
Subject and Predicate with Examples

Subject and Predicate with Examples

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea. It typically consists of a subject and a predicate. The predicate tells what the subject is doing or saying about the subject, while the subject tells who or what the sentence is about. CUET subject and predicate

English Grammar Topics

For example:

  • “John is reading a book.” The subject is John, and the predicate is that he is reading a book.
  • “The cat chased the mouse.” (Subject: The cat; Predicate: chased the mouse)
  • “Sheila and Peter went to the park.” (Subject: Sheila and Peter; Predicate: went to the park)

The predicate usually contains a verb, which is the action word that tells what the subject is doing. It may also include other words such as objects, complements, or modifiers that provide additional information about the action or the subject.

Understanding the structure of sentences and recognizing the subject and predicate helps in constructing clear and meaningful sentences in English.

Subject and Predicate with Examples

  1. The dog barks loudly.
    • Subject: The dog
    • Predicate: barks loudly.
    • Explanation: “The dog” is the subject of the sentence, indicating who or what is performing the action. The predicate, “barks loudly,” consists of the verb “barks” (the action) and the adverb “loudly” (providing additional information about the action’s execution).
  2. My sister cooks delicious meals.
    • Subject: My sister
    • Predicate: cooks delicious meals.
    • Explanation: “My sister” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Cooks delicious meals” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “cooks” (the action) and the direct object “delicious meals” (what is being cooked).
  3. The sun shines brightly.
    • Subject: The sun
    • Predicate: shines brightly.
    • Explanation: “The sun” is the subject, indicating what is performing the action. The predicate, “Shines brightly,” consists of the verb “shines” (the action) and the adverb “brightly” (providing additional information about the action’s execution).
  4. Children love playing outdoors.
    • Subject: Children
    • Predicate: love playing outdoors
    • Explanation: “Children” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Love playing outdoors” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “love” (the action) and the gerund phrase “playing outdoors” (what they love to do).
  5. The teacher explains the lesson patiently.
    • Subject: The teacher
    • Predicate: explains the lesson patiently.
    • Explanation: “The teacher” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. The predicate, “Explains the lesson patiently,” comprises the verb “explains” for the action, the direct object “the lesson” for the explanation, and the adverb “patiently” for additional information about the performance of the action.
  6. Birds migrate to warmer regions during the winter.
    • Subject: Birds
    • Predicate: migrate to warmer regions during the winter
    • Explanation: “Birds” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Migrate to warmer regions during winter” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “migrate” (the action) and the prepositional phrase “to warmer regions during winter” (providing more information about where the action occurs).
  7. The river flows gently through the valley.
    • Subject: The river
    • Predicate: flows gently through the valley
    • Explanation: “The river” is the subject, indicating what is performing the action. The predicate, “Flows gently through the valley”, consists of the verb “flows” (the action), the adverb “gently” (providing more information about the action’s performance), and the prepositional phrase “through the valley” (providing more information about where the action occurs).
  8. My friend and I enjoy watching movies together.
    • Subject: My friend and I
    • Predicate: enjoy watching movies together.
    • Explanation: “My friend and I” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Enjoy watching movies together” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “enjoy” (the action) and the gerund phrase “watching movies together” (what they enjoy doing).
  9. The cat sleeps peacefully on the windowsill.
    • Subject: The cat
    • Predicate: sleeps peacefully on the windowsill.
    • Explanation: “The cat” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. The predicate, “Sleeps peacefully on the windowsill,” consists of the verb “sleeps” (the action), the adverb “peacefully” (providing more information about the action’s performance), and the prepositional phrase “on the windowsill” (providing more information about where the action occurs).
  10. Students study diligently for their exams.
    • Subject: Students
    • Predicate: study diligently for their exams.
    • Explanation: “Students” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. The predicate, “Study diligently for their exams,” consists of the verb “study” (the action), the adverb “diligently” (providing more information about the action’s performance), and the prepositional phrase “for their exams” (providing more information about what they are studying for).
  11. The flowers bloom beautifully in the spring.
    • Subject: The flowers
    • Predicate: bloom beautifully in the spring.
    • Explanation: “The flowers” is the subject, indicating what is performing the action. “Bloom beautifully in the spring” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “bloom” (the action) and the adverb “beautifully” (providing more information about how the action is performed) along with the prepositional phrase “in the spring” (providing more information about when the action occurs).
  12. She sings melodiously in the choir.
    • Subject: She
    • Predicate: sings melodiously in the choir.
    • Explanation: “She” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Sings melodiously in the choir” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “sings” (the action) and the adverb “melodiously” (providing more information about how the action is performed) along with the prepositional phrase “in the choir” (providing more information about where the action occurs).
  13. The chef prepares delicious meals in the kitchen.
    • Subject: The chef
    • Predicate: prepares delicious meals in the kitchen
    • Explanation: “The chef” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Prepares delicious meals in the kitchen” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “prepares” (the action) and the adjectival phrase “delicious meals” (what is being prepared) along with the prepositional phrase “in the kitchen” (providing more information about where the action occurs).
  14. They play soccer enthusiastically every Saturday.
    • Subject: They
    • Predicate: play soccer enthusiastically every Saturday.
    • Explanation: “They” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Play soccer enthusiastically every Saturday” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “play” (the action) and the adverb “enthusiastically” (providing more information about how the action is performed) along with the adverbial phrase “every Saturday” (providing more information about when the action occurs).
  15. The scientist conducts experiments meticulously in the laboratory.
    • Subject: The scientist
    • Predicate: conducts experiments meticulously in thelaboratory. – Explanation: “The scientist” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Conducts experiments meticulously in the laboratory” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “conducts” (the action) and the noun phrase “experiments” (what is being conducted) along with the adverb “meticulously” (providing more information about how the action is performed) and the prepositional phrase “in the laboratory” (providing more information about where the action occurs).
  16. The children eagerly await the arrival of the ice cream truck.
    • Subject: The children
    • Predicate: eagerly await the arrival of the ice cream truck
    • Explanation: “The children” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Eagerly await the arrival of the ice cream truck” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “await” (the action) modified by the adverb “eagerly” (providing more information about how the action is performed) along with the direct object “the arrival of the ice cream truck” (what they are awaiting).
  17. The artist paints vibrant landscapes in his studio.
    • Subject: The artist
    • Predicate: paints vibrant landscapes in his studio
    • Explanation: “The artist” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Paints vibrant landscapes in his studio” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “paints” (the action) and the direct object “vibrant landscapes” (what is being painted) along with the prepositional phrase “in his studio” (providing more information about where the action occurs).
  18. She reads novels voraciously in her free time.
    • Subject: She
    • Predicate: reads novels voraciously in her free time
    • Explanation: “She” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Reads novels voraciously in her free time” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “reads” (the action) modified by the adverb “voraciously” (providing more information about how the action is performed) along with the direct object “novels” (what she reads) and the prepositional phrase “in her free time” (providing more information about when the action occurs).
  19. The musician practices the piano diligently every morning.
    • Subject: The musician
    • Predicate: practices the piano diligently every morning
    • Explanation: “The musician” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Practices the piano diligently every morning” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “practices” (the action) and the direct object “the piano” (what is being practiced) modified by the adverb “diligently” (providing more information about how the action is performed) along with the adverbial phrase “every morning” (providing more information about when the action occurs).
  20. We explore new destinations eagerly during our vacations.
    • Subject: We
    • Predicate: explore new destinations eagerly during our vacations
    • Explanation: “We” is the subject, indicating who is performing the action. “Explore new destinations eagerly during our vacations” is the predicate, consisting of the verb “explore” (the action) modified by the adverb “eagerly” (providing more information about how the action is performed) along with the direct object “new destinations” (what we explore) and the adverbial phrase “during our vacations” (providing more information about when the action occurs).

Which part of the sentence indicates who or what the sentence is about?

A) Subject

B) Predicate

Answer: A) Subject

What part of the sentence contains the main action or what is being said about the subject?

A) Subject B) Predicate Answer: B) Predicate

Identify the subject in the following sentence: “The cat chased the mouse.”

A) Cat

B) Chased

Answer: A) Cat

Identify the predicate in the following sentence: “The teacher explained the lesson.”

A) Teacher

B) Explained the lesson

Answer: B) Explained the lesson

In the sentence “She sings beautifully,” what is the predicate?

A) She

B) Sings beautifully

Answer: B) Sings beautifully

Which part of the sentence describes the action performed by the subject?

A) Subject

B) Predicate

Answer: B) Predicate

Identify the subject in the sentence: “The sun sets in the west.”

A) The sun

B) Sets in the west

Answer: A) The sun

What part of the sentence tells what the subject is doing or what is being said about the subject?

A) Subject

B) Predicate

Answer: B) Predicate

In the sentence “The birds chirped loudly,” what is the predicate?

A) The birds

B) Chirped loudly

Answer: B) Chirped loudly

Which part of the sentence usually includes the verb?

A) Subject

B) Predicate

Answer: B) Predicate

Identify the subject in the sentence: “John plays football.”

A) John

B) Plays football

Answer: A) John

What part of the sentence tells us what the subject is or does?

A) Subject

B) Predicate

Answer: A) Subject

In the sentence “The flowers bloom in spring,” what is the predicate?

A) The flowers

B) Bloom in spring

Answer: B) Bloom in spring

Which part of the sentence often includes the subject?

A) Subject

B) Predicate

Answer: A) Subject

Identify the predicate in the sentence: “The dog barked loudly.”

A) The dog B) Barked loudly

Answer: B) Barked loudly

In the sentence “She dances gracefully,” what is the subject?

A) She

B) Dances gracefully

Answer: A) She

What part of the sentence provides information about the subject?

A) Subject

B) Predicate

Answer: A) Subject

Identify the subject in the sentence: “The car sped down the highway.”

A) The car

B) Sped down the highway

Answer: A) The car

What part of the sentence usually includes the verb?

A) Subject

B) Predicate

Answer: B) Predicate

In the sentence “They are studying for exams,” what is the predicate?

A) They

B) Are studying for exams

Answer: B) Are studying for exams

20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs)

20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) along with their answers on the topic of subject and predicate:

What is the subject in the sentence: “The birds are singing in the trees”?

(a) birds

(b) singing

(c) trees

(d) are

Answer: (a) birds

What is the predicate in the sentence: “The cat chased the mouse”?

(a) cat

(b) chased

(c) mouse

(d) the

Answer: (b) chased

In the sentence “She is reading a book,” what is the subject?

(a) reading

(b) she

(c) book

(d) is

Answer: (b) she

Identify the predicate in the sentence: “The children played happily in the park.”

(a) children

(b) played

(c) park

(d) in

Answer: (b) played

What is the subject in the sentence: “John and Mary are going to the store”?

(a) store

(b) are going

(c) John and Mary

(d) to the

Answer: (c) John and Mary

Which of the following is the predicate in the sentence: “The dog barks loudly at strangers”?

(a) dog

(b) barks loudly

(c) at strangers

(d) the

Answer: (b) barks loudly

What is the subject in the sentence: “The sun sets in the west”?

(a) sun

(b) sets

(c) in the west

(d) the

Answer: (a) sun

Identify the predicate in the sentence: “The students completed their homework on time.”

(a) students

(b) completed

(c) their homework

(d) on time

Answer: (b) completed

In the sentence “The flowers bloom in spring,” what is the subject?

(a) bloom

(b) in spring

(c) flowers

(d) the

Answer: (c) flowers

Which part of the sentence is the predicate in: “Sheila dances gracefully at the ballet”?

(a) ballet

(b) Sheila dances

(c) gracefully

(d) at the

Answer: (b) Sheila dances

What is the subject in the sentence: “The car broke down on the highway”?

(a) highway

(b) car

(c) broke down

(d) on the

Answer: (b) car

Identify the predicate in the sentence: “The chef prepared a delicious meal for the guests.”

(a) prepared

(b) chef

(c) delicious meal

(d) for the guests

Answer: (a) prepared

In the sentence “The rain poured heavily last night,” what is the subject?

(a) poured heavily

(b) last night

(c) rain

(d) the

Answer: (c) rain

Which part of the sentence is the predicate in: “The children played joyfully in the playground”?

(a) joyfully

(b) played

(c) in the playground

(d) the children

Answer: (b) played

What is the subject in the sentence: “The teacher explained the lesson to the students”?

(a) explained

(b) students

(c) the lesson

(d) the teacher

Answer: (d) the teacher

Identify the predicate in the sentence: “The cat caught a mouse under the table.”

(a) under the table

(b) caught a mouse

(c) cat

(d) the

Answer: (b) caught a mouse

In the sentence “The birds chirped melodiously at dawn,” what is the subject?

(a) melodiously

(b) at dawn

(c) chirped

(d) birds

Answer: (d) birds

Which part of the sentence is the predicate in: “Heather paints beautiful landscapes on canvas”?

(a) on canvas

(b) beautiful landscapes

(c) paints

(d) Heather

Answer: (c) paints

What is the subject in the sentence: “The baby laughed gleefully at the funny clown”?

(a) laughed gleefully

(b) funny clown

(c) the baby

(d) at the

Answer: (c) the baby

Identify the predicate in the sentence: “The runners sprinted across the finish line”?

(a) across the finish line

(b) sprinted

(c) runners

(d) the

Answer: (b) sprinted

Subject and Predicate Worksheet


  1. Read each sentence carefully.
  2. Identify the subject and predicate in each sentence.
  3. Write the subject in the first column and the predicate in the second column.
  4. Check your answers and correct any mistakes.


Sentence: The sun rises in the east. Subject: The sun Predicate: rises in the east


Sentence Subject Predicate
The cat chased the mouse.
Mary sings beautifully.
Birds build nests in trees.
The students completed the project.
Dogs bark loudly at night.
Jack and Jill went up the hill.
The teacher explained the lesson.
The river flows gently downstream.
Alex and Sarah are best friends.
The stars twinkle in the sky.

[Provide space for students to fill in the subjects and predicates for each sentence.]

Answer Key:

Sentence Subject Predicate
The cat chased the mouse. The cat chased the mouse.
Mary sings beautifully. Mary sings beautifully
Birds build nests in trees. Birds Build nests in trees.
The students completed the project. The students completed the project.
Dogs bark loudly at night. Dogs bark loudly at night.
Jack and Jill went up the hill. Jack and Jill went up the hill.
The teacher explained the lesson. The teacher explained the lesson.
The river flows gently downstream. The river flows gently downstream.
Alex and Sarah are best friends. Alex and Sarah are best friends.
The stars twinkle in the sky. The stars twinkle in the sky.

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