
Half Yearly Assessment September 2023 English (Core) Class12 Solution

Half-Yearly Assessment, September 2023 The English (Core) Class 12 Solution will help the students understand the weaknesses and strengths of the methods and techniques they adopted while attempting an examination to score maximum marks.

Question No. 1.Essential Ideas for Skillful Reading Understanding

Prior to answering Question 1 on your reading comprehension, it is important that you understand the following points:

What Does Skimming Mean and How Does It Improve Understanding?
Skimming is a strategic reading method in which you concentrate on a text’s main concepts. You skip over in-depth facts, narratives, statistics, and other complex topics when you skim. Focus on the introduction, chapter summaries, first and last sentences of paragraphs, bolded terms, and text features rather than reading every word. Extracting the essential ideas from an author’s work without going into greater depth is known as skimming.

Why is it Important to Skim?

Getting the Big Picture: When reading, skimming aids in providing you with a summary of the main ideas.
improved Understanding: Skimming helps with improved comprehension, even if you intend to read the book in its entirety later.
Improved Reading Skills: You can become a more proficient reader by understanding when and how to skim.
Determining the Significance of the Text: Skimming improves your comprehension of the important concepts in the text.
Meeting Lecture Objectives: Skimming helps to retain the key ideas in a text because sometimes lecturers focus more on the big picture than the specifics.
Time management: By quickly sorting through large amounts of information, skimming makes the most use of time and frees up time for other activities.
Getting Ready for Class: Even if you are unable to finish reading before class, you may still participate better in class by skimming to help you remember the important parts.
Test Preparation: Skimming is an effective way to review content and organise your thoughts prior to a test.
Practical Measures to Improve Understanding While Skimming:
Step 1: Without worrying about new terms, quickly scan the questions to determine the core idea before going back and revisiting them.
Step 2: To aid in understanding the entire material and speed up the process of answering vocabulary-related questions, highlight any unfamiliar words.
Step 3: Read the pertinent section in its entirety, paying close attention to the order of the questions.
Step 4: Focus on vocabulary items and use context to determine the meanings of unknown terms.

When skimming for reading comprehension, keep the following points in mind:

After reading the passage carefully, identify the main ideas or themes.
Put emphasis on terms like causes, consequences, and results.
Signal terms like “versus,” “pros and cons,” and “advantages and disadvantages” should not be disregarded.
For a deeper comprehension, go through the section at least twice.
After your initial skim, go back and review the questions.
Concentrate on important phrases or terms that are pertinent to the questions during your second reading.
Instead of simply repeating lengthy passages, try to convey knowledge in your own words by summarising and interpreting it.
Reacting to factual queries should not contain details that aren’t included in the passage.
By learning these key ideas and procedures, you’ll be more prepared to tackle your reading comprehension with assurance and competence.

For Answers of this question Check Reading Comprehension Paragraphs

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow( Set A): Reading Comprehension……..

Ans. (a) Siddhartha

Ans. (a) Prince Siddhartha’s charioteer.

Ans. (b) the life outside his father’s palace

Question on Note making: Format of Note-Making for class 12

Heading/Title of the Topic:
  1. Sub-heading 1
          1.1 Point 1
            1.2 Sub sub-heading
               1.2.1 a, Sub point 1
               1.2.2 b sub point 2
      2. sub heading 2
         2.1 a sub point 1
         2.1.2 b sub point 2

Title: Cold and its reasons why most of us catch it frequently

A. Failure to control

A.1 problem of common cold is unusually difficult

A.1. 1. cold is caused by one of a number
of viral infections that affect the lining of the nose and other passages leading to the lungs

A.1. 2. viruses makes study and remedy very difficult

A.1. 3. in 1960
that many typical colds in adults are caused by one or the other of a family of viruses known
as rhinoviruses

B. the difficulty that because they are so much smaller than the bacteria
which cause many other infections

B.1. the
development of the technique of tissue culture, in which bits of animal tissue are enabled to
go on living and to multiply independently of the body

B.2.greatly aided virus research
and has led to the discovery of a large number of viruses

C. cold repeatedly creates another difficulty

C.1. leaves the victim immune to further attacks

C.2. r viruses get
into the bloodstream where anti-bodies can oppose them, the viruses causing cold attack

C.3. different viruses does
not guarantee protection from all the others

E. Conclusion

E.1.It seems, therefore, that we are likely to have to
suffer colds for some time yet


  1. guarantee:guaran
  2. development:develop
  3. rhinoviruses: rhin

Q. 3 Attempt any one of the following: 5

a. Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district complaining about the poor
conditions of roads in your locality.

b. You are Secretary of the History Club of your School. Draft a notice informing
students of a proposed visit to some important historical sites in your state

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, PIN Code]

[Email Address] [Phone Number]


Deputy Commissioner

Jhajjar District


Subject: Complaint about Poor Road Conditions in [Your Locality]

Dear Deputy Commissioner,

I hope you are well and in a good mood when you receive this message. I’m writing to draw your attention to a serious issue that the people living in Jhajjar District’s [Your Locality] are facing. The problem at hand is the terrible condition of the roads in our community, which has seriously impeded our day-to-day activities and created a number of safety risks.

Over the past few months, the state of the roads in our area has substantially worsened. It’s now normal to see potholes, fissures, and uneven surfaces on these roads, which makes driving quite difficult. This raises the possibility of accidents and injury to drivers and pedestrians in addition to frequently causing damage to vehicles.

In addition, the inhabitants’ health is at risk due to environmental pollution brought on by the dust and debris the damaged roadways generate. Because of the continuous presence of dust particles in the environment, the quality of the air in our community has deteriorated, causing respiratory problems for many.

In addition, the state of our locality’s development and accessibility have been adversely affected by the bad road conditions. Due to the difficulty and expense of goods transportation, businesses are suffering. Emergency services have a hard time getting to people in a timely manner, while students commute to schools and colleges with difficulty.

Unfortunately, no appreciable progress has been made in addressing this issue at the local level by reporting it to the relevant authorities on behalf of the citizens of [Your Locality]. We feel obliged to bring this to your attention in the hopes that you would step in and take the appropriate action to make things right.

We respectfully ask that the following steps be followed immediately:

To determine the degree of the damage, thoroughly investigate the neighbourhood roads.
Set aside enough money for these roads’ urgent upkeep and repairs.
Make sure the repair is completed by qualified experts using high-quality materials.
Establish routine monitoring to stop bad road conditions from happening again.
We are confident that your intervention and swift action on this issue will significantly lessen the difficulties that the people of [Your Locality] are facing. We are sure that with your help, we can have the safe and well-maintained roads back in our area, which will benefit the community’s general growth and well-being.

We value your attention to this urgent matter and anticipate hearing back favourably from your office. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or by email at [Your Email Address] if you need any more information or help from us.

I appreciate all of your time and thought.



Section C (Grammar)
Q. 4 Attempt any 5 : 1×5
i. The game (start) __had started_______________before we reached the field. Use the correct form
of verbs
ii. He __have been_______________ (be) a teacher since 1988. Use the correct form of verbs
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iii. The old man said,” Ashoka believed in justice.” Change the form of narration
___The old man said that Ashoka believed in justice. ______________________________________________________________________
iv. Sudha goes to______the___________ temple every morning. Fill us using Articles
v. The thief stole a number of things. Change the voice
______A number of things were stolen by the thief___________________________________________________________________
vi. The cake was baked by my sister for the party. Change the voice
__My sister baked the cake for the party_______________________________________________________________________
vii. She ___can______________dance very well. (can/may) Fill in the blanks with suitable

Q. 5 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

In the short story “The Last Lesson” by Alphonse Daudet, a small French village is abuzz
with the news that the Prussian forces have taken over the region. The schoolmaster, Mr.
Hamel, announces that this will be the last lesson in French that he will teach, as the
Prussians have mandated that only German will be taught in schools from now on. Franz, a
young student, regrets not paying more attention to his studies before this unexpected turn of
events. As the last lesson unfolds, Franz realizes the significance of his French heritage and
culture. The story touches on themes of nostalgia, the importance of one’s mother tongue, and
the impact of political changes on education.
Questions: 1×5
(i) What news has the small French village received in the story?
a. The village is hosting a festival
b. A new school is opening
c. Prussian forces have taken over the region
d. The schoolmaster is retiring
(ii) Why is Mr. Hamel, the schoolmaster, teaching his last lesson in French?
a. He is retiring
b. He is moving to a different village
c. The Prussians have ordered that only German be taught
d. The students have refused to learn French
(iii) How does Franz feel about not paying attention to his studies before the last lesson?
a. He is proud of himself
b. He regrets it
c. He thinks it doesn’t matter
d. He is angry at Mr. Hamel
(iv) What does Franz come to realize during the last lesson?
a. He should have skipped school that day
b. The village will be hosting a festival
c. The significance of his French heritage and culture
d. He wants to become a schoolmaster
(v) What are some of the themes explored in the story „The Last Lesson‟?
a. Science and technology
b. Friendship and loyalty
c. The importance of one’s mother tongue and the impact of political changes on
d. Adventure and exploration
Read the stanza given below and answer the questions that follow:
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases;
it will never Pass into nothingness;
but still will keep A bower quiet for us,
and a sleep Full of sweet dreams,
and health, and quiet breathing.
i. What is the central idea of the stanza?
a) Beauty is temporary
b) Beauty brings joy that lasts forever
c) Beauty fades over time
d) Beauty is meaningless
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ii. According to the stanza, what happens to the loveliness of a thing of beauty?
a) It decreases over time
b) It increases constantly
c) It remains constant
d) It fades away quickly
iii. What the fate of a thing of beauty is as described in the stanza?
a) It vanishes completely
b) It becomes a dream
c) It remains eternal
d) It turns into nothingness
iv. What does the stanza suggest about a “bower”?
a) It is a place of chaos
b) It is a resting place
c) It is a place of noise
d) It is a place of darkness
v. According to the stanza, what are the qualities associated with a “sleep” that a thing of
beauty provides?
a) Nightmares and illness
b) Dreams, health, and tranquillity
c) No dreams and discomfort
d) Restlessness and noise

Q.6 What is Saheb looking for in the garbage dumps?

When Saheb was a little child. Because he and his family were so impoverished that they were unable to even plan a complete one-time supper for themselves, he was searching the trash dump for pennies and regarded them as gold.
Saheb and his family reside in Seemapuri, a squalid neighbourhood on the outskirts of Delhi. His family was one of thousands that left Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1971 as storms carried their homes away and left them without a means of support. Saheb and his family are in a pitiful state. He chose to become a rag picker because he had nothing better to do. His family’s dire circumstances caused him to lose his childhood.

Q. 7.How did the Champaran episode change the plight of the peasants?

The peasants’ confidence was bolstered by receiving refunds from the British, and they now believed they had rights and advocates. They were protected so they could defend their rights.

Later, Gandhi established schools in six regions, where Kasturbai had previously taught. There, she had imparted to the students the ashram’s guidelines for maintaining personal hygiene and communal sanitation.

Q 8. What is the sadness the poet refers to in the poem „Keeping Quiet‟?

The’sadness’ of not knowing who you are in the mundane daily life is what the poet alludes to. He also finds it depressing that humanity is heading straight for oblivion as a result of its thoughtless deeds. He laments that our obsession with surpassing others has caused us to lose sight of our humanity.

Q. 9 Why has the mother been compared to the „late winter‟s moon‟?

The poet’s mother is getting older and has lost all of her brilliance and vibrancy. The poet alludes to her mother’s impending death by comparing her to a “late winter’s moon.”

Since winter is the last season of the year, it is often associated with inactivity and death. A winter’s moon is likewise pale-white in colour, closely resembling the poet’s mother, who has lost all of her beauty and vigour and appears “wan” and “pale.” Her mother is nearing the end of her life as well.

Q.10 Discuss the story “The Tiger King” as a satire on the arrogance of those in power. 5

Without a doubt, the narrative is a parody on the hubris of the powerful. The king was recognised right away for being a very pompous individual. At the age of ten days, he abruptly said, “Let the tiger beware,” challenging the astrologer’s forecast. As he grew older, he killed every tiger in his village. Later, he married a princess from a different village that had the greatest tiger population, enabling him to kill 100 tigers. He demonstrated his wealth and financial power by giving a foreigner fifty rings. In reality, he killed 99 tigers because the 100th tiger was killed by gunfire, but he mistakenly believed he had killed the 100th tiger and began to rejoice. But as a tiny piece of the wooden tiger pierced in the king’s fingers, the astrologer’s prophecy came true and the king was murdered by it.

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