
G.S.S.S. Dadri Toye, Jhajjar, celeberated World Environment Day on 5th June in the school campus. You are Sameer/Mansi, the head boy/girl of the school. Write a report on the function in not more than 200 words for newspaper, The Tribune

Report on World Environment Day

By Mansi, Class 12

5th June 2022

I, Mansi, the head girl of G.S.S.S., Dadri Toye, got the opportunity to cover the function of the school on World Environment Day on June 5. The function on World Environment Day started at 10 a.m. The function started with the National Anthem and Saraswati Vandana on the prayer ground. Students and staff welcomed the chief guest, Sh. Subhash Bhardwaj, D.E.E.O, Jhajjar. In the beginning, a tree was planted on the school premises by the chief guest. A student from class 12 was handling the stage and declared the details of the program.

Our English teacher, Sh. M. S. Yadav, gave a welcome speech. He gave a detailed speech on the history, theme, and importance of World Environment Day. He told the gathering that the First World Environment was celebrated in 1974 and that this year, Sweden is hosting the conference on that day.

This year, the theme of World Environment Day was ‘# OnlyOneEarth’ and a student of class 12th gave a speech on the importance of ‘# OnlyOneEarth’. Then, the poster-making competition started in the school. Ten students participated in the competition, and a girl from the 12th Science Stream won the first prize. Our school principal and chief guest gave her the trophy and a certificate of appreciation.

In the last, the Principal and the Chief Guest briefed the students about the value of trees in our lives. Sweets were distributed among the students. The program ended with a pledge by the scouts and NSS students.

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