
UP Board 12th English Answer Key 2024 Set B

UP Board 12th English Answer Key 2024 Set B

UP Board 12th English Answer Key 2024 Set B

Time: Three hours 15 minutes

No. of Printed Pages: 4 

316 (DW) 



[Max. Marks: 100 

UP Board 12th English Answer Key 2024 Set B

All questions from all the sections are compulsory. Set A

UP Board Class 12 English Question Paper 2024 Solution

UP Board 12th English Answer Key 2024 Set B


(a) To achieve success in life, one needs to possess a strong will and firm determination.

(b) Failures help achieve the desired success by making individuals more determined and persistent in their efforts. The builder of his own fortune is someone who relies on perseverance, industry, and strong will rather than luck or destiny.

(d) Lazy, sluggish individuals who refrain from doing their duties invite miseries in their life.


(i) The underlined portion of the passage emphasizes that it is a misconception to believe that wealth, fame, or power are attained solely by luck or destiny.

(ii) The opposite of ‘success’ is ‘failure’.

(iii) The adjective form of the word ‘resolution’ is ‘resolute’.

Section B

Demerits of Dowry System

The dowry system, prevalent in many parts of the world, including India, has long been a subject of controversy and debate. This system, where the bride’s family is expected to provide gifts or money to the groom’s family, has several detrimental effects on society. Firstly, it perpetuates gender inequality by treating women as commodities to be bought and sold in marriage. It also leads to financial burdens on the bride’s family, often pushing them into debt or poverty. Additionally, the dowry system fosters materialism and greed, as marriages become more about monetary transactions than genuine relationships. Furthermore, it can result in various forms of abuse and violence against brides who are unable to meet dowry demands. Overall, the dowry system undermines the principles of equality and respect in marriage and must be eradicated through education, awareness, and legal enforcement.

Question No. 3 Letter Writing

[Your Address]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


The Editor

[Newspaper Name]

[Newspaper Address]

Subject: Unfair Practices in Competitive Examinations

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my profound dissatisfaction and grief regarding the unfair practices observed in competitive examinations. It is disheartening to witness the prevalence of cheating, favoritism, and corruption that tarnish the integrity of these exams.

The current system not only undermines the efforts of honest and hardworking candidates but also perpetuates inequality and injustice in our society. Many deserving candidates are deprived of opportunities due to the prevalence of malpractices and nepotism.

Furthermore, the rampant use of unfair means erodes public trust in the education system and hampers the development of a skilled and competent workforce. It is imperative for the authorities to take stringent measures to curb these unethical practices and ensure a level playing field for all aspirants.

I urge you to use your platform to raise awareness about this pressing issue and advocate for reforms that promote transparency, meritocracy, and fairness in competitive examinations.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]


Dear [Friend’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you with great excitement and joy to invite you to a momentous occasion in my family – my sister’s wedding!

The wedding ceremony of my dear sister, [Sister’s Name], is scheduled to take place on [Date] at [Venue]. It promises to be a beautiful celebration filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. We are eagerly looking forward to this special day, and it would mean the world to me if you could join us in celebrating this joyous occasion.

Your presence would add warmth and happiness to the festivities, and it would be wonderful to have you share in our happiness. I am certain that you will enjoy the traditional rituals, delicious food, and vibrant atmosphere of the wedding.

Please do let me know at your earliest convenience if you will be able to attend, so that we can make the necessary arrangements for your accommodation and travel.

Looking forward to seeing you and creating unforgettable memories together at my sister’s wedding!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]



  • (a) (iii) Autocracy

(b) (iii) to start to go

(c) (ii) curse

(d) (i) years

(e) (ii) inability

  • Q. NO.5 (a) (i) The teacher said that all men are mortal. Rita says that she shall do it.

(b) (i) You must work hard if you want to succeed.

  • (c) (i) A letter is being written to her father by her.

(ii) Shyam is the tallest boy in the class.

(a) (i) My friend Ramu is younger than me.

(e) (i) She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl yesterday.

(ii) His kind words were a compliment to her hard work.

  1. NO. 6 Translate the following passage into English: 

मुंशी प्रेमचंद्र को कौन नहीं जानता ? अधिकाधिक लोगों ने उनकी कहानियों तथा उपन्यासों को पढ़ा है । उनकी कहानियों तथा उपन्यासों में गाँव में रहने वाले निर्धन तथा मध्यम वर्गीय परिवार के लोगों की झलक मिलती है । उन्होंने गाँवं, रीति-रिवाज, सामाजिक बुराइयों, जमींदारों के अत्याचार तथा अंधविश्वासों के विषय में खुलकर लिखा है । उन्होंने यह सिद्ध किया कि साहित्य समाज का दर्पण होता है । 

Who doesn’t know Munshi Premchand? More and more people have read his stories and novels. His stories and novels depict glimpses of people from poor and middle-class families living in villages. He openly wrote about village life, customs, social evils, oppression by landlords, and superstitions. He established that literature is a mirror of society.

  1. NO 7

(a) Raj Kumar Shukla played a crucial role in bringing Gandhiji to Champaran by persistently urging him to visit and help the indigo farmers who were suffering under oppressive British policies.

(b) In Seemapuri, the inhabitants scavenge through garbage dumps to collect recyclable materials like plastic, paper, and metal scraps for their survival and livelihood.


Gandhiji intervened in Champaran by conducting surveys, organizing protests, and negotiating with authorities to address the grievances of farmers. He fought against exploitative indigo plantation practices and advocated for their rights and fair treatment.


For the poor children in Seemapuri, garbage serves as a source of livelihood. They collect recyclable materials from garbage dumps to sell, earning meager incomes to support themselves and their families.


(a) Working in the glass bangle industry poses numerous hazards to workers. The process involves handling molten glass, which can cause severe burns and injuries if not handled carefully. Additionally, workers are exposed to harmful chemicals used in coloring and polishing the bangles, leading to respiratory problems and skin diseases. Moreover, the repetitive and strenuous nature of the work often results in musculoskeletal disorders and long-term health issues for workers.


(b) Douglas overcame his fear of water by gradually exposing himself to it. He started by practicing blowing bubbles in the water, then progressed to floating with the help of a rope, and finally learned to swim confidently with the guidance and encouragement of Mr. Ross. Through consistent practice and overcoming challenges, Douglas conquered his fear and developed a newfound confidence in the water.


  1. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow



That for themselves a cooling covert make 

‘Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake, Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms

And such too is the grandeur of the dooms 

We have imagined for the mighty dead; All lovely tales that we have heard or read; An endless fountain of immortal drink, 

Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink. 


Why is grandeur associated with ‘the mighty dead

Grandeur is associated with ‘the mighty dead’ because they are often remembered and commemorated with elaborate tombs, monuments, and memorials, symbolizing their importance and influence even after death.

What is ‘the endless fountain of immortal drink’ that the poet refers to in the poem? 

The “endless fountain of immortal drink” refers to the timeless and eternal inspiration derived from the stories and tales of heroic deeds and legendary figures. It represents the inexhaustible source of spiritual nourishment and enlightenment that literature provides to humanity.


What is poured unto us from the heaven’s brink?

From the heaven’s brink, metaphorically, pours the inspiration and wisdom gained from literature and stories of valor, heroism, and grandeur. It signifies the transcendent and divine nature of literature in enriching human lives.


  1. 10.


Grandeur is associated with ‘the mighty dead’ because they are often remembered and commemorated with elaborate tombs, monuments, and memorials, symbolizing their importance and influence even after death.

The “endless fountain of immortal drink” refers to the timeless and eternal inspiration derived from the stories and tales of heroic deeds and legendary figures. It represents the inexhaustible source of spiritual nourishment and enlightenment that literature provides to humanity.

From the heaven’s brink, metaphorically, pours the inspiration and wisdom gained from literature and stories of valor, heroism, and grandeur. It signifies the transcendent and divine nature of literature in enriching human lives.

The central idea of “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” is the oppression and suppression faced by women in a patriarchal society, as depicted through Aunt Jennifer’s artistic expression and her desire for freedom from her oppressive marriage.


The central idea of “Keeping Quiet” is the power of silence and contemplation in promoting peace and harmony in a chaotic world. The poem advocates for introspection and restraint in human actions to prevent conflicts and promote understanding among people.


(a) What prediction was made by the astrologer about the Tiger King? 

(b) What circumstances forced Dr. Sadao’s father to send him to America? 

Who is Mr. Lamb? How does Derry get into his garden? 


Who was Hana? How did Hana meet Sadao? 


(a) The astrologer predicted that the Tiger King would meet his demise at the hands of a tiger.

(b) Dr. Sadao’s father sent him to America due to the escalating political tensions and the need for a better education and future prospects.

Mr. Lamb is a character from the story, known for his meticulous garden. Derry gains access to his garden through a small gap in the fence.


Hana was a young woman rescued by Dr. Sadao, who had been washed ashore after a shipwreck. She met Sadao when he discovered her injured on the beach and decided to provide her with shelter and medical care.


What impression do you form of Dr. Sadao, both as a doctor and a human being, on the basis of the story “The Enemy’?

In “The Enemy,” Dr. Sadao emerges as a complex character, showcasing both his professional dedication and his compassionate nature. As a doctor, he demonstrates exceptional skill and commitment, risking his safety to save a wounded enemy soldier. This act reflects his humanitarian values, highlighting his willingness to prioritize human life over political allegiance. Dr. Sadao’s actions underscore his integrity and moral compass, portraying him as a figure guided by principles of empathy and healing.

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