Lesson Planning: A Tool for Student Success
Lesson planning is a tool for the success of students, teachers, and classrooms. An experienced teacher will explain to you the success story of teaching, where lesson planning is the most sought-after tool for students’ success. Lesson planning is the heart of pedagogy, and pedagogy is the heart of classroom teaching. So, if you want to be a good teacher, you need to talk about how important lesson planning is for student success.
Lesson planning is taught to teachers during their education courses, such as the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed. ), the Diploma in Education (D.Ed. ), or the Junior Basic Teacher (J.B.T.). A good teacher’s success is determined by how seriously he attends his classes throughout the course. Non-teaching activities consume up to half of most teachers’ working time around the world, with lesson planning taking up the majority of that time.
Lesson planning differs for different subjects such as physics, mathematics, computer science, and English, but the basic structure and goals of the lesson planning are nearly identical. Lesson planning is a medium for synthesising curriculum goals and targets with pedagogy and subject knowledge, and it is the common approach used by almost all teachers around the world to achieve classroom goals.
Lesson Plan: A Roadmap to Students’ Satisfaction
- A lesson plan serves as Wikipedia for teachers and tells them why, what, and how to teach effectively in the classroom.
- A well-designed lesson plan addresses three major aspects of teaching and learning, and the main objectives of teaching are teaching-learning activities, teaching-learning materials, and teaching strategies.
- A practical lesson plan should be learner-centric and provide an opportunity for the students to interact, raise doubts, and inculcate the students’ reflective thinking, critical thinking, and creativity.
- A good lesson plan needs the support of teaching aids and teachers’ ability to communicate by using their previous experience of teaching.
- To implement the lesson plan, there is a need for a pleasant environment in the classroom.
As an experienced English teacher, I will talk about the resources for teaching, the structure, the template, the importance, the learning objectives, the skills that students need to learn, the assessment exercises and activities, and the learning outcomes of the lesson planning in this article.
ReadLearnExcel Lesson Plan
Name of the School:
Class :
Name of the Teacher:
Topic or Sub-topic Name:
Resources Required:
The Goal for Students:
Subject Skills: LSRW SKILLS
- …………..
Learning Objectives/Skills to be Developed among Students
Assessment Exercises/ Activities
Learning Outcome
Teacher’s Signature:
Principal’s Signature:
The Benefits of Lesson Planning: Enhances Students’ Success in Learning
To excel in their teaching career, successful teachers always prepare an effective lesson plan, and an effective lesson plan contributes to the success of their career. Materialistic and well-designed lesson planning contributes to students’ successful learning outcomes in many ways. So, a well-designed lesson plan:
- Assists students and teachers in understanding the objectives and goals of classroom module.
- Enables the teacher to convert curriculum into an effective learning activities.
- Effective use of the available resources in the classroom.
- Must have the proper structure and template suitable for the class.
- Aligns teaching materials and assessment of the students.
- Helps in connecting the assessment to achieve the learning objectives of the class.
- Ensures that the necessary instructional materials must achieve the skills that students need to learn to excel in their academic career.
- A proper tool to provide the assessment exercises and activities.
- Ultimate source for the learning outcomes of the students.
- Enables the teacher to address the individual concerned of the student learning needs thoughtfully
Resources Required to Implement Lesson Planning
Implementation of lesson planning requires some resources called Open Educational Resource Repositories (OERR), which are helpful in lesson planning and teaching ideas. OERRs allow the teachers to share, manage, and utilise educational resources such as textbooks, lesson plans, quizzes, videos, annotations, whiteboards, blackboards, digital boards, and PowerPoint presentations. Unfortunately, the sources are limited in government schools in India, so the teachers must try to utilise the sources they have to implement their lesson plans.

Components of a Lesson Plan to Help Students’ Academic Success
Lesson plans are an essential component of curriculum management and implementation in the classroom. Lesson plans can vary as per the teacher’s interests and the circumstances in which he teaches, but the lesson plan should be prepared irrespective of styles and situations. A lesson plan helps to track the progress of the students, and a teacher must include the following components in their lesson planning to be a successful teacher:
- Topic and language are important component of a good lesson plan. If you are teaching English as a second language, students are most important aspect to be given the maximum priorities in lesson planning. Lesson topic should be small and clear as the students are unable to understand the complex language and the topic. “Use of Present Tense” is the right name for the students as it’s short and clear. Topic comes first in lesson planning as it reveals the the point of view of the lesson plan.
- Learning Objective: The lesson plan’s class objective is a crucial component. Learning objectives should be the main focus of every lesson plan. At the conclusion of the lesson, the instructor wants his students to be able to do this. The learning goal for the topic “Use of Present Tense” in the example above should be for the students to be able to use the present tense for routines and universal truths that they encounter every day. As a result, the lesson plan should accomplish the learning objectives at the end of the lesson before it can be considered successful.
- Sequence of Lessons: The sequence of the lesson must be followed in the lesson plan because it aids in understanding the writer’s point of view and the progression of the lesson’s theme. Teachers and students should be aware of what will be taught each day and what will be taught the following day. “Use of Present Tense,” the student will be able to use the lesson sequence as they are asked to write a sentence in the present tense and then in the future tense for future use.
- Proper Utilisation of Time: Time management is an important factor in designing the lesson plan as the time of the period is limited and hence, the lesson planning should designed as per the time period of 45 minutes per class. Therefore, the topic and the points should be finished in 45 minutes of the period.
- Proper Practice after the lesson: Proper practice should be done with the students after the lesson such as writing skills and reading and speaking practice should be organised by asking the student to write on “Women’s Condition in India” after doing the chapter, “Going Places” of Flamingo of class 12 English.
- Assessment Exercises/ Activities: To maximise the benefits of lesson planning, proper assessment exercises and activities must be organized, such as making groups for discussion and quizzes; the speaking activity in class and in prayer by organising speech according to the topic, as in the chapter “Going Places” of Flamingo of Class 12 English.Students should be asked to prepare a speech and have a group discussion on the women’s condition in India.
- Learning Outcome of the Lesson Plan: To maximise the learning outcome of the lesson plan, the teacher should design the lesson plan in such a way to get the maximum output from the lesson plan. in the chapter “Going Places” of Flamingo of Class 12 English. Students should be asked to prepare a speech and have a group discussion on the condition of women in India. If they are successful in achieving LSRW (listening, speaking, and writing) skills, then the lesson plan is appropriate and correct, and the learning outcome is achieved.

Effective Curriculum Delivery: Symbol of Good Lesson Planning
A curriculum is the detailed list of topics included in the syllabus of any class, and its effective delivery is done through proper lesson planning. Regardless of the level of detail, lesson planning is important because it bridges the curriculum’s intent with the daily teaching and learning in a Lesson planning, at the very least, adds time by breaking down the curriculum into units delivered each session.
Most of the time, though, teachers use their training and knowledge of their students to make an action plan for their classrooms based on a curriculum that has already been created. In most of the education boards, the curriculum is predecided and periods are allotted to each topic. The following is the curruculum of class 12 English of HBSE.

Student Assessment is the key to Lesson Planning
Lesson planning fulfils the goals of the curriculum, and the board has different criteria to assess the students. Student assessment can be done via monthly, half-yearly, and final examinations. These assessment tools can assess the student, and for example, the SAT-2 (Student Assessment Test) is conducted in the month of November 2022, and the curriculum for this SAT-2 is the syllabus covered in the months of October and November. Working outward from the main idea of the learning objective gives teachers the freedom to choose the type of assessment that will work best for their students and the environment of the classroom.

Lesson Planning: Heart of Class Management
Lesson planning helps in the class management as the teachers have to follow the lesson plan. Planning lessons ahead of time also makes it easier to keep order and lets you make the most of your time with students. There are least chances of indiscipline in the class as the teacher is supposed to follow the lesson plan, therefore, the studentds don’t get vacant period without a teacher.
Lesson Planning helps Student Success
Lesson plans are created to assist students in achieving better results. There is always a chance that the students will benefit from improving their LSRW during the lesson planning and teaching of English in the classroom. A teacher’s aim is to improve the results of their students; hence, the teacher plans a lesson in such a way as to benefit the most of the students. Therefore, lesson planning always helps ensure students’ success.
Lesson Planning: Key to Teacher Success
A teacher’s success in the classroom is entirely dependent on effective lesson planning, and whether the teacher is experienced or inexperienced is clearly visible in the classroom. The teacher who plans a lesson properly always has an edge over a teacher who doesn’t know lesson planning. The value of lesson planning in advancing your professional development is undeniable. Developing good habits for preparing and reviewing lesson plans lays the groundwork for your success.
Example of Monthly Lesson Plan for Class 12 English (Core): April (22 Periods): Successful Tool
ReadLearnExcel Class 12 English Lesson Plan: April (26 Periods)
Name of the School:
Class 12 English(Core):
Name of the Teacher:
The topic or Sub-topic Name: Flamingo; Going Places (Periods-06)
Resources Required: Flamingo, A White or Black, or Digital Board; Chalk, Marker, Digital Marker
The Goal for Students:
- Improving Writing Skills by forming questions from the passages of the chapter, ‘Going Places.
- Improving Reading Skills by skimming, and answering the questios from the passages.
Subject Skills: LSRW SKILLS
- Listening
- Speaking
- Reading
- Writing
Period 1:
- Skimming the text of the chapter, ‘Going Places’ to make out the broad idea and difficult words.
- Ask the students to read two pages and explain what they have got after skimming.
- Explain the students the details of the chapter in their mother tongue.
- Notice these expressions in the text. Infer their meaning from the context: Inconguity, prodigy, chuffed, solitary elm, arcade, amber glow, wharf, and pangs of doubt.
Period 2:
- Reading the passages and answering the questions on the bases of the paragraph.
- Reading comprehension by providing the MCQS.
- Explaining the main idea of the poem “The youth’s fantasies and daydreams.”
Period 3:
- Continue explaining the paragraph and ask the student to underline the important words and phrases to do reading comprehension.
- Summary of the the lesson: The story is about adolescence, when people are often found daydreaming about things that are far from reality. This time is all about desires and accomplishing the seemingly impossible. Furthermore, at this age, most teenagers have a hero they look up to or admire.
Period 4:
- Discussion of the questions of : “Think as You Read”
- 1. Where was it most likely that the two girls would find work after school?
2. What were the options that Sophie was dreaming of? Why does Jansie discourage her from having such dreams - 1. Why did Sophie wriggle when Geoff told her father that she had met Danny Casey?
2. Does Geoff believe what Sophie says about her meeting with Danny Casey?
3. Does her father believe her story?
4. How does Sophie include her brother Geoff in her fantasy of her future?
5. Which country did Danny Casey play for? - 1. Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her story with Danny?
2. Did Sophie really meet Danny Casey?
3. Which was the only occasion when she got to see Danny Casey in person? - Understanding the text
1. Sophie and Jansie were class-mates and friends. What were the differences between them that show up in the story?
2. How would you describe the character and temperament of Sophie’s father?
3. Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person? From her perspective, what did he symbolise?
4. What socio-economic background did Sophie belong to? What are the indicators of her family’s financial status? - Asking the students to write these questions in their notebook.
Period 5:
Discuss in pairs.
1. Sophie’s dreams and disappointments are all in her mind.
2. It is natural for teenagers to have unrealistic dreams. What would you say are the benefits and disadvantages of such fantasising?: Most Important Topic
Period 6:
- Check homework of the students.
Learning Objectives/Skills to be Developed among Students
- Writing skills are supposed to be enhanced by asking the students to write a speech on “The youth’s fantasies and daydreams.” for prayer time in the schools.
- Learning about the youth’s fantasies and daydreams.
- Understanding the nature of the family members and their attitude towards life.
- Parents should help their kids to realise the reality of the life.
- Result of fantasies and daydreams.
- Students should understand that people are often found dreaming which is far from reality
- Developing reading skills to enhance the understanding of the main idea of the chapter.
- Values of reality
- Teens usually have a hero they look up to or adore in this age.
- Students learn to be practical instead of day dreaming
- What do they think about their goals and ambitions?
Assessment Exercises/ Activities
- Summary of the chapter
- Students must be asked to summarise what they have read in the chapter, “Going Places.” This will enhance their reading comprehension skills.
- Underlining the important words and relating these words with the theme of the chapter
- reading comprehension of passages by providing MCQs.
- Formation of groups in the class for the quiz by asking the MCQs
- Ask each student to write five words from the text with synonyms and antonyms.
- Ask each student to prepare small drawing sheets with the name of the chapter, its author, and five short questions.
- Understanding the text through critical examination of passages
- discussing the text and the significance of reality in academic success
- Ask the students to write down their answers to the short-answer questions so they can talk about them.
- Homework: Write questions. What were the options that Sophie was dreaming of? Why does Jansie discourage her from having such dreams?
- How does Sophie include her brother Geoff in her fantasy of her future?
Learning Outcome
- Acquire listening skills and word pronunciation.
- Reading comprehension skills
- Skimming skills
- Writing a paragraph on fantasies and daydreams
- Paragraph an article on fantasies and daydreams.
- Theme, working with synonyms and antonyms, tenses, etc.
- Fantasies can cause disappointment.
- Helped the students decide their careers with a concrete plan.
Readlearnexcel’s Lesson Planning Conclusion
The main aim of lesson planning is to create successful learning outcomes for students. Though well-designed lesson planning takes a lot of time for teachers, it pays off in the end and helps a teacher deliver a professional lecture. Hence, if you want to become a professional teacher, you have to take some pains in designing lesson plans. It’s a matter of a few days’ hard work, so leave your laziness behind and do the classroom justice by preparing a good lesson plan. As all of us know, lesson planning is the heart of pedagogy, and pedagogy is the heart of classroom teaching.