
CBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023–24 Sample Question Paper

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CBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023–24 Sample Question Paper

CBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023–24 Sample Question Paper Solution and design. There is a little change in the Class 12 English (Core) 2023–24 Question Paper Design. Last year, reading skills carried 20 marks, and this year it will be 22 marks. For more detail, kindly check the CBSE official website.

CODE NO. 301

CBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023–24 Question Paper Design

Section A – 22 Marks
Reading Skills

I Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage (12+10 = 22 Marks)
1. One unseen passage to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis and inference.
Vocabulary assessment will also be assessed via inference. The passage may be
factual, descriptive or literary.

2. One unseen case-based factual passage with verbal/visual inputs like statistical data,
charts etc. to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference and evaluation.

Note: The combined word limit for both the passages will be 700-750 words.
Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions and Short Answer type Questions
(to be answered in 40-50 words) will be asked.

Section B – 18 Marks CBSE Class 12 English(Core)
Creative Writing Skills

II. Creative Writing Skills
3.Notice, up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered.(4 Marks:
Format :1 / Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar : 1 ).
4. Formal/Informal Invitation and Reply, up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to
be answered. (4 Marks: Format : 1 / Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spellingand Grammar :1 ).
5. Letters based on verbal/visual input, to be answered in approximately 120-150 words.
Lettertypes include application for a job with bio data or resume. Letters to the editor (giving
suggestions or opinion on issues of public interest) . One out of the two given questions to
be answered . (5 Marks: Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of
Spelling and Grammar :1 ).
6. Article/ Report Writing, descriptive and analytical in nature, based on verbal inputs, to be
answered in 120-150 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered . (5 Marks:
Format : 1 /Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).

Section C – 40 Marks: Literature Text Book and Supplementary Reading Text NCERT Books

This section will have variety of assessment items including Multiple Choice
Questions, Objective Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions and Long
Answer Type Questions to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation
and extrapolation beyond the text.
7. One Poetry extract out of two, from the book Flamingo, to assess comprehension,
interpretation, analysis, inference and appreciation. (6×1=6 Marks)
8. One Prose extract out of two, from the book Vistas, to assess comprehension,
interpretation,analysis, evaluation and appreciation. (4×1=4 Marks)
9. One prose extract out of two from the book Flamingo, to assess comprehension,
interpretation, analysis, inference and evaluation. (6×1=6Marks)
10. Short answer type questions (from Prose and Poetry from the book Flamingo), to
be answered in 40-50 words each. Questions should elicit inferential responses
through critical thinking. Five questions out of the six given, are to be answered.
(5×2=10 Marks)
11. Short answer type questions, from Prose (Vistas), to be answered in 40- 50 words
each. Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking. Any two
out of three questions to be done. (2×2=4 Marks)
12. One Long answer type question, from Prose/Poetry (Flamingo), to be answered in
120-150 words. Questions can be based on incident / theme / passage / extract / event
as reference points to assess extrapolation beyond and across the text. The question
will elicit analytical and evaluative response from the student. Any one out of two
questions to be done. (1×5=5 Marks)
13. One Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Vistas, to be
answeredin 120-150 words, to assess global comprehension and extrapolation beyond
the text. Questions to provide analytical and evaluative responses using incidents,
events, themes, as reference points. Any one out of two questions to be done.
(1×5=5 Marks)

CBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023–24 Sample Question Paper Solution

I Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage (12+10 = 22 Marks)
1. One unseen passage to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis and inference.
Vocabulary assessment will also be assessed via inference. The passage may be
factual, descriptive or literary.


2. One unseen case-based factual passage with verbal/visual inputs like statistical data,
charts etc. to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference and evaluation.

II. Creative Writing Skills: Class 12 English (Core) 2023–24

3.Notice, up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered.(4 Marks:
Format :1 / Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar : 1 ).

4. Formal/Informal Invitation and Reply, up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to
be answered. (4 Marks: Format : 1 / Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spellingand Grammar :1 ).

5. Letters based on verbal/visual input, to be answered in approximately 120-150 words.
Lettertypes include application for a job with bio data or resume. Letters to the editor (giving
suggestions or opinion on issues of public interest) . One out of the two given questions to
be answered . (5 Marks: Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of
Spelling and Grammar :1 ).

6. Article/ Report Writing, descriptive and analytical in nature, based on verbal inputs, to be
answered in 120-150 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered . (5 Marks:
Format : 1 /Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).

7. One Poetry extract out of two, from the book Flamingo, to assess comprehension,
interpretation, analysis, inference and appreciation. (6×1=6 Marks)

8. One Prose extract out of two, from the book Vistas, to assess comprehension,
interpretation,analysis, evaluation and appreciation. (4×1=4 Marks)

9. One prose extract out of two from the book Flamingo, to assess comprehension,
interpretation, analysis, inference and evaluation. (6×1=6Marks)

10. Short answer type questions (from Prose and Poetry from the book Flamingo), to
be answered in 40-50 words each. Questions should elicit inferential responses
through critical thinking. Five questions out of the six given, are to be answered.
(5×2=10 Marks)

11. Short answer type questions, from Prose (Vistas), to be answered in 40- 50 words
each. Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking. Any two
out of three questions to be done. (2×2=4 Marks)

12. One Long answer type question, from Prose/Poetry (Flamingo), to be answered in
120-150 words. Questions can be based on incident / theme / passage / extract / event
as reference points to assess extrapolation beyond and across the text. The question
will elicit analytical and evaluative response from the student. Any one out of two
questions to be done. (1×5=5 Marks)

13. One Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Vistas, to be
answeredin 120-150 words, to assess global comprehension and extrapolation beyond
the text. Questions to provide analytical and evaluative responses using incidents,
events, themes, as reference points. Any one out of two questions to be done.

(1×5=5 Marks)

CBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023–24 Sample Question Paper PDF




Courtesy: CBSE
Time allowed: 3 Hrs.                                                                                         Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages
1. Read the following text. 12 marks
Arthur lay in his cabin, still trying to piece together the events of the last few hours. He had watched
his home planet of Earth be demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass, been saved by his
friend Ford, and then whisked away on a ship that was powered by an “infinite improbability drive.”
It was all too much for him.
Just then, Ford stuck his head around the door.
“Hey, Earthman,” he said, “come and have a look at this.”
Arthur stumbled after him down a corridor and into the ship’s control room. He gazed in amazement
at the banks of controls and flashing lights. In the center of the room was a large console covered in
buttons and switches, and in the middle of the console was a small, white mouse.
“What’s that?” asked Arthur.
“That’s the ship’s computer,” said Ford.
Arthur stared at the mouse. “That’s a computer?” he said.
“Yup,” said Ford. “Five-dimensional, biologically-based, super intelligent, and in the form of a white
lab mouse. Pretty neat, huh?”
“I don’t know,” said Arthur. “I don’t think I really understand anything anymore. Why is a mouse the
ship’s computer?”

“It’s a long story,” said Ford. “But the short version is that the mice built the Earth as a giant computer
to figure out the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. Then they ran out of money
and had to destroy it to make way for a hyperspace bypass. So now they’re using the Heart of Gold to
finish the calculation.”
Arthur was about to say something, but at that moment the ship’s intercom crackled to life.
“Good evening, Heart of Gold,” said a smooth, computerized voice. “This is Eddie, your shipboard
computer. I’m feeling a bit depressed today. Would you like me to sing you a song?”
“Oh, not again,” groaned Ford.
“Eddie, would you mind shutting up?” said Arthur.
Arthur sighed and leaned back against the console, trying to make sense of everything. But as he
closed his eyes, he heard a voice inside his head.
“Hello?” it said.
Arthur jumped, startled. “Who’s there?” he said.
“It’s me,” said the voice. “Marvin.”
“Marvin?” said Arthur. “Who’s Marvin?”
“The Paranoid Android,” said the voice.
Arthur looked around, but he didn’t see anyone. “Where are you?” he said.
“I’m down here,” said the voice.
Arthur looked down and saw a small, metal figure shuffling across the floor. It was about three feet
tall, with a round head and a body that looked like it had been cobbled together from spare parts. Its
eyes were a dull red, and its voice was a monotone.
“I’ve been waiting for someone to talk to me for over two million years,” said Marvin.
Adapted – An excerpt from “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams / 444 words
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
i Select the option that classifies Arthur’s confusion about drastic events such as the
destruction of his home planet and the introduction of new technologies, correctly.
A. Routine and boredom
B. Adventure and excitement
C. Loss and change
D. Calm and relaxation

i) Arthur’s confusion about drastic events such as the destruction of his home planet and the introduction of new technologies is correctly classified as: C. Loss and change
ii What is the significance of the white lab mouse in the control room of the Heart of Gold
A. It is the captain of the ship
B. It serves as the ship’s computer
C. It is a pet of the crew
D. It is used for scientific experiments

ii) The significance of the white lab mouse in the control room of the Heart of Gold spaceship is: B. It serves as the ship’s computer.
iii Share evidence from the text, in about 40 words to support the view that the writer’s writing
style is descriptive and humourous.

iii) Evidence from the text supporting the view that the writer’s writing style is descriptive and humorous: The author describes the ship’s computer as a “five-dimensional, biologically-based, super-intelligent” mouse in a tone that suggests amusement and surprise.
iv Complete the sentence appropriately with a characteristic or its description.
Based on the information given in the excerpt, one can infer that the mice who built the Earth
are ____________.

iv) Based on the information given in the excerpt, one can infer that the mice who built the Earth are advanced and technologically capable.
v Select the option that is similar in meaning to Ford’s expression , “Pretty neat, huh?”.
A. Easy , isn’t it?
B. Could be worse, no?
C. Impressive, yes?
D. Too difficult for you?

v) Ford’s expression, “Pretty neat, huh?” is similar in meaning to: C. Impressive, yes?
vi Explain, in about 40 words, why the name “The Paranoid Android” is considered ironic. 2
vii In the line, “…a body that looked like it had been cobbled together from spare parts…”, what
comparison does the word “cobbled” refer to?

vi) The name “The Paranoid Android” is considered ironic because the term “paranoid” suggests extreme and irrational fear, but Marvin, the android, appears more depressed and resigned than paranoid.
viii How does the following, impact the reader, even though they know Marvin is just an android?
“I’ve been waiting for someone to talk to me for over two million years,” said Marvin.
Answer in about 40 words.

vii) In the line, “a body that looked like it had been cobbled together from spare parts,” the word “cobbled” refers to: assembled or put together in a rough and improvised manner.

viii How does the following, impact the reader, even though they know Marvin is just an android?
“I’ve been waiting for someone to talk to me for over two million years,” said Marvin.
Answer in about 40 words.

The statement “I’ve been waiting for someone to talk to me for over two million years,” said Marvin, creates a poignant and lonely atmosphere. Despite the reader knowing Marvin is an android, the longing expressed evokes a sense of empathy and sadness for his isolation.
ix Read the five headlines (a) -(e), given below:
Identify the option that displays the headline/s that DOES/ DO NOT correspond with
occurrences in the passage.
A. Only (a)
B. (b) (c) and (d)
C. Only (e)
D. (a) and (e)

ix) The option that displays the headline(s) that do not correspond with occurrences in the passage is D. (a) and (e).

2. Read the following text. 10 marks
In recent years, there has been a surge in both group and solo travel among young adults in India. A
survey conducted among young adults aged 18-25 aimed to explore the reasons behind their travel
preferences and recorded the percentage variation for 10 common points that influence travel
Among those who prefer solo travel, the most common reason cited was the desire for independence
and freedom (58%), followed closely by the opportunity for introspection and self-discovery (52%).
Additionally, solo travellers appreciated the ability to customize their itinerary to their preferences
(44%) and the chance to meet new people on their own terms (36%).
On the other hand, those who prefer group travel often cited the desire for socializing and making
new friends (61%) as their primary reason. Group travel also provided a sense of security and safety
in unfamiliar places (52%) and allowed for shared experiences and memories with others (48%).
Additionally, group travellers enjoyed the convenience of having pre-planned itineraries and
organized transportation (38%).
Interestingly, both groups had similar levels of interest in exploring new cultures and trying new
experiences (40% for solo travellers, 36% for group travellers). Similarly, both groups valued the
opportunity to relax and escape from the stresses of everyday life (36% for solo travellers, 32% for
group travellers).
(5) However, there were also some notable differences between the two groups. For example, solo
travellers placed a higher priority on budget-friendly travel options (38%) compared to group
travellers (24%). Conversely, group travellers were more likely to prioritize luxury and comfort during
their travels (28%) compared to solo travellers (12%).
(6) Overall, the survey results suggest that both group and solo travel have their own unique advantages
and appeal to different individuals, based on their preferences and priorities.
Created for academic usage / 290 words
Answer the following questions, based on given passage.
i Infer two possible ways that the survey , mentioned in paragraph (1) could be beneficial.
Answer in about 40 words. 2

By offering insights into new trends, the survey on the travel preferences of young adults may prove useful in helping the travel sector customise services to meet their demands. It might also provide useful information to policymakers in understanding the socio-economic effects of teenage travel habits shifting.
ii Which travel choice point of the survey would influence tour operators to incorporate group
dinners, social events, and shared accommodations in their itinerary?
A. Freedom to customise itinerary
B. Luxury and comfort
C. Security and safety
D. Desire for making new friends

ii) The travel choice point of the survey that would influence tour operators to incorporate group dinners, social events, and shared accommodations in their itinerary is: D. Desire for making new friends
iii What do the top choices in the survey, for traveling solo and in a group suggest about young

iii) The top choices in the survey for travelling solo and in a group suggest that young adults value: independence, freedom, and introspection for solo travellers, and socialising, making new friends, and shared experiences for group travellers.
iv Identify the solo traveller from the following three travellers:
(a) Reshma- I don’t want to keep hunting for rickshaws or taxis. A pre-booked vehicle is
(b) Nawaz-I’m happy sharing a room in a hostel. I don’t need hotel accommodation.
(c) Deepak-I’m not worried about my well-being , even while exploring remote areas.

iv) The solo traveller from the three options is: (c) Deepak: “I’m not worried about my well-being, even while exploring remote areas.”
v Which of the following is an example of an opportunity for self-discovery, as mentioned in
paragraph 2?
A. Trying new cuisine
B. Hiring a tour guide
C. Purchasing local artifacts
D. Advance booking travel tickets
vi How might the differences in budget priorities between solo and group travellers impact the
types of accommodations and activities offered by the travel industry in India?

vi) The differences in budget priorities between solo and group travellers might impact the types of accommodations and activities offered by the travel industry in India. Solo travellers, prioritising budget-friendly options, may drive the industry to provide affordable accommodations and activities. In contrast, group travellers, prioritising luxury and comfort, may lead to the promotion of upscale accommodations and leisure activities.
vii Complete the sentence appropriately.
The similarities in the percentage of both solo and group travellers who are interested in
exploring new cultures and trying new experiences may be due to ________.

vii) The similarities in the percentage of both solo and group travellers who are interested in exploring new cultures and trying new experiences may be due o a sshared desire for diverse and enriching travel experiences, regardless of their choice of solo or group travel.
viii State TRUE or FALSE.
The title, “Wanderlust: The Solo Travel Trend Among Young Adults in India”, is appropriate
for this passage. 1

viii) FALSE


SECTION B : CREATIVE WRITING SKILLS (18 marks)Sample Question Paper 2023-24

Note : All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment purpose .

3 Attempt ANY ONE of two , in about 50 words. 4
A Bali High Public School has recently created CureGreen, a dedicated area for local medicinal herbs and shrubs, adjacent to the flower garden, on campus. As Rachel Tiwari, Captain of the Eco-Club , draft a notice for the school notice board, informing students of classes XI-XII, about a guided walk through CureGreen , post assembly, on Friday, 10 July. Invite care-giver applications, for CureGreen.


Date: December 3, 2023

This is to inform students of Classes XI-XII that a guided walk through CureGreen, our newly established area for local medicinal herbs and shrubs, will take place post-assembly on Friday, July 10th. This educational stroll, under the direction of Eco-Club Captain Rachel Tiwari, aims to highlight our green initiative. Care-giver applications for CureGreen are invited.


Rachel Tiwari,


Eco-Club Bali High Public School


B You are the Secretary of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme , Jastinapur, Sector D-3 Society.
Draft a notice for the Society notice board, informing residents about the change of
personnel, Head Security, Gate 2 and share necessary details. Also, include the news of
installation of the much awaited security camera, on the Eastern periphery of the Society.


Dear Residents,

Security Update: Change of Head Security and New Surveillance

We are pleased to announce a change in personnel at Gate 2. Welcome to our new Head of Security! For any security concerns, contact Jassy at 98989898. Exciting news: the much-awaited security camera is now operational on the eastern periphery. Your safety is our priority!

Best regards,

[Your Name]



Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

4 Attempt ANY ONE of two , in about 50 words. 4
A You are the Student Head, Cultural Affairs, at M.K. Sr. Sec. School. Your school is organising a
2-day Yoga camp over the weekend, for parents of the school students. Create an invitation,
inviting the school parents for this Yoga camp. Share information about the camp organisers
and include other necessary details.


Invitation: Yoga Camp for Parents at M.K. Sr. Sec. School

Dear esteemed parents,

EmbraceWellness: A 2-Day Yoga Camp for You!

Join us for a rejuvenating weekend at our exclusive yoga camp, designed just for parents! Organised by the Cultural Affairs Department at M.K. Sr. Sec. School, this camp promises serenity and holistic well-being.


  • Date: [Insert Date]
  • Time: [Insert Time]
  • Venue: [Insert Venue]


  • Expert-led yoga sessions
  • Meditation and mindfulness
  • Health Talks by Renowned Speakers
  • Healthy Refreshments

This is your time for self-care! Reserve your spot by [RSVP Deadline].

For any queries, contact [your name]. Student Head, Cultural Affairs [Contact Information]

We look forward to a weekend of wellness with you!

Warm regards,

M.K. Sr. Sec. School Cultural Affairs Department

B Smt. Leelavati Khatri, your grandmother, has received an invitation from her childhood friend , residing at a distance in the same city. The invite is for the blessing ceremony and celebratory dinner, marking the birth of her granddaughter. Your grandmother wishes to attend the event but would need to be accompanied by a family member to assist her with her wheelchair. Create an appropriate reply, accepting this invitation, on behalf of your grandmother.


Dear [Friend’s Name],

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. Thank you so much for the heartfelt invitation to the blessing ceremony and celebratory dinner for your granddaughter. It would be an honour for my grandmother, Smt. Leelavati Khatri, and me to attend this joyous occasion.

We deeply appreciate your thoughtful gesture and are excited to be a part of such a significant moment in your family. Please be informed that my grandmother uses a wheelchair, and we would be grateful if you could make the necessary arrangements for accessibility.

I look forward to sharing in the happiness of this special day with you and your family.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

5 Attempt ANY ONE of two , in about 120-150 words. 5
A You are Damanjit Singh, a fresh graduate of film-making (BFA), from JTTI, Chandigarh. You saw the
given advertisement in the newspaper and wish to apply for the position advertised. Write a letter
to Mili Johar Arts, along with your bio-data, expressing your interest in the advertised post.

sample paper englih class 12 q5 img

Damanjit Singh

[Your Address]

[City, State, Pin Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


Mili Johar Arts

[Company’s Address]

[City, State, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for the post of Assistant Director

Dear Ms. Mili Johar,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my keen interest in the Assistant Director position advertised in the recent newspaper for your upcoming feature film project. Having recently graduated with a degree in film-making from JTTI, Chandigarh, I am enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing my skills and creativity to Mili Johar Arts.

Your advertisement’s inclusive approach to accepting both freshers and experienced candidates aligns perfectly with my career aspirations. My academic background, coupled with practical experiences during my degree, has equipped me with the necessary skills in camera handling, proficiency in filmmaking, and a functional understanding of Marathi.

I am confident that my exceptional communication skills and ability to multitask make me a suitable candidate for the advertised position. I am eager to bring my passion for filmmaking and my fresh perspective to your esteemed production house.

Enclosed with this letter is my resume, providing a comprehensive overview of my educational background, relevant coursework, and a portfolio showcasing my practical experiences in the field. I believe my skills and enthusiasm make me a strong fit for your team.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the success of your feature film and would welcome the chance to discuss how my skills align with the needs of Mili Johar Arts further. I have sent my application and resume to Johar House, Diyali Hills, Mumbai, as per the instructions in your advertisement.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of an interview to discuss how I can contribute to the success of Mili Johar Arts.


Damanjit Singh

B Despite being an essential component of road safety infrastructure, many people do not respect
zebra crossings and fail to follow traffic rules, which results in hazardous situations on the roads.
Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, sharing your concern, and examining the reasons for
such behaviour. Provide suggestions for spreading awareness of rules and etiquettes involved, and
ways to ensure adherence. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this letter. You
are Soma Baruah, a concerned city resident.

sample paper eng

Soma Baruah

[Your Address]

[City, State, Pin Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


The Editor

[Newspaper’s Name]

[Newspaper’s Address]

[City, State,Pin Code]

Subject: Urgent Need for Strengthening Zebra Crossing Adherence

Dear Editor

I am writing as a concerned city resident to draw attention to the alarming disregard for zebra crossings and the consequential compromise of road safety. Despite being a crucial component of road safety infrastructure, zebra crossings often witness negligence, leading to hazardous situations on our roads.

The reasons behind such behaviour are multifaceted. Firstly, there is a lack of awareness regarding the significance of zebra crossings and the rules associated with them. To address this, awareness campaigns need to be initiated, targeting the general public and educational institutes.

Spreading awareness can be achieved through both in-person engagements and social media platforms. Workshops and seminars in schools and colleges can educate students about the importance of following traffic rules, including respecting zebra crossings. Simultaneously, leveraging social media campaigns can reach a wider audience and reinforce the message of responsible road behaviour.

Highlighting the dire consequences of disregarding traffic rules, especially at zebra crossings, is essential. Public service announcements can illustrate the potential risks to individuals and the broader community when road safety is compromised. This can instill a sense of responsibility and encourage adherence to traffic regulations.

To ensure adherence, strict measures such as fines and penalties should be imposed for violations related to zebra crossings. These deterrents can act as a crucial step in curbing the non-compliance of traffic rules. Additionally, the possibility of revoking driving licences for repeated offences should be considered to enforce a sense of accountability among motorists.

Strengthening the role of traffic police is pivotal in monitoring and enforcing adherence to zebra crossing rules. This involves providing adequate resources and employing technology such as surveillance cameras to identify and penalise offenders.

In conclusion, addressing the issue of non-compliance at zebra crossings requires a comprehensive approach. By raising awareness, imposing penalties, and leveraging technology, we can collectively contribute to creating safer roads for everyone.


Soma Baruah

6 Attempt ANY ONE of two , in about 120-150 words. 5

A You are Sohail Hassan of class XII-B. Write an article for your school magazine , sharing the
importance of young adults , as volunteers in one’s local community , the need to do so and the
benefits involved. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this article.

sample paper img

Sohail Hassan,

Class XII-B

[Your School’s Name]

[School’s Address]


Unlocking the Power of Youth: A Call to Volunteerism

In the hustle and bustle of academic life, it’s easy for young adults to overlook the profound impact they can have on their local communities through volunteerism. As a student of Class XII-B, I believe it’s essential to shed light on the importance of young adults as volunteers, the compelling need to engage in community service, and the myriad benefits that accompany such endeavours.

The importance of personal growth and community development

Volunteering isn’t just about giving; it’s also about gaining. Young adults, in the prime of personal growth, can immensely benefit from engaging in community service. It provides a unique opportunity to develop new skills, broaden one’s experiences, and instill a profound sense of purpose. These experiences contribute significantly to personal growth, fostering qualities like empathy, leadership, and a broader perspective on life.

On the flip side, communities also stand to gain substantially from the involvement of young volunteers. The fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and boundless energy that young adults bring to the table can be transformative for community development. Whether it’s organising events, participating in environmental initiatives, or assisting the less fortunate, the positive impact is tangible and enduring.

Benefits for Self: New Skills, Experiences, and Sense of Purpose

Engaging in volunteer activities during the formative years of youth offers a plethora of benefits. Firstly, it’s a fantastic way to acquire new skills. Whether it’s event planning, communication, or problem-solving, the hands-on experience gained through volunteering is invaluable and often surpasses what traditional education can offer.

Furthermore, volunteering provides a unique set of experiences that can’t be replicated in a classroom setting. It exposes young adults to diverse perspectives, challenges them to think critically, and nurtures a sense of responsibility towards society.

Perhaps most importantly, volunteering imparts a profound sense of purpose. It’s an avenue for young adults to feel connected to something larger than themselves. Knowing that one’s efforts contribute to the betterment of the community fosters a sense of fulfilment that is unparalleled.

For the Community: Positive Impact

The benefits of youth volunteering extend far beyond personal development. Communities witness a positive impact on various fronts. Whether it’s organising cleanliness drives, tutoring sessions, or participating in local governance, the active involvement of young adults contributes to a vibrant and thriving community.

Ways to Get Involved

Getting involved in community service doesn’t always require a massive time commitment. Simple acts of kindness, like helping a neighbour or participating in a local charity event, can make a significant difference. Joining existing volunteer organisations, youth clubs, or initiating small-scale projects are effective ways to start contributing.

In conclusion, the importance of young adults as volunteers cannot be overstated. As students, we are at a crucial juncture where our actions can shape not only our individual futures but also the collective destiny of our communities. Let’s embrace the power we hold, unlock our potential, and actively contribute to building a better world—one volunteer hour at a time.


Sohail Hassan, Class XII-B

B The R.W.A (Resident Welfare Association), Nandipura -II, launched a volunteer programme for the
young adults in and around the neighbourhood, on 18 January 2023. As Sunitha. J, the local
correspondent of the neighbourhood newsletter, write a report, covering this event. Support your
ideas with outline cues given below, to craft your report.

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Nandipura II R.W.A. Launches a Volunteer Programme: A Community Endeavour

Report by Sunitha J., Local Correspondent

Introduction: The Resident Welfare Association (R.W.A.) of Nandipura II took a momentous step towards community building with the launch of its volunteer programme on January 18, 2023. The event, held at the community centre, aimed to introduce the programme’s purpose, outline activities, and encourage young adults to actively participate in shaping the neighbourhood’s future.

Event Highlights:

  1. Purpose of the Launch Event:
    • The primary objective was to unveil the R.W.A.’s volunteer programme, emphasising the importance of community involvement for the betterment of Nandipura II.
  2. Activities Conducted:
    • Informative presentations outlined the programme’s structure, potential activities, and the positive impact volunteers could have on the neighbourhood.
    • Interactive sessions facilitated discussions on the diverse ways young adults could contribute, ensuring their interests aligned with community needs.
  3. Attendees and Key Messages:
    • Residents of all age groups, especially young adults, actively participated.
    • Key messages revolved around fostering a sense of community responsibility, unity, and the transformative power of collective action.
  4. Encouraging Young Volunteers:
    • Personal anecdotes from established volunteers inspired young adults, illustrating the rewarding nature of community service.
    • Engaging visuals showcased successful volunteer initiatives from other neighbourhoods, providing aspirants with tangible examples.
  5. Resource and Information Dissemination:
    • Attendees received resource packets containing programme guidelines, potential projects, and contact information for R.W.A. coordinators.
    • A dedicated Q&A session clarified doubts, ensuring interested individuals had a comprehensive understanding of the programme.
  6. Insight into Follow-Up Activities:
    • A roadmap for follow-up activities, including regular community meetings and skill-building workshops, was outlined to sustain volunteer engagement.
    • Feedback mechanisms were introduced, allowing volunteers to share their experiences and suggest improvements.
  7. Community Impact:
    • The programme’s success hinges on building a more connected and empowered community.
    • Anticipated impacts include cleaner surroundings, improved safety measures, and a heightened sense of belonging among residents.

Conclusion: The launch event served as a catalyst for Nandipura II residents to actively contribute to their community’s growth. With the volunteer programme now in full swing, the R.W.A. envisions a collaborative and thriving neighbourhood, driven by the enthusiasm and dedication of its residents.

Sunitha, J. Local Correspondent Nandipura, II Neighbourhood Newsletter


7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 6
A. And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read:
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink.
(A Thing of Beauty)
i Which of the following themes is best represented in the given extract?
A. The beauty of nature
B. The power of imagination
C. The immortality of art and literature
D. The inevitability of death 1

ii State whether the given statement is TRUE or FALSE, with reference to the extract.
By referring to the dead as “mighty”, the poet emphasizes their importance and the power
they exerted on the people.

iii Complete the sentence appropriately.
The “endless fountain of immortal drink” is an apt analogy for the tales of the mighty dead
because ___they___Pour unto us from the heaven’s brink______________________.
iv The use of the word “brink” in the extract suggests that the immortality that is being poured
onto us is on the verge of overflowing. This creates a powerful image of ___________.1

Nature Power
v Based on the poem rhyme scheme, evident in lines 2-5, of the given extract, which word
would rhyme with line 1?1

The rhyme scheme in the given lines (2-5) is ABAB. So, the word that would rhyme with line 1, “dooms,” is “dead” (which is the rhyme in line 3).
vi Select the option that is NOT true about the lack of punctuation at the end of line 1 in the
A. Creates a sense of continuity and flow that connects the line with the second line.
B. Encourages the reader to continue reading seamlessly without any pause.
C. Creates a sense of anticipation and expectation for the reader.
D. Encourages a revisit to the ideas in the preceding lines.

C. Creates a sense of anticipation and expectation for the reader.

The lack of punctuation at the end of line 1 creates a sense of continuity and flow, encourages the reader to continue reading seamlessly without a pause, and encourages a revisit to the ideas in the preceding lines. However, it does not necessarily create a sense of anticipation and expectation for the reader; instead, it contributes to the smooth flow of the poem.

B. …I looked again at her, wan,
as a late winter’s moon and felt that
familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,
but all I said was, see you soon,
all I did was smile and smile and
(My mother at Sixty-six)
i What is the speaker’s emotional state when looking at her mother?
A. Confused and disoriented
B. Nostalgic and longing
C. Empathetic and understanding
D. Fearful and apprehensive1

D. Fearful and apprehensive
ii What does the use of the word “but” at the beginning of the line, ‘ but all I said..’,
suggest ?

The use of the word “but” at the beginning of the line, ‘but all I said…’, suggests a contrast or contradiction between the speaker’s internal emotional state and their external response. Despite feeling a “familiar ache” and “childhood’s fear,” the speaker outwardly maintains a positive and reassuring demeanor by saying, “see you soon, Amma” and smiling. The conjunction “but” highlights this divergence between inner feelings and outward expressions.
iii Select the word that WILL NOT complete the sentence appropriately.
The description of the mother as “wan, pale / as a late winter’s moon” creates a vivid image
of ________ .
A. vulnerability
B. sensitivity
C. frailty
D. mortality

The word that WILL NOT complete the sentence appropriately is:

B. sensitivity

iv State whether the given statement is TRUE or FALSE.
The poetic device used in the line, ‘pale as a winter’s moon’ is the same as the one used in
the line, ‘the winter wind wistfully wailed at night’.

The statement is FALSE
v What message do these lines highlight, in the context of familial relationships, and the
speaker’s sense of anxiety and fear at the prospect of losing her mother?

These lines in “My Mother at Sixty-six” suggest a complex mix of emotions within the speaker. The description of the mother as “wan, pale / as a late winter’s moon” conveys a sense of frailty and vulnerability. The use of the word “but” at the beginning of the line, ‘but all I said was, see you soon, Amma,’ suggests a contrast between the intense emotions the speaker feels and the composed response given. The repeated “smile and smile and smile” at the end indicates an attempt to conceal or cope with the underlying fear and anxiety of losing the mother. The lines highlight the intricate dynamics of familial relationships, where the speaker grapples with the fear of separation and the need to reassure the mother with a positive demeanor.
vi Complete the sentence appropriately.
The repetition of the word, ‘smile’ suggests that _______________.

The repetition of the word “smile” suggests that the speaker is trying to maintain a facade of optimism and reassurance in the face of the emotional turmoil caused by the prospect of losing the mother.

8. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 4

A. Climate change is one of the most hotly contested environmental debates of our time. Will the West
Antarctic ice sheet melt entirely? Will the Gulf Stream ocean current be disrupted? Will it be the end
of the world as we know it? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, Antarctica is a crucial element in this
debate — not just because it’s the only place in the world, which has never sustained a human
population and therefore remains relatively ‘pristine’ in this respect; but more importantly, because
it holds in its ice-cores half-million-year-old carbon records trapped in its layers of ice.
(Journey to the End of the Earth)
i How does the absence of a human population in Antarctica make it significant in the climate
change debate?1

Antarctica’s absence of a human population is significant in the climate change debate because it has remained relatively “pristine” without human intervention. This absence makes Antarctica a unique and uncontaminated environment, allowing scientists to study its untouched natural state and gather crucial data on climate change without the influence of human activities.
ii Why is “climate change” described as a “hotly contested” issue in the extract provided?
This is so, because there _____.1

A. is universal agreement on the causes and implications of climate change
B. is a planned path ahead about how to address climate change
C. are differing views on the causes and implications of climate change
D. are minimal reports of fresh threats to climate change

C. are differing views on the causes and implications of climate change
iii The analogy of a time machine is an appropriate analogy for the role of carbon records in
the study of climate change because ________________________.1

Carbon records trapped in Antarctica’s ice layers serve as a time machine, allowing scientists to access historical information dating back half a million years. This analogy is fitting because, like a time machine, these records enable researchers to journey into the past and understand the Earth’s climate changes over an extensive period.
iv Give one reason why the writing style of the extract can be called factual and informative. 1

The writing style of the extract can be called factual and informative because it presents objective information about Antarctica’s significance in the climate change debate. It provides details about the absence of a human population, emphasizes the pristine nature of Antarctica, and highlights the crucial carbon records stored in its ice cores, presenting these aspects in a straightforward and informative manner.

B. In other words, the Tiger King is dead.
The manner of his death is a matter of extraordinary interest. It can be revealed only at the end of
the tale. The most fantastic aspect of his demise was that as soon as he was born, astrologers had
foretold that one day the Tiger King would actually have to die.
“The child will grow up to become the warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions.
But…” they bit their lips and swallowed hard. When compelled to continue, the astrologers came out
with it. “This is a secret which should not be revealed at all. And yet we are forced to speak out. The
child born under this star will one day have to meet its death.”
(The Tiger King)
i Complete the sentence appropriately.
The author’s purpose in using foreshadowing, is to _______________.1

The author’s purpose in using foreshadowing is to create anticipation and build suspense, engaging the reader’s interest in the unfolding events.
ii In the given extract, what emotion were the astrologers feeling when they “bit their lips
and swallowed hard”?
A. Humiliation
B. Disbelief
C. Grief
D. Unease1

D. Unease
iii Which trait are the astrologers lauding when they say “warrior of warriors, hero of heroes,
champion of champions”?1

The astrologers are lauding the trait of exceptional prowess and greatness.
iv How is the line, “the most fantastic aspect of his demise”, an example of contrast? 1

The line is an example of contrast as it introduces a paradox by describing the death of the Tiger King, something usually perceived as tragic, as “fantastic.” This contrast creates intrigue and captures the reader’s attention by presenting an unexpected perspective on the character’s demise.
9. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 6
A Usually, when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street, the
opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison, very loud, with our hands over our ears to
understand better, and the teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table. But now it was all so still! I had
counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen; but, of course, that day everything
had to be as quiet as Sunday morning. Through the window I saw my classmates, already in their
places, and M. Hamel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm. I had to open
the door and go in before everybody. You can imagine how I blushed and how frightened I was.
(The Last Lesson)
i List any two sensory details present in this extract. 1

  1. Opening and closing of desks
  2. The teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table

ii Why does the protagonist feel anxious about entering the classroom on this particular day?
A. The classmates have started the lesson
B. The teacher is in a bad mood
C. The classroom is too quiet
D. The protagonist is running late1

A. The classmates have started the lesson
iii Complete the sentence appropriately.
The phrase “as quiet as Sunday morning” suggests that ____________.1

The phrase “as quiet as Sunday morning” suggests that it is unusually calm and peaceful.
iv Pick evidence from the extract that helps one infer that this was not the protagonist’s first
time being late to school.1

The phrase “I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen” suggests that the protagonist had used the usual commotion to go unnoticed when arriving late before.
v What does the term ‘terrible iron ruler’ indicate about M. Hamel? 1

The term ‘terrible iron ruler’ indicates that M. Hamel is strict and possibly uses the ruler for disciplinary measures.
vi Which of the following headlines best suggests the central idea of the extract?
A. The Fears of a Latecomer
B. The Importance of Punctuality
C. The Rigidity of the School System
D. The Anxiety of a Young Student1

D. The Anxiety of a Young Student


For Practice: Students can answer to practice
B Unaware of what his name represents, he roams the streets with his friends, an army of barefoot
boys who appear like the morning birds and disappear at noon. Over the months, I have come to
recognise each of them.
“Why aren’t you wearing chappals?” I ask one.
“My mother did not bring them down from the shelf,” he answers simply.
“Even if she did, he will throw them off,” adds another who is wearing shoes that do not match.
When I comment on it, he shuffles his feet and says nothing. “I want shoes,” says a third boy who has
never owned a pair all his life. Travelling across the country I have seen children walking barefoot, in
cities, on village roads. It is not lack of money but a tradition to stay barefoot, is one explanation.
(Lost Spring)
i What is the writer’s purpose in allowing the boys to speak for themselves via dialogue, as
opposed to only a writer’s commentary ?
ii The line, “It is not lack of money but a tradition to stay barefoot” can be best classified as:
A. A fact
B. An opinion
C. A theme
D. A plot point
iii Explain any one possible inference that can be drawn from the line, “an army of barefoot
boys who appear like the morning birds and disappear at noon”.
iv Identify the line from the text that bears evidence to the fact that the writer’s association
with the boys is not a recent one.
v Based on the context provided in the extract, select the most likely comment that the writer
would have made, based on the boy’s reaction to the mismatched shoes.
A. “Why are your shoes mismatched? That’s not a good look.”
B. “Don’t worry about your shoes, you can wear a matching pair later.”
C. “I like your shoes. What matters is that they protect your feet.”
D. “Have you chosen to mismatch your shoes?
vi Complete the sentence with ONE word.
The phrase “he answers simply”, suggests that the boy’s response to the writer’s question
about why he wasn’t wearing chappals was __________________.

10 Answer ANY FIVE of the following six questions, in about 40-50 words. 5×2=10

i What can be inferred from Rajendra Prasad’s recorded upshot of the lawyer consultations, at Motihari ?
[Reference – The senior lawyer replied, they had come to advise and help him; if he went to jail there would be nobody to advise and they would go home. What about the injustice to the sharecroppers, Gandhi demanded.] (Indigo)

i. Rajendra Prasad’s Recorded Upshot in Motihari: It is clear from Rajendra Prasad’s recorded conversation that the senior lawyer put his own safety ahead of addressing sharecroppers’ injustice. Their main concern was advising Prasad and the potential absence of advice if Prasad went to jail, reflecting a lack of commitment to addressing broader social issues.
ii Douglas uses sensory details to create a vivid image of the unfortunate experience in the pool. What might be the impact on the reader if the narration were more informative than sensory? (Deep Water)

ii. Impact of More Informative Narration in ‘Deep Water’: If the narration in ‘Deep Water’ were more informative than sensory, it might diminish the emotional impact on the reader. Sensory details engage readers emotionally, creating a more vivid and memorable experience. An overly informative approach could make the narrative feel detached and less engaging.
iii How does the setting of the remote forest location in ‘The Rattrap’ contribute to the overall tone and mood of the story?

iii. Setting in ‘The Rattrap’: The remote forest location in ‘The Rattrap’ contributes to the overall tone and mood by creating an atmosphere of isolation and vulnerability. The setting enhances the sense of entrapment, mirroring the predicament of the main character. The forest symbolises life’s challenges and uncertainties.
iv How might the message of the poem, ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ be different, if the following last four lines were omitted? When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by. The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.

iv. Impact of Omitting the Last Four Lines in ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’: Omitting the last four lines in ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ would alter the message significantly. The lines emphasise Aunt Jennifer’s enduring struggles and the symbolic escape of the tigers from her art. Without these lines, the poem’s commentary on female oppression and the enduring nature of art would be less pronounced.

v Umberto Eco, with reference to “The Name of the Rose” says, “I think if I had written The Name of the Rose ten years earlier or ten years later, it wouldn’t have been the same.” What could he have meant? (The Interview)

v. Umberto Eco’s Statement on ‘The Name of the Rose’: Umberto Eco’s statement suggests that the timing of writing ‘The Name of the Rose’ was crucial to its essence. The cultural and intellectual context of that specific period influenced the novel’s themes and resonances. Writing it earlier or later might have resulted in a different socio-intellectual backdrop, altering the novel’s significance.
vi What does the story of Subbu’s success in the film industry reveal about the importance of loyalty, creativity, and versatility in this field? (Poets and Pancakes)

vi. Subbu’s Success in the Film Industry: Subbu’s success in the film industry underscores the importance of loyalty, creativity, and versatility. His loyalty to his mentor, creative flair in adapting stories, and versatility in handling diverse roles contributed to his success. The story highlights these qualities as essential for thriving in the dynamic and competitive film industry.

11 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 2×2=4, Sample Question Paper

i How can we say that the vadai packet incident reveals that the writer lacked the cognitive and emotional maturity required to understand the implications of untouchability?

i. Lack of Cognitive and Emotional Maturity in the Vadai Packet Incident: The Vadai packet incident reveals the writer’s lack of cognitive and emotional maturity as they failed to comprehend the profound implications of untouchability. The act of throwing the packet without understanding the gravity of perpetuating discrimination indicates a lack of awareness and sensitivity.
ii What does the play ‘On the Face of It’ suggest about the importance of empathy in overcoming prejudice and stereotypes?

ii. Importance of Empathy in ‘On the Face of It’: ‘On the Face of It’ suggests that empathy is crucial in overcoming prejudice and stereotypes. The play portrays how a genuine connection between characters, despite physical differences, leads to a transformative understanding. Empathy enables individuals to look beyond external appearances and challenge ingrained biases.
iii Answer the question in the context of the following lines from ‘The Enemy’.
“Stupid Yumi,” she muttered fiercely. “Is this anything but a man? And a wounded helpless man!” In the conviction of her own superiority she bent impulsively and untied the knotted rugs that kept the white man covered.
Explain the superiority Hana is convinced about.

iii. Hana’s Conviction of Superiority in ‘The Enemy’: In ‘The Enemy,’ Hana’s conviction of superiority is based on racial and cultural biases. She views Yumi as inferior, referring to him as “stupid” and perceiving him as less than human. This superiority complex influences her actions, such as untying the rugs, reflecting a condescending attitude rooted in discriminatory beliefs.

12 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 120-150 words. 5

A Imagine you are Pablo Neruda , the poet of Keeping Quiet.
What advice might you offer to Robert Frost, the poet of A Roadside Stand, in the context of his conflicted emotions, as displayed in the given linesThe requisite lift of spirit has never been found, Or so the voice of the country seems to complain,
I can’t help owning the great relief it would be
To put these people at one stroke out of their pain.
Pen down your advice , in a letter to Frost.
You may begin this way:
Dear Robert
I recently read your poem, “A Roadside Stand,” and…
You may end this way:
I hope this advice is helpful to you. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to support you.
Pablo Neruda


A. Advice from Pablo Neruda to Robert Frost:

Dear Robert,

I recently read your poem, “A Roadside Stand,” and sensed the conflict within your words. The anguish expressed, as you contemplate relieving the people of their pain, resonated with me. In the spirit of empathy and understanding, I offer you this advice.

Your desire to alleviate suffering is noble, yet consider embracing the power of poetry as a force for positive change. Instead of seeking relief through drastic measures, channel your emotions into words that inspire hope and foster unity. Use your poetic voice to illuminate the human condition, encouraging empathy and solidarity.

I hope this advice is helpful to you. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to support you.


Pablo Neruda

B The different portrayals of women in the texts ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’, ‘Going Places’, ‘Lost Spring’, and ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ , offer insights into the experiences of women in society. You have been asked to address your peers and share-
→ the ways these portrayals highlight the diversity of the female experience.
→ the importance of understanding each individual woman’s challenges and experiences.
Compose this draft, with reference to any three of these prescribed texts. listed above.
You may begin this way:
Good morning, everyone.
As I analysed the allotted texts…
You may end this way.
To conclude, I’d like to say that …


B. Portrayal of Women in ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers,’ ‘Going Places,’ ‘Lost Spring,’ and ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’:

Good morning, everyone.

As I analysed the allotted texts, the diverse portrayals of women emerged as a poignant reflection of the multifaceted female experience. In ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers,’ Aunt Jennifer’s embroidered tigers symbolise her silent resistance against a patriarchal society. Contrastingly, ‘Going Places’ depicts the yearning for freedom and self-expression in the character of Sophie. ‘Lost Spring’ portrays the hardships of poor women like Anju and the societal constraints they face.

Understanding each woman’s challenges and experiences is crucial. Aunt Jennifer’s silent rebellion, Sophie’s pursuit of dreams, and Anju’s struggle underscore the importance of acknowledging individual narratives. By recognising these diverse experiences, we foster empathy and contribute to a more inclusive society.

To conclude, I’d like to say that embracing the richness of women’s experiences, as depicted in these texts, is pivotal for fostering a society that respects and appreciates the unique journey of every woman.

13 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 120-150 words. 5

A In the story, ‘The Third Level’ by Jack Finney, Charley is obsessed with finding the third level. In an attempt to thrash out whether this obsession is a good quality or a harmful one, Charley’s wife expresses her thoughts in a diary entry. As Louisa, Charley’s wife, write this diary entry. Support your response with reference to the story. You may begin this way:
I have been married to Charley for a few years now and I have always known him to be an intelligent man with an imaginative mind. However, his recent obsession with finding the Third Level has …

A. Diary Entry of Louisa from ‘The Third Level’:

I have been married to Charley for a few years now, and I have always known him to be an intelligent man with an imaginative mind. However, his recent obsession with finding the Third Level has taken an unexpected toll on our lives. Charley’s constant preoccupation with this alternate reality has led him to question his sanity, and I can’t help but worry about the impact on our present and future.

While I appreciate his curiosity and adventurous spirit, I fear that this obsession may be harmful. It has disrupted our daily routines, strained our relationship, and left Charley emotionally distressed. As much as I want to support his dreams, I find myself wondering if there’s a point where imagination becomes detrimental to one’s well-being. I hope we can find a balance and regain the stability we once had.

B A grown up Zitkala-Sa, reflects on the incident about cutting of her long hair and is conflicted that she did not do enough to resist and surrendered easily. She also wonders if she could have tried something else to prevent the incident.
As the grown-up Zitkala-Sa, create a diary entry , expressing these thoughts and conclude by absolving yourself of any blame. You may begin like this:
I find myself reflecting on an event that happened many years ago…
(Memories of Childhood)

B. Diary Entry of Zitkala-Sa from ‘Memories of Childhood’:

I find myself reflecting on an event that happened many years ago, an incident that has left a lasting mark on my identity. The day I allowed my long hair to be cut, a symbol of surrender to the dominant culture, haunts me. I am conflicted about whether I did enough to resist or whether there was another path I could have taken.

In hindsight, I recognise the complexities of the situation, the power dynamics at play, and the limited choices available. I absolve myself of any blame for the decisions made under duress. The journey of self-discovery is ongoing, and I aim to use my experiences to advocate for understanding and respect between cultures.

In summary:

In conclusion, the concept and solution for the CBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023–24 Sample Question Paper demonstrate a careful adjustment in response to the changing nature of education. The small but significant alteration to the question paper format, especially the addition of more weight to Reading Skills, shows a dedication to matching the evaluation to the needs of students today. The use of several question kinds, spanning from objective to creative, underscores a thorough assessment methodology.

The subtle changes made in the sections on literature and creative writing skills recognise the complexity of language development. Literature’s use of a variety of question styles guarantees a comprehensive evaluation of students’ understanding, interpretation, and analytical abilities. Better preparation is also made possible by the thorough breakdown of grades and question categories, which offers educators and students transparency and clarity.

With its updated format, the question paper design promotes critical thinking and creative expression while pushing students to gain a deeper comprehension of the English language. This updated pattern encourages students to connect more dynamically and interactively with the material as they get ready for their final exam, preparing them for real-world applications of language skills in addition to the exam.

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