
Flamingo Poetry Class 12 One Shot NCERT Solution

Flamingo Poetry Class 12 One Shot NCERT Solution

Flamingo Poetry Class 12 One Shot NCERT Solution BY Principal Sir will let you understand the poems of Class English(Core) in one blog on #readlearnexcel.

Flamingo Poetry Class 12 One Shot NCERT Solution

My Mother at Sixty-six: Kamala Das in One Shot 

My Mother at Sixty-Six 🌺🚗👵

The poem captures a poignant moment as the speaker observes her mother, now sixty-six years old, sitting in the back seat of the car. 🕰️💔

Key Themes:

  • Age and Vulnerability: The poem explores the impact of ageing on the speaker’s mother, highlighting her fragility and the inevitable passage of time. ⌛️👵
  • Distance and Separation: The mother’s journey in the car serves as a metaphor for life’s journey. The speaker feels a sense of emotional distance and contemplates the eventual separation that comes with aging. 🚗💔
  • Sudden Realisation: There’s a sudden realisation of the finite nature of life and the importance of cherishing moments with loved ones. 🤔❤️

Emotional Undertone:

  • Melancholy: The poem carries a melancholic tone as the speaker grapples with the transient nature of life and the ageing process. 😢🍂
  • Love and Concern: The observations are filled with love and concern for the mother, emphasising the emotional impact of seeing a loved one age. 💖👀

Imagery and Symbolism:

  • Car Ride: The car ride becomes symbolic of life’s journey, with the mother’s silent presence evoking deep reflections. 🚗🤐
  • Traffic Signal: The red signal becomes a powerful symbol, signifying life’s inevitable stops and pauses. 🚦⏸️

Overall Message: The poem reflects on the universal theme of ageing, highlighting the emotional complexities and the need to appreciate the moments shared with loved ones. It prompts readers to reflect on their own relationships and the transient nature of time. ⏳💕

Most Important Questions NCERT Textual Questions Class 12 in one shot My Mother at Sixty-Six

“My Mother at Sixty-Six” is a poignant poem by Kamala Das that reflects on the transient nature of life and the emotional complexities that arise as one witnesses the ageing of a loved one. Here are responses to your questions based on the content of the poem:

What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels?

The pain and ache the poet feels in “My Mother at Sixty-Six” are primarily emotional. The poet’s realization that her mother, who is now sixty-six years old, is aging has a significant impact on her. The vulnerability and fragility of her mother at this stage of life evoke a sense of heartache and concern in the poet.

Why are the young trees described as ‘sprinting’?

The description of young trees as ‘sprinting’ likely symbolises the vitality and energy associated with youth. The contrast between the young, vibrant trees and the aged mother in a slow-moving car emphasises the transience of life. The trees, in their dynamic growth, serve as a stark reminder of the fleeting nature of time.

Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children’spilling out of their homes’?

The image of merry children’spilling out of their homes’ serves to highlight the contrast between the carefree, joyful existence of the young and the more contemplative, pensive mood of the poet as she accompanies her ageing mother. It accentuates the cycle of life, underscoring how the older generation witnesses the exuberance of the younger one.

Why has the mother been compared to the ‘late winter’s moon’?

The comparison of the mother to the ‘late winter’s moon’ suggests a subtle metaphor for the advanced stage of life. The late winter’s moon is often associated with a softer, gentler light, much like the calm and subdued demeanour that may come with old age. The comparison conveys a sense of serenity and quiet beauty in the twilight years.

What do the parting words of the poet and her smile signify?

The parting words of the poet and her smile convey a mix of emotions. The poet acknowledges the inevitability of ageing and the uncertainty of life’s duration. The smile, though possibly masking inner sadness, might also represent a gesture of reassurance and love, attempting to comfort the mother despite the unspoken understanding of the passing of time and mortality.

Keeping Quiet: Pablo Neruda in One Shot

Keeping Quiet 🤫🌍🤔

The poem “Keeping Quiet” explores the idea of introspection and the potential for global harmony. 🌐✨

Key Themes:

  • Stillness and Silence: The poem encourages moments of stillness and silence, allowing individuals to disconnect from the noise of daily life. 🤫🔇
  • Global Unity: There’s a call for a collective pause, suggesting that if everyone on Earth could keep quiet for a moment, it might foster a sense of global unity. 🌍🤝
  • Self-Reflection: The act of keeping quiet is presented as an opportunity for self-reflection, a chance to look within and understand oneself better. 🧘‍♂️🔍

Emotional Undertone:

  • Hopeful: Despite the chaos in the world, the poem carries a hopeful tone, envisioning a moment of shared understanding among humanity. 🌈😌
  • Contemplative: The poem encourages deep contemplation, provoking readers to think about their role in creating a more peaceful world. 🤔💭

Imagery and Symbolism:

  • Trees: The image of trees symbolises life and growth, suggesting that through stillness, one can reconnect with the essence of existence. 🌳🌱
  • Hands: The act of counting on fingers signifies a shared, universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers. 🖐️🤝

Overall Message: “Keeping Quiet” urges individuals to pause, reflect, and consider their impact on the world. It proposes a moment of shared stillness as a powerful gesture towards global understanding and unity. 🌐🕊️

Most Important Questions NCERT Textual Questions Class 12 in one shot Keeping Quiet

  1. What will counting up to twelve and keeping it still help us achieve?
    • Answer: Counting up to twelve and keeping still is a symbolic act that helps us achieve a moment of introspection, reflection, and unity with nature. It allows individuals to pause, contemplate, and connect with themselves and the environment.
  2. Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death?
    • Answer: No, the poet does not advocate total inactivity and death. The act of counting up to twelve and keeping still is a temporary and purposeful pause in the hustle of life, encouraging contemplation and understanding. It is not a call for permanent inactivity or embracing death.
  3. What is the ‘sadness’ that the poet refers to in the poem?
    • Answer: The’sadness’ mentioned in the poem is the collective sorrow and regret that humans feel due to the destructive nature of their actions, wars, and the impact on the environment. It represents the need for introspection and a desire for positive change.
  4. What symbol from nature does the poet invoke to say that there can be life in apparent stillness?
    • Answer: The poet invokes the symbol of the’seed’ from nature to express that life can exist even under apparent stillness. Just as a seed may seem dormant, it holds the potential for growth and renewal, emphasising the idea of life emerging from a moment of quiet and contemplation.

A Thing of Beauty: John Keats NCERT Solution in One Shot

A Thing of Beauty 🌺✨

The poem “A Thing of Beauty” celebrates the enduring power and influence of beautiful things in our lives. 🌸💖

Key Themes:

  • Nature’s Beauty: The poem emphasises the beauty found in nature, portraying it as a timeless source of joy and inspiration. 🌿🌅
  • Eternal Pleasure: Beauty is presented as something that brings eternal pleasure, transcending the fleeting troubles of life. 🌼😌
  • Artistic Expression: The poem explores the idea that artists, through their creative expressions, capture and immortalise the beauty of the world. 🎨📜

Emotional Undertone:

  • Uplifting: The overall tone of the poem is uplifting, celebrating the ability of beauty to uplift the human spirit. 🌞🤗
  • Joyful: The poet finds joy and solace in the presence of beauty, offering a positive perspective on life’s challenges. 😊🌹

Imagery and Symbolism:

  • Sunset: The image of the setting sun symbolises the transient nature of life but also suggests the beauty of that fleeting moment. 🌅⏳
  • Sylvan: The use of the term “sylvan” refers to a wooded or forested area, connecting nature’s beauty with tranquilly and serenity. 🌳🍃

Overall Message: “A Thing of Beauty” conveys that beauty, whether found in nature or artistic creations, has the power to bring enduring joy and solace. It encourages us to appreciate and seek beauty in our lives. 🌺💕

A Thing of Beauty: John Keats NCERT Solution in One Shot: Textual Questions

  1. List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.
    • Answer: The things of beauty mentioned in the poem include sunlight streaming through leaves, daffodils, greenery, clear rills, musk-rose blooms, honey bees, singing birds, moonlight, and the calmness of midnight.
  2. List the things that cause suffering and pain.
    • Answer: The things that cause suffering and pain include the fretful stir, fever, greenery being spoiled, a sick rose, sedge, and the weariness, the fever, and the fret of human life.
  3. What does the line, ‘Therefore, are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’ suggest to you?
    • Answer: The line suggests that humans engage with and create beautiful things to establish a connection with the Earth. The act of “wreathing a flowery band” symbolises the human desire to form a positive and enduring bond with the natural world through the creation and appreciation of beauty.
  4. What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and suffering?
    • Answer: The poem suggests that contemplation and appreciation of things of beauty make human beings love life despite troubles and sufferings. The enduring impact of beautiful experiences creates a sense of joy and connection, serving as a counterbalance to life’s challenges.
  5. Why is ‘grandeur’ associated with the ‘mighty dead’?
    • Answer: ‘Grandeur’ is associated with the’mighty dead’ because, in death, individuals often attain a lasting and noble legacy. The deeds and achievements of notable individuals in their lifetime contribute to their grandeur, making their memory enduring and inspiring.
  6. Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments, or do they make a lasting impression on us?
    • Answer: The poem suggests that things of beauty have the power to make a lasting impression on us. While they may be experienced in fleeting moments, their impact lingers in our memories, providing solace and joy even in difficult times.
  7. What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth?
    • Answer: The poet uses the image of a ‘bower’ to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth. The bower represents a shelter or a covered area adorned with beautiful and fragrant elements, symbolising the abundance and richness of nature’s beauty.

A Roadside Stand: Robert Frost , The Ultimate Solution

Robert Frost is the author of “A Roadside Stand,” a poem. It captures the scene of a roadside stand and explores themes of change, modernity, and the impact on traditional ways of life. Here’s a brief summary with emojis:

🌳 Natural Setting: The poem begins by describing a quaint roadside stand surrounded by trees and nature.

🚗 Passing Cars: Cars drive by the stand,symbolisinge changing times and modernization.

👫 People Selling Goods: The poem introduces people at thestand, selling fruits and flowers, representing rural traditions.

🌺 Symbolism of Flowers: The flowerssymbolisee the beauty of nature amidst the encroachingurbanisationn.

💵 Economic Struggle: The speaker notes the economic challenges faced by the people at the stand as they compete with large stores.

The Struggle of Farmers: There’s a hint of the changing roles of farmers and the impact of commercialization on their way of life.

Modernization vs. tradition: The poem contrasts the stand’s simple existence with the quick-paced, modern world that the passing cars represent.

🔄 Cycle of Life: Frost reflects on the cyclical nature oflife, as the stand operates year after year.

🚜 Loss of Rural Traditions: The poem touches on the loss of rural traditions and the impact of economic changes on small farmers.

🌄 Nostalgia: Overall, there’s a sense of nostalgia for the past and an acknowledgment of the inevitable changes in the rural landscape.

A Roadside Stand: Robert Frost , The Ultimate Solution of Most Important Questions

  1. The city folk who drove through the countryside hardly paid any heed to the roadside stand or to the people who ran it. If at all they did, it was to complain. Which lines bring this out? What was their complaint about?
    • Answer: The lines that bring this out are, “And never was it easy to know / What to believe or even if they were / That sort of people. / They were citizens of the saintly city / Of divine though badly smudged windows. / At once well meaning and malicious. / And they could never be sure they were right / And their expression at all times serious.” Their complaint was about the stand being an obstruction to the view, and they questioned its legality.
  2. What was the plea of the people who had put up the roadside stand?
    • Answer: The plea of the folk who had put up the roadside stand was for the city people to buy their goods, especially their berries and squash. They hoped for support and recognition for their small business.
  3. The government and other social service agencies appear to help the poor rural people, but they actually do them no good. Pick out the words and phrases that the poet uses to show their double standards.
    • Answer: The poet uses the words “do no good,” “counterfeit coin,” “deceptive show,” and “unseemly” to depict the double standards of the government and social service agencies. These words suggest that the assistance provided is not genuine or beneficial.
  4. What is the ‘childish longing’ that the poet refers to? Why is it ‘vain’?
    • Answer: The ‘childish longing’ refers to the hope or desire of the stand owners for relief and support from the city people. It is considered ‘vain’ because the poet implies that such hopes are unrealistic and unlikely to be fulfilled. The stand owners’ expectations clash with the harsh reality of urban indifference.
  5. Which lines tell us about the insufferable pain that the poet feels at the thought of the plight of the rural poor?
    • Answer: The lines that convey the insufferable pain are, “I thought of the fine, stout, russet lads.” These lines reflect the poet’s emotional response to the suffering of the rural poor, particularly the young men, and his sense of helplessness in the face of their difficulties.

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers: Adrienne Rich

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers 🐅💍

The poem “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” by Adrienne Rich explores the complex theme of gender roles and the constraints imposed on women in a patriarchal society. 🚺📜

Key Themes:

  • Artistic Escape: Aunt Jennifer turns to her artistic creation, the tigers in her tapestry, as a means of escaping the oppressive reality of her married life. 🎨🐅
  • Subjugation of Women: The poem highlights the heavy burden and restrictions placed on Aunt Jennifer by societal expectations and a domineering husband. 👰🤐

Emotional Undertone:

  • The weight of the wedding band and the tigers’ struggle represent Aunt Jennifer’s sense of oppression in the tone. ⛓️😔
  • Fear: The fear of her husband’s dominance and the permanence of societal expectations is evident in Aunt Jennifer’s crafting of the tigers. 🐅❌

Imagery and Symbolism:

  • Tigers: The tigers in the tapestry symbolise Aunt Jennifer’s inner strength and desires, contrasting with her subdued and oppressed reality. 🐅💪
  • Wedding Band: The wedding band becomes a symbol of the enduring and stifling nature of societal expectations imposed on women. 💍🚫

Overall Message: “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” reflects on the silent rebellion of women against societal constraints. The poem underscores the importance of individual expression and the need for women to find strength and autonomy despite societal expectations. 🌹🔗

Textual Question Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers 

  1. How do ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of the tiger’s attitudes?
    • Answer: The terms ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ suggest that the tiger is portrayed as both belonging to a particular environment (‘denizens’ indicating inhabitants) and possessing qualities associated with chivalry or knightly conduct. This adds complexity to the understanding of the tiger’s character, implying a regal and noble demeanour.
  2. Why do you think Aunt Jennifer’s hands are ‘fluttering through her wool’ in the second stanza? Why is she finding the needle so hard to pull?
    • Answer: Aunt Jennifer’s hands are ‘fluttering through her wool’ because she is likely nervous or anxious. The difficulty in pulling the needle may symbolise the challenges and constraints she faces in her married life. It suggests a struggle, possibly related to the oppressive nature of her marriage.
  3. What is suggested by the image ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’?
    • Answer: The image of the ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’ suggests the burdensome and oppressive nature of Aunt Jennifer’s marital relationship. The wedding band becomes a symbol of the dominating influence of her husband, which she finds difficult to bear.
  4. Of what or of whom is Aunt Jennifer terrified within the third stanza?
    • Answer: Aunt Jennifer is terrified of her husband, as indicated by the lines, “And terrified she was of him.” The stanza reveals the fear and oppression Aunt Jennifer experiences in her marriage.
  5. What are the ‘ordeals’ Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by, and why is it significant that the poet uses the word ‘ringed’? What are the meanings of the word ‘ringed’ in the poem?
    • Answer: The ‘ordeals’ Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by may refer to the challenges and hardships of her married life. The use of ‘ringed’ is significant as it conveys a sense of enclosure and confinement. It suggests that Aunt Jennifer is trapped within the confines of her marital vows, facing struggles symbolised by the wedding ring.
  6. Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character? What might the poet be suggesting through this difference?
    • Answer: Aunt Jennifer may have created assertive and free-spirited animals in contrast to her own character to express her inner desires and aspirations. The poet suggests that, despite her subdued existence, Aunt Jennifer seeks a sense of liberation and strength through her artistic creation.
  7. Interpret the symbols found in this poem.
    • Answer: The symbols in the poem include the tiger tapestry, the wedding band, and the fluttering hands. The tiger symbolises Aunt Jennifer’s unfulfilled desires for strength and freedom. The wedding band represents the burdensome nature of her marriage, and the fluttering hands depict her anxiety and struggle.
  8. Do you sympathise with Aunt Jennifer? What is the attitude of the speaker towards Aunt Jennifer?
    • Answer: Sympathy for Aunt Jennifer may vary based on interpretation. The speaker seems to empathise with her struggles, highlighting her fears and the challenges she faces in her marriage. The tone is compassionate, acknowledging the oppressive conditions in which Aunt Jennifer finds herself.

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