Students will get speech, article, paragraph, and report writing on communal harmony day in this article on Govt. Sr. Sec. School Dadri Toye Celebrates Communal Harmony Week and Flag Day 2022
Govt. Sr. Sec. School Celebrates Communal Harmony Week and Flag Day 2022
Always strive for perfect harmony in thought, word, and deed.”Always Aim at Purifying Your Thoughts, and Everything Will Be Well,” Mahatma Gandhi.
Students and teachers were asked to donate as per their wishes for the poor. Campaign and Fund Raising Week was held at the school from November 19th to November 25th, with Flag Day being observed on the last working day of the week. The principal, Dr. Rajinder Singh, a state awardee, addressed the gathering in the school and asked the gathering to donate some money on the flag hosting day. The flag of communal harmony was hoisted on stage during the prayer.
Activities at G.S.S.S. DADRI TOYE, JHAJJAR
ReadLearn Excel helps students celebrate different festivals in the school to promote education and develop good citizens.


The main aim of the day is to provide financial assistance to children rendered orphans or destitute by communal, caste, ethnic, or terrorist violence for their education and rehabilitation. The school organised an awareness rally under the banner of “Communal Harmony Week.” The students and staff participated with a lot of enthusiasm and zeal under the able guidance of respected Drs. Rajinder Singh and Mahinder Singh Yadav. During the week-long celebrations, various activities were organised at the school level for different classes with the goal of sensitising them towards India’s multi-ethnic and multi-cultural social fabric.
Aims and Objectives of Communal Harmony Day
- Providing assistance to the children of families affected by communal, caste, ethnic or terrorists violence which fracture social harmony, as may be decided by the Governing Council from time to time, in particular for their care, education and training.
- Promoting communal harmony and national integration, through scholarships, fellowships and studies which will highlight and strengthen the bonds of unity and affinity amongst different religious and social groups in the country.
- Conferring awards to individual as well as organization for outstanding contribution to the cause of communal, caste, ethnic harmony and national integration.
- Seeking cooperation of the Central Government/State Governments/Union Territories/Public Sector Undertakings/Industrial & commercial organizations/voluntary and other organizations for promotion of the objectives of the Foundation.
- Providing information services, setting up libraries, bringing out journals, books or other forms of literature to promote the objectives of the Foundation.
- Undertaking other lawful activities, which may be necessary or conducive for furthering the objectives of the Foundation.
Speech on Communal Harmony Day
By Sneh
Good morning, friends and teachers. With the permission of the principal, I got an opportunity to deliver a speech on Communal Harmony Day. I hope you will listen to me with patience, and I assure you that my speech on communal harmony day will boost your knowledge about the importance of communal harmony in an Indian context.
India is a land of different cultures, religions, and communities where all of us have the liberty to follow our religions. The beauty of India lies in its cultural diversity, where people are free to celebrate their festivals. Therefore, every year, we celebrate communal harmony day under the banner of “Communal Harmony Week.” The programme of Campaign and Fundraising Week will be held at the school from November 19th to November 25th, with Flag Day.
I request the students and teachers to donate as per their wishes for the children of families affected by communal, caste, ethnic, or terrorist violence that fractures social harmony. I request all the students and teachers to promote communal harmony and national integration in our country, and your efforts will highlight and strengthen the bonds of unity and affinity amongst different religious and social groups in the country. You can join the mission for communal harmony as a volunteer and offer information services by setting up libraries in your area. This will help people get along and make the country stronger.
Hence, I strongly feel that my speech on communal harmony day will spread the message that irrespective of caste, colour, or religion, we are all Indians, and we are all dedicated to working for the children of families affected by communal, caste, ethnic, or terrorist violence. Thank you for your patience during my speech on National Community Harmony Day.
Report on Communal Harmony Day
By Simran, Class 12
November 25, 2022
I got the opportunity to cover the campaign and fund-raising week that was held at the G.S.S. School in Datri Toye from November 19th to November 25th, coinciding with Flag Day. The programme of Campaign and Fund Raising Week was held at the school from November 19th to November 25th, with Flag Day beginning with a brief lecture on communal harmony and its importance for the country by Sh. Mahinder Singh Yadav, Lecturer in English at the Govt. Senior Secondary School. Dadri Toye(Jhajjar). The school organised various activities to celebrate the event. In the beginning, the students were given stickers of communal harmony. He asked the students to follow what Gandhiji had told us: “Always aim at purifying your thoughts, and everything will be well.”
Students and teachers were asked to donate as per their wishes for the poor. Campaign and Fund-Raising Week was held at the school from November 19th to November 25th, with Flag Day being observed on the last working day of the week. The principal, Dr. Rajinder Singh, a state awardee, addressed the gathering in the school and asked the gathering to donate some money on the flag-raising day. The flag of communal harmony was hoisted on stage during the prayer. Posters, paintings, and speech programmes were organised. The students participated in the programme.
The programme on Communal Harmony Day came to an end with the hoisting of the flag of communal harmony by Sh. Subhash Bhardwaj and D.E.E.O. Jhajjar.
Article Writing on Communal Harmony Day for CBSE Class 12
By Ashish
India is a land of different cultures, religions, and communities where all of us have the liberty to follow our religions. The beauty of India lies in its cultural diversity, where people are free to celebrate their festivals. Therefore, every year, we celebrate communal harmony day under the banner of “Communal Harmony Week.” The programme of Campaign and Fundraising Week will be held at the school from November 19th to November 25th, with Flag Day.
Students and teachers are asked to donate as per their wishes for the poor affected by the violence. Campaign and Fund-Raising Week was held at the school from November 19th to November 25th, with Flag Day being observed on the last working day of the week. The flag of communal harmony was hoisted on stage during the prayer. Posters, paintings, and speech programmes were organised. The students participated in the programme.
Aims and Objectives of Communal Harmony Day
The aims of communal harmony day are to provide assistance to the children of families affected by communal, caste, ethnic, or terrorist violence that fractures social harmony. The government makes decisions from time to time, in particular for their care, education, and training. Functions are held at different educational and scientific institutions to promote communal harmony and national integration through scholarships, fellowships, and studies that will highlight and strengthen the bonds of unity and affinity amongst different religious and social groups in the country. Awards are conferred to individuals as well as organisations for outstanding contributions to the causes of communal, caste, ethnic, and national harmony and integration. The various governments assist in providing information services, establishing libraries, and publishing journals, books, and other forms of literature to promote the goals of communal harmony among various sections of society.
Notice Writing on Communal Harmony Day 2022 for Class 12
The main aim of the communal harmony day is to provide financial assistance to children rendered orphans or destitute by communal, caste, ethnic, or terrorist violence for their education and rehabilitation. Your school wants to celebrate “Communal Harmony Week” in the school. Write a notice in not more than 50 words asking the students to participate in different programmes on this day.
G.S.S.S. Dadri Toye is going to celebrate communal harmony day to provide financial assistance to children rendered orphans or destitute by communal, caste, ethnic, or terrorist violence for their education and rehabilitation. “Communal Harmony Week” will be from November 19th to November 25th, with Flag Day. Students who want to participate in different programmes such as speeches, articles, poster-making, and painting competitions can give their names to their class teacher.
The Principal
Paragraph Writing on Communal Harmony Week and Flag Day 2022 forHBSE Students
India is a land of different cultures, religions, and communities where all of us have the liberty to follow our religions. The beauty of India lies in its cultural diversity, where people are free to celebrate their festivals. Therefore, every year, we celebrate communal harmony day under the banner of “Communal Harmony Week.” The programme of Campaign and Fundraising Week will be held at the school from November 19th to November 25th, with Flag Day. The aims of communal harmony day are to provide assistance to the children of families affected by communal, caste, ethnic, or terrorist violence that fractures social harmony. The government makes decisions from time to time, in particular for their care, education, and training. Functions are held at different educational and scientific institutions to promote communal harmony and national integration through scholarships, fellowships, and studies that will highlight and strengthen the bonds of unity and affinity amongst different religious and social groups in the country. Awards are conferred to individuals as well as organisations for outstanding contributions to the causes of communal, caste, ethnic, and national harmony and integration. The various governments assist in providing information services, establishing libraries, and publishing journals, books, and other forms of literature to promote the goals of communal harmony among various sections of society.