
CBSE English Class 12 Final Revision 2024 | Class 12 English One Shot

CBSE English Class 12 Final Revision 2024. As the final examination approaches, it’s crucial to engage in comprehensive revision to ensure readiness and confidence. This revision guide is designed to assist students in preparing effectively for the CBSE English Class 12 examination. Covering key topics, formats, and important tips, this guide aims to streamline the revision process and maximize performance. Let’s embark on this journey of revisiting essential concepts and honing skills to excel in the upcoming examination.

CBSE English Class 12 Final Revision 2024 | Class 12 English One Shot

CBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023–24 Question Paper Design

Section A – 22 Marks

Reading Skills

I Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage (12+10 = 22 Marks)
1. One unseen passage to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis and inference.
Vocabulary assessment will also be assessed via inference. The passage may be
factual, descriptive or literary.

2. One unseen case-based factual passage with verbal/visual inputs like statistical data,
charts etc. to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference and evaluation.

To effectively answer the Reading Comprehension (RC) questions in the examination, consider the following important tips:

1. Read the Passage Carefully:

  • Before attempting to answer any questions, read the passage thoroughly and attentively. Take note of the main idea, tone, and key details.

2. Understand the Questions:

  • Pay close attention to the questions provided. Understand what each question is asking and what information or evidence is required to answer it.

3. Use Contextual Clues:

  • Utilize the context of the passage to infer the meanings of unfamiliar words or phrases. Look for clues within the text to help understand the vocabulary.

4. Identify Main Ideas and Supporting Details:

  • Identify the main ideas presented in the passage and the supporting details that contribute to those main ideas. This will help you answer questions related to the overall theme or purpose of the passage.

5. Look for Specific Information:

  • For factual passages, pay attention to specific information such as dates, names, statistics, or other details that may be directly stated in the text. Refer back to the passage when needed to locate these details.

6. Analyze and Interpret:

  • Analyze the author’s purpose, tone, and perspective. Consider how the author presents information and what message they may be conveying. Interpret the passage beyond its literal meaning.

7. Make Inferences:

  • Use the information provided in the passage to make logical inferences about events, characters, or situations. Support your inferences with evidence from the text.

8. Practice Time Management:

  • Allocate your time wisely between reading the passage, answering questions, and reviewing your answers. Don’t spend too much time on any one question if you’re unsure—move on and come back to it later if time permits.

9. Check for Accuracy:

  • Review your answers to ensure they are accurate and supported by evidence from the passage. Look out for careless mistakes in spelling or grammar.

10. Practice Regularly:

  • Practice answering RC questions regularly to improve your reading comprehension skills. Familiarize yourself with different types of passages and question formats to build confidence.

By following these tips and strategies, you can approach RC questions effectively and increase your chances of success in the examination.

Section B – 18 Marks CBSE Class 12 English(Core)
Creative Writing Skills

II. Creative Writing Skills
3.Notice, up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered.(4 Marks:
Format :1 / Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar : 1 ).
4. Formal/Informal Invitation and Reply, up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to
be answered. (4 Marks: Format : 1 / Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spellingand Grammar :1 ).
5. Letters based on verbal/visual input, to be answered in approximately 120-150 words.
Lettertypes include application for a job with bio data or resume. Letters to the editor (giving
suggestions or opinion on issues of public interest) . One out of the two given questions to
be answered . (5 Marks: Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of
Spelling and Grammar :1 ).
6. Article/ Report Writing, descriptive and analytical in nature, based on verbal inputs, to be
answered in 120-150 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered . (5 Marks:
Format : 1 /Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).

To revise the Creative Writing Skills section before the examination, it’s crucial to focus on the following key points:

  1. Notice Writing:
    • Ensure that the notice follows the prescribed format, including the heading, date, salutation, body, and signature.
    • Provide accurate and concise information within the word limit, addressing the intended audience and purpose clearly.
    • Pay attention to spelling and grammar to maintain clarity and professionalism.
  2. Formal/Informal Invitation and Reply:
    • Adhere to the appropriate format for formal or informal invitations, including relevant details such as date, time, venue, and RSVP information.
    • In the reply, express gratitude for the invitation and confirm attendance or provide a polite decline with a valid reason.
    • Maintain correct spelling and grammar to convey respect and professionalism in both the invitation and reply.
  3. Letters based on verbal/visual input:
    • When writing an application for a job or a letter to the editor, organize ideas coherently with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
    • Provide relevant information or opinions supported by logical reasoning or evidence.
    • Use appropriate language and tone based on the audience and purpose of the letter, ensuring accuracy in spelling and grammar.
  4. Article/Report Writing:
    • Follow a descriptive or analytical approach based on the given verbal inputs, providing a structured format with a headline, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
    • Organize ideas logically, presenting information in a coherent and engaging manner.
    • Include relevant details, examples, or statistics to support arguments or findings.
    • Maintain accuracy in spelling and grammar to enhance readability and credibility.

By revising these key points and practicing writing exercises in each format, you can effectively prepare for the Creative Writing Skills section of the examination.

Section C – 40 Marks: Literature Text Book and Supplementary Reading Text NCERT Books

This section will have variety of assessment items including Multiple Choice
Questions, Objective Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions and Long
Answer Type Questions to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation
and extrapolation beyond the text.
7. One Poetry extract out of two, from the book Flamingo, to assess comprehension,
interpretation, analysis, inference and appreciation. (6×1=6 Marks)
8. One Prose extract out of two, from the book Vistas, to assess comprehension,
interpretation,analysis, evaluation and appreciation. (4×1=4 Marks)
9. One prose extract out of two from the book Flamingo, to assess comprehension,
interpretation, analysis, inference and evaluation. (6×1=6Marks)
10. Short answer type questions (from Prose and Poetry from the book Flamingo), to
be answered in 40-50 words each. Questions should elicit inferential responses
through critical thinking. Five questions out of the six given, are to be answered.
(5×2=10 Marks)
11. Short answer type questions, from Prose (Vistas), to be answered in 40- 50 words
each. Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking. Any two
out of three questions to be done. (2×2=4 Marks)
12. One Long answer type question, from Prose/Poetry (Flamingo), to be answered in
120-150 words. Questions can be based on incident / theme / passage / extract / event
as reference points to assess extrapolation beyond and across the text. The question
will elicit analytical and evaluative response from the student. Any one out of two
questions to be done. (1×5=5 Marks)
13. One Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Vistas, to be
answeredin 120-150 words, to assess global comprehension and extrapolation beyond
the text. Questions to provide analytical and evaluative responses using incidents,
events, themes, as reference points. Any one out of two questions to be done.
(1×5=5 Marks)

1. “My Mother at Sixty-six” by Kamala Das

  • Kamala Das explores themes of aging, fear, and the enduring bond between mother and daughter.
  • The poem vividly describes the poet’s observations of her mother’s aging face.
  • It contrasts the vitality of youth with the inevitability of aging.
  • The fear of separation from one’s mother is a central concern.
  • Symbols like the winter moon and young trees highlight the passage of time and change.
  • The poem’s conclusion emphasizes the strong emotional connection between mother and daughter.

2. “Keeping Quiet” by Pablo Neruda

  • Neruda advocates for silence as a means to foster unity and understanding.
  • He proposes counting to twelve and ceasing all actions for a moment.
  • Silence is portrayed as a way to connect with the Earth and promote global collaboration.
  • The benefits of silence include reduced noise pollution and increased environmental awareness.
  • The poem emphasizes the importance of introspection and collective reflection.
  • Silence is linked to happiness, connection, and a deeper understanding of one another.

3. “A Thing of Beauty” by John Keats

  • Keats celebrates the eternal joy and positivity associated with beautiful things.
  • Beauty is portrayed as a source of perpetual happiness and bliss.
  • The poem emphasizes the positive attributes of beauty and its ability to counteract negativity.
  • Nature’s beauty is described as timeless and immortal.
  • Symbols like the sun, moon, and green world convey the enduring appeal of beauty.
  • Beauty is associated with spiritual experiences and divine blessings.

4. “A Roadside Stand” by Robert Frost

  • Frost highlights the struggles and apathy faced by poor roadside stand dwellers.
  • The poem depicts the indifference of city folk towards the stand owners’ hardships.
  • Roadside stand dwellers hope for passing traffic to support their families.
  • Politicians’ empty promises and societal neglect exacerbate their plight.
  • The poem reflects on the futility of longing for change and relief.
  • Frost suggests a longing for a one-stroke solution to end the stand owners’ pain.

5. “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” by Adrienne Rich

  • Rich uses Aunt Jennifer’s embroidery to symbolize resistance against marital oppression.
  • The tigers Aunt Jennifer creates represent power, courage, and independence.
  • Aunt Jennifer’s struggle with the needle symbolizes the challenges of breaking free from societal constraints.
  • Symbols like the wedding band and wool convey the burdens of marriage and traditional gender roles.
  • Rich’s poem evokes sympathy for Aunt Jennifer and critiques societal expectations placed on women.
  • The speaker’s attitude is compassionate, acknowledging Aunt Jennifer’s resilience and artistic expression.

These summaries should provide a comprehensive overview of the main themes, symbols, and messages conveyed in each poem.

Summary of “The Last Lesson” by Alphonse Daudet:

  1. Setting: The story is set during the Franco-Prussian War in Alsace and Lorraine’s school.
  2. Author Background: Alphonse Daudet, a renowned French writer, lived from 1840 to 1897.
  3. Narrator: The narrator, Little Franz, is the author himself.
  4. Education Background: Daudet wrote his first book at the age of fourteen despite not having a traditional education.
  5. War and Defeat: France is defeated by the Prussians led by Bismarck.
  6. M. Hamel: He has been teaching French at the school for over forty years.
  7. Last Lesson Theme: It refers to the final French lesson in Alsace and Lorraine schools.
  8. Change in Language Instruction: German will replace French due to the war’s outcome.
  9. Franz’s Perspective: Little Franz regrets not being interested in learning French earlier.
  10. Villagers’ Presence: They gather at the school for the last French lesson.
  11. M. Hamel’s Attire: He wears a beautiful green coat on the last day.
  12. Unusual Silence: The school is unusually quiet on that day.
  13. Fear of Punishment: Franz fears punishment for not completing his homework.
  14. Emotional Impact: M. Hamel gets emotional because he couldn’t express his feelings on the last day.
  15. Berlin’s Orders: Berlin orders the cessation of French teaching in Alsace and Lorraine schools.
  16. Cruel Rulers: They attempt to eradicate the French language through a simple order.
  17. “Long Live France”: M. Hamel writes “Long live France!” on the blackboard in French.
  18. Effects of War: The story highlights the impact of war on a country’s education system.
  19. Teaching German: Berlin’s order mandates the teaching of German in French schools.
  20. Central Theme: The title of the chapter, “The Last Lesson,” emphasizes the effects of war on education.

Summary of “Deep Water” by William Douglas:

  1. Introduction: William Douglas faced a lifelong fear of water due to a childhood incident.
  2. Initiating Swimming Lessons: He started learning to swim at the Y.M.C.A for safety reasons.
  3. Early Fear of Water: His fear started at age three when waves nearly drowned him.
  4. Confident Start: Despite initial fear, he began swimming lessons with confidence.
  5. Unexpected Incident: A strong boy threw him into the deep end, causing panic.
  6. Failed Attempt: He failed to reach the bottom, experiencing fear and paralysis.
  7. Desperation: Efforts to overcome fear led to exhaustion and unconsciousness.
  8. Avoidance of Water: He avoided water for many years after the traumatic incident.
  9. Hiring an Instructor: Determined to overcome fear, he hired an instructor for regular practice.
  10. Belt and Rope Technique: The instructor used this technique to build confidence.
  11. Overcoming Panic: Continuous practice helped overcome panic associated with water.
  12. Tongue Dipping Exercise: To build confidence, he dipped his tongue in water repeatedly.
  13. Building a Swimmer: The instructor developed his skills until he could swim confidently.
  14. Fear Not Fully Conquered: Although a swimmer, he still harbored some fear.
  15. Testing Confidence: He tested his confidence by swimming alone without assistance.
  16. Swimming in Wentworth Lake: He tested various strokes without significant fear.
  17. Fearful Moment: Despite improvement, he experienced fear once while swimming.
  18. Laughing at Fear: He laughed at his fear, declaring freedom from terror.
  19. Overcoming Childhood Fear: Reflecting on overcoming childhood fears and finding peace.
  20. Conclusion: The lesson concludes with Douglas quoting Roosevelt, emphasizing the psychological aspect of fear.

Summary of “Lost Spring” by Anees Jung:

  1. Overall Theme: Exploitation of children due to poverty and traditional practices.
  2. Main Character in Part 1: Saheb, whose family left Bangladesh due to floods.
  3. Saheb’s Daily Activity: Collecting garbage due to poverty and lack of education.
  4. Reason for Not Going to School: Absence of a school in the neighborhood.
  5. Significance of “Garbage to them is gold”: Symbolizes survival in Seemapuri.
  6. Anees Jung’s Destination in Part 2: Ferozabad, India, known for bangle making.
  7. Main Character in Part 2: Mukesh, aspiring to be a car mechanic.
  8. Living Conditions in Ferozabad: Marked by poverty, exploitation, and lack of amenities.
  9. Cause of Eyesight Loss in Ferozabad: Working in glass industry’s furnaces.
  10. State of Humans in Ferozabad: Pitiful, entangled in poverty and caste-based exploitation.
  11. Author’s Emphasis on Poverty: Hinders children from pursuing dreams.
  12. Common Struggle of Saheb and Mukesh: Hindered aspirations due to circumstances.
  13. Commonalities Between Seemapuri and Ferozabad: Poverty and exploitation.
  14. Appropriateness of the Title: Reflects loss of childhood and potential due to poverty.
  15. Narrative’s Framework: Developed by a specialist teacher.
  16. Reason for Saheb’s Non-attendance at School: Absence of a nearby school.
  17. Significance of “Sometimes I find a rupee, even a ten-rupee note”: Economic struggle.
  18. Main Message from Saheb and Mukesh’s Stories: Children exploited due to poverty.
  19. Questions and Answers: Explore themes and characters.
  20. Summary of Questions and Answers: Reinforce themes and messages.

Summary of “The Rattrap”

  1. Setting: The story is set in the mines of Sweden and is presented as a fable.
  2. Central Character: A poor man known as “The Rattrap” living in miserable conditions.
  3. Metaphorical Representation: The rattrap symbolizes life’s challenges and struggles.
  4. Hospitality of Old Crofter: He welcomes The Rattrap, providing food and tobacco.
  5. Stealing Incident: The Rattrap steals money from the crofter.
  6. Encounter with Ironmaster: Mistaken for an old comrade, he’s invited to a Christmas party.
  7. Persuasion by Edla: The ironmaster’s daughter convinces him to attend.
  8. Revelation and Transformation: The Rattrap undergoes a makeover and reveals his true identity.
  9. Consequences: The ironmaster decides not to report him for theft.
  10. Return of Stolen Money: The Rattrap leaves a note, returning the money and expressing gratitude.
  11. Emphasis on Compassion: The story highlights the transformative power of kindness and empathy.
  12. Message: Inner joy comes from love and kindness, not material possessions.


  1. “Indigo” by Louis Fischer:
    • Narrates the Champaran movement during India’s struggle for independence.
    • Focuses on Gandhi’s efforts to address indigo sharecroppers’ grievances against British landlords.
    • Highlights the significance of civil disobedience and empowerment through education.
    • Reflects on the socio-economic impact of colonial policies on rural communities.
  2. “Memories of Childhood”:
    • Explores the experiences of Zitkala-Sa and Bama, depicting the struggles of Native Americans and Dalits.
    • Discusses themes of cultural identity, discrimination, and empowerment through education.
    • Highlights the enduring impact of childhood experiences on individuals’ perceptions and actions.
  3. “The Interview”:
    • Examines the significance of interviews in journalism and communication.
    • Features an interview with Umberto Eco, offering insights into his life and works.
    • Discusses Eco’s literary achievements and philosophical perspectives on life and creativity.
    • Demonstrates the informative and enlightening nature of interviews in shaping public discourse.

The Third Level by Jack Finney:

  1. Charley discovers a hidden third level in the Grand Central Station subway system.
  2. The third level inexplicably transports Charley to New York City in the year 1894.
  3. Charley interacts with people from the past who are oblivious to any time differential.
  4. Doubt arises about the authenticity of the third level, leading to skepticism from Charley’s wife and others.
  5. The story concludes ambiguously, leaving readers to ponder whether the third level is real or a product of Charley’s imagination.
  6. Charley’s assertion of the third level’s existence is met with disbelief by railroad officials and others.
  7. Evidence in the form of a misplaced first-day cover adds credibility to Charley’s claims.
  8. Charley’s psychiatrist friend suggests that the third level may be a manifestation of wish fulfillment.
  9. The third level becomes Charley’s perceived escape from the stresses of modern life.
  10. The story explores psychological aspects of escapism and raises questions about the intersection of time and space.

The Tiger King by Kalki:

  1. The story introduces the Tiger King, Jung Jung Bahadur, a ruler obsessed with hunting tigers.
  2. Despite warnings from an astrologer about his hundredth tiger, the Tiger King continues his quest.
  3. The astrologer’s prophecy adds a layer of irony and fatalism to the story.
  4. The Tiger King’s pursuit of the hundredth tiger leads to unexpected consequences.
  5. Themes of pride, destiny, and the irony of fate are central to the narrative.
  6. The Tiger King’s arrogance and disregard for warnings contribute to his downfall.
  7. The story serves as a poignant commentary on the consequences of unchecked pride.
  8. The narrative unfolds with tragicomic elements, blending humor with somber themes.
  9. The Tiger King’s obsession with hunting reflects his desire for power and supremacy.
  10. The unexpected ending challenges the audience’s expectations and underscores the unpredictability of destiny.

Journey to the End of the Earth by Tishani Doshi:

  1. Tishani Doshi embarks on an expedition to Antarctica aboard the research vessel Akademik Shokalskiy.
  2. The narrative explores Antarctica’s geological history and its significance in climate change research.
  3. Doshi reflects on the ancient connection between India and Antarctica through the supercontinent Gondwana.
  4. Environmental awareness is a central theme, highlighting Antarctica’s role as a barometer for climate change.
  5. The expedition serves as an opportunity to educate younger generations about environmental issues.
  6. Doshi navigates through diverse ecosystems and geographical features during the journey.
  7. The narrative discusses the fragility of Antarctica’s ecosystems and the urgency of environmental conservation efforts.
  8. The expedition offers insights into the Earth’s evolution over millions of years.
  9. The story underscores the importance of preserving Antarctica as an untouched region for scientific research.
  10. Doshi’s reflections prompt readers to contemplate humanity’s impact on the environment and the need for sustainable practices.
  1. The Enemy by Pearl S. Buck:
    • Theme: Humanity and the impact of war.
    • Plot: Set during World War II, the story explores the relationship between an American soldier and a Japanese soldier. Despite being enemies, the characters find common humanity and compassion. The narrative delves into the profound effects of war on individuals, prompting reflection on the futility of hatred and violence.
  2. On the Face of It by Susan Hill:
    • Theme: Perception, isolation, and empathy.
    • Plot: The play revolves around Mr. Lamb, a man with a disfigured face, and Derry, a curious boy who forms an unlikely friendship with him. Through their interactions, the play challenges societal norms and perceptions of beauty. It explores themes of isolation, empathy, and the transformative power of human connection.
  3. Memories of Childhood: Zitkala-Sa and Bama:
    • Theme: Cultural resilience, identity, and education.
    • Plot: Zitkala-Sa, a Native American writer, and Bama, a Dalit writer, reflect on their childhood experiences. Zitkala-Sa recounts her struggles with cultural assimilation at a boarding school, while Bama vividly portrays caste-based discrimination in Indian society. Both narratives highlight the resilience of individuals in preserving their cultural identity and the transformative power of education.
  4. “Evan Tries an O-Level” by Colin Dexter:
    • Theme: Intelligence, aspirations, and unconventional circumstances.
    • Plot: Inspector Morse investigates a convict’s attempt to escape from prison by taking an O-level exam. The story delves into the complexities of the escape plan and Inspector Morse’s deduction process. It explores themes of intelligence, ambition, and the pursuit of aspirations, even in challenging situations.

CBSE English Class 12 Final Revision 2024 PDF


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