
Short Questions and Answers of The Interview Class 12 English

The Interview Short Questions and Answers NCERT Class 12 English

The article “Short Questions and Answers of The Interview Class 12 English” will provide you with the complete solutions to short questions in “The Interview.” Do you think Umberto Eco likes being interviewed? The pdf of the article “Short Questions and Answers of The Interview Class 12 English” will be available for you to read offline.

The interview is commonplace in journalism. In “The Interview,” where Umberto Eco is giving an interview with Mukund of The Hindu in a comfortable way. The short questions and answers will help the students learn the techniques of an interview. The interviewer feels comfortable and relaxed while taking and giving the interview.

The Interview Short Questions and Answers Class 12 English(2-3 marks, 30-50 words)

The short questions and answers in The Interview are easy to answer if you have read the summary and read it with proper comprehension. Understanding short questions and answers will lead you to answer long questions and answers. Hence, read the following pages on short questions and answers to understand the essay-type questions of The Interview. In the coming pages of this article, Short Questions and Answers of The Interview Class 12 English, we will answer the questions from previous years’ question papers of CBSE and HBSE of class 12 English(core), extra short questions, and more short questions and answers from The Interview.

Most important Short Questions and Answers The Interview from BSEH Question papers( 2-3 Marks, 30-50 words)

The previous years’ questions from BSEH question papers will help the students secure excellent marks in the examinations. Students in HBSE can easily review the test questions and can expect to see the same ones on the final exams.

Question.1. Do you think Umberto Eco likes being interviewed? Give reasons for your opinion. ( HBSE 2015) ( Most Important).


Absolutely yes, as it is clear in part B of “The Interview,” where Umberto Eco is giving an interview to Mukund of The Hindu in a comfortable way. Umberto Eco delivers his way of writing and the subjects he wrote about easily. The interviewer never feels uncomfortable while taking his interview. He allows the interviewer to feel relaxed and laugh, which makes the atmosphere light. He tells him how he uses his empty spaces to think about the subject of his writing. He considers himself an academic scholar instead of a novel writer. Therefore, Umberto Eco likes being interviewed.

Short Question.2. How does Eco find the time to write so much? ( Most Important)


Umberto Eco explains his way of writing in Part B of “The Interview,” Eco finds the time to write. Firstly, he tells Mukund that people feel that I am writing “many things,” but in reality, “I am always doing the same thing.” His philosophical interests in his academic work, novels, and children’s books are about non-violence and peace. He considers all these as “a bunch of ethical and philosophical interests.”

Secondly, he tells his secret of writing in “empty spaces” and he eliminates these empty spaces which are called “interstices”. He calls the waiting time of the lift an “empty space” in which he gets enough time to think about what he wants to write. Thus, Eco finds the time to write so much.

Question.3. What was distinctive about Eco’s academic writing style? (HBSE 2015, 2020). Most Important


Eco has a unique style of writing as he doesn’t emphasise the traditional way of writing, where a writer writes by concentrating on one subject. Eco writes on multiple subjects. He tells us that he doesn’t write about “many things,” but in reality, “I am always doing the same thing.” His philosophical interests in his academic work, novels, and children’s books are about non-violence and peace. He considers all these as “a bunch of ethical and philosophical interests.” He mixes all his ideas to write different things, but with the same things in a different style.

Question.4. Did Umberto Eco consider himself a novelist first or an academic scholar? Important


Eco is a professor at Bologna University in Italy. He is regarded as a scholar due to his ideas on semiotics, or the art of signs. Umberto Eco became a star with the publication of “The Name of the Rose,” which sold more than 10 million copies. The interview starts with a question from Mukund, who wants clarification about how he manages all his different jobs. Umberto Eco replies, saying that he is doing nothing new and that all things are the same in his view. He tells Mukund that he writes books on non-violence and peace for children. He further tells Mukund that he writes novels on Sundays and professionally, he is an academic scholar.

Question.5. What is the reason for the huge success of the novel, “The Name of the Rose”? (HBSE 2014). Most Important


The huge success of the novel “The Name of the Rose” is a mystery as it deals with some typical subjects like metaphysics, theology, medieval history, and a detective yarn. Umberto Eco became a star with the publication of “The Name of the Rose,” which sold more than 10 million copies. The novel is a serious detective yarn“.Eco explains that even the journalists were puzzled by the success of the novel, and they thought that people liked “trash” and didn’t like serious novels. He clarifies his view that 10 to 15 million people are only a fraction of the readers, and they are serious readers.

The Interview Extra Short Questions and Answers NCERT Class 12 English

The interview extra short questions are helpful in solving reading comprehension questions of The Interview.

The Interview Short Questions and Answers NCERT Class 12 English

Q.6. Who has written, “The Name of the Rose”?(Important)

Ans. Umberto Eco has written “The Name of the Rose”. It discusses metaphysics, theology, and medieval history.

Q.7. What are the subjects discussed in “The Name of the Rose”?

Ans. “The Name of the Rose”is a creation of Umberto Eco.  It’s a detective yarn at one level but it also delves into metaphysics, theology, and medieval history.

Q.8. What is the belief of journalists and publishers about “The Name of the Rose”?

Ans. Journalists and publishers believe that people like trash and don’t like difficult reading experiences. They consider it a novel of complex subjects and the public doesn’t read such novels.

Q.9. What do the readers like to read, as per journalists and publishers?

Ans. People like trash and don’t like difficult reading experiences. They like small novels of light concept.

Q.10. How many copies were sold of “The Name of the Rose”?

Ans.  The Name of the Rose sold between 10 and 15 million copies which was contrary to to the claim of Journalists and publishers.

Q.11. How does Umberto Eco fulfill his philosophical interests?

Ans. Eco fulfills his philosophical interests through his academic work and novels. He writes novels by using his academic career.

Q.12. What is the subject of children’s books?

Ans. Children’s books are about non-violence and peace. Such subjects are good for children as they help them to be a good citizen.

Q.13. What is the secret of Umberto Eco?

Ans. Umberto Eco works in empty spaces. Empty spaces are the time when you don’t have any work to do.

Q.14. What are empty spaces?

Ans. Empty spaces are free time in our lives. Empty spaces are helpful in thinking new subjects.

Q.15. What will happen if we remove empty space from space?

Ans. The universe will become very small if we remove the empty space from the universe as the the universe is full of empty spaces where nobody lives.

Q.16. What are empty spaces called?

Ans. Empty spaces are called interstices.

Q.17. What is Rudyard Kipling’s view of interviews?

Ans. Rudyard Kipling thought it was immoral and a crime. So, he didn’t consider the interview, a worth entity.

Q.18. What are the negative points in the interview?

Ans. It is cowardly and vile. People get insulted in interviews.

More Short Questions and Answers of The Interview Class 12 English

Q.19. What does H. G. Wells feel about the interview?

Ans. According to H. G. Wells, an interview is an ordeal. And sometime, an interview becomes a bad dream.

Q.20. How does Saul Bellow feel about the interview?

Ans. Saul Bellow feels interviews are like thumbprints on his windpipe.

Q.21. What is the medium of communication?

Ans. An interview is a medium of communication. It enhances communication among people.

Q.22. Who are the victims of the interview?

Ans. Celebrities considered themselves the victim of an interview as they are being interviewed for the sake of commercial gains.

Q.23. What is the belief in some primitive cultures about being photographed?

Ans. In primitive cultures, being photographed is stealing a personal soul. Taking photograph is considered an attack on individual’s life.

Q.24. What is the source of truth?

Ans. An interview is the highest form, source of truth, and art as we are able to draw something hidden with the help of an interview.

Q.25. How does an interview affect celebrities?

Ans. Celebrities are considered an intrusion in their life.

Q.26. What is V. S. Naipaul’s view on interviews?

Ans. An interview is a wound as per V. S. Naipaul.

Q.27. Who is the creator of Alice in Wonderland?

Ans. Lewis Carroll is the creator of Alice in Wonderland,

Q.28. What does Lewis Carroll say about the interview?

Ans. She considers an interview a horror.

The Interview Single Sentence Questions Answers NCERT Class 12 English Flamingo

Q.1. What is the commonplace of journalism?

Ans. The interview is commonplace in journalism.

Q.2. What do literates read daily?

Ans. Literates read the interview daily.

Q.3. What are the antonyms for “literate”?

Ans. : Illiterate

Q.4. What are synonyms for “surprising”?

Ans. Stunning

Q.5. What are synonyms for “extravagant”?

Ans. Lavish, free-spending, prodigal.

Q.6. What is an interview?

Ans. It is an art.

Q.7. Who are the victims of the interview?

Ans. Celebrities are the victims of interviews.

Q.8. How do celebrities consider interviews?

Ans. They consider it immoral, vile, and a crime.

Q.9. What is the meaning of intrusion?

Ans. Encroachment, imposition, interference, intervention.

Q.10. What are the synonyms for “despising”?

Ans. Detest, hate, loathe.

Q.11. What does the interviewer say to the celebrities?

Ans. The interviewer insults the celebrities.

Q.12. How did V.S. Naipal feel about the interview?

Ans. Some people are wounded by the interviewer.

Q.13. Who is the creator of “Alice in Wonderland”?

Ans. Lewis Carroll is the creator of “Alice in Wonderland”.

Q.14. How did Lewis Carrell feel about the interview?

Ans. She felt terrified by the interview.

Q.15. What was the attitude of Rudyard Kipling towards the interview?

Ans. He considered it a crime.

Q.16. What was the attitude of H.G. Wells towards the interview?

Ans. H.G. Wells considered the interview an ordeal.

Q.17. What is the definition of an interview?

Ans. An interview is a supreme medium of communication.

Q.18. When did Umberto Eco write novels?

Ans. Eco wrote novels on Sundays.

Q.19. Who was interviewing Umberto Eco?

Ans. He Was Mukund from The Hindu interviewing Umberto Eco?

Q.20. Who was Umberto Eco?

Ans. Eco was a professor and novelist.

Q.21. Where was Umberto Eco at work?

Ans. He was working as a professor at Bolgna University in Italy.

Q.22. What is semiotics?

Ans. Semiotics is the language of signs.

Q.23. On which subjects did Umberto Eco write?

Ans. His works covered mythology, metaphysics, and philosophy.

Q.24. Who wrote “The Name of the Rose”?

Ans. Umberto Eco wrote “The Name of the Rose.”

Q.25. How many copies of “The Name of the Rose” were sold?

Answer: Ten million

Q.26. What were the subjects on which Umberto Eco wrote?

Ans. His works covered mythology, metaphysics, and philosophy.

Q.27. What was the secret of the writing of Umberto Eco?

Ans. Eco wrote in empty spaces.

Q.28. What did Umberto Eco mean by “empty spaces”?

Ans. Empty spaces are free time.

Q.29. What are empty spaces called?

Ans. Empty spaces are called interstices.

Q.30. What was “The Name of the Rose” about?

Ans. It was a detective story, metaphysics, theology, and mediaeval history.

Q.31. Why were the publishers surprised by the success of “The Name of the Rose”?

Ans. People like trash, and “The Name of the Rose” is a serious novel.

Q.32. Which age did Umberto Eco’s novels belong to?

Answer: The modern era.

Q.33. How many novels were written by Umberto Eco?

Ans. five

Q.34. What does “Thumbprints on his windpipes” mean in the interview?

Ans. It means unnecessary pressure on someone.

Q.35. When did Umberto Eco start writing?

Ans. At the age of 50.

Q.36. What was the reason for the success of “The Name of the Rose”?

Ans. It deals with multiple subjects like metaphysics, theology, and mediaeval history.

Q.37. What type of novel was “The Name of the Rose”?

Ans. It was a serious novel.

Q.38. How do newspapers become a common place for interviews?

Ans. Newspapers are read by literate people.

Q.39. What would happen if we removed empty spaces from the universe?

Ans. It would be a small entity.

Q.40. Who wrote the interview?

Ans. Christopher Silvestor wrote the interview.

Q.41. From where was “The Interview” taken?

Ans. It was taken from “The Penguin Book of Interviews”

Q.42. How does Eco find the time to write so much?

Ans. He finds more time as he writes in empty spaces.

Q.45. Does Umberto Eco write on different subjects?

Ans. No, he doesn’t write on different subjects.

Q.46: What does Eco consider himself?

Ans. He considers himself an academic.

Q.47. How does Eco feel about giving an interview?

Ans. He feels comfortable in giving interviews.

Q.48. What is the main point of journalism?

Ans. An interview is the main point of journalism.

Q.49. What is being discussed in part B of the interview?

Ans. The writer discussed the novelist, Umberto Eco.

Q.50. Who is Caroline?

Ans. The creator of Alice in Wonderland.

Q.51. When does Eco write novels?

Ans. He writes novels on Sundays.

A word from your teacher on The Interview  Complete NCERT Solution Class 12 English Flamingo

Dear Students

Prepare the above questions seriously. I assure you that you will excel in your final exams of class 12 English. If you have any doubts write them in the comments section below. You will receive a response right away.

Your teacher

M.S. Yadav

Lecturer in English

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  162. Howdy would you mind sharing which blog platform you’re working with? I’m planning to start my own blog soon but I’m having a hard time deciding between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. The reason I ask is because your layout seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something unique. P.S Apologies for getting off-topic but I had to ask!

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  173. rexlipscombe202

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  174. rexlipscombe202

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