels, and children’s books are about non-violence and peace. He considers all these as “a bunch of ethical and philosophical interests.”
Secondly, he tells his secret of writing in “empty spaces” and he eliminates these empty spaces which are called “interstices”. He calls the waiting time of the lift an “empty space” in which he gets enough time to think about what he wants to write. Thus, Eco finds the time to write so much.
Question.3. What was distinctive about Eco’s academic writing style? (HBSE 2015, 2020). Most Important
Eco has a unique style of writing as he doesn’t emphasize the traditional way of writing, where a writer writes by concentrating on one subject. Eco writes on multiple subjects. He tells us that he doesn’t write about “many things,” but in reality, “I am always doing the same thing.” His philosophical interests in his academic work, novels, and children’s books are about non-violence and peace. He considers all these as “a bunch of ethical and philosophical interests.” He mixes all his ideas to write different things, but with the same things in a different style.
Question.4. Did Umberto Eco consider himself a novelist first or an academic scholar? Important
Eco is a professor at Bologna University in Italy. He is regarded as a scholar due to his ideas on semiotics, or the art of signs. Umberto Eco became a star with the publication of “The Name of the Rose,” which sold more than 10 million copies. The interview starts with a question from Mukund, who wants clarification about how he manages all his different jobs. Umberto Eco replies, saying that he is doing nothing new and that all things are the same in his view. He tells Mukund that he writes books on non-violence and peace for children. He further tells Mukund that he writes novels on Sundays and professionally, he is an academic scholar.
Question.5. What is the reason for the huge success of the novel, “The Name of the Rose”? (HBSE 2014). Most Important
The huge success of novel “The Name of the Rose” is a mystery as it deals with some typical subjects like metaphysics, theology, medieval history, and a detective yarn. Umberto Eco became a star with the publication of “The Name of the Rose,” which sold more than 10 million copies. The novel is a serious detective “yarn“.Eco explains that even the journalists were puzzled by the success of the novel, and they thought that people liked “trash” and didn’t like serious novels. He clarifies his view that 10 to 15 million people are only a fraction of the readers, and they are serious readers.
Complete NCERT Solutions Class 12 English: Chapter 7 The Interview Flamingo
Written By Christopher Silvester
Complete Solution By M.S. Yadav, Lecturer in English.
Page 74.
Talking about the Text: Complete NCERT Solution Class 12 English
Discuss in pairs or small groups.
1. Talk about any interview that you have watched on television or read in a newspaper. How did it add to your understanding of the celebrity, the interviewer, and the field of the celebrity?
To understand the interview, students should watch different people’s interviews on television to learn about interview techniques. Students’ understanding of different characters will improve as they watch interviews. Students will benefit from watching interviews on television in the following ways:
- Students will gain knowledge by watching interviews with notable athletes, politicians, and scientists.
- Students can learn how to deal with a situation, how to deal with adversity, or how to focus on the positive aspects of their lives.
- Celebratory plans can be implemented in their lives if they are guided by them.
- Students can learn discipline by watching interviews with Sachin Tendulkar and other notable individuals.
- Students can learn self-regulation by watching interviews with yoga and meditation teachers such as Baba Ramdev.
- Students can learn questioning techniques from various personalities.
- Students can analyze the interviewer’s and celebrities’ moods.
- Students can learn about communication techniques by analyzing the language used by both parties.
- Gestures and body language techniques can also be learned.
- Both the interviewer and the interviewee have opposing viewpoints.
2. The medium you like best for an interview, print, radio, or television.
The media plays an important role in understanding the topics and personalities—especially in the case of an interview. Television is my best medium for watching different interviews. I have a lot of reasons behind it, and some of them are given below:
- Television is both an audio and visual means of understanding different things in a better way.
- It has multiple functions, like viewing the personalities and understanding their gestures at the time of the interview.
- It helps in understanding the discussion as our ears and eyes work together to make things clear in our minds in a better way.
- We learn the methods of putting questions before the celebrities and this helps us understand the personality of the celebrity.
- In print media, celebrities criticise the interviewer, but on television, we can directly understand whether they are right or wrong while criticizing the interviewer.
3. Every famous person has a right to his or her privacy. Interviewers sometimes embarrass celebrities with very personal questions.
These days, the media have become selfish as they don’t even take care of your identity. They just work for the TRP for their benefit. Some journalists try to pry into your personal life, particularly to find opportunities to defame celebrities for personal gain. They are questioned in an interview about their personal lives, which is against the ethics of journalism.
Generally, they start with a positive note and end with some personal and professional questions and try to create chaos in the interview as the public wants to see something controversial in interviews. Therefore, the personal identity must be established at the time of the interview. Privacy needs to be protected at any cost.
Page 75 Flamingo
If the interviewer Mukund Padmanabhan had not got the space in the newspaper to reproduce the interview verbatim, he may have been asked to produce a short report of the interview with the salient points. Write this report for him. (The teacher should be able to help the pupils with what to include and what can be omitted. We could also provide a short report of an interview as a sample.) Important
Report on Umberto Eco, Professor, and Novelist
By Mukund Padmanabhan, Interviewer
July 25, 2022
I was blessed and got an opportunity to interview Umberto Eco, an eminent professor at Bologna University in Italy and a prominent novelist. His novel, “The Name of the Rose”, got a huge success, and is a mystery as it deals with some typical subjects like metaphysics, theology, medieval history, and a detective yarn. Umberto Eco became a star with the publication of “The Name of the Rose,” which sold more than 10 million copies. The novel is a serious detective “yarn“. His literary works include academic articles, fictional stories, novels, essays, newspaper articles, and children’s books.
Eco explains to me that even the journalists were puzzled by the success of the novel, and they thought that people liked “trash” and didn’t like serious novels. He clarifies his view that 10 to 15 million people are only a fraction of the readers, and they are serious readers. His writing approach is quite different than other writers.
He further told me that he wrote books on non-violence and peace for children. He writes novels on Sundays and professionally, he is an academic scholar. His philosophical interests in his academic work, novels, and children’s books are about non-violence and peace. He considers all these as “a bunch of ethical and philosophical interests.” He mixes all his ideas to write different things, but with the same things in a different style.
Umberto Eco explains to me his way of writing in Part B of “The Interview,” Eco finds the time to write. Firstly, he tells me that people feel that I am writing “many things,” but in reality, “I am always doing the same thing.” His philosophical interests in his academic work, novels, and children’s books are about non-violence and peace. He considers all these as “a bunch of ethical and philosophical interests.”
Secondly, he tells about his secret of writing in “empty spaces” and he eliminates these empty spaces which are called “interstices”. He calls the waiting time of the lift a “space” in which he gets enough time to think about what he wants to write. Thus, Eco finds the time to write so much.
His way of talking was impressive and he explains each point with an open mind.
Page 76 Flamingo
Things to do( Learn The Technique of Interviewing): Complete NCERT Solution Class 12 English

Interview a person whom you admire either in school or in your neighborhood and record it in writing.
I Kajal, a student of class 12, love and admire my English teacher, Mr. M. S. Yadav. I got an opportunity to interview him. This interview is recorded below in the written form.
Kajal: Good morning, sir.
M. S. Yadav: Good morning, Kajal.
Kajal: I attended your first class on the 12th and I still remember your way of addressing the students impressively. We always used to be afraid of English class. You helped us a lot to make ourselves comfortable in English.
M. S. Yadav: Thanks, Kajal. I always like to interact with my students in a light atmosphere. I always feel proud to be a teacher and devote my heartfelt efforts to guiding my students.
Kajal: Sir, please tell me more about yourself.
M. S. Yadav: Definitely! I was born in the village of Jhajjar and my father was a farmer. He had a dream that I must complete my studies, and they wanted me to become a teacher to help needy students. So, I started my education at University College, Rohtak. After my B.Sc., I joined the Department of English as a student for M.A. English. I joined this profession 25 years ago and I am still a learner.
Kajal: Sir, are you comfortable with computer science?
M. S. Yadav: Yes, I always use computer science to teach my students.
Kajal: Sir, these days you are teaching students with the help of a digital board. How do you manage this?
M. S. Yadav: Teaching on a digital board is a joy for me, and students also take more interest. Moreover, I use my website,, to teach students.
Kajal: Sir, how do you write for students of classes 9, 10, and 12th?
M. S. Yadav: I enjoy it and I write daily. I am writing the complete NCERT solutions for the students of classes 9, 10, and 12th.
Kajal: Do you write about life hacks?
M. S. Yadav: Yes, Kajal. I write on different topics about life hacks for students, parents, and teachers. Life hacks provide admission solutions for poor students free of charge.
Kajal: Sir, how do you manage so much work? You help us and write daily for us and devote your whole time to us. Can you put some light on it so that students get inspired by your hard work and disciplined life?
M. S. Yadav: Age never comes your way if you have a clear aim and dedication toward your work. You must have strong determination and regularity in your life. I always help my students and I am always available for my students so that they can excel in their lives and become responsible citizens.
Kajal: Thank you, sir; you answered all of my questions politely and worked hard with me. I learned a lot from taking your interview.
M. S. Yadav: Thanks, Kajal. God bless you.
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The most important question asked frequently in different boards’ examinations from”The Interview.”
Q.1. What is the Cause for the Success of the Novel ‘The Name of the Rose’? ( Most Important)
The huge success of novel “The Name of the Rose” is a mystery as it deals with some typical subjects like metaphysics, theology, medieval history, and a detective yarn. Umberto Eco became a star with the publication of “The Name of the Rose,” which sold more than 10 million copies. The novel is a serious detective “yarn“.Eco explains that even the journalists were puzzled by the success of the novel, and they thought that people liked “trash” and didn’t like serious novels. He clarifies his view that 10 to 15 million people are only a fraction of the readers, and they are serious readers.