
20 Most Important Short Answer Questions Flamingo CBSE 2024๐ŸŒŸ | Q.10. Short answer type questions (from Prose and Poetry from the book Flamingo)


20 Most Important Short Answer Questions Flamingo CBSE 2024 will be useful for final preparation of final exam.

10. Short answer type questions (from Prose and Poetry from the book Flamingo), to
be answered in 40-50 words each. Questions should elicit inferential responses
through critical thinking. Five questions out of the six given, are to be answered.
(5ร—2=10 Marks)

Q.10 Answer ANY FIVE of the following six questions, in about 40-50 words. 5ร—2=10

(Short Answer Questions)20-Most-Important-Short-Answer-Questions-Flamingo-CBSE-2024๐ŸŒŸ

i. โ€œYou realise the true value of a thing only on losing it.โ€ Comment on this statement in the light of the story,ย The Last Lesson.

Ans.ย As per M. Hamel, French was not going to be taught from tomorrow. Hamel informed the villagers that French was not going to be taught in the school. There was an order from Berlin that German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The author, who showed no interest in the French language, started missing his mother tongue and felt sorry for not learning the language. Being a French teacher, he knew the value of language, but unfortunately, people couldnโ€™t realise the importance of French. Naturally, people realise the value only when they are free to learn the language. The same thing happened with the author. Everyone loves the country and its language. The mother tongue always reflects the rich culture of any country.
ii. State the common issue faced by most of the aged in the current times, with reference to the poemย My Mother at Sixty-six.

Ans.ย All of us are going to be old one day, and aging is a natural process. In this poem, the poetess explains the old age of her mother, and she tries to explain that all of us have to become old. Old age symptoms and gestures are common among all human beings. She explains the problems of old age in her poem, โ€œMy Mother at Sixty-six.โ€ She was seated beside her mother and looked at her face. Her motherโ€™s face was โ€˜doze, open-mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpseโ€™. All these words are the symbol of old age, which all of us have to face.
iii. What do we come to know about the author ofย Lost Spring,ย Anees Jung, through her interactions with Saheb and Mukesh?

Ans.Anees Jung explains how poverty affects children regardless of what they do. She explains that Saheb and Mukesh, like the other children, wanted to work according to their desires, but circumstances prevented them from doing so. Both Seemapuri and Ferozabad suffer from a lack of amenities. As a result, we can conclude that the title, Lost Spring, is appropriate in both parts of the story.
iv. Give two reasons why, according to Pablo Neruda, is โ€˜keeping quietโ€™ essential to attaining a better, more peaceful world. (Keeping Quiet)

Ans.The poet, Pablo Neruda, wants to convey through his poem, Keeping Quiet, that stillness is important for human beings. He conveys this idea through the title of the poem. We are always busy with our actions and donโ€™t have time for self-reflection. Therefore, the poet wants us to be still for a second, and during this stillness, we will realise the importance of being quiet in our acts. This moment of silence will be an esoteric moment for the whole world.
v. If the Christmas spirit is about selflessness, forgiveness and becoming โ€˜betterโ€™ versions of ourselves amongst other things, Edla Willmansson is the epitome of this spirit.
Justify with two points of evidence fromย The Rattrap.


Answer: Edla Willmansson handled the peddler in a respected way. Therefore, her empathy toward the peddler helped him to change his life. This is the main idea of The Rattrap where the author, Selma Lagerlof asks us that a bad man can be turned into a good human being if we treat the person with a human touch.

Elda cooperates with the peddler to change himself and offers him a Christmas suit as a gift. Therefore, her love and care help him to become a nice fellow. Thus, the peddler wrote to Elda and appreciated her,ย โ€œHonoured and noble Miss,โ€ sinceย you have been so nice toย me all day long. โ€œ

vi. How can we say that marriage was a compromise for Aunt Jennifer? Support your response with two justifications. (Aunt Jenniferโ€™s Tigers)

Ans.ย Do it yourself.

10 Answer ANY FIVE of the following six questions, in about 40-50 words. 5ร—2=10

vii. What can be inferred from Rajendra Prasadโ€™s recorded upshot of the lawyer consultations, at Motihari ?
[Reference โ€“ The senior lawyer replied, they had come to advise and help him; if he went to jail there would be nobodyย to advise and they would go home. What about the injustice to the sharecroppers, Gandhi demanded.]ย (Indigo)

i. Rajendra Prasadโ€™s Recorded Upshot in Motihari:ย It is clear from Rajendra Prasadโ€™s recorded conversation that the senior lawyer put his own safety ahead of addressing sharecroppersโ€™ injustice. Their main concern was advising Prasad and the potential absence of advice if Prasad went to jail, reflecting a lack of commitment to addressing broader social issues.
vii. Douglas uses sensory details to create a vivid image of the unfortunate experience in the pool. What might be the impact on the reader if the narration were more informative than sensory?ย (Deep Water)

ii. Impact of More Informative Narration in โ€˜Deep Waterโ€™:ย If the narration in โ€˜Deep Waterโ€™ were more informative than sensory, it might diminish the emotional impact on the reader. Sensory details engage readers emotionally, creating a more vivid and memorable experience. An overly informative approach could make the narrative feel detached and less engaging.
viii. How does the setting of the remote forest location in โ€˜The Rattrapโ€™ contribute to the overall tone and mood of the story?

Setting in โ€˜The Rattrapโ€™:ย The remote forest location in โ€˜The Rattrapโ€™ contributes to the overall tone and mood by creating an atmosphere of isolation and vulnerability. The setting enhances the sense of entrapment, mirroring the predicament of the main character. The forest symbolises lifeโ€™s challenges and uncertainties.
ix. How might the message of the poem, โ€˜Aunt Jenniferโ€™s Tigersโ€™ be different, if the following last four lines were omitted?ย When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.ย The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.

iv. Impact of Omitting the Last Four Lines in โ€˜Aunt Jenniferโ€™s Tigersโ€™:ย Omitting the last four lines in โ€˜Aunt Jenniferโ€™s Tigersโ€™ would alter the message significantly. The lines emphasise Aunt Jenniferโ€™s enduring struggles and the symbolic escape of the tigers from her art. Without these lines, the poemโ€™s commentary on female oppression and the enduring nature of art would be less pronounced.

x. Umberto Eco, with reference to โ€œThe Name of the Roseโ€ says, โ€œI think if I had written The Name of the Rose ten years earlier or ten years later, it wouldnโ€™t have been the same.โ€ What could he haveย meant?ย (The Interview)

v. Umberto Ecoโ€™s Statement on โ€˜The Name of the Roseโ€™:ย Umberto Ecoโ€™s statement suggests that the timing of writing โ€˜The Name of the Roseโ€™ was crucial to its essence. The cultural and intellectual context of that specific period influenced the novelโ€™s themes and resonances. Writing it earlier or later might have resulted in a different socio-intellectual backdrop, altering the novelโ€™s significance.
xi. What does the story of Subbuโ€™s success in the film industry reveal about the importance of loyalty, creativity, and versatility in this field?ย (Poets and Pancakes)

vi. Subbuโ€™s Success in the Film Industry:ย Subbuโ€™s success in the film industry underscores the importance of loyalty, creativity, and versatility. His loyalty to his mentor, creative flair in adapting stories, and versatility in handling diverse roles contributed to his success. The story highlights these qualities as essential for thriving in the dynamic and competitive film industry.

Anees Jung goes to Seemapuri:

  1. What is the name of the place Anees Jung visits, situated on the periphery of Delhi?
  2. Why doesn’t Saheb-e-Alam go to school?
  3. What is the meaning of Saheb-e-Alam’s full name, and does he know its meaning?
  4. Describe the living conditions in Seemapuri.
  5. Why did people come to Seemapuri in 1971?
  6. How do the residents of Seemapuri make a living?
  7. What challenges does Seemapuri face in terms of facilities like sewage, drainage, and sanitation?

a Anees Jung goes to Seemapuri, situated on the periphery of Delhi yet miles away from it. She comes to know that he doesnโ€™t go to school as there is no school in the neighborhood. His full name is โ€˜Saheb-e-Alamโ€™, and he doesnโ€™t know the meaning of his name. He roams the streets collecting garbage with his friends. Anees Jung goes to Seemapuri, situated on the periphery of Delhi yet miles away from it. People came to Seemapuri in 1971, and the Saheb family was one of them. 10,000 ragpickers are living in Seemapuri. Seemapuri is devoid of all facilities like sewage, drainage, and sanitation. There is no drinking water in the colony. She further asks about the reason for leaving their country. โ€œGarbage to them is goldโ€. They make both ends meet by collecting garbage.

(b) The peddler and the ironmaster’s invitation:

  1. Why does the peddler decline the initial invitation from the ironmaster?
  2. What changes the peddler’s mind about attending the Christmas party?
  3. How does Elda convince the peddler to join the Christmas party?
  4. Why does the ironmaster initially mistake the peddler for an old comrade?
  5. How does the peddler feel about stealing the crofter’s money?
  6. Describe the peddler’s transformation in preparation for the Christmas party.

(b) The peddler declined the offer of invitation as he was afraid of being caught. Therefore, fear of being caught compelled him to decline the offer. In the woods, he meets an ironmaster who took him as his old comrade. Therefore, the ironmaster invites the peddler for a Christmas party but the peddler denied to join. Then. Elda, the ironmasterโ€™s daughter convinced him to join them. In the meantime, he feels bad about stealing the crofterโ€™s money. They assist the peddler in getting a makeover, dressing him in nice clothes, and shaving his beard. The ironmaster then realises he made a mistake; the peddler was not his comrade.

(c) “The mighty dead” and immortal drink:

  1. Who are referred to as “the mighty dead” in the passage?
  2. How are these individuals remembered and why?
  3. What is the significance of the term “immortal drink” in the context of the passage?
  4. What happens to these brave hearts on doomsday or judgment day?

(c) โ€œThe mighty deadโ€ are those who have distinguished themselves through brave and noble acts. They live forever, and such brave hearts never die. They become legends of our history and are always remembered. Things that live a long time are called beautiful things. We always owe them for their noble cause. On doomsday or judgment day, a sprinkle of โ€˜immortal drinkโ€™ will be poured on them and they will be part of heaven and rewarded with โ€˜grandeurโ€™.

(d) The last lesson and the teacher’s departure:

  1. What compelled the teacher to leave the school forever?
  2. Describe the teacher’s emotions during his last lesson.
  3. Why was the teacher wearing formal dress on his last day at school?
  4. How was the teacher’s performance in the last lesson described?
  5. How does the teacher address the villagers and students in terms of tone and language?
  6. What qualities of the teacher are highlighted in the passage?

How does the poet portray the indifference of people towards roadside dwellers, and what impact does this indifference have on the dwellers?

(e) Poet depicting indifferent attitudes:

  1. How does the poet depict the attitudes of people towards roadside dwellers?
  2. What do the dwellers expect from the passing traffic?
  3. Describe the small farmers’ method of selling their produce.
  4. What do the small farmers hope to achieve with their sales?
  5. Why were the assurances made to the small farmers never kept?


The order from Berlin compelled him to leave the school forever. He became emotional while he was delivering his last lesson. So, we can say that he became emotional in the end.It was his last lesson in the school or we can say that it was his last day in the school so, he was wearing formal dress/

His performance in the last lesson was outstanding. He uses a solemn and gentle tone when he is addressing the villagers and students. He has a logical mind and can analyse problems to determine what is causing them.

(e) The poet depicts the indifferent attitudes of people towards the roadside dwellers. The dwellers expect some money from the โ€˜polished traffic passed with a mind aheadโ€™. People just turn their vehicles without looking at the booth. These small farmers just sell โ€œwild berriesโ€ in small homemade wooden boxes. They want a small share of their money to manage their families. Unfortunately, these assurances were never kept.

Answer any five of the following: 2ร—5=10
i. When did the writer join the Y. M. C. A. pool and why ?

i. The writer joined the YMCA pool to recover from a serious illness and regain strength through swimming exercises.
ii. Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler?

ii. Edla was pleased to see the gift that the peddler had left because it represented the peddler’s change of heart and the strength of kindness.
iii. What is distinctive about Umberto Ecoโ€™s academic writing style ?

iii. Umberto Eco’s academic writing style is characterised by its complexity, intertextuality, and multidisciplinary approach, making it distinctive and influential.
iv. Did Sophie really meet Danny Casey?

iv. No, Sophie did not really meet Danny Casey. She made up the meeting as a makeshift scenario to deal with her challenging circumstances.

v. What did the publisher think of โ€œThe Name of the Roseโ€?

The publisher highly praised “The Name of the Rose,” considering it a masterful work with immense literary and commercial potential.
vi. Write a brief note on the make-up department of the Gemini Studios.

vi. The make-up department of Gemini Studios plays a crucial role in transforming actors, enhancing their appearance, and contributing to the overall visual appeal of film productions.




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