
World Creative and Innovation Day-21April 2022, Theme, Importance of WCID week in Academics

creativity and innovation

World Creative and Innovation Day-21April 2022, Theme, Importance of WCID week in Academics. The concept of world creative and innovation day is open to interpretation and expression for problem-solving fundamentals in the context of economic, social, and sustainable development. The @WCID week, the day is related to the birth anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci, the most famous creative person known on the planet. World Creativity and Innovation’s Day(WCID), is celebrated on April 21, every year. We aim to spread the fundamentals of creativity and innovation on this day, especially, among students and teachers in educational institutes.

Wish You All The World Creative and Innovation Day-21April 2022#creativity and innovation; M.S. Yadav, Lecturer

In the Preamble of this Resolution, the UN General Assembly:

  • Underlines the need to focus on the importance of micro -, small and medium-sized enterprises in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular in promoting innovation, creativity, and decent work for all,
  • Acknowledges that innovation is essential for harnessing the economic potential of each nation and the importance of supporting mass entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation, which create new momentum for economic growth and job creation and expand opportunities for all, including women and youth,

The Theme of World Creative and Innovation Day, April 21, 2022

The theme of World Creativity and Innovation’s Day, April 21, is ‘Collaboration‘. 

What is the true meaning of collaboration?

Collaboration is a joint effort between two or more people, free from hidden agendas, to produce an output in response to a common goal or shared priority. Often this output is greater than what any of the individuals could have produced working alone”. “There may be no universal understanding of creativity. The concept is open to interpretation from artistic expression to problem-solving in the context of economic, social, and sustainable development. Therefore, the United Nations designated 21 April as World Creativity and Innovation Day to raise awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development.” United Nations

The objectives of #WCID are to: 

  • Celebrate Namibia’s innovation and creativity.
  • Promote the role of Cultural and Creative Industries to be part of economic growth strategies.
  • Provide an enriching, entertaining, and educational opportunity for creatives.
  • Develop Partnerships that will accelerate the growth of the Namibian Cultural and Creative Industries.

Target Audience
World Creativity and Innovation Day bring together communities, artists, academics, fashion, and art lovers to celebrate the influence of Cultural and Creative industries on social cohesion and to learn about the impact of creativity and innovation on the country’s economic growth.

Creativity and Innovation Solve The Problem? Develops Collaboration

“There may be no universal understanding of creativity. The concept is open to interpretation from artistic expression to problem-solving in the context of economic, social, and sustainable development. Therefore, the United Nations designated 21 April as World Creativity and Innovation Day to raise the awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development”. The message conveyed is relevant to all of us irrespective of our field and profession. So, let us celebrate the day in its true sense to spread the concept of creativity, innovation, and collaboration. The teachers’ responsibility becomes more valuable if they try to move in the right direction and help their students to flourish as innovators, creators, and collaborators to make our Earth, A Living Planet, a Heaven.

 Importance of Creativity And Innovation in Schools/Colleges

Creativity and innovation dispense a real understanding of concepts. Teachers and schools must adopt a creative and innovative concept of teaching instead of teaching in an established form of teaching. We should develop thinkers, creators, and innovators in schools and colleges. This type of creative teaching will enlighten us and society. These creative and innovative methods are helpful and essential in developing young learners into creative, independent, and knowledgeable thinkers who are not shy to express themselves.
It’s most required to develop an educational system that supports and cultivates creativity and innovation among students. Students need to be creative, innovative, and adaptable to learn the concept of ‘Collaboration‘, the theme of WCID 2022 to prepare themselves for a Happy Life beyond the classroom.

The Benefits of Creativity and Innovation in Educational Institutes

  • Helps in Expressing the individuals’ ideas: Creativity and innovation always help children in expressing their opinions, views, and emotions through new and expressive ways of practical projects, science models, music, singing, dance, theatre, designing computer projects, and art projects. Such efforts and creation will always enhance and help in the emotional development of students and this will help them in realizing their hidden talents which is the best way to excel in their life.
  • Helps in Stress Management Stress in children and teens creates anxiety and fatigue. Stress in children affects their health, happiness, and development in the short as well as in long run.  Children and teens need to cope with worries and nervousness. Creativity and innovation help the student to come out of their academic stress like the burden of exams, securing high marks
  • Helps in excelling in the Career: The syllabus, course, and curriculum should be creative and innovative. This will enhance their subject knowledge and learning of the concept of collaboration.  Students always learn to know the real-life application.
  • Creativity and innovation bring Happiness among Students: Creativity always brings freedom and helps the students to express themselves, and freedom means happiness. A Happy person is more creative than a disturbed person. This way the students can bring multiple solutions to problems and help invent new strategies.
  •  Communication becomes Easy: Creative students are comfortable communicating with others and sharing their experiences freely. The creative classroom is always helpful in delivering endless opportunities for innovative thinking, group discussion, and learning together experiences.

Why do we mark International Days?

International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, mobilize political will and resources to address global problems and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. We also mark other UN observances

Disclaimer: This article is written to spread the concept of creativity and innovation and is purely for purpose of education





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