
Speech on Dussehra 2023

Ladies and gentlemen,

I extend a sincere welcome to each and every one of you. With great joy and thanks, I stand before you today as the Principal of SJS GGSSS, Silana. Speaking to our exceptional students and devoted staff on this momentous occasion is truly an honour.Happy Dussehra 2022: Symbol of the Victory of Good over Evil

Not only are we commemorating a holiday as we assemble here today, but we are also honouring the core of our culture, history, and ideals. The triumphant holiday of Dussehra serves as a constant reminder of the conflict between good and evil. This event symbolises the belief that, despite the might of the forces of evil, morality always triumphs.

Festivals like Dussehra give colour and significance to our lives, adding to the colourful fabric of India. They serve as a reminder of our common past and the diverse range of customs that unite us as a country. People from all walks of life unite to celebrate the triumph of good over evil during this time of unity in diversity.

Happy Dussehra, everyone! Today is more than just a date on the calendar. This is a chance for all of us—staff and students alike—to consider the morals and principles that have been instilled in us throughout the years. Today is a day to reflect and replace our negative behaviours with positive habits that will help us succeed and be happy.

All of you, our pupils, have the capacity to be extraordinary people. In the same way that Lord Ram’s steadfast faith brought him victory, you too may succeed in your endeavours with unflinching commitment and perseverance. As your principal, I have seen firsthand your extraordinary abilities, diligence, and dedication to learning. I think you have what it takes to be the best in anything you decide to do.

I would want to express my genuine gratitude to all of our hardworking team members for their unwavering efforts in influencing our kids’ futures. We sincerely appreciate your mentorship and advice, which have been quite helpful to them in their development.

I urge each and every one of us to not just commemorate a holiday on this auspicious day, but to fully embrace its spirit. Let us make the commitment to vanquish our inner demons, swap out negativity for optimism, and persevere in the face of difficulty. May we all be motivated to start fresh, prosperous, and wise chapters in our lives.

Happy Dussehra! May your paths ahead be as brilliant as the triumph we celebrate today, and may each of you be blessed with the light of righteousness. Thank you, and let’s keep illuminating our community as a lighthouse of wisdom, kindness, and cohesion. Joyous Dussehra!

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