
Complete NCERT Solutions Class 11 English: The Laburnum Top

The Laburnum Tree

NCERT Solutions Class 11 English: The Laburnum Top. This article on NCERT Solutions Class 11 English The Laburnum Top will explain the summary, important points, theme of The Laburnum Top by Ted Hughes, line-by-line explanation, critical analysis of the poem, textual questions, and 10 most important questions for the benefit of Class 11 English (Core) students.

Explain the detailed Summary of The Laburnum Top NCERT Solutions Class 11 English

“The Laburnum Top” by Ted Hughes is a poem that vividly describes the interaction between a goldfinch and a Laburnum tree.

The poet explains what he sees in the Laburnum trees. The text begins with a description of the tree’s yellow leaves. Furthermore, even in September, the treetop remains silent.
The autumn season has caused the tree to shed its leaves and scatter its seeds on the ground. The poet uses ‘yellow’ to describe both the color of the leaves and sunshine. In this context, yellow denotes silence, death, and beauty. He employs this color to accurately represent the entire setting.
A goldfinch bird sits on the tree, bringing an end to the death-like image. When a bird approaches, the tree emits a sudden chirrup sound. He compares the bird’s agility, speed, and vigilance to that of a lizard.
As she approaches the branch’s thickness, the nestlings begin to chirp and flutter their wings. This action causes the tree to shake and thrill. The poet describes the tree in two different ways, creating contrast. First, it appeared to be dead, but then it came to life when the bird landed on it.
The poet recognizes that the goldfinch and tree are the driving forces behind her family. When she brings food for the birds, she travels to the end of another branch. He describes the bird’s look. The face is striped and black.
The goldfinch’s body is yellow, thus it mixes in with the tree’s yellow leaves.
Finally, when she reaches the end of the branch, she lets forth a really sweet chirping sound. The poet compares the sound to a whisper as she floats away in the endless sky. After the bird leaves, the Laburnum tree returns to its silent and deathlike state. The relationship between the tree and bird is portrayed as a nurturing one, with both playing significant roles in their lives.226666666662452

The poem begins with a serene depiction of the Laburnum tree basking in the afternoon sunlight of September. The tree stands silent and still, with its leaves yellowing and seeds falling. A goldfinch, whose twitching chirrup announces its arrival, abruptly disturbs the peace. The goldfinch’s sudden presence brings the tree to life, likened to the starting of a machine.

The tree becomes a hub of activity as the goldfinch stokes its energy, causing a tremor of wings and trillings. The goldfinch then flirts with the tree before launching away towards the infinite, leaving the Laburnum top empty once again.

The poem beautifully captures the fleeting moments of vibrancy and stillness in nature, highlighting the cyclical rhythm of life and the transient beauty of existence.

Complete NCERT Solutions Class 11 English: The Laburnum Top

Difficult Word Meaning 

  1. Laburnum: A type of tree with yellow flowers
  2. Twitching: Making sudden, small movements
  3. Startlement: The state of being startled or surprised
  4. Sleek: Smooth and glossy in appearance
  5. Abrupt: Sudden and unexpected
  6. Chitterings: High-pitched sounds, like the chirping of birds
  7. Tremor: A slight shaking or quivering movement
  8. Trillings: A series of high-pitched, musical sounds
  9. Strokes: Feeds or supplies fuel to
  10. Flirts: Moves or darts quickly and lightly
  11. Barred face: A face with stripes or bars of color
  12. Identity mask: The distinctive markings on the bird’s face
  13. Eerie: Strange and mysterious in a unsettling way
  14. Delicate: Fragile or easily damaged
  15. Whisperings: Soft, hushed sounds
  16. Launches: Moves or sets off with force
  17. Subsides: Becomes less intense or active
  18. Empty: Without activity or movement

Stanzas’ Reading Comprehension of The Laburnum Top

The Laburnum top is silent, quite still
In the afternoon yellow September sunlight,
A few leaves yellowing, all its seeds fallen.
Till the goldfinch comes, with a twitching chirrup
A suddenness, a startlement, at a branch end.The Laburnum Tree

  1. What is the initial atmosphere described in the stanza?
    • The initial atmosphere is one of silence and stillness at the top of the laburnum tree in the afternoon sunlight.
  2. What seasonal context is provided in the stanza?
    • The stanza establishes the scene in September, indicating the beginning of autumn as seen in the yellowing leaves and dropped seeds.
  3. How does the arrival of the goldfinch affect the tranquility of the scene?
    • The goldfinch’s arrival disrupts the silence and stillness with its sudden appearance and chirping, creating a sense of startlement.
  4. How is the goldfinch described in terms of its movement and appearance?
    • The goldfinch is described as sleek as a lizard, alert, and abrupt, highlighting its agility and suddenness.
  5. What effect does the goldfinch’s presence have on the imagery of the stanza?
    • The goldfinch’s presence injects movement and liveliness into the otherwise quiet scene, transforming it with its vibrant energy.
  6. What does the description of the goldfinch’s behavior suggest about its significance in a natural setting?
    • The goldfinch’s behavior suggests its importance as a dynamic element within the ecosystem, contributing to the vitality and energy of the environment.

Then sleek as a lizard, and alert, and abrupt,
She enters the thickness, and a machine starts up
Of chitterings, and a tremor of wings, and trillings —
The whole tree trembles and thrills.
It is the engine of her family.ncert solution of labunum tree

  1. How is the goldfinch’s movement compared to that of a lizard?
    • The goldfinch’s movement is likened to that of a sleek lizard, suggesting a smooth and agile motion as it enters the thickness of the tree.
  2. What metaphor best describes the collective sounds made by the goldfinch and its family?
    • The collective sounds produced by the goldfinch and its family are metaphorically described as a machine starting up, consisting of chitterings, tremors of wings, and trillings.
  3. What effect do the sounds of the goldfinch and its family have on the tree?
    • The sounds of the goldfinch and its family cause the entire tree to tremble and thrill, indicating the vibrancy and energy they bring to their surroundings.
  4. What is implied by describing the goldfinch and its family as “the engine”?
    • Describing the goldfinch and its family as “the engine” suggests their vital role in the ecosystem, driving the activity and vibrancy of the natural environment.
  5. How does the imagery of the goldfinch’s activity contribute to the overall atmosphere of the poem?
    • The imagery of the goldfinch’s activity adds to the sense of liveliness and energy within the scene, highlighting the dynamic interactions occurring in nature.
  6. What does the phrase “the thickness” refer to in the stanza?
    • The phrase “the thickness” refers to the dense foliage or branches of the tree where the goldfinch and its family are located, emphasizing their secluded and sheltered environment.

She stokes it full, then flirts out to a branch-end
Showing her barred face identity mask
Then with eerie delicate whistle-chirrup whisperings
She launches away, towards the infinite
And the laburnum subsides to empty.

  1. What action does the goldfinch take after stoking “it” full?
    • After stoking “it” full, the goldfinch flirts out to a branch end, displaying its presence and readiness to depart.
  2. What does the phrase “barred face identity mask” mean?
    • The phrase “barred face identity mask” refers to the distinctive facial markings of the goldfinch, which serve as its recognizable identity.
  3. How are the goldfinch’s departure sounds described in the stanza?
    • The goldfinch’s departure sounds are described as eerie, delicate whistle-chirrup whisperings, conveying a sense of mystery and delicacy.
  4. What does the phrase “towards the infinite” suggest about the goldfinch’s flight?
    • The phrase “towards the infinite” suggests that the goldfinch’s flight extends into the vast expanse of the sky, symbolizing freedom and boundlessness.
  5. How does the behavior of the goldfinch contrast with the state of the laburnum tree at the end of the stanza?
    • The goldfinch’s departure marks the end of its vibrant presence within the tree, while the laburnum tree subsides to emptiness, highlighting the transient nature of the bird’s visit.
  6. What emotions or atmosphere does the stanza evoke through its imagery and descriptions?
    • The stanza evokes a sense of fleeting beauty and departure, with the goldfinch’s departure symbolizing the ephemeral nature of life and the cycles of nature.

Line by Line Explanation of the Stanzas of The Laburnum Top

Here’s a line-by-line explanation of “The Laburnum Top” by Ted Hughes, along with the meanings of 10 important words:

  1. “The Laburnum top is silent, quite still.” Explanation: The Laburnum tree’s highest point is motionless and quiet. Word meanings:
    • Laburnum: A type of tree with hanging branches and yellow flowers.
    • Silent: making no sound; quiet.
    • Still: not moving or making any noise.
  2. “In the afternoon yellow September sunlight,” Explanation: The scene is set in the afternoon sunlight of September, which is described as yellow. Word meanings:
    • Afternoon: the time of day between noon and evening.
    • September is the ninth month of the year.
    • Sunlight: light from the sun.
  3. “A few leaves are yellowing; all its seeds have fallen.” Explanation: Some leaves of the tree are turning yellow, and all its seeds have fallen. Word meanings:
    • Leaves are the green parts of a plant that grow from its branches.
    • Yellowing: becoming yellow in color.
    • Seeds: The small, usually round part of a plant from which a new plant can grow.
    • Fallen: dropped to the ground.
  4. “Till the goldfinch comes with a twitching chirrup.” Explanation: The scene remains unchanged until a goldfinch bird arrives with a quick, sharp call. Word meanings:
    • Goldfinch: a small bird with yellow feathers on its wings.
    • Twitching: making sudden, quick movements.
    • Chirrup: A short, high-pitched sound made by birds.
  5. “A suddenness, a startlement, at a branch end.” Explanation: The arrival of the goldfinch brings suddenness and surprise to the end of a branch. Word meanings:
    • Suddenness: happening quickly and unexpectedly.
    • Startlement: A feeling of surprise or shock.
    • Branch: A part of a tree that grows out from the trunk.

Most Important Question and Answers of The Laburnum Top

What is the initial state of the Laburnum top in the poem?

Answer: The Laburnum top is described as silent and still in the afternoon sunlight, with a few yellowing leaves and all its seeds fallen.

What event causes a sudden change in the atmosphere of the Laburnum top?

Answer: The arrival of the goldfinch with a twitching chirrup causes a sudden startlement and a flurry of activity in the Laburnum top.

How is the goldfinch’s movement described in the poem?

Answer: The goldfinch’s movement is likened to that of a sleek lizard—alert, abrupt, and swift as it enters the thickness of the tree.

What effect does the goldfinch’s presence have on the Laburnum top?

Answer: The goldfinch’s presence triggers a cacophony of sounds—chitterings, tremors of wings, and trillings—causing the whole tree to tremble and thrill with activity.

What metaphor is used to describe the goldfinch’s family?

Answer: The goldfinch’s family is metaphorically compared to an engine, symbolizing the bustling activity and energy they bring to the tree.

How does the goldfinch contribute to the activity in the Laburnum top?

Answer: The goldfinch stokes the activity of her family by initiating chirruping and trilling sounds, symbolizing their communication and interaction.

What action does the goldfinch take before leaving the Laburnum top?

Answer: Before leaving, the goldfinch flirts out to a branch end, displaying her distinctive barred face identity mask to the surroundings.

How is the goldfinch’s departure from the Laburnum top described?

Answer: The goldfinch launches away with eerie, delicate whistle-chirrup whisperings, symbolizing her departure towards the infinite.

What happens to the Laburnum top after the goldfinch leaves?

Answer: After the goldfinch’s departure, the Laburnum top subsides to emptiness, returning to its silent and still state.

What is the significance of the Laburnum tree in the poem?

Answer: The Laburnum tree serves as the setting for the brief but lively presence of the goldfinch, highlighting the contrast between stillness and activity in nature.

How does the poet evoke sensory imagery in the poem?

Answer: The poet uses descriptive language to evoke sensory imagery, such as the yellow September sunlight, the sleek movement of the goldfinch, and the sounds of chitterings and trillings.

What emotions or feelings does the goldfinch’s presence evoke?

Answer: The goldfinch’s presence evokes a sense of suddenness, startlement, and excitement as the Laburnum top becomes filled with activity and energy.

How does the poet characterize the goldfinch’s behavior?

Answer: The poet characterizes the goldfinch’s behavior as alert, swift, and flirtatious, using vivid imagery to depict its movements and interactions.

What is the symbolic significance of the goldfinch’s departure?

Answer: The goldfinch’s departure symbolizes the transient nature of life and the fleeting moments of activity and energy in the natural world.

How does the poet use personification in the poem?

Answer: The poet personifies the Laburnum tree by describing it as subsiding to emptiness after the goldfinch’s departure, suggesting a sense of loss or quietness.

What is the thematic message conveyed through the poem?

Answer: The poem highlights the dynamic and transient nature of life, emphasizing the fleeting moments of activity and energy in the natural world before returning to stillness.

How does the poet create a sense of rhythm in the poem?

Answer: The poet creates a sense of rhythm through the use of descriptive language, repetition of sounds (e.g., chitterings, trillings), and the structure of the stanzas.

What role does the goldfinch play in the ecosystem of the Laburnum tree?

Answer: The goldfinch serves as a catalyst for activity and communication within the Laburnum tree, contributing to the ecosystem’s vitality and energy.

How does the poet evoke a sense of movement and energy in the poem?

Answer: The poet evokes a sense of movement and energy through dynamic imagery and vivid descriptions of the goldfinch’s actions and their impact on the surroundings.

What is the overall mood or tone of the poem?

Answer: The overall mood of the poem is one of fleeting activity and energy juxtaposed with moments of stillness and quietness, highlighting the transient nature of life in nature.

The Main Idea or Theme  of The Laburnum Top

The main theme of the poem “The Laburnum Top” revolves around the transient nature of life and the dynamic interplay between stillness and activity in the natural world.

Through vivid imagery and descriptive language, the poet portrays the Laburnum tree as initially silent and still, bathed in September sunlight. However, the arrival of the goldfinch abruptly disrupts this tranquility, igniting a flurry of activity and energy within the tree. The goldfinch’s presence symbolizes the fleeting moments of vibrancy and vitality that punctuate the otherwise quiet existence of the tree.

Yet, as quickly as it came, the goldfinch departs, leaving the Laburnum top to return to its empty stillness. This contrast between moments of intense activity and subsequent quietness underscores the poem’s thematic focus on the impermanence and transience of life in nature, reminding readers of the cyclical rhythm and ephemerality inherent in the natural world.

Textual NCERT Solution of  The Laburnum Top

Find out

  1. Laburnum is called “अमलतास” (Amaltas) in Hindi.
  2. A local bird similar to the goldfinch may be the yellow-vented bulbul or the Oriental white-eye.

Think it out.

  1. The poem begins with a description of the Laburnum tree in silence and stillness and ends with the tree returning to emptiness after the goldfinch departs. This contrast highlights the fleeting presence of the bird in the otherwise serene setting.
  2. The bird’s movement is compared to that of an engine starting up, emphasizing its suddenness and energy. This comparison is based on the rapid, abrupt movements of the goldfinch as it enters the tree and stirs up activity.
  3. The image of the engine is evoked to convey the bustling activity and noise created by the goldfinch and other birds in the tree. It symbolizes the lively and energetic nature of the bird’s presence.
  4. Personal responses may vary. Some readers may appreciate the vivid imagery and sensory details that bring the scene to life, while others may be drawn to the symbolism of the goldfinch’s fleeting visit.
  5. The phrase “her barred face identity mask” refers to the distinctive facial markings of the goldfinch, which serve as its identity or distinguishing feature. The term “barred face” describes the striped pattern on the bird’s face.

Note down

  1. Sound words: chirrup, chitterings, tremor, trillings, whisperings
  2. Movement words: twitching, sleek, alert, abrupt, launches away
  3. Dominant color: yellow

List the following:

  1. Words describing ‘sleek’: smooth, glossy, polished Words describing ‘alert’: vigilant, attentive, watchful Words describing ‘abrupt’: sudden, unexpected, sharp
  2. Words with the sound ‘ch’: chirrup, chitterings Words with the sound ‘tr’: tremor, trillings, tree
  3. Other sounds: whistle, flutter, chirp

Thinking about language Search for poems about birds or trees in other languages to explore different cultural perspectives. Try this out. Compose four lines of verse about a tree in your surroundings, focusing on its appearance, significance, or symbolism.

Here’s a line-by-line explanation of “The Laburnum Top” by Ted Hughes, along with the meanings of 10 important words:

  1. “The Laburnum top is silent, quite still.” Explanation: The Laburnum tree’s highest point is motionless and quiet. Word meanings:
    • Laburnum: A type of tree with hanging branches and yellow flowers.
    • Silent: making no sound; quiet.
    • Still: not moving or making any noise.
  2. “In the afternoon yellow September sunlight,” Explanation: The scene is set in the afternoon sunlight of September, which is described as yellow. Word meanings:
    • Afternoon: the time of day between noon and evening.
    • September is the ninth month of the year.
    • Sunlight: light from the sun.
  3. “A few leaves are yellowing; all its seeds have fallen.” Explanation: Some leaves of the tree are turning yellow, and all its seeds have fallen. Word meanings:
    • Leaves are the green parts of a plant that grow from its branches.
    • Yellowing: becoming yellow in color.
    • Seeds: The small, usually round part of a plant from which a new plant can grow.
    • Fallen: dropped to the ground.
  4. “Till the goldfinch comes with a twitching chirrup.” Explanation: The scene remains unchanged until a goldfinch bird arrives with a quick, sharp call. Word meanings:
    • Goldfinch: a small bird with yellow feathers on its wings.
    • Twitching: making sudden, quick movements.
    • Chirrup: A short, high-pitched sound made by birds.
  5. “A suddenness, a startlement, at a branch end.” Explanation: The arrival of the goldfinch brings suddenness and surprise to the end of a branch. Word meanings:
    • Suddenness: happening quickly and unexpectedly.
    • Startlement: A feeling of surprise or shock.
    • Branch: A part of a tree that grows out from the trunk.

Poetic Devices of NCERT Class 11 The Laburnum Top

In “The Laburnum Top,” Ted Hughes employs several poetic devices to enhance the imagery and convey the themes of the poem:

  1. Imagery: Hughes uses vivid sensory details to create mental images of the scene, such as the “afternoon yellow September sunlight,” the “twitching chirrup” of the goldfinch, and the “sleek as a lizard” movement of the bird.
  2. Personification: The poet personifies the Laburnum tree by describing it as if it were a living being, capable of experiencing sensations and emotions. For example, the tree is described as “silent, quite still” and later as trembling and thrilling in response to the goldfinch’s presence.
  3. Metaphor: The poet employs metaphors to compare the goldfinch’s arrival to the starting of a machine and the tree’s response to an engine. This metaphorical language emphasizes the sudden burst of activity and energy brought about by the bird’s presence.
  4. Symbolism: The goldfinch serves as a symbol of vitality and energy in the poem, contrasting with the stillness of the Laburnum tree. Its fleeting visit represents the transient nature of life and the cyclical rhythm of existence.
  5. Alliteration: Hughes uses alliteration, or the repetition of consonant sounds, to create rhythm and emphasis in certain phrases, such as “sleek as a lizard” and “tremor of wings.”
  6. Onomatopoeia: The poet employs onomatopoeic words like “chirrup” and “trillings” to mimic the sounds of the goldfinch’s song and the fluttering of its wings, adding auditory texture to the poem.

Overall, these poetic devices work together to enrich the imagery and evoke a sense of movement, vitality, and fleeting beauty in the natural world depicted in the poem.

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