
Learn Writing Skills on Constitution Day 2023

Letter Writing Complete Solution

Learn Writing Skills on Constitution Day 2023. Constitution Day, which falls on November 26 every year, is a chance to improve your writing abilities in addition to marking the adoption of the Indian Constitution. Writing is an effective means of expressing ideas, opinions, and thoughts, and knowing the importance of the constitution offers a rich context for developing these abilities. Here are some ideas for using Constitution Day to hone your writing skills:Learn Writing Skills on Constitution Day 2023

1. Contemplate Constitutional Values: Give some thought to the fundamental principles that the Indian Constitution upholds. The fundamental ideas of our democracy are justice, liberty, equality, and brotherhood. Write a brief essay outlining your opinions on the ways in which these principles affect our society.

2. Write a Speech for Constitution Day: As part of your speech-writing exercise, write a succinct speech for Constitution Day. Think about mentioning historical details, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s contribution, and the constitution’s applicability in the modern world. To capture your audience, put an emphasis on coherence, clarity, and compelling language.

3. Legal Literacy Essay: Take up the task of writing an essay on the value of legal awareness in our society, considering the celebration’s emphasis on legal literacy. Examine the ways in which legal knowledge promotes a just and equitable society and empowers citizens.

4. Editorial on Constitutional Changes: Examine the modifications incorporated into the Indian Constitution throughout the years. Write an opinion piece outlining an amendment that piques your interest and going over its background, significance, and applicability today.

5. Constitutional Debate Preparation: Get ready for a constitutional debate to hone your persuasive writing abilities. Select a constitutional topic, like the right to privacy, freedom of speech, or election changes. Construct logical arguments and be aware of potential rebuttals.

6. Constitution Day Article: Compose a scholarly piece detailing the background and importance of Constitution Day. Give a thorough history of the holiday’s founding, how the constitution was drafted, and why it is still relevant now.

7. Constitutional Poetry or Song Lyrics: Use your imagination to convey your thoughts about the constitution in a poem or song. Employ symbolism and metaphors to creatively communicate the spirit of constitutional ideals.

8. Letter to Future decades: Consider composing a letter emphasising the value of protecting and defending the principles of the constitution for decades to come. Consider the difficulties that our democracy faces and how they contribute to a brighter future.

9. Constitutional Book Review: Read up on books about the Indian Constitution and compose a review of them. Examine the author’s presentation of constitutional concepts and evaluate the book’s role in raising constitutional consciousness.

10. Constitutional Blog Post: Write a post about constitutional concerns for your new blog or add to an already-existing one. Talk about your thoughts on the ongoing discussions about constitutional principles, recent law changes, or your own experiences with them.

By participating in these writing tasks, you will enhance your writing abilities while also learning more about the tremendous effects of the constitution on our society. Let 2023’s Constitution Day serve as a springboard to help you become a more knowledgeable and expressive citizen.

Notice Writing on Constitution Day 2023

Silana, Jhajjar, November 26, 2023

In commemoration of Constitution Day 2023, also known as “Samvidhan Divas,” SJS GGSSS Silana Jhajjar organised a series of engaging activities and events. The day served as a platform for students to explore the profound principles of the Indian Constitution and understand its significance in shaping the nation’s destiny.

The school’s Legal Literacy Cell orchestrated a quiz competition to enhance students’ understanding of the Indian Constitution, which stood out as the highlight of the celebration. The Legal Literacy Cell Incharge played a crucial role in guiding and supporting enthusiastic participants, ensuring an enriching experience for all.

We invite all students to actively participate in these events, fostering a deeper understanding of our constitutional values and the role they play in our democratic society.

Principal, M.S. Yadav

Report Constitution Day 2023

Silana, Jhajjar, November 26, 2023

Constitution Day 2023 at SJS GGSSS Silana Jhajjar was a resounding success, filled with patriotic fervour and a commitment to constitutional awareness. The day commenced with the Legal Literacy Cell’s quiz competition, a dynamic initiative aimed at improving students’ grasp of the Indian Constitution. The competition, a testament to the school’s dedication to legal literacy, was made possible through the guidance of the Legal Literacy Cell Incharge.

The day’s events reached their pinnacle as Principal M.S. Yadav delivered a thought-provoking address, emphasising the inclusive and progressive nature of India’s Constitution. Recognising the dual significance of the day, not only as Constitution Day but also as a tribute to Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s 131st birthday, Principal M.S. Yadav underscored the enduring impact of Ambedkar’s visionary leadership in crafting the world’s longest written constitution.

The festivities served as a reminder of the values enshrined in the constitution and the collective responsibility each citizen holds in upholding democratic principles. The celebration at SJS GGSSS Silana Jhajjar left an indelible mark on the minds of the students, fostering a sense of unity, patriotism, and constitutional awareness.

Speech on  Constitution Day 2023

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning. Today, we gather here at SJS GGSSS Silana Jhajjar to celebrate Constitution Day 2023, a day of immense importance in our nation’s history.

Constitution Day, observed annually on November 26th, marks the adoption of the Indian Constitution by the Constituent Assembly in 1949, a document that came into effect on January 26, 1950, heralding the birth of the Republic of India.

Our Constitution stands as one of the most inclusive and progressive in the world, thanks to the visionary leadership of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the key architect behind its creation. Today, we not only commemorate Constitution Day but also pay tribute to Dr. Ambedkar on his 131st birthday, celebrated as Ambedkar Jayanti.

Previously observed as Law Day, the decision to celebrate Constitution Day on November 26th aims to underscore the paramount importance of the Constitution in shaping our nation’s destiny and promoting Ambedkar’s visionary ideals.

As Principal M.S. Yadav emphasised earlier, let us cherish and celebrate Indian Constitution Day with a deep love for our country. The events of today serve as a reminder of the values enshrined in our constitution and the vital role each citizen plays in upholding the democratic principles it represents.

Thank you, and let us continue to foster unity, patriotism, and constitutional awareness in our great nation.

Article on Constitution Day

Silana, Jhajjar, November 26, 2023

Constitution Day 2023 unfolded at SJS GGSSS Silana Jhajjar as an embodiment of unity, patriotism, and constitutional awareness. The school, draped in the spirit of the Indian Constitution, orchestrated a day filled with activities aimed at fostering a deep understanding of our constitutional values.

The pinnacle of the celebration was the quiz competition organized by the school’s Legal Literacy Cell, showcasing a commitment to nurturing legal awareness among the students. The Legal Literacy Cell Incharge played a pivotal role in steering the competition, ensuring that each participant gained valuable insights into the intricacies of our constitutional framework.

The day’s events commenced with the resonating notes of the National Anthem echoing through the school premises and setting an atmosphere of pride and reverence. Principal M.S. Yadav, in his thought-provoking address, illuminated the essence of the constitution, underscoring its inclusive and progressive nature.

Constitution Day holds dual significance, marking not only the adoption of the Indian Constitution on November 26, 1949, but also the 131st birthday celebration of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the visionary leader instrumental in its drafting. Ambedkar’s role as India’s first law minister and the chief architect of the world’s longest written constitution is a legacy that continues to inspire generations.

The decision to observe Constitution Day on November 26th was a conscious effort by the Government of India, initiated in 2015, to instill a sense of constitutional values among citizens. This move aims to highlight the paramount importance of our constitution in shaping the destiny of our nation.

As Principal M.S. Yadav aptly concluded in his address, Constitution Day is not just an occasion for celebration; it is a reminder of the values enshrined in our constitution and the responsibilities each citizen bears in upholding the democratic principles it represents. It’s a day to reflect on the sacrifices made by our forefathers and to renew our commitment to the ideals that form the foundation of our democracy.

The celebration at SJS GGSSS Silana Jhajjar left an indelible mark on the minds of the students, instilling a sense of pride in being part of the world’s largest democracy. As we reflect on Constitution Day 2023, let us carry forward the spirit of unity, patriotism, and constitutional awareness in our hearts, ensuring that the ideals of our constitution remain vibrant and relevant in the years to come.

Letter to The Editor on Constitution Day

You are a student of class 12 of SJS GGSSS, Silana, Jhajjar. Write a letter to the editor of “The Tribune”, Chandigarh to ask him to publish the main points of Indian constitution to spread about awareness about constitutional rights of people of India

[Your Name]
[Your Class and Roll Number]
SJS GGSSS, Silana, Jhajjar

The Editor
The Tribune

Subject: Request for Publication on Main Points of the Indian Constitution

Dear Editor,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing as a concerned student of Class 12 at SJS GGSSS, Silana, Jhajjar, with a sincere request to publish the main points of the Indian Constitution in the esteemed columns of “The Tribune.” Our objective is to spread awareness about the constitutional rights of the people of India, fostering a deeper understanding of our nation’s guiding principles.

In the backdrop of Constitution Day, observed on November 26th, it is imperative that citizens, especially the youth, are well-informed about the key tenets of our constitution. As we approach adulthood, understanding our constitutional rights becomes not just a civic duty but a tool for empowerment.

Justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity are values that the Indian Constitution, a remarkable work of visionary writing, embodies. By featuring the main points of the constitution, “The Tribune” can contribute significantly to public education, helping readers comprehend the rights and duties bestowed upon them by this foundational text.

Moreover, an informed citizenry is crucial for the vibrancy of our democracy. By publishing the main points of the Indian Constitution, we can collectively strengthen the democratic fabric of our nation. The dissemination of this knowledge will empower individuals to exercise their rights responsibly and participate actively in the democratic process.

I believe that featuring the main points of the Indian Constitution in “The Tribune” aligns with the newspaper’s commitment to fostering public awareness and promoting civic engagement. This initiative will undoubtedly serve as a valuable resource for students, professionals, and the general public alike.

I earnestly request your kind consideration of this proposal and hope to see the main points of the Indian Constitution featured in the upcoming editions of “The Tribune.” This endeavour will undoubtedly contribute to the enlightenment of our readership and the promotion of constitutional literacy.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to witnessing the positive impact of this initiative on our community.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Class and Roll Number]
SJS GGSSS, Silana, Jhajjar

Quiz on Constitution Day 2023 

Welcome to the Constitution Day 2023 Quiz! Test your knowledge about the Indian Constitution and its historical significance. Select the correct answer for each question and discover how well-versed you are in constitutional matters.

1. When was the Indian Constitution adopted by the Constituent Assembly?

a. January 26, 1949
b. November 26, 1949
c. August 15, 1947
d. January 26, 1950

2. Who was the key architect of the Indian Constitution?

a. Mahatma Gandhi
b. Jawaharlal Nehru
c. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
d. Sardar Patel

3. What values are enshrined in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?

a. Justice, Equality, and Fraternity
b. Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood
c. Truth, Liberty, and Unity
d. Integrity, Unity, and Prosperity

4. Which day is observed as Constitution Day in India?

a. August 15
b. November 26
c. January 26
d. April 14

5. What is the significance of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the framing of the constitution?

a. Chief Architect
b. Prime Minister
c. Chief Justice
d. President

6. Which amendment to the Indian Constitution deals with the right to education?

a. 42nd Amendment
b. 86th Amendment
c. 73rd Amendment
d. 105th Amendment

7. What is the duration of the first session of the Constituent Assembly for the framing of the Constitution?

a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 3 years
d. 6 months

8. What is the term for the head of the state in the Indian Constitution?

a. Prime Minister
b. President
c. Chief Justice
d. Governor

9. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with fundamental rights?

a. Part I
b. Part II
c. Part III
d. Part IV

10. What is the total number of Schedules in the Indian Constitution?

a. 20
b. 25
c. 30
d. 35


  1. b. November 26, 1949
  2. c. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
  3. a. Justice, Equality, and Fraternity
  4. b. November 26
  5. a. Chief Architect
  6. b. 86th Amendment
  7. c. 3 years
  8. b. President
  9. c. Part III
  10. d. 35

How did you do? Share your results and challenge your friends to test their knowledge on Constitution Day!

Constitution Day 2023 Quiz: Answers and Explanations

1. When did the Constituent Assembly adopt the Indian Constitution?
Answer: b. November 26, 1949
Explanation: The Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Indian Constitution on November 26, 1949, marking a significant milestone in the nation’s history. However, it came into effect on January 26, 1950.

2. Who was the key architect of the Indian Constitution?
Answer: c. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Explanation: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar played a pivotal role in the framing of the Indian Constitution. He chaired the drafting committee and is often referred to as the chief architect.

3. What values are enshrined in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?
Answer: a. Justice, Equality, and Fraternity
Explanation: The Preamble outlines the ideals of justice, equality, fraternity, liberty, and dignity, forming the guiding principles of the Indian Constitution.

4. Which day is observed as Constitution Day in India?
Answer: b. November 26
Explanation: Constitution Day is celebrated on November 26th every year to honour the adoption of the Indian Constitution by the Constituent Assembly.

5. What is the significance of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the framing of the constitution?
Answer: a. Chief Architect
Explanation: Dr. Ambedkar chaired the drafting committee and played a crucial role in shaping the Indian Constitution, earning him the title of chief architect.

6. Which amendment to the Indian Constitution deals with the right to education?
Answer: b. 86th Amendment
Explanation: The 86th Amendment to the Indian Constitution, enacted in 2002, introduced Article 21A, guaranteeing the right to education for children aged 6 to 14.

7. What is the duration of the first session of the Constituent Assembly for the framing of the Constitution?
Answer: c. 3 years
Explanation: The Constituent Assembly held its first session on December 9, 1946, and completed the framing of the Constitution in about three years.

8. What is the term for the head of the state in the Indian Constitution?
Answer: b. President
Explained: According to the Indian Constitution, an electoral college chooses the President as the nation’s head of state.

9. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with fundamental rights?
Answer: c. Part III
Explanation: Part III of the Constitution contains the Fundamental Rights, ensuring individual liberties and freedoms.

10. What is the total number of Schedules in the Indian Constitution?
Answer: d. 35
Explanation: The Indian Constitution originally had 8 schedules, but with amendments over the years, it now comprises 12 schedules, addressing various administrative and legislative matters.

We hope you enjoyed the Constitution Day 2023 Quiz and expanded your knowledge of the Indian Constitution! Share your results and newfound insights with others to celebrate the spirit of constitutional awareness.

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