
How do you develop reading habits among children at home? Does Reading develop Learning?

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English Reading is the backbone of the education system and it is the base to excel in the life of a human being. Unfortunately, due to social media trends and T.V. reading habits are diminishing among kids day by day. The kids are fond of watching T.V. Have you ever thought about why is it happening? There are so many reasons.

The nuclear family and the pressure of jobs on parents are among the main reasons that parents are not able to give them proper time. Moreover, parents are not trained in nurturing reading habits in their kids at home. Nurturing reading habits among kids is not an easy task. Parents should take it seriously rather than allowing kids freely watch T.V. and Mobile Phones. This problem can be tackled by the parents with love and proper training.

This way they can turn their reluctant children into a regular reader and will help them to learn and excel in their life. However, every student learns and processes information differently. This means that some children may have a natural love of reading, and some may not. Don’t worry if they are not interested, follow the following methods to help them to develop reading habits.

 Start Reading to your child early and Often

Reading habits among children should be developed from an early age. Parents should read their magazines, newspapers, and books in front of the kids. Kids are curious and try to imitate their parents about what they do in life. Reading stories books at bedtime and reading the stories books in front of them at an early age. This will help them develop new words every day. Books should be attractive and appealing. The key to encouraging reading habits in kids is reading with them at home from a young age. By reading together often, your child will learn firsthand the joys reading can bring, helping him or her develop a motivation to read.

Why does your kid hate reading? Have you ever tried to find the reason? What are they interested in? Let us find out some ways by which you can enhance their reading habits. Let us dive into the method and techniques to improve the reading habits of your kids:

Keep on Reading while going out

Parents go out of home and while traveling, you should read boards and wall writing and encourage your kids to read. I adopted this method with my kids when they were kids of two years and the kids responded. This became their habit of reading on road, on shops’ boards, and hoarding. This technique helped them to improve their reading habits.

Children are interested to be on top

You should always take care of children’s interests. Don’t try to read if they are not interested. Kids like cartoon books and other books which look different to them. Kids learn what they observe. To act as a role model in front of your child and also read in front of them. Whether you love books, graphics, or magazines, let your child see you reading. If you are excited about reading, your child is likely to catch your eagerness. Motivate your child to join you with their book when you are reading.

Make Reading a fun

Children love fun so, provide them the books which look funny to them. They like to join letters in different ways. Therefore, provide them with charts and toys in their room. Surround your kids with books. Fill your home with books as the kids start learning reading at home before going to school. Kids are always curious to read something different. They develop an interest in reading and become habitual in reading and ultimately start learning.

Fix a time daily for your kids

Every parent should fix a time for their kids for reading something to them. From the day your newborn comes home, you can start raising a reader. Babies respond to the soothing rhythm of a voice reading aloud, as well as to being cuddled on a warm lap. If you make reading part of your daily routine, your child is likely to grow up looking forward to it. Bedtime is also a good idea to tell them stories before they sleep.

Create a Reading space for your kid

Parents should provide a space for the kids at home where they feel connected, it can be a small space like a couch or a small room. Picking a comfortable space that has enough light and room to keep a book or two can help your child connect reading with warmth and comfort.

Ask questions and let the kid answer

Questioning is a good technique to engage your kids to learn more things. You can ask them to find an answer in the book of their interest. The more questions you ask your kid, the more interest in reading will be developed.

Act as a role model

You must also have a habit of reading at home. They always imitate you and start reading. So, be a role model in front of your kid. Find books that grip you and keep you going. Even if they aren’t literary masterpieces, they make you want to read — and that’s the goal here.

Support Your Child in Reading.

If your child has difficulty reading and gets frustrated, take a step back and see where he or she is struggling. Talk with his or her teacher and address the issue as soon as possible.

Use the above tips to get your child interested in reading so he or she can become an even better learner. With a little focus and direction, you can help give your child the reading boost he or she needs. Therefore, you make reading fun for your kids instead of making it a frustration for them.

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