
Essay on Environmental Pollution

Essay on Environmental Pollution,observances of national and international festivals and use that opportunity to enhances students writing skills
Before writing an essay on Essay on Environmental Pollution, you need to understand the fundamentals of writing an essay. As a student, you may be required to write a variety of essays. The length and content of an essay are determined by your level, subject of study, and course requirements. Most essays at the university level, on the other hand, are argumentative: they seek to persuade the reader of a particular position or perspective on a topic.

Readlearnexcel’s Steps and Examples for Writing an Essay

An academic essay is a focused piece of writing that uses evidence, analysis, and interpretation to develop an idea or argument.

The essay writing process is divided into three stages:

Preparation: Choose a topic, conduct research, and write an essay outline.
Writing: Begin with an introduction, then develop your argument with evidence in the main body, and finish with a conclusion.
Check your essay’s content, organisation, grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Readlearnexcel’s Structure of Essay Writing

1. Introduction: The introduction establishes the context for the author’s claims in the body of the text. Students must ensure three things in this section: that they have the readers’ attention, that they have contextualized their message, and that the text’s intention is clear.
2. Body Paragraph: 1
3. Body Paragraph: 2
4.. Body Paragraph: 3
5. Conclusion

As a student, you may be required to write a variety of essays. The length and content of an essay are determined by your level, subject of study, and course requirements. Most essays at the university level, on the other hand, are argumentative: they seek to persuade the reader of a particular position or perspective on a topic.

Readlearnexcel’s Steps and Examples for Writing an Essay

Essay writing

An academic essay is a focused piece of writing that uses evidence, analysis, and interpretation to develop an idea or argument.

The essay writing process is divided into three stages:

Preparation: Choose a topic, conduct research, and write an essay outline.
Writing: Begin with an introduction, then develop your argument with evidence in the main body, and finish with a conclusion.
Check your essay’s content, organisation, grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Readlearnexcel’s Structure of Essay Writing

1. Introduction: The introduction establishes the context for the author’s claims in the body of the text. Students must ensure three things in this section: that they have the readers’ attention, that they have contextualised their message, and that the text’s intention is clear.
2. Body Paragraph: 1
3. Body Paragraph: 2
4.. Body Paragraph: 3
5. Conclusion

Essay on Environmental Pollution

“Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.” Evo Morales

Environmental Pollution is the mixing of contaminants or harmful materials into the environment. These contaminants are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural or man-made. Natural pollutants are volcanic ash and dust from storms. Pollutants are created by humans, such as industrial waste products and smoke from vehicles. Pollutants damage the quality of air, land, and water.

Environmental Pollution: History

Environmental pollution has been a continuous process for a long time in the history of humanity. It has been causing deaths and diseases for a long time. The development of urbanization, industrialization, mining, and exploration are the major causes of global environmental pollution. Soot was found on the ceilings of ancient caves, showing that open fires didn’t have enough ventilation to keep the air clean.

Who is Responsible for Environmental Pollution?

Many useful things pollute the environment. Pollutants are emitted from automobile exhaust pipes. Coal combustion pollutes the atmosphere. Garbage and sewage from industries and homes pollute the land and water. Pesticides, which are chemical poisons used to kill weeds and insects, leach into waterways and harm wildlife.

Types of Environmental Pollution

Air pollution can be a blend of solid particles and poisonous gases in the air. Vehicle emissions, factory smoke, dust particles from construction, and clay are the major causes of air pollution.

Soil pollution happens due to the excess use of pesticides and fertilisers by farmers. Salt and toxic compounds create health hazards.

Water pollution happens due to industries’ waste products being drained into rivers. Safety tanks and the pouring of pollutants into them are also the main causes of water pollution.

Plastic waste, like water bottles, bags, and medical waste, is the main cause of the death of wild animals and humans.

“U.N.O Initiative to Combat Environmental Pollution”

Both developed and developing nations are responsible for pollution. They share the burden of pollution financially and morally, more or less. World Environment Day was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 on the first day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment to tackle the problem of pollution internationally. In 1974, the first Earth Day was held with the theme “Only One Earth”. Many laws are being formed by different countries to tackle the menace of pollution.

Pollution in the Environment: A Danger to Humans and Blue Whale Microbes

All living things, from human microbes to blue whales, rely on Earth’s supply of air and water. When these resources are polluted, all forms of life are put at risk. Pollution is a worldwide problem. Although urban areas are typically more polluted than rural areas, pollution can spread to remote locations where no one lives. For example, pesticides and other chemicals have been discovered on the Antarctic ice sheet. Pollution is carried by air and water currents. Ocean currents and migrating fish transport marine pollutants a long distance. Winds can pick up radioactive material that has been accidentally released from a nuclear reactor and disperse it all over the world. Smoke from one country’s factories drifts into another.

Environmental Problems in Rural Areas

Rural residents are less vulnerable to the harmful effects of pollution than urban residents. They do, however, have some environmental problems because they are ignorant, can’t read or write, are poor, and have superstitions. Pollution in rural areas is caused by several things, such as poor sanitation, the commercialization of farmlands, a lack of drainage systems, the use of pesticides in agricultural products without limits, and the salinization and degradation of agricultural lands, which make them useless for farming.

Environmental Problems in Urban Areas

Slums are urban areas within cities and towns that lack basic civic and civic amenities. Slum settlements emerge as a result of the flow of rural people into urban areas and a lack of housing facilities for them. A densely populated urban area consumes a lot of materials while also producing a lot of solid waste. Solid waste includes municipal waste, industrial waste, and hazardous waste. When solid waste is dumped for an extended period, it emits foul odours and poisonous gases and serves as a breeding ground for vectors of various diseases. Natural resources are used up very quickly in cities because there are so many people, and people live expensively.

Remedies for Environmental Pollution

Ways to Reduce Air Pollution

Public transportation can help to reduce air pollution because it consumes less gas and energy A bus carrying 50 people helps to reduce the use of private vehicles. Use your appliances only when necessary to save energy and, ultimately, to reduce air pollution. Use only items that can be recycled or reused. Plastic bags must be avoided. As a result, always bring your bag to the market. Smoking should be reduced in rural areas. Persuade people to use LPG gas because it reduces air pollution significantly. Farmers should refrain from burning waste in their fields. Utilize electric vehicles and brick plants. Use electric fans instead of air conditioners in your home. On holidays, no crackers. Natural products should be avoided. Plant more trees to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Ways to Reduce Water Pollution

Water is the lifeline for all living beings, and clean water is the need of the hour. Everyone needs clean water in their lives for drinking and cooking. Water is contaminated due to the disposal of toxic chemicals into the water. Therefore, we need to find concrete ways to reduce water pollution.

There should be proper disposal of toxic chemicals like bleach, paint, thinner, and many others. Always try to buy non-toxic products for your household purposes. Always dispose of oily products outside of your drainage system. Use only those detergents which are free from phosphate as they reduce the oxygen level of water. It may become the cause of death for fish and other water animals. Always dispose of medical waste in the proper place. Show off the organic vegetables in your garden.

Ways to Reduce Soil Pollution

Farmers are detriotanging the agricultural soil by using excessive fertilisers and pesticides to increase production. Every year, farmers are using the latest fertilizer, which can boost their production. So, it’s important to keep our soil healthy so we can grow enough food to meet our needs.

Farmers should use fewer chemical fertilisers as they poison the soil. Barren land to be improved with the help of afforestation Use of recycled products should be encouraged. The government should increase the awareness programme for the safety of the soil. Use maximum natural manure.

Avoid using plastic containers.

Plastic shopping bags and plastic rings from six-packs of beverages wreak havoc on the country’s lakes and seas. Plastic bottles can float in water for decades. Instead of purchasing some reusable cloth or plastic grocery bags, use reusable, insulated drink containers and make your filtered water at home. Plastic containers should not be allowed at weddings, and the host should bring back the old system of using steel containers.

Despite the world community’s attention to pollution problems, they still exist. In this “Essay on Environmental Pollution”, I have discussed the different types of pollution, such as air, water, plastic, and soil. Pollution’s causes, effects, and solutions are discussed, as are ways to fight this threat to the environment and the health of the planet Earth, which is a living thing. To conclude with Evo Morales’ rightly said that the rights of the earth are to be formed to keep the earth livable for humans.

Essay on Environmental Pollution PDF

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