
Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Class 12 MCQ Questions

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Class 12 MCQ Questions. Adrienne Rich, a renowned American poet, wrote the moving poem “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers.” Included in the Class 12 English curriculum, this literary piece delves into the complexities of married life and the societal expectations placed upon women. Through vivid imagery and symbolism, Rich crafts a narrative that explores themes of oppression, artistic expression, and the struggle for individuality.

As students engage with the poem, the following set of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) aims to deepen their understanding, prompting thoughtful analysis and interpretation of the verses. These questions cover various aspects of the poem, fostering a comprehensive exploration of its themes and literary devices.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. Who is the poet of “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers”?
    • A) Robert Frost
    • B) Sylvia Plath
    • C) Adrienne Rich
    • D) Langston Hughes

    Answer: C) Adrienne Rich

  2. Where was Adrienne Rich born?
    • A) New York
    • B) Baltimore, Maryland
    • C) London
    • D) Paris

    Answer: B) Baltimore, Maryland

  3. What is the main theme of the poem?
    • A) Nature’s beauty
    • B) Women empowerment
    • C) Loss and despair
    • D) Love and relationships

    Answer: B) Women empowerment

  4. What do Aunt Jennifer’s tigers represent in the poem?
    • A) Fear
    • B) Male dominance
    • C) Freedom
    • D) Wisdom

    Answer: B) Male dominance

  5. Where are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers described as “prancing”?
    • A) In the forest
    • B) On the screen
    • C) Across the meadow
    • D) In the mountains

    Answer: B) On the screen

  6. What does the “massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band” symbolize?
    • A) Joy and happiness
    • B) Burden of marriage
    • C) Wealth and prosperity
    • D) Love and commitment

    Answer: B) Burden of marriage

  7. What does the phrase “ringed with ordeal” suggest in the poem?
    • A) Joyous moments
    • B) Never-ending problems
    • C) Family unity
    • D) Adventure and excitement

    Answer: B) Never-ending problems

  8. What is the tone used in “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers”?
    • A) Joyful
    • B) Sad and silent
    • C) Excited
    • D) Comical

    Answer: B) Sad and silent

  9. What does the poetess feel towards Aunt Jennifer?
    • A) Happiness
    • B) Regret
    • C) Sympathy
    • D) Envy

    Answer: C) Sympathy

  10. What is the meaning of “chivalric” in the context of the poem?
    • A) Dishonest
    • B) Dishonorable
    • C) Honorable and brave
    • D) Cowardly

    Answer: C) Honorable and brave

  1. What does the phrase “Denizen of a world of green” mean in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Residents of a city
    • B) Forest residents
    • C) People in love
    • D) Ocean creatures

    Answer: B) Forest residents

  2. How many members are there in Aunt Jennifer’s family?
    • A) 1
    • B) 2 (Aunt Jennifer and her husband)
    • C) 3
    • D) 4

    Answer: B) 2 (Aunt Jennifer and her husband)

  3. What does “the massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band” refer to in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Joyful marriage
    • B) Freedom
    • C) Burden of marriage on Aunt Jennifer
    • D) Antique jewelry

    Answer: C) Burden of marriage on Aunt Jennifer

  4. How does Aunt Jennifer use wool in the poem?
    • A) To knit scarves
    • B) To make a quilt
    • C) To embroider a wall panel
    • D) To craft toys

    Answer: C) To embroider a wall panel

  5. What does the poet mean by “Uncle’s wedding band”?
    • A) A symbol of love
    • B) A burden of marriage
    • C) A piece of jewelry
    • D) A family heirloom

    Answer: B) A burden of marriage

  6. What does the phrase “streek chivalric” mean in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Honorable and brave
    • B) Dishonorable
    • C) Hidden in the streaks
    • D) Symbolic of power

    Answer: A) Honorable and brave

  7. What is the meaning of “still ringed” in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Complete silence
    • B) Oppression will continue
    • C) Ringing bells
    • D) Endless happiness

    Answer: B) Oppression will continue

  8. Who represents Uncle in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Tigers
    • B) Aunt Jennifer
    • C) The wedding band
    • D) Oppression symbol

    Answer: D) Oppression symbol

  9. What is the result of marriage in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Joy and fulfillment
    • B) Total loss of freedom for women
    • C) Mutual understanding
    • D) Financial stability

    Answer: B) Total loss of freedom for women

  10. What does the word “ringed” symbolize for Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Circular motion
    • B) Marriage problems are like a circle
    • C) Jewelry design
    • D) Freedom

    Answer: B) Marriage problems are like a circle

  1. What is the meaning of “ordeal” in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Celebration
    • B) Hardship
    • C) Adventure
    • D) Joy

    Answer: B) Hardship

  2. What does the phrase “ringed with ordeal” indicate in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Continuous struggles
    • B) Endless celebrations
    • C) Broken marriage
    • D) Carefree life

    Answer: A) Continuous struggles

  3. How does the poet describe tigers in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Fearful
    • B) Powerful and unafraid
    • C) Weak
    • D) Colorful

    Answer: B) Powerful and unafraid

  4. What do the tigers in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers represent?
    • A) Submissiveness
    • B) Weakness
    • C) Power
    • D) Invisibility

    Answer: C) Power

  5. What is the main theme of the poem, “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers”?
    • A) Joy in marriage
    • B) Freedom in relationships
    • C) The burden of marriage on a woman
    • D) Tigers in the forest

    Answer: C) The burden of marriage on a woman

  6. What is the tone used in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Happiness
    • B) Sadness and silence
    • C) Anger
    • D) Excitement

    Answer: B) Sadness and silence

  7. What is the meaning of “sleek” in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Messy
    • B) Elegant
    • C) Noisy
    • D) Clumsy

    Answer: B) Elegant

  8. What does the poet want to suggest in the poem by using tigers and Aunt Jennifer?
    • A) Male dominance
    • B) Female superiority
    • C) Family bonding
    • D) Tigers’ power

    Answer: A) Male dominance

  9. What are the views of the poetess in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers on feminism?
    • A) Celebrates feminism
    • B) Ignores feminism
    • C) Criticizes the problems faced by women
    • D) Encourages male dominance

    Answer: C) Criticizes the problems faced by women

  10. What are the poetic devices used in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Rhyme and meter
    • B) Prose and drama
    • C) Simile and metaphor
    • D) Alliteration and onomatopoeia

    Answer: A) Rhyme and meter

  1. What does the phrase “Denizen of a world of green” mean in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Residents of the city
    • B) Forest residents
    • C) Tigers in captivity
    • D) Inhabitants of the desert

    Answer: B) Forest residents

  2. How does the poet bring contrast to Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Strong woman creates tigers
    • B) Weak woman makes tigers on the screen
    • C) Tigers create a strong woman
    • D) Aunt Jennifer and tigers are the same

    Answer: B) Weak woman makes tigers on the screen

  3. What does the word “ringed” symbolize for Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Unity
    • B) Freedom
    • C) Marriage problems like a circle
    • D) Happiness

    Answer: C) Marriage problems like a circle

  4. What does the phrase “ringed with ordeal” indicate in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Continuous struggles
    • B) Endless celebrations
    • C) Broken marriage
    • D) Carefree life

    Answer: A) Continuous struggles

  5. What is the meaning of “chivalric” in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Cowardly
    • B) Dishonest
    • C) Honourable and brave
    • D) Greedy

    Answer: C) Honourable and brave

  6. What does the phrase “still ringed” in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers suggest?
    • A) Marriage has ended
    • B) No more struggles
    • C) Oppression will continue
    • D) Joyful life

    Answer: C) Oppression will continue

  7. How many members are there in Aunt Jennifer’s family?
    • A) 1
    • B) 2 (Aunt Jennifer and her husband)
    • C) 3
    • D) 4

    Answer: B) 2 (Aunt Jennifer and her husband)

  8. What does “the massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band” refer to in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Symbol of love
    • B) Freedom
    • C) The burden of marriage on Aunt Jennifer
    • D) Aunt Jennifer’s wealth

    Answer: C) The burden of marriage on Aunt Jennifer

  9. How does Aunt use wool in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) She knits sweaters
    • B) She makes blankets
    • C) She embroiders a wall panel
    • D) She sells it in the market

    Answer: C) She embroiders a wall panel

  10. What is the result of marriage in Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers?
    • A) Freedom for women
    • B) Total loss of freedom for women
    • C) Happiness
    • D) No impact on freedom

    Answer: B) Total loss of freedom for women

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