Letter writing should be clear, concise, correct, considerate, concrete, coherent, and complete. Download a Free PDF of Letter Writing: Complete Solution. The Letter Writing Complete Solution will provide you with different types of letters. Normally, there are two types of letters: informal ones and formal ones. Letter writing has always been used for communication. It is a necessary skill that needs to be learned and practiced at all levels. We have been teaching letter writing in almost all of our classes, but unfortunately, the students are not able to learn this skill. In this article, I will discuss the format and types of letter writing with examples from previous years’ question papers of the CBSE and HBSE Boards.

What is the purpose of letter writing?
What is the purpose of letter writing? Before you begin writing, everyone must know the answer to this question. First, think about the letter’s main points and create mental outlines of them. “A letter is a written message sent from one person (or group of people) to another via a medium.” The primary goal of letter writing is to convey a message to friends, offices, and local officials. It implies that your ideas should be self-explanatory and that the letter’s purpose should be met. While writing a letter, you must keep certain points in mind. These are referred to as the “7 C’s” of letter writing.
7 C’S of Effective Letter Writing for all
The art of letter writing is the same as a means of effective communication, and things should be properly communicated to the receiver. I got the opportunity to deliver a live lecture on EDUSAT, HARYANA, and an explanation of the 7 Cs of effective letter writing was one of my topics. Today, I am explaining the same things to my students to boost their knowledge. Let us dive into the topic of writing an effective letter by using the seven Cs:
1. Clear: The letter’s content must be clear, understandable, and progressive toward the required results. The expressed ideas must be logically connected. The language should be straightforward. Long and ambiguous expressions, as well as repetitive words and phrases, should be avoided. Jargon should be avoided.
2. Concise: The letter should be brief and to the point. All words should stand on their own. While writing the letter, try to avoid including any irrelevant information. Long and ambiguous expressions, repetitive words, and long phrases should be avoided. Mention only the necessary points.
3. Correct: Avoid misinformation. Write only those things which are feasible and valid as per the requirements of the letter.
4. Considerate: Be courteous to the letter’s recipient. Always be courteous when writing a letter. Avoid using rude language because it harms the relationship between the sender and the receiver.
5. Concrete: The explanation of the queries should be concrete and effective.
6. Coherence: The letter’s main points should be explained in the first paragraph. In the body of the letter, elaborate on the main points. The solution is required in the conclusion section. It means there should be continuity in all parts of the letter.
7. Complete: A letter is assumed to have a proper structure and that the contents are meaningful. It means that it should be finished from all sides. The cover letter should include all the parts of the letter. When all of a letter’s required and optional parts are there, it is said to be structurally complete.
Parts or Structure of Letter Writing: An Ideal Format
After learning the fundamentals of letter writing, it is time to understand a good letter’s structure. All of these letter components will be used in future letter-writing exercises. The major components of any letter, regardless of its type, are as follows:

- Sender’s address: Write the complete address of the person who is writing the letter.
- Reference number and date: Write down your despatch register’s reference number and date for future reference.
- Receiver’s Name and Address: Name and address of the receiver of the letter.
- Subject of the Letter: Write the main subject of the letter in one sentence.
- Greeting or Salutation: Give proper respect to the receiver of the letter.
- The body of the letter should be composed of three to four paragraphs. In the first paragraph, properly put your question. In the second paragraph, explain the things in detail. Elaborate your queries and requirements in simple and clear language so that the receiver can make them out easily. In the third paragraph, give the solution to the problem.
- It ends the letter politely and respectfully. Yours lovingly, Yours faithfully, Sincerely Yours or Yours sincerely and Yours truly are used.
- Signature: Put your signature at the end.
Types of Letters
As we have discussed above, there are broadly two types of letters, known as Formal and Informal Letters. While teaching students, we also discuss a few types of letters. They are based on the subjects, contents, formalities, and purpose of letter writing. Let me introduce you to some types of letters which are found in C.B.S.E/HBSE’s examinations in classes 10th and 12th:
- Formal Letters: As discussed above, they are letters that follow some formalities and different structures. They are professional, clear, appropriate, and should follow the 7c’S(discussed above). Examples are business and official letters.
- Informal Letter: These are personal letters means that there is no formality as in friendship They are written to friends and families.
- Business Letter: As the name suggests, these are written for business. They are commercially used and contain complaints, orders, quotations of products, claims letters, etc. They are called formal as they have to follow certain rules of structures and patterns. They are required to fulfill certain formalities.
- Official Letter: Such letters are written to officials for some complaints and grievances of the public. Official letters are also formal and follow some structure and fixed patterns.
- Letter of Application/Application for Job: You write such letters when you apply for any job. This is called a cover letter.
- Letter to the Editor: Letters are written to editors if people’s complaints are not solved at local level offices. They cover some broader aspects of society like pollution problems, problems with straw animals, and electricity problems in the locality.
- Circular Letter for Masses: It is issued for the masses and general information for the public.
Major Types of Letters
Generally, there are two types of letters. Informal Letters and Formal Letters:
Informal Letter
There is no formality in such letters and generally written to friends and relatives. These are written in freestyle like conversational talks in a family.
47/1, Sector-5
Deli Road
20th of March, 2023
Dear Mahesh,
I am delighted to learn of your appointment as a business analyst. I’m looking forward to a big party. Where will you be throwing the party? Everyone in the family is very happy, and we hope that you will be promoted soon. Everyone is looking forward to seeing you soon. During your vacation, we will go on a picnic and hold a party.
See you soon.
With love
Formal Letter
A formal letter is also used for Business letters as they are formal in style, clear, and compact. Their language is formal in use as the name suggests.
Formal Letter Template
Sample Template
1. [Sender’s Name and Address]
2. [Date/Reference No.]
3. [Receiver’s Name and Address]
4. [Subject]
5. [Salutation]
Dear Sir/Madam
6. [Body of the Letter]
Introductory Paragraph…………
This is to bring to your kind notice that you have not fulfilled the terms and conditions of the contract of sending the books for which you were given orders, vide order no……………, dated……………
The main body of the formal letter…………..
You failed to send the ordered books in good condition and the faulty delivery caused us a big loss……………..
Concluding Paragraph…………….
We are extremely sorry that you disappointed us as you didn’t hold up your end of the contract we signed……………
7. Sincerely
Yours lovingly, Yours faithfully, Sincerely Yours or Yours sincerely and Yours truly……….
8. [Signature]
9. [ Sender’s Name]
Name: ………
10. Email/Telephone no.
Business Letters: The Right Way to Boost your Business
All business houses communicate by writing to their customers, suppliers, branches, government houses, and others with whom they want strong relationships to run the business smoothly. Business letters serve as a means to connect with people nationally as well as internationally. A business house can’t think of a business without correspondence with clients.
Importance of Business Letters
For many reasons, there are many ways to communicate in this digital world, but the significance of the traditional way of writing remains important for the following reasons:
- Business letters help you sustain your relationship with your clients.
- In a complicated situation, business letters always provide a solution.
- They can be stored permanently to refer back to them in the future.
- They help you save other sources, like internet expenses.
Purpose of Business Letters
The supreme purpose of business letters is to maintain your relationship with your existing or new clients. Therefore, business letters are written due to the following reasons:
- To communicate and share information.
- to appreciate and congratulate the clients.
- It helps in enquiring about something beneficial for business.
- to place an order
- to request that the dispute be settled
- To recover the balance dues from the organisation.
- To complain about the defects and late delivery of products.
- To file a claim for any damage
- to make an adjustment to settle the claim.
- to market the product.
- apply for the job.
- to draw the attention of the official to the issue
- to disseminate the socially significant aspect
Types of Business Letters
Business letters can be of three types:
- Claim Letters: Complete Solution
- Adjustment Letters: Complete Satisfaction of the Complainant
- Sales Letters: Boost your Business
Claim Letters: Complete Solution
You have the right to make a formal complaint, or sometimes you ask for an adjustment to your money, called a claim settlement when you are dissatisfied with the product or plan, or service. The complaint can be registered by phone, email, or by writing a formal claim letter to the company. You can claim the death from the insurance company by writing a claim settlement letter. People face problems in writing such claims, and therefore, Readlearnexcel has tried its best to provide a complete solution for claim letters of different types in different situations. Sometimes, your claim letter is not entertained due to a lack of information. Therefore, to avoid such a scenario, you will have to write a courteous, clear, and concise letter to impress the claim settlement authority so they will take positive action on your claim.
Read in detail about the claim letter: Readlearnexcel’s complete solution to the claim letter
Adjustment Letters: Complete Satisfaction of the Complainant
Adjustment Letters are Complete Satisfaction of the Complainant. Adjustment letters are created to satisfy the person or company who has lodged a formal complaint against you. Adjustment Letters are written and addressed the different persons, companies, unsatisfied clients, suppliers, and unhappy employees. Most adjustment letters are sent in response to a claim that was made against the company. Sometimes, adjustment letters are created due to internal negligence of products or damaged or faulty products.
Read in detail about the adjustment letter: Readlearnexcel’s complete solution to the adjustment letter
Sales Letters: Boost your Business
Sales letters are tools to enhance your business and are used to target specific customers like an advertisement. We use sales letters to help us convert the readers into our customers. Before writing a sales letter, you should understand the products and the customers’ demands. A good sales letter is always capable of understanding the reader’s requirements. Hence, you must gather all the information like interests, tastes, background, and academic achievements of your customer.
A sales letter always follows the rules of business letters, and it should follow the basics of formal letters. Therefore, the sales letter should have 3 or 4 paragraphs to convince your customer. The main points of the sales letters are:
- In the introductory paragraph, you should always write to grab the attention of the readers. Use questions, quotations, data, and appeals.
- The second paragraph should always demonstrate your interest in and desire for the customers. Highlight the major points to help the sale.
- The concluding paragraph must depict the action to sell the products. Help the readers to take an action to buy your products.
Here are Some Examples of Sales letters
Sample 1 Sales Letter: Best Content Writing Services to Rank your website on the top
October 26, 2022
Manish Kumar
125 Main Bazaar
Dear Manish
I have gone through your website and found that the contents are thin to rank on google. After comparing the contents of your website with the other websites that are ranking in the first 10 websites, there is a lot to do to rank it.
The contents are lacking coherence and SEO is not up to the mark. We are ready to provide you with the best solution by writing the best content in your field. Our rates are competitive with a team of different content field writers. We are best in the following fields:
- Academic Contents
- Career Counselling Contents
- Life Solutions
- Writing Skills
- Resume Writing
- Email writing
- Cover letter writing to land you a good job
Readlearnexcel is a brand new website and it’s hardly 6 months old websites it’s articles are ranking on google just because the content is the king which doesn’t require backlinks as you might have seen that readlearnexcel.com doesn’t have backlinks at all. Contact us for further discussion. We hope to meet soon.
Devender Yadav
Customer Service Manager
Sample Example 2: Sales Letter for Providing Courses to the Students
25 October
The Director
Sankaram Group of Schools
Dear Mahipal Yadav
Your schools are the major source of education in Jhajjar, where students gain a lot of knowledge to succeed in life. You want the overall development of the students, and you might be trying to achieve your targets. Readlearnexcel will help your students excel in their careers after school. Readlearnexcel is the best website on Google and we write the best content for students and parents.
Readlearnexcel focuses on academics from grades 9 to 12 as well as life hacks, providing the best solution for students, teachers, and parents without spending any money. As you know, readlearnexcel.com writes about observances that are helpful for students in achieving their academic targets.
Readlearnexcel can help your students in three ways through online learning on readlearnexcel.com:
- throughout the academic development of secondary students.
- Practical counseling before and after the boards’ exams
- Lifehacks for Students, Teachers, and Parents
When we started this website, I thought that an experienced English teacher could help rural students online as they have the least support for academics in rural areas. Our mission is to provide the best academic solution to backward students so they can excel in their lives. Enter your email and WhatsApp numbers so that we can send you the latest articles, as our articles are at the top of Google.
Fix a meeting to discuss and present in detail. I hope you will act soon to benefit your students without spending much. We are waiting for your positive response.
P.S. Readlearnexcel can help you to excel in your life without spending extra money on buying courses from other websites.
Business Letter Format With Examples or
Structure of Letter Writing With Example
Exercise: You are Deepansi/Dharmender, a resident of Rohtak. You saw an advertisement for the post of English Teacher at Ganga International School, Panipat. Write an application to the Principal of the school for the post of English Teacher.
I will explain the simple method of writing a letter with the help of question and answer. Let us explain letter writing with help of the above exercise:
1. Who is sending the letter in the above question? Or Sender’s Address?
H.No. 47
Sector 6
Delhi Road
2. What is the date of the Letter writing?
Date: 21/03/2023
3. Receiver’s Name & Address
The Principal
Ganga International School
Delhi Road
4. What is the Subject of the Letter?
Subject: Application for the post of English Teacher
5. Salutation?
Respected Sir
Body of the Letter:
1st Paragraph: Introduction and Outline of the subject matter
Concerning your advertisement for the post of English Teacher in The Tribune, dated March 20, 2023, I am applying for the post of English Teacher in your reputed school. I am highly interested in this position and I would be highly thankful if you could consider my application for the said post.
2nd Paragraph: Details about yourself and your expectation from the post
I have completed my M.A. in English from the Department of English, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. I have been working as an English teacher in an English-medium school for the last two years. While working as a teacher with students and parents, I have come across a lot of challenging situations. Therefore, I have gained a lot of experience as an English teacher. I am digitally strong and I have good knowledge of computers. I am fond of solving students’ problems in all circumstances.
3rd Paragraph: Conclude your explanation for the application
I have attached my detailed CV with the application. I hope you will consider my application for an interview. Your positive response will be highly solicited. Thank you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully
Readlearnexcel English Grammar:
- 12 Tenses in English Grammar: The Beginning of the English Learning Language
- English Grammar: Active and Passive Voices with Examples of 12 Tenses
- Direct and Indirect Speech: Steps & Rules to Change Narration
- Modal Auxiliaries for all Classes: PDF
- Articles in English: The Beginning of Learning English Grammar PDF
240/7, Ward No. 7,
Arya Nagar
March 25, 2023
The Superintendent of Police
Subject: Letter of complaint regarding police patrol in our neighborhood.
Respected Sir
I, Mahesh of Arya Nagar, am writing to draw your attention to the rising crime rate in our neighborhood. One of the reasons for the increase in crime in the area is poor patrolling by police officers on the beat.
Unfortunately, police patrolling in our area is not very strict, and only a few officers are seen patrolling in the area. Police negligence facilitates criminal activity. Theft is on the rise in our community. We usually see police patrolling in the early hours of the night, and they seem unconcerned about what happens during the night. They also attacked the watchman, who was seriously injured and hospitalized. So there is no watchman these days.
So, please look into the matter and assist us. Please assign a police officer to work late at night. Please ask your people to uphold the rule of law and order. Arrest anyone found roaming the colony at night for no apparent reason. This will help to put a stop to such incidents. Your prompt action on this matter will be greatly appreciated by the people of the area. Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely,
EXERCISE FOR PRACTICE: 1. Write a letter to the SHO of your locality reporting the theft of your bike/scooter. You are Nisha/Naresh living at 1020, Sector 6, Jind. (HBSE 2018 SET B)
Letter about Misbehaving of Students
Question: A student in class 11th broke the desk at the school. You are the Principal of the school. Write a complaint about the student to the parents.
The Principal
15th of March, 2023
H.No. 220
Arya Nagar
Subject: Complaint about the Misbehavior of XYZ
Dear Sir,
I’m writing to inform you that your ward XYZ broke his class’s dual desk while playing in the classroom during lunch break. The desk was brand new. You will have to pay for the desk or repair it yourself. So you’ve been asked to come to school tomorrow. to talk about the subject.
I hope you will ask your ward not to bring up the subject again. I’ll be waiting for you at school.
Thank you.
School: Dissatisfaction with Grades(Letter Writing)
Question: You are not satisfied with the grade you received for your project. Write a complaint letter to your teacher to recheck the project. Consider yourself as Ram from Karnal.
Class 12th, B
D.A.V. School
The Principal
D.A.V. School
Subject: To review the Physics grade
Respected Sir
I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with the grade I received in Physics for my final project. You said that everyone in the group would get the same grade, but I want you to change mine.
I worked very hard on my project. I had put in many hours on this project, and my partner received a higher grade without much effort. All the documents for my case are enclosed. So, please look into the matter and assist me in improving my grade.
If there was a problem in the groups, you always encouraged us to speak up. I discussed my concerns with you twice, but you did not listen to them. So, please look into the situation and revise my project grade as soon as possible. I hope you will do the grade justice by raising it.
Yours sincerely,
Product: Dissatisfaction Letter Writing
Question: You ordered a washing machine last week. It is not working properly. Write a complaint letter to the manager, L.G. India as your machine is under warranty.
Adarsh Nagar
Yamuna Nagar
The Manager
L.G. India
New Delhi
Subject: A complaint about the washing machine
Dear Sir,
I purchased a fully automatic washing machine from your showroom on April 20th. After receiving the machine, I started washing and it was not working properly while drying the clothes.
I regret to inform you that the washing machine I purchased from your store under cash memo No.200 dated May 7th with a two-year warranty stopped working after ten days. The machine is now making an unbearable noise, and the motor is ripping delicate fabrics.
All of this is causing me a lot of trouble, and I feel cheated. As a result, I request that you remove the minor flaw or replace it with a new one under the terms of the guarantee certificate. Your prompt action will be greatly appreciated.
Your Customer
Complaint Letter against Rude Behavior of Salesperson
Defense Colony
New Delhi
March 10, 2022
The Manager
Reliance Store
Defense Store
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
I came into your store this morning to purchase some house utility items from your store. Your salesperson misbehaved with me. I was not expecting to meet such a rude salesman.
I had asked to see some items, which he duly delivered. When I asked to see more, he gave me a fierce glare. He stormed away, muttering something to himself. He never returned, leaving me sitting among the items.
Your other salespeople were preoccupied with other customers. So, after about ten minutes, I returned home empty-handed. If such rudeness continues, I doubt I will return to your store.
Your customer
Name: XYZ
Download Free PDF
Google Slides: Complaint Letter
Appreciation Letter: Appreciates your Efforts
You might get an award, and for that, you might get an appreciation letter for your contribution. Here are some important tips for writing a letter of thanks and gratitude.
- Group aspirations
- Introductions
- Requests to present Advice and suggestions
- Personal preferences
- Recommendations
- References
- Compassions
- Free Help
Important points for writing appreciation letters:
- Explain what is the reason for appreciation?
- Give a brief explanation of appreciation
- Don’t try to include unwanted information in the appreciation letter.
- The message of the letter of thanks should be clear and apt.
- Express your warm and sincere point of view.
- You are free to use postcards for appreciation letters.
- Prefer to write in your handwriting.
- For business purposes, use typed letters
Format of Letter of Thanks/Appreciation
Body of Letter of thanks( should be precise and appropriate to make your points)
Subscription( Sincerely Yours, yours truly, etc.)
Your Name
Examples of Letter Of Thanks
Financial Help for Education
Respected Sir
I am grateful for the financial assistance you provided for my education. It was extremely difficult for me to continue my studies without your assistance. It was a huge source of inspiration for me. I am grateful for your generous assistance.
Your thoughtful assistance will help me succeed in life.
Sincerely Yours
Type Your Name
Appreciation Letter for Awards/Honours
The Chief Minister
Haryana Government
Respected Sir
I am delighted and overjoyed to have received the Best Secondary Teacher Award. I’d like to express my gratitude and appreciation for receiving the state award for best teacher. I sincerely thank you for bestowing this significant honor in the field of education.
Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours
Your name
Appreciation Letter for Recommendations
The Vice-Chancellor,
Dr.& Professor, J.P. Yadav
Indira Gandhi University
Meerpur, Rewari
Respected Sir
I applied for a Ph.D. in the department of education at your esteemed university, and my topic was school-level reading problems and solutions. I received a scholarship recommendation from your university for the aforementioned topic. I appreciate your recommendation for me.
Thank you for taking the time to do this for me.
Sincerely Yours
Google Slides&
PDF for Letter of Thanks
Letter of Apology
We must occasionally apologize for any errors we have made. We were frequently late in sending thanks for a gift we received because we were unable to attend functions. In such cases, we must apologize. Unknowingly clearing up misunderstandings, causing damage to someone else’s property, breaking promises, and being rude to others. In such cases, we must write an apology to friends or officials.
Let us go over some points to consider when writing a dignified and heartfelt apology:
Recommendations for Writing an Apology
- Don’t put off writing an apology.
- Maintain a brief and to-the-point apology.
- Discuss the specifics of your apology.
- Don’t feel bad about writing an apology.
- It is best to avoid feelings of guilt.
- Write your solution to the error.
- Assure that errors will not be repeated.
- Never attempt to blame others for your error.
- The tone and grammar should be courteous.
Some useful words to write an apology
Apology for Missing the Appointment
I am extremely sorry to apologize for missing our scheduled appointment last Tuesday, May 21, 2022. I forgot to call you in advance to cancel our meeting. I will call you this week to reschedule our appointment.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
Sincerely yours
Sign here
Your Name
Apology for Belated Wish
Dear Mr. XYZ
Thank you for the invitation to your birth day party. Please accept my apologies for not attending the party and late reply.
I wanted to attend the party but unfortunately, I couldn’t attend the party due to some unavoidable circumstances. Please accept my sincere apology.
Many thanks for your invitation again.
Apology to the Principal for reaching late
Respected Sir
Please accept my apologies for not arriving at school on time due to heavy traffic. Every day, I arrive at school on time, but today I was late due to traffic on the way due to an accident.
Thank you for taking my apologies.
Sincerely yours
Apology to the Principal for the Lack of Discipline
Respected Sir
Please accept my apologies for disrupting the classroom’s order. I vow that such activities will not be repeated in the classroom. I acknowledge that I made a mistake. I will demonstrate that I am a disciplined student.
Yours sincerely
Letter to The Editor: Complete Solution
Letters are written to editors if people’s complaints are not solved at local level offices. It is addressed to the editors of magazines and newspapers. A letter to the editor is always supposed to be written in a formal language. So, when writing a letter to the editor, you should pay attention to how it is put together and how it is written.
When you write a letter to the officials and the officials do not respond to you, and your complaint has a broader aspect, then you write a letter to the editor. They cover some broader aspects of society, like pollution problems, problems with straw animals, and electricity problems in the locality. On this page, we’ll talk about how to write a letter to the editor, the most important things to include in it, and important examples from past CBSE, HBSE, and other state board exams for grades 10 and 12.
Read the Article on Letter To The Editor:
- Format, Template, Topics, and Examples of Letters to the Editor for Class 10, 12, BSEH/CBSE
- Solved Examples of Letters to the Editor for Class 10 and 12 English CBSE/BSEH
- Letter to the Editor: Against “The dowry System in Society”
- Letter to the Editor: To start an awareness about “Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao”
- Letter to the Editor: To start an awareness against Crackers on Diwali
- Letter to the Editor: Value of Self-Regulation in Schools
- Letter to the Editor: Problems of stray animals in our city causing accidents
- Letter to the Editor: Problems of Lights in Your Locality.
Job Application Letters
Letter of Application/Application for Job/Covering Letter: Complete Solution
What is meaning of cover letter?
While applying for any post, you write a cover letter for a job, and you commit to offering your services to a prospective employee. It means you are trying to sell your services. Therefore, the common rules of sales letters will apply to applications for jobs or cover letters also. A cover letter is a formal letter. So, always follow the structure and format of a formal letter. Students and job seekers must prepare a Letter of Application/Application for a Job/Covering Letter because they must enclose their C.V. while applying for a job.
Read the Article cover Letter:
Examples of Cover Letter: Will Help you to Get A Job
- You are Mohan Lal, living at 30, sector 29, Karnal. Write an application for the post of manager in a bank.
- Sample Cover Letter 3 for Teaching Job: The Supreme Tool for Landing Your Dream Job
- Example 1. You are Deepansi/Dharmender, a resident of Rohtak. You saw an advertisement for the post of English Teacher at Ganga International School, Panipat. Write an application to the Principal of the school for the post of English Teacher.
- Browse more Topics on Writing Skills
- Cover Letter with Curriculum Vitae: The Utmost Tool for Landing Your Dream Job
Official Letter: To Solve the Problem
Official letters are written to officials for some complaints and grievances of the public. Official letters are also formal and follow some structure and fixed patterns.
Sample Official Letter 1 (Poor Patrolling by the Police)
Question: Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of your district complaining about poor patrolling by the police in your area resulting in petty crimes. (BSEH 2017)
240/7, Ward No. 7
Arya Nagar
25th March 2023
The Superintendent of Police
Subject: Complaint letter regarding police patrol in our neighborhood.
Respected Sir
I, Mahesh of Arya Nagar, am writing to draw your attention to the rising crime rate in our neighborhood. Crime in the area has increased, and one of the reasons is poor patrolling by police officers on the beat.
Unfortunately, police patrolling in our area is not very strict, and only a few officers are seen patrolling in the area. Police negligence facilitates criminal activity. Theft is on the rise in our community. We usually see police patrolling in the early hours of the night, and they seem unconcerned about what happens during the night. They also attacked the watchman, who was seriously injured and hospitalized. So there is no watchman these days.
So, please look into the matter and assist us. Please assign police officers to work late at night. Please ask your people to uphold the rule of law and order. Arrest anyone found roaming the colony at night for no apparent reason. This will help to put a stop to such incidents. Your prompt action in this matter will be greatly appreciated by the people of the area. Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely
Sample Official Letter 2 (The problem of open potholes )
You are Reena/Rohit. Even after repeated complaints, nothing has been done to address the problem of open potholes in your locality. Write a letter to The Municipal Commissioner, Karnal, requesting him to address the issue at the earliest (BSEH 2019)
H.No. 942
Sector 6, HSVP
Date: March 9, 2023
The Municipal Commissioner
Subject: Complaint about the problem of open papath holesn Sector 6.
Respected Sir
I want to bring to your kind notice the problem of open potholes in Sector 6, Karnal, which has become a daily accident in the area. A sector is considered a developed and planned colony in any locality. As you can see, there are so many large potholes present on the road. The conditions of roads and manholes are deteriorating, and every day, they become the cause of accidents for people and vehicles. The driving area has become very thin due to such manholes.
Therefore, the roads have become dangerous, especially in the monsoon when such potholes are not visible as they are filled with water. The sewage water comes out due to the overflow of manholes. Everywhere there is a heap of mud and waste material.
I request you to look into the matter urgently and clean and maintain the potholes to improve the miserable condition of the roads in Sector 6, Karnal. Your immediate action will be highly appreciated by the residents of the sector.
Thanking you
Reena/ Rohit
Check Your Knowledge of Letter Writing
Question: You are a resident of Sector 6, HSVP, Jhajjar. Write a letter to the S.D.E.O, Jhajjar complaining about the irregular supply of electricity in your locality.
Sample Official Letter 4 (Reporting the theft in your locality)
Question: Write a letter to the SHO of your locality reporting the theft of your bike/scooter. You are Nisha/Naresh living at 1020, Sector 6, Jind. (HBSE 2018 SET D)
House No. 1020
Sector 6
October 20, 2022
Model Town
Subject: Letter to Complain About The Theft of the Bike
I am a resident of the above address and I want to complain about the theft of the bike from the parking area in the central secretariat, Jind. I am the owner of the bike. The details of the bike are given below:
Hero Honda Splender Type of Vehicle:
Registration No. HR-14-C-7900
Chassis No: D254512H256
Engine No: B85745LD897
I parked the bike in the parking area at 10 a.m. and went to the State Bank of India and came back at 11 a.m. I didn’t find my bike. I tried to search for my bike in the nearby area but in vain. I asked the people in the parking area. The bike was stolen.
Therefore, kindly register my company and register an F.I.R. and provide me with a copy so that I can inform the insurance company in time. I have enclosed the details of my bike with the application. I would highly appreciate your efforts in searching for my bike.
Yours sincerely
Claim Letters: Complete Solution
You have the right to make a formal complaint, or sometimes you ask for an adjustment to your money, called a claim settlement when you are dissatisfied with the product or plan, or service. The complaint can be registered by phone, email, or by writing a formal claim letter to the company. You can claim the death from the insurance company by writing a claim settlement letter. People face problems in writing such claims, and therefore, Readlearnexcel has tried its best to provide a complete solution for claim letters of different types in different situations. Sometimes, your claim letter is not entertained due to a lack of information. Therefore, to avoid such a scenario, you will have to write a courteous, clear, and concise letter to impress the claim settlement authority so they will take positive action on your claim.
Read the Article on Claim Letters:
- Claim Letters: Complete Solution
Adjustment Letters: Complete Satisfaction of the Complainant
Adjustment Letters are Complete Satisfaction of the Complainant. Adjustment letters are created to satisfy the person or company who has lodged a formal complaint against you. Adjustment Letters are written and addressed the different persons, companies, unsatisfied clients, suppliers, and unhappy employees. Most adjustment letters are sent in response to a claim that was made against the company. Sometimes, adjustment letters are created due to internal negligence of products or damaged or faulty products.
Read the Article on Adjustment Letters:
- Adjustment Letters: Complete Satisfaction of the Complainant
- The Adjustment Letter is the Response to a Claim Letter
Enquiry Letters: Format and Examples for Classes 10, 11, and 12
You go to the supermarket and inquire about the special offer, inquire about course details, inquire about the quotation for various products, and a variety of other inquiries fall under the category of inquiry. Similarly, writing letters of inquiry letter is a systematic way of doing everything mentioned above. Let us solve this problem by writing an inquiry letter. What format will this letter take? We will go over how to write a letter of inquiry or inquiry letter for classes 10, 11, and 12.
Rules to Write Enquiry Letter
Writing a letter of inquiry is a way of communication in written form, and that is in the form of a letter. For writing inquiry letters, you will have to follow some rules and instructions.
- Follow the format of a formal letter.
- Mention the list of all items you are asking.
- Provide correct information about the delivery address.
- Use the proper structure of a formal letter.
- Write the complete address of the person who is writing the letter. Don’t forget to write your email address and your cell number to get a response online.
- Write down your despatch register’s reference number and date for future reference and it should be just under the sender’s addresmaintainingng the proper gap between the two.
- Name and address of the receiver of the letter. If possible write the email address.
- Write the main subject of the letter in one sentence with clear meaning.
- Give proper respect to the receiver of the letter .( Sir/Madam)
- Body of the letter should be composed of three to four paragraphs. In the first paragraph, properly put your question. In the second paragraph, explain the thingsin detail. Elaborate your queries and requirements in simple and clear language so that the receiver can make them out easily. In the third paragraph, give the solution to the problem.
- Yours lovingly, Yours faithfully, Sincerely Yours or Yours sincerely and Yours truly are used.
- Put your signature and name at the end.
Inquiry Letter Sample 1: Details of the English-Speaking Course
You want to do an English Speaking course from British Council, Kasturba Gandhi Marg. Write an inquiry letter to inquire about the details of the course.
H.No. 217
Sector 6
7th May 2023
The Manager
The British Council
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi
Subject: To enquire about the details of the English Speaking course,
Respected Sir
I am a student in class 12 and have appeared for the final examination. I am waiting for my results, which will be declared after two months. Therefore, I want to do an English-speaking course at your institute in April and May.
Therefore, I want to know the details of the English-speaking course, like the duration of the course, the fee for the course, the timing of the course, and the residential facility. Please inform me about the date of the new batch in April and the process of registration for the course.
I expect that you will respond to my questions as soon as possible. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.
Sincerely Yours
Enquiry Letter 2: To enquire about the prices of the books
You want to buy some books from Oxford Printing Press, Nai Sarak, New Delhi. Write a letter to the manager to enquire abot the prices of the books.
Govt. Sr. Sec. School
September 10, 2022
The Manager
Oxford Printing Press
Nai Sarak
New Delhi
Subject: To enquire about the prices of books.
Dear Sir
I am writing this letter to enquire about the prices of the books for different classes. The new session of the school will start in April 2023. Therefore, we will need some books for our library.
I will send you the list of books. Please send me the lowest prices for the books so that we can place orders for the school. The list of books is given below:
- High School English Grammar & Composition
- Class 12 CBSE books
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
- Storybooks for elementary school
Therefore, please furnish the final rates of the books as early as possible so that we can place an order.
Inquiry Letter Sample 3: To enquire about gift items for Diwali
Write a letter of inquiry to M/s Aggarwal Traders, Delhi enquiring about various kinds of gift items for Diwali. (BSEH 2020).
Letter Writing to Principal
Students of all classes need to write applications or letters to the principal regarding the remittance of fines, fee concessions, change of section, change of stream, and so many other types of letters. This topic, “Letter Writing to the Principal,” will help the students learn to write letters to their concerned principal.
Format of Application/Letter to the Principal
This simple format for the letter to the principal will boost students’ confidence in interacting with their principal and help in developing a strong bond with the principal.
Format of Application/Letter to the Principal
Class and Section of the Student
October 25, 2022
The Principal
[Name of the school]
Subject: [Should be in one sentence]………….
Respected Sir/Madam
Body of the letter
……………..[First Paragraph]
……………..[Second Paragraph]
……………..[Third Paragraph]
Closing [Sincerely yours/yours truly]
Name of the student
Example 1. Application to the Principal: To Grant a Leave
Question 1. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting her to grant you one day’s leave. Sign as Kanika/Kunal of class XII. (BSEH 2018 SET B)
Class 12
Roll No. 7
October 26, 2022
The Principal
Govt. Sr. Sec. Secondary School
Dadri Toye
Subject: Request to grant three days’ leave.
Respected Sir
Sir, I am a student in class 12, section A of your school. I can’t come to school for the next three days as my father has had heart surgery. Therefore, I need three days’ leave.
Sir, my father is not well as he got heart surgery three days back. He has not recovered yet. My mother goes to work, so I have to be with him for three days to take care of him. Therefore, please grant me three days’ leave. I will be highly thankful to you for this act of kindness. Thank you in anticipation.
Sincerely yours
Example 2. Application to the Principal: To Remit Fine
Question 2. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting her to remit your fine for being absent from school. Sign as Roma/Rajiv of class XII.(BSEH 2018 SET C)
Class 12
Roll No. 17
October 12, 2022
The Principal
Govt. Sr. Sec. Secondary School
Subject: Application to remit the fine
Respected Madam
I am a student in class 12. I couldn’t come to school for three days as my mother was not well. My class teacher marked me a hundred rupees fine.
I am a poor student, and my father is also not working anywhere due to his illness. Moreover, I have never been absent from a class in the past. So, I promise that I won’t be absent in the future. Therefore, please remit my fine this time, and I will highly appreciate your kindness.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Letter for Loan: Source of Financial Help
Writing an application or letter for a loan to the bank manager is an important letter for students as they might need it in the future if they won’t be able to finance their education. Then, you will need to know the format and template for the loan letter. You should understand the basics of housing, personal, and educational loans.
Sample Template for Loan Letter
Applicant’s Name and Address
Bank Manager’s Address and Designation
Subject: Application for………[personal, housing, educational loan]
Respected Sir
I am a resident of the ………….I have got admission to M.B.A. ………[University name]………I want an educational loan for this course…….I have enclosed the offer letter from the university. My course will be………[no. of years]. The details of the tuition fee……………[enclosed]
Kindly sanction my educational loan……….. I will repay……………. Your’s positive action will highly be appreciable………
Yours sincerely
Letter to the Bank Manager for Personal Loan
Question: Write an application to the Regional Manager of, the State Bank of India of your city, asking for a personal loan.
House No. 358
Housing Board Colony
October 29, 2022
The Branch Manager
Punjab National Bank
Subject: Application for a personal loan.
Respected sir
I am a resident of the above address. I need a personal loan to meet my requirements. I am an old customer of your prestigious bank. Moreover, your interest rates are the lowest, which attracted me to get a personal loan from PNB.
I am working as a lecturer in the education department regularly. I need some money. Therefore, I am applying for a personal loan from your branch. I have attached my salary statement and ITR for the year 2022–23 for the purpose of a personal loan. I need ten lakh rupees as a loan. You can check my CIBIL report.
I expect that you will sanction a personal loan as early as possible. Your positive response will be highly appreciated.
Sincerely yours
Test your knowledge by solving the following exercise for a housing loan.
Question: Write a letter to the manager for a housing loan.
Letter Writing BSEH Class 12 Solved Examples from previous years’ Question Papers
In the previous pages, I covered all of the necessary information for writing a letter, such as structure, 7C’s, and letter types. As a result, keep the preceding points in mind when writing letters. Let us now look at some examples and exercises from previous boards’ examination question papers:
Q.1. You are Deepansi/Dharmender, a resident of Rohtak. You saw an advertisement for the post of English Teacher at Ganga International School, Panipat. Write an application to the Principal of the school for the post of English Teacher.
H.No. 47
Sector 6
Delhi Road
Date: 21/03/2023
The Principal
Ganga International School
Delhi Road
Subject: Application for the post of English Teacher
Respected Sir
Concerning your advertisement for the post of English Teacher in The Tribune, dated March 20, 2023, I am applying for the post of English Teacher in your reputed school. I am highly interested in this position and I would be highly thankful if you could consider my application for the said post.
I have completed my M.A. in English from the Department of English, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. I have been working as an English teacher in an English-medium school for the last two years. While working as a teacher with students and parents, I have come across a lot of challenging situations. Therefore, I have gained a lot of experience as an English teacher. I am digitally strong and I have good knowledge of computers. I am fond of solving students’ problems in all circumstances.
I have attached my detailed CV with the application. I hope you will consider my application for an interview. Your positive response will be highly solicited. Thank you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully
Question 2: Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of your district complaining about poor patrolling by the police in your area resulting in petty crimes. (HBSE 2017D)
240/7, Ward No. 7
Arya Nagar
25th March 2023
The Superintendent of Police
Subject: Complaint letter regarding police patrol in our neighborhood.
Respected Sir
I, Mahesh of Arya Nagar, am writing to draw your attention to the rising crime rate in our neighbourhood. Crime in the area has increased, and one of the reasons is poor patrolling by police officers on the beat.
Unfortunately, police patrolling in our area is not very strict, and only a few officers are seen patrolling in the area. Police negligence facilitates criminal activity. Theft is on the rise in our community. We usually see police patrolling in the early hours of the night, and they seem unconcerned about what happens during the night. They also attacked the watchman, who was seriously injured and hospitalized. So there is no watchman these days.
So, please look into the matter and assist us. Please assign police officers to work late at night. Please ask your people to uphold the rule of law and order. Arrest anyone found roaming the colony at night for no apparent reason. This will help to put a stop to such incidents. Your prompt action in this matter will be greatly appreciated by the people of the area. Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely
1. Write a letter to the SHO of your locality reporting the theft of your bike/scooter. You are Nisha/Naresh living at 1020, Sector 6, Jind. (HBSE 2018 SET D)
2. Write a letter to the librarian of your school requesting him to remit your library fine(2017B)
3. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting her to grant you one day’s leave. Sign as Kanika/Kunal of class XII. (2018B)
4. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting her to remit your fine for being absent from school. Sign as Roma/Rajiv of class XII.( 2018 C)
Question 3. : You are Kazim/Kumud of 148, Raj Nagar, Jhajjar. You are awaiting your class XII results. Meanwhile, you would like to do a short-term course on etiquette development. Write a letter to The Director, Personal Care, Rohtak enquiring about the course detail. (125-150 words)
Raj Nagar
17th March 2023
The Director of Personal Care
Department of Public Relations
Subject: To enquire about the short course on etiquette development
Respected Sir
I live in Raj Nagar and would like to enroll in your short course on etiquette development. I took the 12th-grade exam and am awaiting the results.
During the summer, I saw your advertisement for a short course on etiquette development in The Tribune. Sir, I need some information about this course. Could you please tell me how long the course will last? What are the course’s timings? What is the course fee? How can I ensure my seat in the course? This course interests me because it will help me improve my skills.
Please provide the above information so that I may proceed.
I am awaiting your response. Your prompt response will assist me in making an admissions decision.
Yours faithfully
Question 4. : You are Suneel/Sunita, the head boy/girl of Raman Public School, Jind. An excursion has been planned from your school to Shimla. Write a letter to The Secretary of, Youth Hostel, Shimla requesting him to provide accommodation for 15 girls and 20 boys for five days. (125-150 words)(2017)
The Head Boy/Girl
Raman Public School
5th March 2023
The Secretary
Youth Hostel
Subject: Request for 15 girls and 20 boys to stay for five days.
Respectfully, Sir
I am Suneel, the head boy of Raman Public School in Jind, and I would like to request that you arrange for 15 girls and 20 boys to stay for five days from March 5 to March 10. Our school group is taking a five-day excursion to Shimla.
We are a group of 25 students from Jind on an adventure and excursion tour to Shimla. We’ll arrive at 5 p.m. on March 5th. We will report to you. We require lodging for the boys and girls for five days. Please make arrangements for food and lodging for us during our stay in Shimla. Every year during summer vacation, our school visits Shimla. Your youth hostel is ideal for a stay because it is the safest place for females. In the youth hostel, we feel at ease.
We hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Please notify us as soon as possible so that the students are not inconvenienced. We will be grateful for your positive response.
I eagerly await your response.
Sincerely Yours
Question5. : You are interested in taking The British Council library membership in Delhi. Write a letter to The Head Librarian asking for the details and the required procedure. You are Preetam/Priya. (2017)
H.No. 217
Sector 6
7th May 2023
The Head Librarian
The British Council Library
Kasturba Marg
New Delhi
Subject: Application for membership in the British Council’s library in Delhi
Respected Sir
I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that I am a student at Kirori Mal College, Delhi University. I’d like to join your esteemed library at the British Council in New Delhi. Our college is on summer break.
I am a final-year student at Kirori Mal College. I intend to take the IELTS exam within the next month. As a result, I enrolled in an IELTS preparation course. As a result, I will need to join your library. I’d like to use your library’s resources because you have the best collection of new books on various subjects in Delhi. In addition, I must attend IELTS training at the British Council. As a result, I will require library membership. Please inform me of the membership terms and conditions.
I’m hoping to hear from you soon. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.
Sincerely Yours
Exercise: You are Reena/Rohit. Even after repeated complaints, nothing has been done to address the problem of open potholes in your locality. Write a letter to The Municipal Commissioner, Karnal, requesting him to address the issue at the earliest. ( Solution is available under official letter)
Readlearnexcel Message on Letter Writing
Readlearnexcel has explained all the nitty-gritty of letter writing. You will find a solution to letter writing in a completely new sense. Letter writing will be comfortable for students and all letter-writing learners. If you still have any doubts, contact us.