Happy Children’s Day!
Children’s Day: Notice, Report, Speech Ideas, and Examples is written specifically for students to use on the occasion of Children’s Day, which is observed every year on November 14 to commemorate the birth anniversary of India’s first prime minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Pandit was born on this day in 1889, and this year, the country is celebrating its 131st birthday anniversary. Observances of National and international festivals always benefit students academically and culturally.
November 14th’s Children’s Day: Pandit Nehru with Children
“Jawaharlal Nehru shaking hands with one of the children who had come to see the Beating of the Retreat on January 29, 1957.
Jawaharlal Nehru was affectionately called Chacha Nehru (“Uncle Nehru”) by children, and their faith in him was a constant source of happiness for him.[8] As the Prime Minister, Nehru wanted to “create an atmosphere in the country where the attention is constantly focused on children and their welfare”.[13] He had also established Children’s Film Society India in 1955 so that Indian children could see themselves represented.[14]“
The Pride of the Nation
Pandi Nehru was concerned about the children and their welfare, “Nehru saw in their innocent faces and sparkling eyes the future of India. He was convinced that no amount of money spent on children and their mothers was too much, and that it was a sound investment for the future,” M. O. Mathai wrote in his book My Days With Nehru (1979). The future of any nation depends upon the development of the children as they are the future of the world. Nehruji once said about the children of India, “I have always felt that the children of today will make the India of tomorrow, and, the way we bring them up will determine the future of the country.” When asked by Ram Narayan Chaudhary in an interview in 1958.

Children’s Day is another day on which ReadLearnExcel makes an effort to educate students about Children’s Day and its importance to their academic progress. Yesterday, students were asking me, “Is tomorrow a holiday?” I inquired as to why they desired a holiday on Children’s Day. They were unable to explain because they enjoy holidays, but when I told them that we were going to celebrate their day at school, they became very happy.
The importance of Children’s Day for students
On the occasion of Children’s Day, it’s natural that whenever we think of celebrating festivals in schools, we feel excitement and happiness. Hence, students don’t feel any academic burden while celebrating festivals in schools. Children’s Day is another observance of national and international festivals that bring students and teachers together, and they enjoy the culture and history of the festivals without any liability for academics. It’s psychologically proven that celebrations and other practical activities boost students’ interests, and when you do something that piques your interest, there is always a great chance that your academic performance will be enhanced. So, schools should celebrate the Children’s Day festival to help students learn more about them. Festival observances also help students do well in school by improving their speaking, learning, and writing skills. In this article, ReadLearnExcel is providing you with ideas and examples of notice, report, and speech writing on Children’s Day.

14 November Academic Benefits of Children’s Day
National and international holidays are always beneficial to students. ReadlearnExcel is always writing notices, reports, and speeches. We will help students write on these topics to improve their speaking, learning, and writing skills:
Notice Writing on Children’s Day and Ideas of Writing Notice
Question: Your school is going to celebrate Children’s Day in the school. Write a notice informing students about the details of the Children’s Day.
Children’s Day Celebration
Our school is celebrating Children’s Day on November 14 at 10 a.m. in the school. Students are invited to participate in the Children’s Day celebrations. There will be painting, poster-making, and speech-writing on Children’s Day. Students can give their names to their class instructors. The D.E.O., Jhajjar, is going to be the chief guest on this occasion. For more information, contact:
The Principal
Report Writing on Children’s Day and Steps to Write a Report
What types of information are provided in reports?
- Explains an event or situation
- The long-term results of an event or situation
- Analytical or statistical data evaluation
- Interpretations based on the report’s data
- Predictions or recommendations based on the report’s information
- What the information has to do with other events or reports
- No personal opinions and arguments
- Need to avoid modals like, should, may, and might
- Only facts are revealed in reports
- reports should be organized as per the incident that occurred
- Step-by-step or beginning of incident to end without any alteration of facts
- Generally, past tense is used in report writing
Types of Reports Writing
There are a few different types of reports, depending on the purpose and to whom you present your report. Here’s a quick list of the common types of reports:
- Academic report: Tests a student’s comprehension of the subject matter, such as annual day report, cultural events reports, reports on historical events, and biographies
- Business reports: Identifies information useful in business strategies, such as marketing reports, internal memos, and feasibility reports
- Scientific reports: Shares research findings, such as research papers and case studies, typically in science journals
- Formal reports
- Informal reports
- Short or Long reports
What is the report format?
The format of the report depends upon the type of report and the assignment criteria. Although each report has its structure, the basic template is the same:
- In the beginning, there should be a summary of the report so that the readers can make out what will be in the report. The summary of the report increases the interest of the readers.
- Introduction of the Report: The introduction of the report should be self-explanatory of the report and should explain what you’re about to explain.
- Body of report: The body of the report should explain all major happenings. There should be headings and subheadings. It explains the whole event in detail. The introduction and conclusion contain one or two paragraphs, while the body may have more pages.
- After a report, the reporter brings all of the facts in the report together and reaches a final interpretation or judgment.
What can be included in report writing?
There is no hard and fast rule about what should be included in a report, especially at the school level. We can create our format at our convenience. But still, we can include the following in report writing:
- Generally, a report’s title is used if a person has to read multiple reports. In this way, he can easily make out which report is useful for him.
- A table of contents can be used if the report is lean and has more than four subheadings.
- Page numbering can be included in the report has more than one page. But for students, it is generally not required as they are writing a small report for the examination.
- Headings and subheadings should be used as they help us when skimming or scanning. They make it easy for the reader to understand the facts easily.
- If we used information from other articles, we must include references and quotations. We should always give credit to others’ written work if we used it to complete our report.
Steps of Report Writing for students
Let us explain the different steps of report writing with an example:
Step 3. Introduction and Body of the report:
Various cultural events and competitions were held. The programme began with a speech on Children’s Day by Mansi, a class 12 student. A student of class 5 recited a poem on Children’s Day. Class 11 students performed Haryanvi dance as part of a cultural program. It was an excellent cultural programme.
You are the Head Boy of your school. Write a report on the Children’s Day for your school magazine.
On November 14, I had the chance to cover Children’s Day. I went to Dadri Toye, a government senior high school. The kids were dressed in vibrant clothes, and the school was tastefully adorned. D.E.O. JHAJJAR was greeted by the class 12 girls as the main celebrant. The National Anthem and Saraswati Vandana opened the Children’s Day programme.
Numerous cultural competitions and events were held. Mansi, a class 12 student, gave a speech about Children’s Day to start the performance. A fifth-grade kid read a poem on Children’s Day. A Haryanvi dance was performed by class 11 pupils as part of a cultural presentation. Excellent cultural programming was provided.
The principal and the special guest gave speeches to the students at the end of the Children’s Day programme to inform them of the significance of the holiday. The N.S.S. in-charge gave the pupils candy as a way to wrap up the session.
Speech Writing on Children’s Day and Ideas on Speech Writing
What do you mean by speech writing? Do your speech-writing techniques help with your communication skills? Does your speech writing help you to become a better speaker? Speech delivers a message to the audience through spoken words. Speech is used to persuade the audience or to describe a burning topic.
Speech writing is the process of communicating a thought or message to a reader by using proper punctuation and expression. Speech writing is similar to other types of narrative writing. However, students should be aware of some different punctuation and writing structure techniques.
Does speech writing help your communication ability?
- Consistent writing exercises your brain, improving your ability to communicate and learn.
- As a result, as a speaker, you are better able to engage your audience, and they are better able to retain your message.
- It means, by devoting time and energy to writing, you will not only become a better writer but also a better person.
- You also become a more effective communicator and speaker.
- Therefore, we can say that speech writing helps you to become a good communicator or speaker but it is not applicable to all of us.
What is the value of speech writing in English writing skills?

Speech writing is a method of communicating a thought or message to the reader through punctuation and expression. It is part of the writing skills for students in English class 12. It is a necessary skill to learn. It is appropriate when you speak this and the meaning is also conveyed to the listener. As a result, the use of punctuation marks is required.
There are eight parts of speech in the English language. All students begin using these parts as soon as they begin studying the English language. Unfortunately, very few of them know how to use them properly. Let’s get started with nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
- A noun is a name for something, an animal, a person, or a place, and they are the foundation of any language. Some examples include table, ram, cat, and elephant.
- Pronouns can be used in place of nouns, allowing us to form sentences without having to repeat the nouns every time. We, I, and you.
- A verb is an action, and a sentence would be incomplete without one. It defines action and is crucial in writing a speech and expressing the tone.
- An adjective describes a word and, in most cases, comes before the noun.
- Prepositions are words that tell us where, when, and how something is related to another thing.
- Conjunctions are words that connect two sentences, which means they connect two thoughts.
What are speeches, and where are they used?
You should understand that just because you can write a good speech doesn’t mean you’re a good public speaker. It can serve as a springboard to becoming a good orator. In this article, I will explain speech writing techniques, format, examples of good speech writing, and questions from previous years’ CBSE examinations. Although speech writing is not included in HBSE, students from all boards can learn this technique, which will improve their writing skills and, ultimately, their communication skills.
How can we start a good speech in the school prayer?
Most of the people are nervous in their first speech and it’s natural. Therefore, learn the techniques of good speech in front of audience. The followings are the some tips you must learn to deliver a good speech in front of your audiences:
- Control your anxiety while giving speech. It is normal for the beginner. Therefore, learn to control your neeves. Use a lecture stand to gain confidence while giving a speech.
- Shy away your shyness while delivering a speech.
- Prepare your topic in time befor speech.
- Start with a positive and impressive note.
- Addres your audience. Therefore, choose a topic of their interest.
- Before you begin to draft your message, consider who the message is intended for. Know your listener as much as you can.
- Always organise your material of speech in a proper way.
- Don’t try to be oversmart. Speak in a natural way.
- Use humour, light tone to make your audience comfotable.
- Begin your speech with, “Today I’m going to talk to you about X”? The vast majority do not. Finish your speech with a summary and a powerful statement that your audience will remember.
Small Speech on Children’s Day( 180 Words)
Good morning, dear friends, and respected teachers on the occasion of Children’s Day. I wish you all a happy Children’s Day! Children are the pillars of any nation. Children’s Day, which is observed every year on November 14 to commemorate the birth anniversary of India’s first prime minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Pandit was born on this day in 1889, and this year, the country is celebrating its 131st birthday anniversary.
It’s only natural that on Children’s Day, we experience joy and enthusiasm anytime we consider commemorating holidays in schools. Students, therefore, don’t experience any academic pressure when participating in school celebrations. Children’s Day is another national and worldwide holiday that unites children and teachers and allows them to celebrate the culture and history of the holiday without having to worry about schoolwork. To assist students in understanding more about children, schools should observe Children’s Day. Festival celebrations enhance children’s speaking, comprehension, and writing abilities, which helps them perform better academically.
I ask my friends to learn new things on Children’s Day, and I hope you have learned a lot. Thanks for being patient during my speech.
Speech Writing On The Children’s Day (400 Words)
Good morning, dear friends and respected teachers, on the occasion of Children’s Day. I wish you all a happy Children’s Day! Children are the pillars of any nation. Children’s Day, which is observed every year on November 14 to commemorate the birth anniversary of India’s first prime minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Pandit was born on this day in 1889, and this year, the country is celebrating its 131st birthday anniversary.
Pandit Nehru was concerned about the children and their welfare. “Nehru saw in their innocent faces and sparkling eyes the future of India.” He was convinced that no amount of money spent on children and their mothers was too much and that it was a sound investment for the future. “The future of any nation depends upon the development of the children, as they are the future of the world.” Nehruji once said about the children of India, “I have always felt that the children of today will make the India of tomorrow, and the way we bring them up will determine the future of the country.”
On the occasion of Children’s Day, it’s natural that whenever we think of celebrating festivals in schools, we feel excitement and happiness. Hence, students don’t feel any academic burden while celebrating festivals in schools. Children’s Day is another observance of national and international festivals that bring students and teachers together, and they enjoy the culture and history of the festivals without any liability for academics. It’s psychologically proven that celebrations and other practical activities boost students’ interests, and when you do something that piques your interest, there is always a great chance that your academic performance will be enhanced. So, schools should celebrate the Children’s Day festival to help students learn more about them. Festival observances also help students do well in school by improving their speaking, learning, and writing skills.