
A Roadside Stand Class 12 MCQ Question Answer in One Shot

A Roadside Stand Class 12 MCQ Question Answer.

What is the central theme of the poem “A Roadside Stand”? a) Urban development b) Economic disparity c) Political power d) Rural celebrations Answer: b) Economic disparity

30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the poem “A Roadside Stand” by Robert Frost will help the students of class 12 English to score good marks in their final examination:

1.What is the central theme of the poem “A Roadside Stand”?

a) Urban development

b) Economic disparity

c) Political power

d) Rural celebrations

What is the central theme of the poem “A Roadside Stand”?

a) Urban development

b) Economic disparity

c) Political power

d) Rural celebrations

Answer: b) Economic disparity

In the poem, the roadside stand is described as:

a) Prosperous and thriving

b) Pathetically pled

c) A symbol of urban wealth

d) Politically influential

Answer: b) Pathetically pled

What does the roadside stand owner ask from the city people?

a) Food donations

b) A dole of bread

c) Support for the ruling party

d) A portion of the city’s money

Answer: b) A dole of bread

According to the poem, the traffic passing by the stand is described as:

a) Slow and considerate

b) Polished and indifferent

c) Stopping and curious

d) Crowded and chaotic

Answer: b) Polished and indifferent

What does the poet criticize regarding the promises made by politicians?

a) They are fulfilled promptly

b) They bring prosperity to the villagers

c) They are deceptive and unfulfilled

d) They lead to immediate relief

Answer: c) They are deceptive and unfulfilled

The term “polished traffic” refers to:

a) Well-maintained roads

b) Wealthy city dwellers

c) Slow-moving vehicles

d) Traffic police officers

Answer: b) Wealthy city dwellers

What are the stand owners expected to receive according to the news?

a) Shops near the theatre and the store

b) Financial aid from the government

c) Support from the city council

d) Prominent roles in the political party

Answer: a) Shops near the theatre and the store

In stanza 5, what does the poet feel himself unable to bear?

a) The weight of the city’s expectations

b) The thought of the stand owner’s suffering

c) The burden of political responsibilities

d) The pressure from the rural community

Answer: b) The thought of the stand owner’s suffering

Why are the city people referred to as “selfish cars”?

a) They never stop at the stand

b) They contribute to charity

c) They are environmentally friendly

d) They care for the stand owner’s feelings

Answer: a) They never stop at the stand

What is the “requisite lift of spirit” discussed in the poem?

a) Economic prosperity

b) Emotional relief

c) Political empowerment

d) Social recognition

Answer: b) Emotional relief

The poet contemplates putting the stand owners “gently out of their pain.” What does this suggest?

a) Physical violence

b) Immediate relief

c) A permanent solution

d) Temporary comfort

Answer: c) A permanent solution

What does the poet acknowledge about the relief mentioned in stanza 6?

a) It is easily achievable

b) It would be impractical

c) It requires political intervention

d) It is guaranteed for all stand owners

Answer: b) It would be impractical

What does the term “childish longing” refer to in the poem?

a) The innocence of rural life

b) Unrealistic hopes and desires

c) Childhood memories of the stand owner

d) The simplicity of the roadside stand

Answer: b) Unrealistic hopes and desires

What is the poet’s attitude towards the polished traffic passing by the stand?

a) Admiration

b) Indifference

c) Sympathy

d) Hostility

Answer: b) Indifference

Why does the stand owner pray near the open window?

a) To attract customers

b) To seek divine intervention

c) To express gratitude

d) To communicate with city dwellers

Answer: b) To seek divine intervention

According to stanza 3, what does the stand owner want to feel in his hand?

a) Food donations

b) City money

c) Political pamphlets

d) Financial support from the government

Answer: b) City money

In stanza 4, what is the purpose of relocating the stand owners to villages?

a) To provide them with better opportunities

b) To fulfill political promises

c) To improve their quality of life

d) To maintain the status quo

Answer: b) To fulfill political promises

What do the city people offer for sale at the roadside stand in stanza 2?

a) Wild berries and golden squash

b) Artistic paintings

c) Exotic flowers

d) Handcrafted goods

Answer: a) Wild berries and golden squash

What is the poet’s reflection in stanza 6 regarding the relief for the stand owners?

a) It is achievable through political action

b) It is impossible to attain

c) It requires financial assistance

d) It can be achieved through hard work

Answer: b) It is impossible to attain

What is the emotion conveyed by the line “That sadness that lurks near the open window”?

a) Joy

b) Contentment

c) Despair

d) Excitement

Answer: c) Despair

According to the poem, what does the landscape become due to the traffic?

a) Enriched

b) Marred c

) Decorated

d) Beautified

Answer: b) Marred

Why does the stand owner wait near the open window in stanza 5?

a) To enjoy the view

b) To escape the traffic

c) In almost open prayer for customers

d) To communicate with the city

Answer: c) In almost open prayer for customers

What does the poet suggest about the city’s promises in stanza 3?

a) They are genuine

b) They bring immediate relief

c) They are deceptive and unfulfilled

d) They improve rural life significantly

Answer: c) They are deceptive and unfulfilled

How does the speaker describe the landscape in stanza 2?

a) Desolate and barren

b) Flourishing and vibrant

c) Polluted and chaotic

d) Marred by signs

Answer: b) Flourishing and vibrant

What is the significance of the term “pathetically pled” in stanza 1?

a) Energetically demanded

b) Sadly requested

c) Forcefully argued

d) Proudly asserted

Answer: b) Sadly requested

According to the poet, what do the city people inquire about when they stop at the stand?

a) The stand owner’s well-being

b) The political situation in the village

c) The prices of the goods

d) The history of the roadside stand

Answer: c) The prices of the goods

What is the primary emotion conveyed in the poem?

a) Joy

b) Desperation

c) Indifference

d) Anger

Answer: b) Desperation

How does the stand owner feel about the traffic passing by?

a) Delighted

b) Ignored

c) Annoyed

d) Intimidated

Answer: b) Ignored

According to stanza 4, what is the impact of relocating the stand owners to villages?

a) Improved quality of life

b) Disruption of traditional life

c) Economic prosperity

d) Increased political influence

Answer: b) Disruption of traditional life

What does the term “requisite lift of spirit” suggest in stanza 6?

a) Political uprising

b) Emotional relief

c) Economic prosperity

Answer: b) Emotional relief

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