
Principal Sir, M.S.Yadav

I am a twelfth-grade English teacher in Jhajjar, India. I enjoy engaging with students, parents, and educators to improve Read, Learn, and Excel skills of my students so that they can be happy citizens of the world. I am passionate about helping learners have meaningful experiences in the classroom as well as in their local community. I frequently collaborate with other educators to help them implement new strategies in their classrooms that put learners’ needs first. Through frequent reflection, I strive to improve my teaching with every lesson and embrace being a guide on the side. I love to listen to students’ questions and share new ideas with my students, parents, and teachers.

HBSE Pre-Board Sample Paper Class 12 English (Core) 2022–23/ TIPS TO SCORE MAXIMUM MARKS in exams hbse cbse, english grammar

Writing a Paragraph for Class 10 and 12: Exam Panic 

Writing a Paragraph for the Exam Panic or fear of exams is an important topic for the students of classes 12 and 10 at HBSE schools. Exam panic is common among students. Exams always bring tension, fear, and anxiety, irrespective of their nature, and nobody can avoid them. In fact, Albert Einstein suffered from exam […]

Writing a Paragraph for Class 10 and 12: Exam Panic  Read More »


Importance of class 10 Board’s Exams in the life of a Student to Excel in Academic Career

There is a three-tier system in school education in India. Elementary education is the beginning of secondary education, and class 10 is the most important stage for students to succeed in senior school. Furthermore, CBSE and all other Indian boards consider class 10 to be a board class. The psychological factor of fear of exams

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Writing Short Paragraphs for Class 10|Format, Tips, and Examples

Writing short paragraphs for class 10 English and covering one topic without delving into the various points of the essay. Long paragraphs are difficult for the students at level 10 to write and understand. Moreover, they are suitable for the reader to understand the main points of things they want. Short paragraphs are easier to

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Paragraph Writing for Class 10: Importance of Books

Books play an important role in everybody’s lives; they introduce us to a world of imagination, provide knowledge of the outside world, and improve our reading, writing, and speaking skills. They boost our memory and intelligence.  If you want a friend, books can become your best friend. Try it first and then realize in the

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target course and college

How to deal with Exam Results Stress: Tips for Parents, Students, and Teachers

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”  Winston Churchill Are you waiting for your results anxiously? Are you excited about your results? Are you under the stress of unexpected results? Do you have a phobia of results in your mind? These are the major questions that

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Unseen Passage for Class 12| Reading Comprehension: World Health Day

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: A happy mind lives in a healthy body, the secret of Indian Culture needs to be adopted. Our minds and body have been ailing for the last two years due to Covid-19. Due to Covid-19, the cases of proper sleep and depression have increased. Let

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Unseen Passage Class12|Reading Comprehension: Self- Regulation For Students

Read the passage and answer the following questions: Generally, every individual can resist impulses at a personal level, adapt their behaviour to a range of standards, and modify prevailing behaviour in the service of achieving distal goals; it is called Self-regulation. You can call self-regulation different names such as self-control of anger, self-management, and emotional

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Unseen Passage Class 12|Reading Comprehension: The World Environment Day|Home-Work

Read the following passage given below and answer the questions that follow: Environment Day is celebrated every year on the 5th of June on different platforms to spread the message to protect our beloved Earth, a living entity. We have to protect this earth, not only for us but for our future generations also. We

Unseen Passage Class 12|Reading Comprehension: The World Environment Day|Home-Work Read More »

D.A.V. School, Faridabad, is organising an environmental day on 5th June, 2022. You are Principal of the School. Write a notice for the school notice board explaining the details of the program.

D.A.V. Senior Secondary School,                     is Organising an Environment Day on the occasion of World Environment Day on June 5, 2022, The details are given below: Venue: The School Auditorium Date: 5 June 2022 Time: 10: 00 a.m. Programs: Painting Competition, Poster Making, Speech, and Quiz

D.A.V. School, Faridabad, is organising an environmental day on 5th June, 2022. You are Principal of the School. Write a notice for the school notice board explaining the details of the program. Read More »