
CUET 2022: Language Test Model Papers Solutions and Practice Test Part-3

cuet2022 part 3 reading comprehension

In CUET 2022, there are 13 and 20 languages available, and you must appear in two of them. One from A1 and the other from B1. Students may choose any of these languages. Section B1 includes 20 languages. You can choose any language other than those listed in Section A1 in this section. Do you know that language sections are crucial in passing CUET 2022? DO YOU KNOW THE PREPARATION METHOD? In CUET 2022, what is the weightage of these two parts? The following will be different parts of languages papers:

Reading Comprehension: PUBLISHED


Rearranging the components: SOON

Choosing the proper word: SOON

Antonyms and Synonyms: SOON

Vocabulary: SOON

I will do my best to provide you with the best information I have. Furthermore, I have twenty-seven years of experience teaching English to various classes. In this article, my emphasis will be on reading comprehension which is the major part of the CUET 2022. I will discuss the importance, methods, and strategies to solve the comprehension part of the language portion:

What is Reading Comprehension?

The purpose of reading is to gain comprehension. Readers are not reading if they can read the words but do not understand or relate to what they are reading. Good readers are both purposeful and active, with the ability to absorb, analyse, make sense of, and apply what they read. Before doing Reading Comprehension Passages, and Exercises for English Class 12th, understand the meaning of skimming, why we need skimming, and important steps while doing comprehension. I hope, the following discussion will boost your knowledge of Reading Comprehension.

What do you mean by skimming? How does it help comprehension?

Skimming is a method of strategic, selective reading in which you concentrate on the main ideas of a text. When skimming, skip text that contains details, stories, data, or other elaboration. Rather than reading every word, concentrate on the introduction, chapter summaries, first and last sentences of paragraphs, bold words, and text features. Skimming is the process of extracting the essence of the author’s main points rather than the finer points.

Why do we need skimming?

  • When reading, you need the big picture or major points.
  • Even if you plan to read the book in-depth, skimming can help you better understand what you read.
  • Knowing when and how to skim will make you a better reader.
  • You’ll get better at determining the text’s importance.
  • Sometimes your lecturer wants you to focus on the big picture rather than the minute details. In such conditions, skimming helps you grasp the text’s main ideas.
  • Skimming helps in Maximum utilisation of time




While doing comprehension, keep the following steps in mind:

Step 1: Before looking at the questions, skim as quickly as possible to determine the main idea. At this point, don’t be concerned about unfamiliar words.

Step 2: Highlight the words you don’t understand to help you understand the passage completely. This will allow you to answer the vocabulary questions more quickly.

Step 3: Carefully read the words. It is recommended that you keep the order of the questions on the test paper. Read the section relevant to the answer carefully.

Step 4: Concentrate on the vocabulary items and find out the meanings of unfamiliar words from the context.

Consider the following points while Skimming

  • Read the passage carefully and find out the main points or theme explained in the passage.
  • Underline the keywords like causes, results, and effects.
  • Don’t ignore the signal words like versus, pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages.
  • Read the passage at least two times.
  • Now, read the questions again.
  • Start the second reading of the passage. This reading should be exhaustive. Highlight key sentences or words related to the questions.
  • Make every effort to use your own words. This means you must summarise and interpret information rather than copy entire ‘chunks’ from the passage.
  • When answering factual questions, do not include information not provided in the passage.

RELATED: CUET 2022: Systematic Plan To Crack the Exams/Samadhan

Frequently Asked Questions: Comprehension

What is the connection between word reading and reading comprehension?

  • Reading consists of two parts: word recognition and language comprehension. Both are required for reading comprehension to take place.
  • Children who struggle with word reading, on the other hand, will read the text more slowly and may not be able to decode all of the important words accurately.
  • This can result in significant reading comprehension deficits.
  • Strong word reading thus contributes significantly to the ease and quality of a child’s reading comprehension.

What do mean by reading comprehension, and why is it required?

  • Reading comprehension refers to the ability to read text, process it, and comprehend its meaning.
  • It is based on two interconnected skills: word reading and language comprehension.
  • We don’t merely remember what we read when we comprehend a text.
  • Reading with purpose requires good comprehension.

What factors contribute to good comprehension?

  • Background information and vocabulary
  • Abilities in integration and inference
  • Comprehension of language structure/connections
  • Understanding and application of text structure
  • Monitoring comprehension

Does the amount of time students spend reading affect their comprehension skills?

  • Reading time always improves students’ comprehensive skills because they understand the topic better when they devote more time to reading.
  • Reading to young children and helping them in building positive reading mindsets can help them develop a habit that will allow them to build competency skills and knowledge throughout their careers.

Here are some fundamental suggestions for improving your reading ability:

  • Always read with a specific goal in mind. Reading for no reason is tedious and wastes your time.
  • Read for concepts rather than just words. Every word conveys a notion or a set of thoughts, but two words combined can convey a completely new message.
  • Set your goals based on your mission and keep going.
  • When reading, always have a dictionary on hand. If possible, write down the unfamiliar words along with their definitions. It will also help you boost your vocabulary.
  • Pay close attention to the punctuation used throughout the text. It has the potential to alter many things.
  • Take as much time as you need to develop your creativity, intellect, emotion, or memory while reading for enjoyment.
  • Simply scan and skim through the text to gain the information you need when reading for a literal grasp of what you want to know. It will save you time and effort. For further information on reading tactics, see Scanning and Skimming.
  • When reading for analysis and interpretation, go through each word, then each phrase, then each clause, then each sentence, and finally the entire text. It will provide you with numerous fresh ways to read a text.
  • Continue to read.
  • Concentrate as much as possible.
  • Have fun reading. Stop reading something if it becomes uninteresting or worthless, and go on to something else.
  • Always find something to read that you can understand. Begin with simple texts. Then go for the challenging ones.
  • Make any necessary adjustments to your reading environment.

CUET Language Test Practice Papers

NTA has provided students with 13+20 languages to choose from, but English and Hindi will be the most popular in the CUET 2022 exam. My guide offers up-to-date Model Papers for CUET English and Hindi question papers. These sample question papers and mock exams can be found in the CUET English Papers and CUET Hindi Papers sections of the myCBSEguide App and Dashboard.

 Examination Questions for Reading Comprehension

Question 1.

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (CBSE 2011)

1. For many years now the Governments have been promising the eradication of child labour in hazardous industries in India. But the truth is that despite all the rhetoric no Government so far has succeeded in eradicating this evil, nor has any been able to ensure compulsory primary education for every Indian child. Between 60 and 100 million children are still at work instead of going to school, and around 10 million are working in hazardous industries. India has the biggest child population of 380 million in the world; plus the largest number of children who are forced to earn a living.

2. We have many laws that ban child labour in hazardous industries. According to the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986, the employment of children below the age of 14 in hazardous occupations has been strictly banned. But each state has different rules regarding the minimum age of employment. This makes the implementation of these laws difficult.

3. Also, there is no ban on child labour in nonhazardous occupations. The act applies to the organised or factory sector and not the unorganized or informal sector where most children find employment as cleaners, servants, porters, waiters, among other forms of unskilled work. Thus, child labour continues because the implementation of the existing law is lax.

4. There are industries, which have a special demand for child labour because of their nimble fingers, high level of concentration and capacity to work hard at abysmally low wages. The carpet industry in U.P. and Kashmir employs children to make hand-knotted carpets. There are 80,000 child workers in Jammu & Kashmir alone. In Kashmir because of the political unrest, children are forced to work while many schools are shut. Industries like gem cutting and polishing, pottery and glass want to remain competitive by employing children.

5. The truth is that it is poverty which is pushing children into the brutish labour market. We have 260 million people below the poverty line in India, a large number of them are women. Poor and especially woman-headed families have no option but to push their little ones in this hard life in hostile conditions, with no human or labour rights.

6. There is a lobby which argues that there is nothing wrong with children working as long as the environment for work is conducive to learning new skills but studies have shown that the children are made to do boring, repetitive and tedious jobs and are not taught new skills as they grow older. In these hellholes like the sweet shops of the old, there is no hope.

7. Children working in hazardous industries are prone to debilitating diseases which can cripple them for life. By sitting in cramped, damp and unhygienic spaces, their limbs become deformed for life. Inside matchstick, fireworks and glass industries they are victims of bronchial diseases and T.B. Their mental and physical development is permanently impaired by long hours of work. Once trapped, they can’t get out of this vicious circle of poverty. They remain uneducated and powerless. Finally, in later years, they too are compelled to send their own children to work. Child labour perpetuates its own nightmare.

8. If at all the Government was serious about granting children their rights, an intensive effort ought to have been made to implement the Supreme Court’s Directive of 1997 which laid down punitive action against employers of child labour. Only compulsory primary education can eliminate child labour.

9. Surely, if 380 million children are given a better life and elementary education, India’s human capital would be greatly enhanced. But that needs, as former President Abdul Kalam says, “a Second

(i) On which two counts has the Government not succeeded so far in respect of children?
(ii) What makes the implementation of child labour law difficult?
(iii) Why do industries prefer child labour?
(iv) What are the adverse effects of hazardous industries on children? Given any two.
(v) What does the Supreme Court’s Directive of 1997 provide?
(I )The government has not yet succeeded in eliminating child labour in dangerous industries or establishing obligatory elementary education for youngsters.
(ii) Child labour is difficult to implement since each state has distinct minimum age requirements for work and there is no ban on child labour in non-hazardous occupations.
(iii) Businesses like child labour because youngsters have the ability to work hard, have a high degree of focus, and may be hired for minimal pay.
(iv) Children who labour in hazardous sectors are susceptible to crippling diseases that can leave them permanently disabled. Their limbs become disfigured for life as a result of sitting in confined, moist, and unsanitary spaces. Children are exposed to bronchial illnesses and tuberculosis in the matchstick, fireworks, and glass industries.
(v) The Supreme Court’s 1997 Directive provides for disciplinary action against child labour companies.

(b) Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following:
(i) risky/dangerous (para 1)
(ii) very unfriendly (para 5)
(iii) intended as punishment (para 8)
(i) hazardous
(ii) hostile
(iii) punitive

Question 2.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: ( 2012)

1. While there is no denying that the world loves a winner, it is important that you recognize the signs, of stress in your behaviour and be healthy enough to enjoy your success. Stress can strike anytime, in a fashion that may leave you unaware of its presence in your life. While a certain amount of pressure is necessary for performance, it is important to be able to recognize your individual limit. For instance, there are some individuals who accept competition in a healthy fashion. There are others who collapse into weeping wrecks before an exam or on comparing marks sheets and finding that their friend has scored better.

2. Stress is a body reaction to any demands or changes in its internal and external environment. Whenever there is a change in the external environment such as temperature, pollutants, humidity and working conditions, it leads to stress. In these days of competition when a person makes up his mind to surpass what has been achieved by others, leading to an imbalance between demands and resources, it causes psychosocial stress. It is a part and parcel of everyday life.

3. Stress has a different meaning, depending on the stage of life you are in. The loss of a toy or a reprimand from the parents might create a stress shock in a child. An adolescent who fails an examination may feel as if everything has been lost and life has no further meaning. In an adult the loss of his or her companion, job or professional failure may appear as if there is nothing more to be achieved.

4. Such signs appear in the attitude and behaviour of the individual, as muscle tension in various parts of the body, palpitation and high blood pressure, indigestion and hyperacidity. Ultimately the result is self-destructive behaviour such as eating and drinking too much, smoking excessively, relying on tranquilisers. There are other signs of stress such as trembling, shaking, nervous blinking, dryness of throat and mouth and difficulty in swallowing.

5. The professional under stress behaves as if he is a perfectionist. It leads to depression, lethargy and weakness. Periodic mood shifts also indicate the stress status of the students, executives and professionals.

6. In a study sponsored by World Health Organization and carried out by Harvard School of Public Health, the global burden of diseases and injury indicated that stress diseases and accidents are going to be the major killers in 2020.

7. The heart disease and depression both stress diseases are going to rank first and second in 2020. Road traffic accidents are going to be the third-largest killers. These accidents are also an indicator of psychosocial stress in a fast-moving society. Other stress diseases like ulcers, hypertension and sleeplessness have assumed epidemic proportions in modern societies.

8. A person under stress reacts in different ways and the common ones are flight, fight and flee depending upon the nature of the stress and capabilities of the person. The three responses can be elegantly chosen to cope with the stress so that stress does not damage the system and become distressed.

9. When stress crosses the limit, peculiar to an individual, it lowers his performance capacity. Frequent crossings of the limit may result in chronic fatigue in which a person feels lethargic, disinterested and is not easily motivated to achieve anything. This may make the person mentally undecided, confused and accident-prone as well. Sudden exposure of unnerving stress may also result in a loss of memory. Diet, massage, food supplements, herbal medicines, hobbies, relaxation techniques and dance movements are excellent stress busters.

(i) What is stress? What factors lead to stress?
(ii) What are the signs by which a person can know that he is under stress?
(iii) What are the different diseases a person gets due to stress?
(iv) Give any two examples of stress busters.
(v) How does a person react under stress?
(I) Stress is the body’s reaction to changes in its external and internal environment. Stress is caused by changes in the external environment, such as temperature, pollution, humidity, and working circumstances.
(ii) When a person is stressed, certain symptoms emerge in their attitude and behaviour. Muscle tension in various body regions, palpitation, high blood pressure, indigestion, and hyperacidity are some of these symptoms. Trembling, shaking, anxious blinking, dryness of the throat and mouth, and difficulty swallowing are some stress-related symptoms.
(iii) The two most common stress-related disorders are heart disease and depression. Ulcers, hypertension, and insomnia are some of the other stress-related illnesses.
(iv) Stress relievers include herbal remedies and relaxation techniques.
(v) Depending on the nature of the stress and a person’s capabilities, a person under stress might react in a variety of ways, the most typical of which are flight, fight, and flee.

(b) Which words in the above passage mean the same as the following?
(i) Fall down (para 1)
(ii) rebuke (para 3)
(iii) inactive (para 9)
(i) collapse
(ii) reprimand
(iii) lethargic

Question 3.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: ( 2013)

1. Air pollution is an issue which concerns us all alike. One can willingly choose or reject a food, a drink or a life comfort, but unfortunately there is little choice for the air we breathe. All, what is there in the air is inhaled by one and all living in those surroundings.

2. Air pollutant is defined as a substance which is present while normally it is not there or present in an amount exceeding the normal concentrations. It could either be gaseous or a particulate matter. The important and harmful polluting gases are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone and oxides of sulphur and nitrogen. The common particulate pollutants are the dusts of various inorganic or organic origins. Although we often talk of the outdoor air pollution caused by industrial and vehicular exhausts, the indoor pollution may prove to be as or a more important cause of health problems.

3. Recognition of air pollution is relatively recent. It is not uncommon to experience a feeling of ‘suffocation’ in a closed environment. It is often ascribed to the lack of oxygen. Fortunately, however, the composition of air is remarkably constant all over the world. There is about 79 per cent nitrogen and 21 per cent oxygen in the air the other gases forming a very small fraction. It is true that carbon dioxide exhaled out of lungs may accumulate in a closed and overcrowded place. But such an increase is usually small and temporary unless the room is really airtight. Exposure to poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide may occur in a closed room, heated by burning cctal inside. This may also prove to be fatal.

4. What is more common in a poorly ventilated home is a vague constellation of symptoms described as the sickbuilding syndrome. It is characterized by a general feeling of malaise, headache, diiiiness and irritation of mucous membranes. It may also be accompanied by nausea, itching, aches, pains and depression. Sick building syndrome is getting commoner in big cities with the small houses, which are generally overfurnished. Some of the important pollutants whose indoor concentrations exceed those of the outdoors include gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and organic substances like spores, formaldehydes, hydrocarbon aerosols and allergens. The sources are attributed to a variety of construction materials, insulations, furnishings, adhesives, cosmetics, house dusts, fungi and other indoor products.

5. Byproducts of fuel combustion are important in houses with indoor kitchens. It is not only the burning of dried dung and fuel wood which is responsible, but also kerosene and liquid petroleum gas. Oxides of both nitrogen and sulphur are released from their combustion.

6. Smoking of tobacco in the closed environment is an important source of indoor pollution. It may not be high quaniiiatively, but signiiicantly hazardous for health. It is because of the fact that there are over 3,000 chemical consiiiuents in tobacco smoke, which have been identiiied. These are harmful for human health.

7. Microorganisms and allergens are of special signiiicance in the causation and spread of diseases. Most of the infective illnesses may involve more persons of a family living in common indoor environment. These include viral and bacterial diseases like tuberculosis.

8. Besides infections, allergic and hypersensitivity disorders are spreading fast. Although asthma is the most common form of respiratory allergic disorders, pneumonias are not uncommon, but more persistent and serious. These are attributed to exposures to allergens from various fungi, moulds, hay and other organic materials. Indoor air ventilation systems, coolers, airconditioners, dampness, decay, pet animals, production or handling of the causative items are responsible for these hypersensitivitydiseases.

9. Obviously, the spectrum of pollution is very wide and our options are limited. Indoor pollution may be handled relatively easily by an individual. Moreover, the good work must start from one’s own house. (Extracted from The Tribune)

(i) What is an air pollutant? 1
(ii) In what forms are the air pollutants present? 2
(iii) Why do we feel suffocated in a closed environment? 1
(iv) What is sick building syndrome? How is it increasing? 2
(v) How is indoor smoking very hazardous? 1
(vi) How can one overcome the dangers of indoor air pollution? 2
(I) An air pollutant is a material that is present in excess of normal amounts when it is not ordinarily present.
(ii) Air contaminants might be in the form of gases or particles. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone, and sulphur and nitrogen oxides are all dangerous contaminating gases. Dusts of diverse inorganic or organic origins are the most frequent particle contaminants.
(iii) In a closed environment, we often feel suffocated due to a lack of oxygen.
In a poorly ventilated room, sick building syndrome is a confusing constellation of symptoms. A overall feeling of malaise, headache, dizziness, and mucous membrane irritation characterise sick building syndrome. Nausea, itching, aches, pains, and depression are all possible symptoms. This problem is becoming more prevalent in large cities, where there are an increasing number of small houses that are overly furnished.
(v) Indoor smoking is extremely dangerous since tobacco smoke contains over 3,000 chemical constituents that are damaging to human health.
(vi) Indoor pollution can be minimised by having well-ventilated homes and increasing the amount of greenery around them. It can also be avoided by not smoking tobacco in enclosed spaces and not burning coal in enclosed spaces.

(b) Find the words from the above passage which mean the same as the following: 3
(i) giddiness (para 4)
(ii) constant (para 8)
(iii) humidity (para 8)
(i) diiiiness
(ii) persistent
(iii) dampness




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