
Diary Entry: All Chapters of Vistas Class 12 English

Diary Entry: All Chapters of Vistas Class 12 English

Diary Entry: All Chapters of Vistas Class 12 English

Write a diary entry sharing your observations.

The Class 12 English CBSE examination has been known to include diary entry questions.

Class 12 English Vistas Diary Entry

Diary Entry: All Chapters of Vistas Class 12 English

Format of a Diary Entry

  1. Date: At the top of the entry, write the date.
  2. Day: Mention the day of the week.
  3. Salutation: Start with “Dear Diary,” or something similar.
  4. Introduction: Begin with a brief introduction or summary of the day’s events or the main topic you want to discuss.
  5. Body: Elaborate on the events, feelings, thoughts, and observations. This is the main part where you express your emotions and reflect on your experiences.
  6. Conclusion: End with a conclusion or a summary of your thoughts and feelings. You might also include any hopes or plans for the future.
  7. Signature: Sign off with your name or initials.

Diary Entry


Today, I found myself daydreaming about Charley’s peculiar adventure to the imaginary third level in Grand Central Station. While I’ve never stumbled upon a literal third level, I’ve had moments where reality and imagination intertwined seamlessly.

Once, during a particularly stressful [situation], I found myself in a [place] after a [activity]. It was an ordinary place, yet, as I [action], the world seemed to shift. The [sounds/visuals] created an almost magical ambiance. For a fleeting moment, I felt detached from the present, immersed in a serene, timeless realm. It was as if I had slipped into a parallel universe where worries were nonexistent.

In this peaceful escape, I envisioned myself as a [imagined role], [activity in imagined role]. The tranquility allowed me to recharge and gain a fresh perspective on my challenges. This experience, much like Charley’s, reminded me of the power of imagination and the importance of finding solace in simple moments.

  • [Your Name]
Example Diary Entry “The Third Level” of Vistas

🗓️ Date: May 29, 2024

📅 Day: Wednesday

Dear Diary,

Today, I delved into the intriguing world of “The Third Level” by Jack Finney. 🌆 The story captivated me with its blend of reality and fantasy, exploring the protagonist Charley’s discovery of a mysterious third level at Grand Central Station. Charley’s yearning for escape from the stresses of modern life is something many can relate to. 🌉

The idea that he could find a portal to a simpler, bygone era—the peaceful 1890s—was fascinating. It made me ponder our own desires to escape the chaos of contemporary life and find solace in the past. ⏳ The detailed descriptions of the third level and Charley’s interactions there felt vivid and real, making me question the boundaries between reality and imagination.

Finney’s story also touches on themes of escapism and the power of belief. 🧳 Charley’s conviction in the existence of the third level, despite skepticism from others, highlights how our perceptions can shape our reality. This whimsical tale left me reflecting on the fine line between sanity and delusion, and the lengths to which people will go to find happiness and peace. 🕊️

Overall, “The Third Level” was a thought-provoking read that challenged my understanding of reality and left me with a sense of wonder. 🌠


[Your Name]

Have you ever been in a situation similar to Charley’s, who went to the imaginary third level? What would you be doing there, and how did you reach such a situation? Write a diary entry sharing your observations.

Diary Entry

June 5, 2024

Today, I found myself daydreaming about Charley’s peculiar adventure to the imaginary third level in Grand Central Station. While I’ve never stumbled upon a literal third level, I’ve had moments where reality and imagination intertwined seamlessly.

Once, during a particularly stressful week at work, I found myself in a quiet park after a long walk. It was an ordinary place, yet, as I sat under an ancient oak tree, the world seemed to shift. The rustling leaves sounded like whispers from another time, and the soft sunlight filtering through the branches created an almost magical ambiance. For a fleeting moment, I felt detached from the present, immersed in a serene, timeless realm. It was as if I had slipped into a parallel universe where worries were nonexistent.

In this peaceful escape, I envisioned myself as a writer from a bygone era, penning stories inspired by nature’s beauty. The tranquility allowed me to recharge and gain a fresh perspective on my challenges. This experience, much like Charley’s, reminded me of the power of imagination and the importance of finding solace in simple moments.

  • [Your Name]
Example Diary Entry of the Tiger King

🗓️ Date: May 29, 2024

📅 Day: Wednesday

Dear Diary,

🦁 Today has been a remarkable day in my journey as the Maharaja of Pratibandapuram. 🏰 As I woke up this morning, I was reminded of the astrologer’s prophecy that one day, a tiger would be the cause of my death. 🐅

🌄 Determined to defy fate, I set out on yet another tiger hunt, determined to reach my goal of killing one hundred tigers. Armed with my trusted rifle, I ventured into the dense forests, hoping to add another trophy to my collection. 🌲🌳

🔫 The thrill of the hunt coursed through my veins as I spotted a majestic tiger lurking in the shadows. With unwavering focus, I took aim and fired. The tiger fell, and my heart swelled with pride. That’s ninety-nine tigers now! 🏆

🦸‍♂️ However, I am acutely aware of the ominous warning about the hundredth tiger. 🐯 I must remain vigilant and cautious, for I cannot allow destiny to outwit me. My mind is filled with determination and a hint of anxiety. What if the prophecy holds true? 🤔

💎 On a different note, I had to deal with the British officer’s demand to hunt tigers in my kingdom. To safeguard my throne, I gifted his wife an expensive set of diamond rings. 💍 Though it cost me a fortune, it was a necessary move to maintain my power. 💸

🎂 Tomorrow, I shall celebrate my son’s birthday. 🎁 It is a rare moment of joy amidst my relentless pursuit of tigers. I hope to give him a special gift, perhaps a wooden tiger I saw in the market today. 🧸

😔 As I retire to my chambers tonight, I cannot help but ponder the irony of my situation. Despite my efforts to conquer fate, the shadow of the prophecy looms large. 🌘

🙏 Dear Diary, I hope that I can outsmart destiny and live to tell the tale of my hundredth tiger hunt. Until then, I remain resolute in my mission.


The Tiger King 🐅👑

The Tiger King is a satire on human behavior towards wild animals. What is your reaction to such an irony?  Write a diary entry sharing your observations.

Diary Entry

June 5, 2024

Today, I pondered over the story “The Tiger King,” which presents a sharp satire on human behavior towards wild animals. The irony in the tale is striking and thought-provoking.

The Tiger King, obsessed with killing tigers to defy a prophecy of his death, ironically meets his end due to a toy tiger. His relentless pursuit of power and dominance over nature ultimately leads to his downfall. This narrative brilliantly highlights the absurdity and consequences of human arrogance and cruelty towards wildlife.

Reflecting on this, I am both saddened and angered by the reckless exploitation of animals for personal gain or amusement. It underscores a broader issue of how humans often disrupt the natural balance, leading to dire consequences for both animals and the environment. The story serves as a powerful reminder of the need for compassion, respect, and coexistence with the natural world.

  • [Your Name]
Diary Entry “My Mother at Sixty-six”

🗓️ Date: May 29, 2024

📅 Day: Wednesday

Dear Diary,

Today, I read the poem “My Mother at Sixty-six” by Kamala Das, and it left a profound impact on me. 📝 The poem beautifully captures the poet’s feelings of anxiety and fear as she observes her aging mother. The imagery of her mother’s face being “ashen like that of a corpse” 🧓🏻 is haunting, reminding me of the inevitable reality of aging and mortality.

The contrast between the young, vibrant scenes outside the car window 🌳🚸 and her mother’s frail appearance struck me deeply. It highlighted the passage of time and the natural cycle of life.

Standing at the airport, the poet’s attempt to mask her fear with a smile while saying goodbye to her mother is both touching and heart-wrenching. 😔 It made me reflect on my own fears of losing loved ones and the importance of cherishing every moment with them.

I’m left with a lingering sense of melancholy but also a reminder to appreciate the fleeting beauty of life. 🌅


[Your Name]

Diary Entry “Journey to the End of the Earth”

🗓️ Date: May 29, 2024

📅 Day: Wednesday

Dear Diary,

Today, I read the chapter “Journey to the End of the Earth” by Tishani Doshi. 🌏 The narrative took me on an extraordinary voyage to Antarctica, a place so remote and pristine, it felt like an entirely different planet. Doshi’s vivid descriptions of the icy landscape, the silence, and the sheer magnitude of the continent were mesmerizing. ❄️

The chapter also highlighted the significance of Antarctica in understanding climate change. Doshi eloquently explained how this untouched wilderness is a crucial barometer for the Earth’s health. 🌡️ It was eye-opening to realize the impact of human activity on such a distant and seemingly invulnerable place. The journey emphasized the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the urgent need for environmental conservation. 🌱

Moreover, the personal reflections of the author, her awe, and her sense of insignificance in the vast expanse resonated deeply with me. It reminded me of the importance of humility and respect for nature. 🏔️

Overall, “Journey to the End of the Earth” was a compelling read that left me with a greater appreciation for our planet and the critical importance of preserving its natural wonders. 🌍


[Your Name]

Have you ever been to a place called “Journey to the End of the Earth?” What were your experiences? Write a diary entry sharing your observations.

Diary Entry

June 5, 2024

Today, I reminisced about my incredible journey to Antarctica, often referred to as the “End of the Earth.” This trip was a profound and awe-inspiring experience that left a lasting impact on me.

The voyage began with a long flight to Ushuaia, the southernmost city in Argentina, followed by a thrilling expedition across the Drake Passage. The anticipation built as we approached the icy continent, and the sight of towering icebergs and vast, pristine landscapes was beyond anything I had imagined.

Stepping onto the Antarctic Peninsula, I was immediately struck by the sheer silence and untouched beauty of the environment. The air was crisp and pure, and the only sounds were the calls of penguins and the distant rumble of glaciers calving into the sea. Watching colonies of Adélie and Emperor penguins going about their daily routines was both charming and humbling, offering a glimpse into a world so different from our own.

The harsh, yet mesmerizingly beautiful environment made me acutely aware of the fragility of our planet. Seeing the effects of climate change firsthand, with melting ice caps and retreating glaciers, underscored the urgent need for conservation efforts.

This journey to the “End of the Earth” was more than just an adventure; it was a profound reminder of the wonders of nature and our responsibility to protect it. The pristine beauty of Antarctica and the resilience of its wildlife will stay with me forever.

  • [Your Name]
Diary Entry “The Enemy”

🗓️ Date: June 3, 2024

📅 Day: Thursday

Dear Diary,

Just wrapped up reading “The Enemy” by Pearl S. Buck, and it left me with a whirlwind of emotions. This chapter delved into the complexities of human nature amidst the backdrop of war. Dr. Sadao Hoki’s internal conflict, torn between his duty as a doctor and his loyalty to his country, struck a chord within me. The moral dilemma he faced upon discovering an injured American soldier challenged my own perceptions of patriotism and humanity.

Pearl S. Buck’s narrative skillfully captured the tension and internal struggle faced by Dr. Hoki, making me question the true meaning of loyalty and compassion. It was a gripping tale that left me contemplating the blurred lines between friend and foe, and the universal values that transcend borders.

Until next time,
[Your Name]

Place yourself in place of Dr. Sadao in “The Enemy” by Pearl S. Buck. How would you behave in such a situation? Write a diary entry sharing your observations.

Diary Entry

June 5, 2024

Today, I imagined myself in Dr. Sadao’s position from Pearl S. Buck’s “The Enemy.” Faced with the moral dilemma of treating an enemy soldier, I realized the complexity of such a situation. Despite the risks, I believe I would choose to save the wounded soldier. As a doctor, my duty to preserve life would outweigh nationalistic sentiments. The soldier’s humanity would prevail over his identity as an enemy.

Balancing compassion with the fear of repercussions would be challenging, but I would rely on my medical oath and personal ethics. Secrecy and careful planning would be crucial to protect my family while ensuring the soldier’s survival. This introspection reinforced my belief in the universality of human compassion and the sanctity of life.

  • [Your Name]
Diary Entry “On The Face Of It”

🗓️ Date: June 3, 2024

📅 Day: Thursday

Dear Diary,

Today, I immersed myself in the chapter “On The Face Of It” by Susan Hill, and I must say, it left a profound impact on me. The story beautifully explores the themes of loneliness, perception, and the transformative power of human connection. As I followed the encounter between Mr. Lamb and Derry, I was struck by the poignant exchange that unfolded between them.

Susan Hill’s portrayal of Mr. Lamb’s resilience despite his physical scars and Derry’s emotional wounds touched my heart. Through their interactions, I realized the importance of empathy and understanding in overcoming barriers, both visible and invisible.

This chapter reminded me of the significance of looking beyond the surface and embracing the inherent beauty and strength within each individual.

Until next time,
[Your Name]

People’s behavior towards characters such as Mr. Lamb and Derry in Susan Hill’s “On the Face of It” is critical. What are your views?  Write a diary entry sharing your observations.

Diary Entry

June 5, 2024

Reflecting on Susan Hill’s “On the Face of It,” I am deeply moved by the way society treats characters like Mr. Lamb and Derry. Mr. Lamb, despite his physical disability, exudes warmth and wisdom, while young Derry, with his facial scars, battles insecurity and social rejection.

The story highlights society’s tendency to judge and marginalize those who look different, often overlooking their inner worth. Mr. Lamb’s open-hearted approach contrasts starkly with the prejudice Derry faces. Their interaction reveals how meaningful connections can transcend physical appearances and societal judgments.

I am reminded of the importance of empathy and acceptance. Everyone has unique experiences and value, and it is crucial to look beyond the surface. Hill’s narrative is a poignant reminder to embrace diversity and foster understanding.

  • [Your Name]
Diary Entry “Memories of Childhood”

🗓️ Date: June 3, 2024

📅 Day: Thursday

Dear Diary,

Today, I delved into the chapter “Memories of Childhood” by Zitkala-Sa and Bama, and it was a journey filled with nostalgia and reflection. As I immersed myself in their poignant narratives, I was deeply moved by the vivid descriptions of their childhood experiences and the profound impact those memories had on shaping their identities.

Zitkala-Sa’s recollections of her life as a Native American girl and Bama’s account of growing up in rural South India offered unique insights into the complexities of culture, identity, and societal expectations. Their stories resonated with me on a deeply personal level, prompting me to reflect on my own childhood and the experiences that have shaped who I am today.

This chapter served as a poignant reminder of the importance of embracing our past, acknowledging our heritage, and cherishing the memories that make us who we are.

Until next time,
[Your Name]

In the two stories of bama and Zitkala Sa in the lesson of  “Memories of Childhood”  there are certain similarities of stength in the face of social challenges. Write a diary entry sharing your observations. CBSE 2024 March Exam

Diary Entry

June 5, 2024

Today, I reflected on the powerful narratives of Bama and Zitkala-Sa from “Memories of Childhood.” Both stories resonated deeply with me, revealing the strength and resilience these women exhibited in the face of severe social challenges.

Bama’s tale unfolds the harsh realities of caste discrimination in India. Despite witnessing and experiencing deep-seated prejudice, she emerges with a robust determination to rise above and excel in her education. Her spirit to challenge societal norms is truly inspiring.

Similarly, Zitkala-Sa’s experience with racial discrimination and cultural erosion as a Native American is heart-wrenching. Yet, her strength shines through as she fiercely defends her identity and rights, eventually becoming a voice for her people.

Both narratives highlight a common theme: the indomitable spirit to overcome oppression. Their stories remind me of the importance of resilience and the power of education and self-belief in challenging unjust societal structures.

  • [Your Name]
Diary Entry “On The Face of It”

🗓️ Date: June 3, 2024

📅 Day: Thursday

Dear Diary,

Today, I delved into the chapter “On The Face of It” by Colin Duxtar, and it was a thought-provoking journey into the complexities of human relationships and perceptions. As I immersed myself in the story, I found myself deeply captivated by the characters of Mr. Lamb and Derry, and their unlikely bond that transcended physical appearances.

The chapter masterfully explores themes of isolation, prejudice, and the power of empathy. Through Mr. Lamb’s wisdom and Derry’s vulnerability, the narrative unfolds with a profound sense of empathy and understanding. It challenged my own preconceived notions and prompted me to reflect on the importance of looking beyond superficial appearances to truly connect with others.

This chapter served as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of compassion and the beauty of human connection, even in the face of adversity.

Until next time,
[Your Name]


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