Most Important Very Short Questions Vistas 12th Exams will cover “14. Read the following questions and choose the correct option: 1×3=3”. Most Important MCQs Questions Vistas 12th Exams will help you revise quickly before the class 12 English examination in March 2023. Practice Paper Class 12 English.
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Most Important MCQs Questions Vistas 12th Exams
i. List the writer’s purpose for using Grand Central (…) in this extract. 1
Answer: The author wants us to realize that we should face the situation.
ii. Select the option that best describes Charley in the extract.
A. Charley wants to escape
B. Charley wants to search the third level.
C. Did Charley want to go home?
D. None of the above
Answer: A. Charley wants to escape
iii. Which of the following best summarises Charley’s attitude toward life?
A. Charley wants to escape from his problems.
B. He was under stress in his life.
C. He had some problems with his wife, Louisa.
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
iv. What was the one significant thing” And I wasn’t trying to escape from anything”, the author is trying to discuss?
Charley might have liked the place, as per the extract.
Answer: Charley might have liked the third level as things are easy at the third level.
i. Why did the writer use stamp collecting? (…) in this extract. 1
Answer: The writer used stamp collection as another way of escapism.
ii. ‘temporary refuge from reality.’ means for Charley…
A. Charley wants to escape from the reality.
B. Charley wants to search the third level.
C. Did Charley want to go home?
D. None of the above
Answer: A. Charley wants to escape from the reality.
iii. “grandfather didn’t need any refuge from reality;” and Charley wants ‘temporary refuge from reality.’
What does the author want to tell about “, an intersection of time and space in the story?
A. Charley wants to escape from his problems.
B. Charley compares the time of his grandparents to his time.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer: C. Both A and B
iv. What was the one significant thing that the writer used in the phrase “President Roosevelt collected stamps too” in The Third Level?
Answer: Charley, an ordinary character, compares his hobby to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s great personality, which is another example of imagination.
i. What did Charley see on the first level?
A. He saw modern trains.
B. The trains were old
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer: A. He saw modern trains.
ii. “ducked into an arched doorway heading for the subway — and got lost.”
The writer used the above phrase to describe…..
A. Charley wants to escape from the reality.
B. Charley wants to search the third level.
C. Did Charley want to go home?
D. None of the above
Answer: A. Charley wants to escape from the reality.
iii. “heading for” means in the above extract.
Answer: Going to
iv. Why did Charley prefer to go by train?
A. Charley wants to escape from his problems.
B. As he was late
C. Buses took more time to reach home
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
i. Why did the author use the phrase “I could hear was the empty sound of my footsteps and I didn’t pass a soul”?
A. Means fewer people are the source of peace of mind.
B. Referred the third level
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer: C. Both A and B
ii. What did the author see at the third level at Grand Central Station?
Answer: He saw the room was
smaller, there were fewer ticket windows and train gates, and the information booth in the center was wood and old looking.
iii. “the man in the booth wore a green eyeshade and long black” refers to…..
A. Third level
B. First Level
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer: A. Third level
iv. “an intersection of time and space in the story”, Why does the author use the two levels? Means?
Answer: There is a comparison between two times and space by the author to strengthen the idea of escape.
i. List the writer’s purpose for involving the astrologer(…) in this extract. 1
Answer: The author wants us to realize that the kings want to know about their future.
ii. Select the option that best describes Tiger King in the extract.
A. Warrior of warrior
B. hero of heroes
C. champion of champions
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
iii. What did the chief astrologer say about the life of the king?
A.He Can’t be killed
B. He will die one day
C. Both A and B
D. All of the above
Answer: B. He will die one day
iv. What was the one significant thing that happened “O wise prophets!’’ “Everyone stood transfixed in stupefaction.”
Answer: An astonishing phrase emerged from the lips of the ten-day old Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur, “O wise prophets!’’
i. What did the astrologer do?
Answer: The chief astrologer took his finger off his nose and fixed his eyes upon the little prince.
ii. What did the astrologer say?
Answer: ‘‘The prince was born in the hour of the Bull. The Bull and the Tiger are enemies, therefore, death comes from the Tiger.”
iii. “As soon as he heard it pronounced, the crown prince gave a deep growl.” What does the phrase “deep growl” mean?
A. Warrior of warrior
B. to utter a deep guttural sound of anger or hostility.
C. spoke peacefully
D. All of the above
Answer: B. to utter a deep guttural sound of anger or hostility.
iv. Terrifying words emerged from his lips…
A. ‘‘Let tigers beware!’’
B. He will not kill tigers
C. He will kill all the tigers
D. Both A and C
Answer: D. Both A and C
i. What was the real name of the king?
Answer: The real name of the king was Jung Jung Bahadur.
ii. When did he become a king?
Answer: The tiger king became a king at the age of 20.
iii. Crown prince Jung Jung Bahadur grew taller and stronger day by day. Is there anything happened to him?
A. No other miracle marked his childhood days
B. The boy drank the milk of an English cow
C. He killed the tigers in his childhood.
D. Both A and B
Answer: D. Both A and B
iv. What exactly the crown prince was doing during his childhood.
A. The boy drank the milk of an English cow
B. was brought up by an English nanny
C. tutored in English
D. All are true
Answer: D. All are true
ReadLearnExcel’s Complete Class 12 English (Core) Examinations Solution: e-Book

Q.1. How many hours did the author travel to land in Antarctica?
(A) 200
(B) 100
(C) 152
(D) None
Ans. (B) 100
Q.2. How did she travel to Antarctica?
Ans. She travelled to Antarctica using a car, an aeroplane, and a ship.
Q.3. How was she welcomed in Antarctica?
Ans. She was welcomed by the white landscape and uninterrupted blue horizon of Antarctica.
Q.4: What did the author feel about reaching Antarctica?
Ans. She felt relief.
Q.5. What did she see in Antarctica?
Ans. She saw Antarctica’s expansive white landscape and uninterrupted blue horizon.
Q.6. What were the wonderful things he noted in Antarctica?
Ans. She was astounded by the universe’s vastness and isolation.
Q. 1. When did Gondwana exist?
Q. 2. Where was Gondwana?
Q. 3. Was there any presence of human beings in Gondwana?
Q. 4. How was the climate in Gondwana?
Q. 6. Why was there a huge variety of flora and fauna?
Q. 6. (a) After flora and fauna, the dinosaurs were wiped out.
(b) The age of mammals started.
(c) Later it was forced to disintegrate into various countries of today
(d) all are correct
Ans. (d) all are correct
Q. 1. What does Antarctica tell us about our history?
Ans. : Antarctica tells us about our past and future.
Q.2. What is the effect of human civilization on nature?
Ans. It spoils our nature.
Q. 3. What is the result of burning?
Ans. It creates more carbon dioxide.
Q. 4. What is the effect of carbon dioxide on global temperatures?
Ans: Temperature increases due to carbon dioxide.
Q. 5. Which chapter did these lines come from?
Ans., Journey to the End of the Earth,
Q. 6. What is the name of the writer?
Ans. Tishani Doshi
Q.1. How did Zitkala-Sa describe the surroundings of her school?
Ans. She described her school as a land of apples.
Q.2. How did the breakfast start in Zitkala-Sa’s school?
Ans. A large bell rang for breakfast.
Q.3. “its loud metallic voice crashing through the belfry overhead and into our sensitive ears.” What does Zitkala-Sa want to convey in this line?
Ans. The sound of the bell was unbearable and it was like the behaviour of the people.
Q.4. What disturbed her peace of mind in the school mess?
Ans. The annoying clatter of shoes on bare floors gave her no peace.
Q. 1. Who is “I” here in the above passage?
Ans. Zitkala-Sa
Q.2: Why was Zitkala-Sa struggling?
Ans. Zitkala-Sa was struggling to save her hair.
Q.3. What did Zitkala-Sa do when no one noticed?
Ans. Zitkala-Sa disappeared when no one noticed her.
Q.4: Where did she hide herself?
Ans. Zitkala-Sa hid herself in a large room with windows covered with dark green curtains.
Q.5. How were windows covered in the room where Zitkala-Sa hid herself?
Ans. Windows were covered with dark green curtains.
Q.6. Who was present in the room?
Ans. There was no one in the room.
Q.7. Why did Zitkala-Sa crawl to hide?
Ans. Zitkala-Sa crawled to hide as the bed height was very low.
Q.8. Write the passage word that is the same as “hide.”
Ans. Huddled
i. List the writer’s intention in using the incident of discrimination in two different countries? 1
Answer: The author wants us to realize that the country doesn’t matter and women are discrminated even in America.
ii. Select the option that best describes Zitkala-Sa’s condition in the extract.
A. She was helpless
B. Nobody helped her.
C. She lost her spirit
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
iii. Which of the following best describes Zitkala-Sa?
A. ‘I moaned for my mother’
B. I had been tossed about in the air like a wooden puppet
C. little animals driven by a herder.
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
iv. What was the one significant thing”for now I was only one of many little animals driven by a herder. “, the author is trying to discuss?
Answer: Zitkala-Sa was treated like an animals.
Q.1. Who is Roger Skunk’s problem?
Ans. Bad smell is Roger Skunk’s problem.
Q.2. Where did Roger Skunk go to take advice?
Ans. He went to an owl, and the owl sent him to the wizard.
Q.3: What is the name of the author?
Ans. The name of the author is John Updike.
Q.4. What did the wizard perform on Roger?
Ans. Roger’s foul odor was transformed into a pleasant one by the wizard.
2. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: 1×4=4
“He smelled so bad that none of the other little woodland creatures would play with him.” Jo looked at him solemnly; she hadn’t foreseen this. “Whenever he would go out to play,” Jack continued with zest, remembering certain humiliations of his childhood, “all of the other tiny animals would cry, “Uh-oh, here comes Roger Stinky Skunk,” and they would run away, and Roger Skunk would stand there all alone, and two little round tears would fall from his eyes.” The corners of Jo’s mouth drooped down and her lower lip bent forward as he traced with a forefinger along the side of her nose the course of one of Roger Skunk’s tears.
Q.1. “He smelled so bad that none of the other little woodland creatures would play with him.” Who said these words?
(A) Isolation
(B) No one wants to play.
(C) Skunk felt very bad
(D) All the above
Ans. (D) All the above
Q.2: What is the reaction of other animals to Roger?
Ans. They don’t play with Roger due to the bad smell.
Q.3. “Uh-oh, here comes Roger Stinky Skunk.” What does it indicate?
Ans. Animals’ reaction towards Roger Skunk
Q.4. “Roger Skunk would stand there all alone, and two little round tears would fall from his eyes. “—Is it right in the animal world?
Ans. No, it’s not good to isolate one animal because of the smell.
3. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: 1×4=4
“Mr. Owl,” Roger Skunk said, “all the other little animals run away from me because I smell so bad.” “So you do,” the owl said. “Very, very bad.” “What can I do?” Roger Skunk said, and he cried
very hard. “The wizard, the wizard,” Jo shouted, and sat right up, and a Little Golden Book spilled from the bed. “Now, Jo. Daddy’s telling the story. Do you want to tell Daddy the story?”
“No. You me.” “Then lie down and be sleepy.” Her head relapsed onto the pillow and she said, “Out of your head.” “Well. The owl thought and thought. At last, he said,
“Why don’t you go see the wizard?”
Q.1. To whom was Roger Skunk talking?
Ans. Roger Skunk was talking to the owl.
Q.2. Who shouted?
Ans. Jo shouted.
Q.3. What did the owl advise Roger Skunk?
Ans. The owl advised Roger Skunk to visit the wizard.
Q.4: Who is Jo?
Ans. Jo is a small girl in the story.
4. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: 1×4=4
“Because this is very interesting. Roger Skunk’s mommy said, ‘What’s that awful smell?’ “Wha-at?” “And, Roger Skunk said, ‘It’s me, Mommy. I smell like roses.’ And she said, ‘Who made you smell like that?’ And he said, ‘The wizard,’ and she said, ‘Well, of all the nerve. You come with me and we’re going right back to that very awful wizard.” Jo sat up, her hands dabbling in the air with genuine fright. “But Daddy, then he said about the other little animals running away!” Her hands skittered off, into the underbrush. “All right. He said, ‘But Mommy, all the other little animals run away,’ and she said, ‘I don’t care. You smelled the way a little skunk should have and I’m going to take you right back to that wizard,’ and she took an umbrella and went back with Roger Skunk and hit that wizard right over the head.”
Q.1: “Because this is very interesting,” who said these words?
Ans. Roger Skunk’s mommy said these words.
Q.2: Who smells like roses?
Ans. Roger Skunk has a rose scent.
Q.3. “But Daddy, then he said about the other little animals running away!” Who said these words?
Ans. Jo said these words.
Q.4. “I don’t care.” “You smelled the way a little skunk should have, and I’m going to take you right back to that wizard,” Why did Roger’s mother want to change the smell?
Ans. She didn’t want Roger Skunk to look different in their society.
1. People avoid Derry because of:
(a) Broken leg
(b) A scar on the leg
(c) The acid burnt face
(d) None of the above
2. Who ordered Evans to take off his hat?
(a) Jackson
(b) Stephens
(c) Governor
(d) All of the above
3. What was the name of the psychiatrist?
(a) Louisa
(b) Sam
(c) William
(d) Charley
4. Who is the writer of “The Third Level’?
(a) Jack Finney
(b) Pearl S. Buck
(c)Susan Hill
(d) Colin Dexter
5. Whose words made a deep impression on Bama ?
(a) Her father’s
(b) Her brother’s
(c) Her uncle’s
(d) Her friend’s
6. What did Maharaja buy for his son?
(a) A little wooden tiger
(b) A toy
(c) A horse
(d) A tiger
7. Why was Sam invited for according to the letter?
8. Who had signed the letter?
9. How many surgeons came to attend the king?
10. The wooden tiger was made by?
11. What was the original cost of the wooden tiger?
12. How can you understand the affect of global warming by visiting Antartica?
13. Whar was the profession of Dr. Sadao?
14. Who was the injured person in the chapter, The Enemy?