
HBSE Class 12 English Annual Exam 2024 Solution Set A

HBSE Class 12 English Annual Exam 2024 Solution Set A

HBSE Class 12 English Annual Exam 2024 Solution Set A. Check your marks, as all the questions except question number 1 have come from the guess paper I published.

HBSE Class 12 English Annual Exam 2024 Solution Set A

  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow

1.Scientists have developed a gel that helps brains recover from traumatic injuries. It has the potential to treat head injuries suffered in combat, car accidents falls, or gunshot wounds. Developed by Dr. Ning Zhang at Clemson University in South Carolina, the gel is injected in liquid form at the site of injury and stimulates the growth of stem cells there

HBSE Class 12 English Annual Exam 2024 Solution Set A

2.Brain injuries are particularly hard to repair, since injured tissues swell up and can cause additional damage to the cells. So far, treatments have tried to limit this secondary damage by lowering the temperature or relieving the pressure at the site of injury. However, these techniques are often not very effective

3. More recently, scientists have considered transplanting donor brain cells into the wound to repair damaged tissue. This method has so far had limited results when treating brain injuries. The donor cells often fail to grow or stimulate repair at the injury site, possibly because of the inflammation and scarring present there. The injury site also typically has very limited blood supply and connective tissue, which might prevent donor cells from getting the nutrients they require

4. Dr. Zhang’s gel, however, can be loaded with different chemicals to stimulate various biological processes at the site of injury. In previous research done on rats, she was able to use the gel to help reestablish full blood supply at the site of brain injury. This could help create a better environment for donor cells. In a followup study, Dr. Zhang loaded the gel with immature stem cells, as well as the chemicals they needed to develop into fullfledged adult brain cells. When rats with severe brain injuries were treated with this mixture for eight weeks, they showed signs of significant recovery

3. The new gel could treat patients at varying stages following injury, and is expected to be ready for testing in humanson about three years.

Questions: 10 × 1 = 10

(a) What kind of brain injuries can the gel mentioned in the passage cure?

(a) Car accidents 

(b) Gunshot jury 

(c) Falls 

(d) All of the above 

(ii) Why, according to the author, brain injuries are hard to mend ?

(a) As it is difficult to find good doctors to repair it 

(b) As injured tissues swell up and can cause additional damage to the cells 

(c) As the person dies instantly after his head is injured

(d) All of the above 

(iii) Which of the following statements is/are true in context of the passage

(a) Dr. Ning Zhang at Clemson University in South Carolina has developed a gel which could help brain recover from injuries. 

(b) The gel developed for curing brain injuries is injected in gaseous form at the site of injury and stimulates the growth of stem cells there.

(c) The gunshot wounds are the worst injuries that a brain could experience and could not be cured by anyone

(d) The new gel would be ready for testing in humans in the next five years

(iv) Which animal has Dr. Ning Zhang used to test her gel

(a) Cows

(b) Mouse

(c) Rats 

(d) Dogs 

(v) Which of the following statements is/are false in context of the study performed by Dr. Ning Zhang

(1) She applied the gel on rats to help reestablish full blood supply at the site of brain injury

(2)Dr. Zhang loaded the gel with immature stem cells, as well as the chemicals they needed to develop into fullfledged adult brain cells

(3) When rats with minor brain injuries were treated with the mixture produced by her, for eight weeks, they showed signs of significant recovery

(a) Only (1) 

(bOnly (3

(c) Both (1) and 3)

(d) Only (2

(vi) Why do the donor cells often fail to grow according to the author

(vi) The donor cells often fail to grow possibly because of the inflammation and scarring present at the injury site, as well as the limited blood supply and connective tissue.

HBSE Class 12 English Annual Exam 2024 Solution Set A

(vii) Find the word which is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word Traumatic

(vii) Calm

(viii) Find the word which is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word 


(viii) Inhibits

(ix) Find the word most similar in meaning to the word Combat

(ix) Struggle

(x) Find the word most similar in meaning to the word Significant

(x) Substantial


(a) (d) All of the above

(ii) (b) As injured tissues swell up and can cause additional damage to the cells

(iii) (a) Dr. Ning Zhang at Clemson University in South Carolina has developed a gel which could help brain recover from injuries.

(iv) (c) Rats

(v) (c) Both (1) and (3)

(vi) The donor cells often fail to grow possibly because of the inflammation and scarring present at the injury site, as well as the limited blood supply and connective tissue.

(vii) Calm

(viii) Inhibits

(ix) Struggle

(x) Substantial

Q. 2. Read the following passage carefully and make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Supply an appropriate title also : 4 + 1 = 5 ( 2020 Set B)
A vast blanket of pollution stretching across South Asia is cutting down sunlight by 10 percent over India, damaging agriculture, modifying rainfall patterns and putting hundreds of thousands of people at risk, according to a new study. The startling findings of scientists working with the United Nations Environment Programme indicate that the spectacular economic growth seen in this part of the world in the past decade may soon falter as a result of pollution. Research carried out in India indicates that the haze caused by pollution might be reducing winter rice harvests by as much as 10 percent, the report said. “Acids in the haze may, by falling as acid rain, have the potential to damage crops and trees. Ash falling on leaves can aggravate the impact of reduced sunlight on earth’s surface. The pollution that is forming the haze could be leading to several hundred of thousands of premature deaths as a result of higher level of respiratory diseases,” it said. Results from seven cities in India alone, including Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Kolkata, estimate that air pollution was annually responsible for 24000 premature deaths in the early 1990s.


Title: Pollution and its effects

1. Polution

1.1 Bad affects of pollution

1.2. Cut down sunlight

1.3. Dmg. agri.

1.4. Rainfall pattern changed

1.5. Life at risk

2. Scientists view on pollution

2.1. Faulty economic growth

2.1.1. Haze due to pollution reduces rice prod. by 10%

2.1.2 Acid rain dmg. crops and trees

2.1.3. Ash reduces sunlight

3. Side effects of haze

3.1. Reduces rice production

3.2. Causes premature deaths due to respiratory diseases

4. Result of pollution in seven cities

4.1. Air pollution causes 24000 deaths in 1990s


  1. Damaged: Dmg.
  2. Agriculture: agri.
  3. Production: prod.



Attempt any two from each subpart

(a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals/ auxiliaries

(i) The daughter asked her mother if she …go out.

(a) shall 

(b) may 

(c) would 


(ii) Speak slowly lest you —-awake the child

(ii) Speak slowly lest you should awaken the child.

(iii) ....May …….. her soul rest in peace!

(b) Change the narration

(iThe speaker said Be quiet and listen to my words.

The speaker commanded to be quiet and listen to his words.

(ii) He said to me, I don’t believe you

He told me that he didn’t believe me.

(iii) Where is the post office ?‘ asked the stranger

The stranger asked where the post office was.

(a) The stranger asked where the post office was. 

(b) The stranger asks where the post office were

(cThe stranger said where is the post office

(d) The stranger asked in surprise where is the post office

(c) Fill in the blanks with suitable articles wherever necessary

(i) Do you see blue sky

(i) Do you see the blue sky?

(ii) ..x…music is my life

(iii) I gave him …… rupee note

(a) a 


(c) the 


(d) Change the voice of the following sentences

(i)Nobody touched your bag

Your bag was not touched by anybody

(ii) Why did you not tell me this

Why was this not told to me by you?

(iii) You must ask your parents

(a) Your parents must be asked by you.

(bYou must be asked by your parents

(cYour parents must ask you

(dYou ask your parents must be

(e)Fill in the blanks with correct form of the verbs given in the brackets

(i) It seldom ….. . rains ... (rain) here in February

(ii) He .will go/ .is going(go) to Shimla tomorrow

(iii) The child ……(cry) because it cannot find its mother. 

(a) is crying 

(b) cried 

(cwas crying 

(d) shall crying 


(a) (i) (c) would (ii) Speak slowly lest you awaken the child. (iii) May her soul rest in peace!

(b) Change the narration: (i) The speaker commanded to be quiet and listen to his words. (ii) He told me that he didn’t believe me. (iii) The stranger asked where the post office was.

(c) (i) Do you see the blue sky? (ii) Music is my life. (iii) I gave him a one rupee note.

(d) Change the voice of the following sentences: (i) Your bag was not touched by anybody. (ii) Why was this not told to me by you? (iii) Your parents must be asked by you.

(e) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets: (i) It seldom rains here in February. (ii) He is going to Shimla tomorrow. (iii) The child is crying because it cannot find its mother.


(Creative Writing Skills) 

  1. Attempt any one from (a), (b) and given below: 

[M. M.: 15 

(a) Every year in the central part of the city a flower show is held in the month of February. Your school has received a circular from the District Collector inviting your students to visit it. Write a notice in about 50 words informing the students about the show and advising them to go and enjoy it. You are Navtej/Navita, Head Boy/Head Girl, Sunrise Public School, Surat. 

Sunrise Public School, Surat


Flower show will be held in the central part of the city

Date: March 22, 2024

Attention Students,

This is to inform you that a flower show will be held in the central part of the city in the month of February. We have received a circular from the District Collector inviting all students to visit and enjoy the show. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness the beauty of nature. Kindly make sure to attend.


Head Boy/Head Girl

(b) You want to rent out your newly constructed flat in the heart of the city. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in The Deccan Herald’, Bangalore under classified columns. Give all the necessary details. You are Mohan/Mahima of Jayanagar, Bengaluru. 


For Rent

Newly constructed flat in the heart of Jayanagar, Bengaluru. Spacious 2BHK with modern amenities. Close to schools, hospitals, and markets. Rent: Rs. 20,000 per month. Contact Mohan/Mahima at [insert contact number] for more details.


(c) Prepare a poster in not more than 50 words on kindness to animals to be displayed in the city a public places appealing to people to show kindness to animals. You are Secretary of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 


🐾 Kindness to Animals 🐾

Show compassion, be their voice! Animals deserve love and care too. Let’s pledge to feed stray animals, provide shelter, and stop cruelty. Together, we can make a difference. Spread kindness, save lives!

Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)


[Include images of animals showing affection]

  1. Attempt any one from (a) and (b) given below: 

(a) You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals have caused traffic jam as well as accidents. You have already written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. So write a letter to the Editor of a leading newspaper telling him about the nuisance created by the stray animals. Sign your name as Preeti/Krishnan, C/5, Assam. 

C/5, Assam
March 22, 2024

The Editor
The Tribune

Subject: Nuisance Caused by Stray Animals

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention the persistent issue of stray animals causing nuisance on the roads, particularly during busy hours of the day. As a resident of C/5, Assam, I have observed numerous instances where these animals have not only led to traffic jams but also contributed to accidents.

Despite having raised this concern with the concerned authorities through written communication, no effective action has been taken to address the problem. The presence of stray animals on the roads poses a serious threat to public safety and has become a matter of grave concern for the residents of our locality.

I urge you to highlight this issue in your esteemed newspaper, urging the authorities to take immediate measures to tackle the stray animal problem. It is imperative that steps are taken to ensure the safety of both pedestrians and motorists.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

C/5, Assam

(b)You are Ram/Rajani, living at 1, Rana Pratap Marg, New Delhi. Read the advertisement given below and apply for the job that suits you giving your bio-data separately. 

Sun University requires Lecturers in English and Demonstrators in Physics, Chemistry and Botany for their new Campus at Panipat. Candidates with a minimum of 5 year experience alone can apply. Excellent command of English is a must. Excellent package and compensation for experienced persons. Those interested may e-mail to sununiversityjobs@ or mail their response to: Box No. 123, The Harbinger, New Delhi. 

Box No. 123,
The Harbinger,
New Delhi

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in the position of Lecturer in English advertised by Sun University for their new campus at Panipat. With a strong background in English literature and teaching experience of over 7 years, I believe I am well-suited for this role.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Delhi University and a Master’s degree in Education from Jawaharlal Nehru University. Throughout my teaching career, I have been dedicated to fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment for my students. My teaching methods focus on encouraging critical thinking and effective communication skills among students.

I possess excellent command over the English language, both written and verbal, and have demonstrated my ability to effectively convey complex ideas to students from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, my experience in curriculum development and assessment aligns well with the requirements of the position.

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to the academic community at Sun University and am eager to bring my expertise to the new campus at Panipat. Enclosed is my bio-data for your consideration.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of Sun University.

Yours sincerely,

1, Rana Pratap Marg,
New Delhi

[Enclosure: Bio-data]


Name: Ram/Rajani
Address: 1, Rana Pratap Marg, New Delhi
Contact Number: [Your Contact Number]
Email: [Your Email Address]


  • Bachelor’s degree in English Literature, Delhi University
  • Master’s degree in Education, Jawaharlal Nehru University


  • 7+ years of teaching experience in English literature
  • Previous positions held: English Teacher at XYZ School, New Delhi


  • Excellent command over English language
  • Curriculum development and assessment
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong organizational and time management abilities

References: Available upon request

6 .Attempt any one from (a) and (b) given below: 

(a) You are Ramesh/Rani, Sports Secretary, Government Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh. Last Monday an inter-school twenty-over cricket match was played on your school ground. Write a report in 100-125 words on the match. 

Government Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh
Report on Inter-School Twenty-Over Cricket Match

By: Ramesh/Rani

Date: March 22, 2023


The Government Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh, hosted an exhilarating inter-school twenty-over cricket match on [Insert Date] at our school ground. The match featured intense competition between our school team and the visiting team from St. Xavier’s High School.

The atmosphere was electric as both teams showcased exceptional skills and sportsmanship throughout the game. Our school team displayed commendable batting and bowling performances, with notable contributions from key players. However, St. Xavier’s High School exhibited resilience and determination, putting up a strong fight till the very end.

In the end, Government Senior Secondary School emerged victorious by [insert score], securing a well-deserved win amidst enthusiastic cheers from the spectators.

The match concluded on a high note, fostering camaraderie and promoting the spirit of sportsmanship among all participants.

Sports Secretary
Government Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh

  1. b) Last week as you were coming back fromoschool you happened to see a huge plastic bag full of leftovers of food beg flung into the middle of the road from a speeding car. You wondered how people can be so devoid of civic sense. Write an article in 125-150 words on why we lack civic sense and how civic sense can be inculcated in children at a very young age. You are Shiva/Shamini. 

Lack of Civic Sense: A Concern for Society

As I was returning from school last week, I witnessed a distressing scene: a speeding car carelessly flung a huge plastic bag filled with food leftovers into the middle of the road. This blatant disregard for basic civic responsibility left me pondering over the root causes of such behavior.

Lack of civic sense is a pervasive issue in society today, stemming from various factors such as ignorance, indifference, and selfishness. Many individuals prioritize their convenience over the well-being of the community, leading to instances of littering, vandalism, and disregard for traffic rules.

To address this issue, it is crucial to instill civic sense in children from a young age. Parents, teachers, and educational institutions play a vital role in shaping the values and behaviors of children. By incorporating lessons on environmental conservation, respect for public property, and empathy towards fellow citizens into the school curriculum, we can nurture responsible and conscientious individuals.

Furthermore, community involvement and role-modeling by adults are essential in reinforcing these values. Through collective efforts, we can cultivate a culture of civic responsibility and create a more harmonious and sustainable society for future generations.


SECTION – D (Literature) 

7.Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. Attempt any one of the two extracts (A) and (B): 

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. Attempt any one of the two extracts (A) and (B): 

(A) But soon 

put that thought away 

looked out at young 

Trees sprinting, merry children spilling 

Out of their home, but after the airport’s

security check, standing a few yards away

(i).What thought does the poetess put away?

(a) getting rich

(b) of getting poor

(c) Ageing of her mother

(d) Ageing of herself

(i) (d) Ageing of herself

(ii) What did the poetess notice when she looked out of the car? 

(a) Youth running on the road 

(b) Children fighting with one another 

(c) Car was running speedily 

(d) None of these 

(iii) Which poetic device has been used in Young trees sprinting’? 

(a) Alliteration 

(b) Personification 

(c) Pun 

(d) None of these 

(iv) What was Kamla Das feared of?

(a)Loosing of her mother

(b)Loosing of her flight

(c)Loosing of her job

(d)Loosing of her rapport

(v) What the poet look out of the car?

(a) Her laziness 

(b) Her lethargy 

(c) Pathetic condition of her mother 

(d) Pathetic condition of her car 

  1. Read any one of the following extracts (A) and (B) carefully and answer the questions that follow: 

(A) On the days when there was a crowd shooting, you could see him mixing his paint in a giant vessel and slapping it on the surface of the face in the process of applying makeup. He wasn’t exactly a boy; he was in his early forties, having entered the studios years ago in the hope of becoming a star actor or a top screenwriter, director, of lyrics writer. He was a bit of a poet.


(i) Who does he’ refer to in the passage?

(a) The office boy 

(b) A star actor 

(c) A top screenwriter 

(d) A lyrics writer 

(ii) What work did he do in the Gemini Studios? 

(a) He did the makeup of heroes. 

(b) He did the makeup of heroines. 

(c) He did the makeup of child artists. 

(d) He did the make up of those who played the crowd

(iii) Why did he join the studios? 

(a) He hoped to become a star actor. 

(b) He hoped to become a top screenwriter. 

(c) He hoped to become a director. 

(d) All of the above 

(iv) Why was he disappointed? 

(a) Because he could not become a character artist. 

(b) Because he could not become a music director. 

(c) Because he could not become a lyrics writer. 

(d) Because he couldn’t become an office boy. 

(v) Who has been called “a bit of a poet” 

(a) The screenwriter 

(b) The director 

(c) The lyrics writer 

(d) The office boy 

  1. Answer any four of the following in about 40-50 words each: 

(a) “This is your last French lesson.” How did Franz react to this declaration of M. Hamel? 

 (b) Do you think Saheb was happy to work at the tea stall ?

(c) How was the peddler treated at the crofter’s cottage? 

(d) What does Umberto Eco mean by the concept of ‘Interstices’ in our lives?

(e) Subbu is described as a many-sided genius. List four of his special abilities.

(a) Franz reacted with surprise and regret to M. Hamel’s declaration of “This is your last French lesson.” He realized the importance of his French lessons and felt remorseful for not taking them seriously earlier.

(b) It’s unlikely that Saheb was happy to work at the tea stall. His circumstances forced him into child labor, and he probably did not have much choice in the matter. Poverty and lack of opportunities likely overshadowed any happiness he might have felt.

(c) The peddler was treated with suspicion and hostility at the crofter’s cottage. The crofter’s wife accused him of being a thief and threatened to call her husband. Despite his attempts to explain himself, he was not given a chance to prove his innocence.

(d) Umberto Eco refers to “Interstices” as the gaps or spaces in our lives where unexpected events or encounters occur, leading to changes or revelations. These interstices disrupt the regular flow of life and offer opportunities for transformation or growth.

(e) Subbu is described as a many-sided genius with several special abilities:

  1. He was a talented artist, capable of creating stunning paintings.
  2. Subbu had a knack for music, demonstrating proficiency in playing various musical instruments.
  3. He possessed exceptional skills in mathematics, excelling in complex problem-solving.
  4. Subbu was also a skilled writer, displaying creativity and eloquence in his written works.
  1. Answer any two questions from the following in about 40-50 words each: 

(a) What does the line, ‘Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’ suggest to you? 

(b) Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character? What might the poet be suggesting, through this difference?

(c) Explain : “soothe them out of them wits” with reference to the poem “The Roadside Stand”. 

(a) The line “Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth” suggests the human desire to find solace and connection with nature. It implies that we adorn ourselves with nature’s beauty to feel grounded and connected to the earth, seeking comfort and harmony in its embrace.

(b) Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character as a form of escapism or fantasy. The poet might be suggesting through this difference that Aunt Jennifer yearns for freedom and power that she lacks in her own life. The animals represent her aspirations and desires for independence and strength.

(c) “Soothe them out of their wits” in the poem “The Roadside Stand” refers to the peddler’s ability to calm or pacify the children, distracting them from their curiosity or mischief. It implies that the peddler has a skillful way of handling situations and soothing others, even if it means diverting their attention from reality.

  1. Answer any three questions of the following in about 40-50 words each: 

(a) How did the Maharaja overcome the difficulty a high-ranking British Officer 


(a) The Maharaja overcame the difficulty created by a high-ranking British officer by maintaining his composure and showing respect. Despite being wrongfully accused, he remained dignified and diplomatic, eventually earning the officer’s admiration and resolving the situation amicably.

(b) Why was Dr. Sadao being kept in Japan and not sent abroad with the troops?

(b) Dr. Sadao was kept in Japan and not sent abroad with the troops because of his expertise and indispensability as a skilled surgeon. His knowledge and proficiency were valued by the Japanese authorities, who needed him to tend to wounded soldiers during the war.

(c) What did Zitkala-Sa feel when her long hair was cut? 

(c) When Zitkala-Sa’s long hair was cut, she felt a deep sense of loss and betrayal. Her hair was a symbol of her cultural identity and connection to her heritage. Its removal represented the forced assimilation and erasure of her Native American identity, leading to feelings of grief and disconnection.

(d) Why was Tishani Doshi filled with relief and wonder when he set foot on the 

Antarctic continent ? 

(d) Tishani Doshi was filled with relief and wonder when he set foot on the Antarctic continent because it marked the culmination of his long-standing dream and ambition. Despite the harsh conditions, the experience was awe-inspiring and surreal, evoking a sense of fulfillment and achievement.

  1. Answer any one question of the following in about 120-150 words: 

(a) Eco’s academic work has certain playful and personal quality about it. 


(a) Eco’s academic work indeed exhibits a playful and personal quality, often intertwining scholarly research with humor, wit, and autobiographical elements. His writing style is characterized by a unique blend of erudition and accessibility, making complex ideas engaging and relatable to a wide audience. Eco’s personal anecdotes, reflections, and cultural references add depth and richness to his scholarly inquiries, inviting readers into a dialogue that transcends traditional academic discourse. Through his playful approach, Eco challenges conventional academic norms and encourages readers to explore interdisciplinary connections and multiple layers of meaning. This distinctive quality in his work not only makes it intellectually stimulating but also fosters a deeper connection between the author and the reader, creating a more immersive and rewarding reading experience.

(b) Comment on the appropriateness of the title “The Last Lesson’. 

(b) The title “The Last Lesson” is highly appropriate as it encapsulates the central theme of the story by Alphonse Daudet. In the narrative, the protagonist, Franz, realizes during his last French lesson that he has taken his education for granted and now faces the consequences of losing it due to the annexation of his town by Germany. The phrase “The Last Lesson” not only refers to the literal final French lesson taught by M. Hamel but also symbolizes the irreversible loss of cultural identity and heritage faced by the characters. It highlights the poignant moment of realization and regret experienced by Franz, emphasizing the profound impact of education and the consequences of neglecting its importance

  1. Answer any one question of the following in about 120-150 words: 5 

(a) Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why ? 

Yes, the third level served as a medium of escape for Charley. The third level, a train station from the year 1894, provided Charley with a refuge from his stressful modern life. It offered him a means to escape the pressures and anxieties of his present-day existence and transport himself to a simpler and more peaceful time. The allure of the third level allowed Charley to momentarily disconnect from his reality and find solace in a bygone era. Furthermore, the fact that Charley contemplated permanently staying in the past indicates that he saw the third level not just as an escape, but as a desirable alternative to his current life. Overall, the third level served as a psychological escape hatch for Charley, offering him respite from the complexities and uncertainties of the present.

 (b) The lesson, ‘On The Face of It’, is an apt depiction of the loneliness and sense 

of alienation experienced by people on account of a disability. Explain. 

(b) The lesson “On The Face of It” effectively portrays the loneliness and sense of alienation experienced by individuals with disabilities. The character of Mr. Lamb, who has a disfigured face due to a burn injury, symbolizes the isolation and societal rejection faced by those perceived as different. Despite his kind nature, Mr. Lamb lives a solitary life, avoiding interactions with others out of fear of judgment and ridicule. Similarly, Derry, a young boy with a leg brace, experiences feelings of loneliness and frustration due to his physical limitations, leading him to retreat from social interactions. Through the interactions between Mr. Lamb and Derry, the lesson highlights the challenges and emotional struggles faced by individuals with disabilities, shedding light on the need for empathy, understanding, and acceptance in society. Overall, the story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of inclusivity and compassion towards those living with disabilities.


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