Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022: Subjectwise Strategy for Filling the Stations for the Teachers who are Facing Problems with Scarcity of Stations. Teachers of some subjects, like PGT Physical Education, PGT Economics, Geography, Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, and Commerce, are having big problems when choosing their preferences. HSLA is also trying seriously to rectify the problems and the efforts of Sh. Satpal Sandhu, the President, is more than appreciable. Teachers should follow some special strategies while filling the stations.
Date Extended for filling of Stations Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022

Note: The date for filling out choices for the Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022 has been moved from August 16 to August 19, 2022.
Eighteen thousand teachers had already applied for the transfer. The deadline for submitting choices has been extended to August 19, 12 p.m.The department is putting all efforts into running the transfer drive smoothly so that the teachers don’t face any problems. The Director, Secondary Education, Haryana, Dr. Ansaj Singh, has assured the teachers to solve all the problems of the transfer drive. The department is consulting different unions to get feedback from the field.
Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive
The worthy director further assured all the teachers that the government wants complete satisfaction from all the teachers. It is the heartly wish and determination of our honourable chief minister, Sh. Manohar Lal ji, to fulfil the needs of the teachers through a transfer drive.
Helpline Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive
The department has started a helpline no. 01725049801 to solve the teachers’ problems regarding transfer drive 2022. In addition to the helpline number, the department has started a SUGAM PORTAL where teachers’ problems can be solved even after the transfer. HSLA is cooperating with the department to run the drive smoothly.
Subjectwise Strategy for filling the Stations Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022
I have taken feedback from the field regarding the subject-wise problems of teachers while selecting the stations. Language and science teachers are facing problems as their posts are declared surplus in High Schools. Therefore, they have to be very careful while filling the stations. The following are some facts that need to be addressed while submitting your final choices:
- Maximum posts of all subjects are available in Zone-2 in all districts. There are chances that most of the teachers who are senior in service might have completed their Zone-2. Therefore, all friends are required to fill all the choices of Zone-2. This is my analysis that you will get the stations. Don’t keep any doubt in your mind, that the merit in Zone-2 will be less than in other Zones.
- Let us consider PGT English, The Zone-2 vacancies are maximum and eligible candidates are fewer as compared to other Zones because of the reasons I have discussed above.
- Same is the case with PGT Hindi as most of the applicants have completed Zone-2 and are searching for other Zones for filling their choices.
- PGT Physical Education, there is a big problem for the friends of Physical Education. This is verified by Sh. Narender Singh, PGT Physical Education. Therefore, the Govt. should consider their problem genuinely. This is an important subject for the overall discipline of the school.
- PGT Economics, again there are big problems for even senior teachers as most of the were already kept in previous drive. So, be careful while filling the station by keeping in mind the locals who live near schools. So, study the list of the candidates and their addresses before filling the stations.
- PGT Commerce is another important subject which has a shortage of vacancies in rural areas. Maximum candidates are young and the competition is very stiff.
- Science Sreams’ teachers are also facing big problems. Therefore, they must understand that their interest in science is decreasing day by day due to so many reasons as most of their friends understand the problems.
HSLA Haryana is trying its best: The demands letter for teachers’ transfer drive
Haryana School Lecturer Association (Regd.)
Reg. no. 914/02820
Head office: Omaxe Club Heaven, Sector-28, Rohtak
Satpal Sindhu Amit Manhar
State President State General Secretary
Lecturer in Commerce Lecturer in Biology
G.S.S.S. Parnala, Jhajjar G.S.S.S. Patli Dabar, Sirsa
Cell: 9050486297 Cell: 9812275988
Email: hslastatepresident@gmail.com
Ref. No. – HSLA/SPL/110 Date: 15/08/2022
The Worthy Director,
Secondary Education, Haryana
Subject: Regarding conveying the anomalies/ discrepancies in the current online transfer drive, 2022 as per the important notice issued by W/ Director-cum- Special Secretary to Government Haryana, School Education Department Dated: 13.08.2022 and rationalization/ normalization as per the letter No. KW 4/33-2011 SE (4) Dated: 13.08.2022 of the Worthy Director cum Special Secretary, School Education Haryana Panchkula.
Respected Sir,
Concerning the subject cited above, I would like to attract your kind attention towards umpteen anomalies/ discrepancies in the current transfer drive, 2022 as per the important notice issued by W/ Director-cum- Special Secretary to Government Haryana, School Education Department Dated: 13.08.2022 and rationalization/ normalization as per the letter No. KW 4/33-2011 SE (4) Dated: 13.08.2022 of the Worthy Director cum Special Secretary, School Education Haryana Panchkula and which are as follows:
1. There are umpteen examples throughout the state where sufficient students of a particular subject is available as per norms and the teacher of that subject has not completed his tenure of 5 years in that school/ zone even then the post of that subject has been declared surplus which is unjustifiable.
2. There are umpteen examples throughout the state where sufficient students of a particular subject is available as per norms and the teacher of that subject has completed his tenure of 5 years in that school/ zone and the post of that subject has been declared surplus which is also unjustifiable.
3. This erroneous rationalization and normalization has created a huge imbalance throughout the state as in some districts number of eligible teachers of different subjects (like Physics, Physical Education, Home Science, etc.) participating in GTD, 2022 is more and the number of vacancies in such subjects is quite less and consequently vice versa situation also exists in other districts.
4. In many districts posts of Lecturer/ PGT in Economics have been abolished in schools where commerce stream is being pursued which are absolutely inequitable as the students of class 12th will not be able to switch their subject from economics to Math etc at this juncture of time.
5. Posts of Lecturers/ PGTs have been allocated in Government Middle Schools which is beyond our intellect.
6. According to the under note of table II of point D of the rationalization letter, in case of Government High Schools and Government Senior Secondary Schools if the post of TGT of a particular subject remains vacant then available PGT capable of teaching, that subject will be assigned the workload of the classes 6th to 8th which is contradictory to table II of point d which states that minimum three posts TGT SS, Science, and Sanskrit/ Punjabi will be provided in every High and Senior Secondary School to teach 6th to 8th. The current rationalization and vacancy list reveal that these three posts of TGTs are not being allocated in the high and senior secondary schools voluntarily to force the Lecturers/ PGTs to teach classes 6th to 8th which is beyond the endurance of the Lecturers and will not be acceptable to the Lecturer fraternity at any cost.
7. A paradox also exists in under note of table I and point D itself as it states that minimum number of posts of PGTs (which are 5 in number) will be allocated to Government High Schools irrespective of the students’ count in classes 9th to 10th but here also a condition is being imposed that the post of PGT of a the subject will only be allocated in High Schools if it has a minimum workload of 30 periods in classes 9th to 10th. In such a situation TGT will be forced to teach classes 9th and 10th which is also unacceptable to Lecturer Fraternity. Lecturer/ PGT cadre is accountable for classes 9th to 12th and the TGT cadre is accountable for teaching classes 6th to 8th which must be ensured.
8. Employees’ MIS portal is still in a sorry state of Affairs due to which the teachers are in distress and perturbed as special category points like female category, newly married females, couple cases’ and chronic diseases points are not updated yet on the MIS portal of the deserving employees.
9. Point number II of the rationalization letter (KW 4/33-2011 SE (4) Dated: 13.08.2022 of the Worthy Director cum Special Secretary, School Education Haryana Panchkula) states that the subjects like Psychology, Sociology, Computer Science, Fine Arts, Music, and Home Science have very few posts in their respective cadres hence these posts need to be continued in the senior
secondary schools where these posts exist however we demand that the restriction of zones must be alleviated in case of the said subjects’ Lecturers/PGTs as this privilege was also granted last year.
10. Vocational Lecturers/ Instructors (OSS English, OSS Hindi, and Accounting and Auditing) must not be offered the posts of Regular PGT in Hindi, English and Commerce as this is against the norms and is illegitimate. These vocational lecturers must be adjusted after the GTD, Aug 2022 based on the workload available at different schools after the completion of the transfer drive.
11. MIS Service Profiles of a few Lecturers/ PGTs; who have been selected through CENTA (Centre for Teachers’ Accreditation) and posted at Aarohi Model Senior Secondary Schools; have not been updated yet due to which their posts are not being shown available (in the Vacancy list) to the aspiring Lecturers/ PGTs in the transfer drive. Few of these Lecturers/ PGTs are being shown in the list of eligible teachers for participating in the GTD, Aug 2022.
12. In the case of newly promoted Lecturers/ PGTs of the Mewat cadre the school options of Rest of Haryana (ROH) are getting opened instead of school options of Mewat.
13. Cases also exist where the Lecturer/ PGT opted for voluntary participation in GTD, Aug 2022 but neither his/ her name is available in the list of eligible teachers for participation nor he/ she is being able to participate in the transfer drive.
14. Ambiguity exists in the cases where the Lecturer/ PGT skipped the GTD Aug, 2022 even then the post is shown vacant in the vacancy list.
15. Facility to choose schools of Mewat should be provided to Lecturers/ PGTs of Rest of Haryana (ROH) cadre. None is in the capacity to provide resolution and relief to the teachers regarding
the transfer drive and the MIS portal. The helpdesk number (01725049801) provided by the department for the said purpose is useless as it renders no support or resolution to our issues. Moreover, the inbox of email id- hrymis@gmail.com provided by the department for the same purpose is full and it doesn’t accept any emails. None amongst us has received any reply or resolution regarding our grievances from the helpdesk. Neither every aggrieved employee can move to Directorate for resolution nor the department would be able to entertain every employee. We, as the representative of school Lecturers/ PGTs, don’t find ourselves in a position to help our companions due to the lack of communication with the department. In our last letter addressed to your good office (Ref. No. – HSLA/SPL/109 dated: 28/07/2022) we requested to devise an effective official communication channel between Department and Haryana School Lecturer Association to enable us to satisfy the queries of our companions in such situations but nothing has been done in this regard yet.
I hereby request you to consider the above equitable aspects and provide resolution expeditiously then only the real success of GTD will be achieved otherwise the Lecturers/ PGTs and the students will be distressed only. Furthermore, I request you to allot us ample time to fill the school options after resolving the aforementioned issues.
We are quite optimistic regarding your approach.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Satpal Sindhu
State President
Haryana School Lecturers Association (HSLA)
1. Worthy Additional Chief Secretary, School Education Haryana, Chandigarh.
2. Worthy Joint Director IT cell, DSE, Haryana, Panchkula.
HSLA Haryana is trying its best and has full confidence in your president. Sh. Satpal Sandhu
The important points were discussed at the meeting. He is trying everything more than he can do. So, have faith and be positive towards your union.
- The post of PGT Hindi and English are compulsory in High Schools as the teachers are teaching secondary classes for a long time. Our worthy director has assured the union of some positive outcomes.
- Post of Science Streams must be maintained at cluster level and the same is assured by our respected officers as per union.
- There is always a problem of kept vacancies which need to be wiped out forever.
- Justification will be done with the friends of Physical Education and Fine Arts as per the assurance by the worthy director.
- Commerce and Economics are the most sought-after courses these days and the department should understand this. You can’t continue commerce without Economics. Therefore, I request the department to provide Economics posts everywhere in all schools as it is the demand of the time that our students must understand the economic and financial conditions of the society.
- PGT posts are removed from middle schools.
- The merit list will be declared soon.
- Public Administration and Political Science need to be treated at par.
- SUGAM PORTAL will be opened for all queries and problems of teachers before and after the transfer drive.
- Be positive and expect something good for all the participants in the coming days.
Last but not least, keep this in mind while participating in the Teachers Transfer Drive 2022.
- 1. Don’t wait until the last minute of the drive.
- 2. Complete your process on time.
- 3. Submit your choices as per the time allotted to you.
- 4. Check once again to give a final touch.
- 5. Keep a record of your choices and stations for transfer drive 2022.
- 6. Be positive as we are all in service of society.
- 7. Help all your friends.
- 8. Make a list of Zone-2 and fill in the choices. Zone-2 is going to be an asset for young teachers.
- 9. Don’t leave more schools and fill the maximum number of stations as we are supposed to work all over Haryana.
- 10. Don’t take any burden as it is a part of life to work for the benefit of the students.
- 11. All the best for your sincere efforts. We hope for the best but must be ready for the worst. At least we have jobs!
- Latest updates on Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022(updated on 02/09/2022)
Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022: Steps followed for transfer by DSE Haryana(Updated on Sepember 2, 2022)
Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022 has come to its final stage when teachers join their new stations on September 1, 2022. The transfer drive 2022 had some pros and cons, but ultimately, it was a successful transfer drive where teachers got the schools of their choices, except for a few problems, which will be addressed by DSE Haryana by conducting a second drive. The grievances will be addressed on SUGAM PORTAL. Now, it’s time to act, and teachers have taken their posts at their new stations.
- Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022 started in August 2022.
- In the beginning, the final date of joining was August 19, 2022.
- Due to some technical problems, the drive was postponed and date of filling stations extended.
- Final list of allotment of schools was declared on August 28, 2022.
- ThePrincipals transfer list is kept on hold due to some problems and declared soon as per DSE Haryana.
- Finally, the teachers joined at their new station or schools on 01/09/2022.
[Transfer Drive-2022] Notice for amendment of transfer orders issued on 28.08.2022 under General Transfer Drive-2022 (01.09.2022)
Check your order as per DSE Haryana ammendment of transfer orders issued on 28/08/2022.
Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022 started in August 2022: (UPDATED ON 02/09/2022)
All Principals, Headmasters, PGTs, ESHMs, TGTs and C&,Vs who could not be allocated any school during first round of General Transfer Drive are hereby informed to fill up their choices of school in order of preference from 2.9.2022, 5.00 p.m. to 3.9.2022 11.59.59 p.m. List of such teachers and eligible vacancies are available on the website of DSE HARYANA
Second Round Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022 Order PDF
Second Round Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022: Vacancies PDF
Second Round Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022
The 2nd round of transfer drive will include over 800 teachers who were left without a station during the First Teachers Drive and Guest Teachers.

[Transfer Drive-2022] Notice regarding teachers who were declared surplus have been saved at their previous place of posting (02.09.2022)
Document verification schedule for various categories (02.09.2022)
Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022: Clarification on Re-Transfer of 1038 Teachers(updated on 03/09/2022)
The department has clarified that 1038 teachers were re-assigned due to a wrong formula adopted during the preparation of the final list, which was released on August 28. This revised list was not prepared due to complaints on Sugam Portal. The education department further clarified that if one candidate is transferred, this would affect another candidate. Therefore, teachers shouldn’t go by rumours that they didn’t apply on SUGAM PORTAL but still transferred and that everything happened due to the above-said process, as the department has not yet looked into SUGAM PORTAL greivances and this will be considered soon. So, the teachers shouldn’t believe rumours that the revised list was declared due to greviances on SUGAM PORTAL or something wrong on the part of the department.
Related: Haryana Teachers Transfer Drive: Steps to Follow
PDF Principals and Headmasters revised vacancies list as on 17/08/2022