
Vistas Class 12 English Examination Solution 2024 : All Boards HBSE/CBSE/ UP Board

Vistas Class 12 English Examination Solution 2024 : All Boards

Vistas Class 12 English Examination Solution 2024: All Boards HBSE/CBSE/ UP Board. The one shot solution of Vistas Class 12 English will help all students to through their Class 12 English Examination in 2024.

Vistas Class 12 English Examination Solution 2024 in One Shot

Vistas Class 12 English Examination Solution 2024 : All Boards

The Third Level by Jack Finney 🚇🕰️

“The Third Level” is a fascinating short story that explores the concept of time travel and the blurred lines between reality and imagination. 🕰️✨

Key Themes:

  • Temporal Anomalies: The narrative revolves around the protagonist’s discovery of a subway platform that seemingly transports him to the New York City of the past, raising questions about the nature of time. 🚇⏳
  • Escapism and Reality: It delves into the theme of escapism, as the protagonist grapples with the possibility that the third level might be a figment of his imagination or a refuge from the stresses of contemporary life. 🤔🌆

Plot Summary:

  • Introduction: The protagonist, Charley, stumbles upon the third level of the Grand Central Station subway system, where he finds himself in the New York City of 1894. 🚇🎩
  • Temporal Dissonance: Charley experiences a dissonance between the Victorian-era surroundings and the contemporary world. He engages with people from the past who are oblivious to any time differential. ⏰🌐
  • Doubt and Skepticism: As Charley becomes more entwined with the past, his wife expresses concern about his mental well-being, leading to doubt about the authenticity of the third level. 👀❓
  • Ambiguous Ending: The story concludes ambiguously, leaving readers to question whether the third level is a real portal to the past or a manifestation of Charley’s desire to escape the complexities of modern life. 🤯🚪

“The Third Level” prompts readers to contemplate the nature of time, the thin line between reality and imagination, and the allure of the past as a sanctuary from the present. 🤔📚

  1. Charley asserts the existence of a third level at Grand Central Station, believed to be a portal to the year 1894.
  2. Major railroad presidents deny the existence of this third level, fueling skepticism about Charley’s claims.
  3. Charley’s psychiatrist friend suggests that the discovery may be a product of waking-dream wish fulfillment, questioning its authenticity.
  4. The third level becomes Charley’s perceived escape from the insecurities and stress of the modern world.
  5. Gaslights, vintage attire, and outdated currency characterize Charley’s descriptions of the third level.
  6. Charley faces disbelief when attempting to buy tickets to Galesburg, Illinois, from a skeptical ticket clerk.
  7. Evidence in the form of a misplaced first-day cover lends credibility to Charley’s assertions.
  8. Sam, Charley’s psychiatrist friend, confirms the reality of the third level through a letter and invites Charley to return to 1894.
  9. Philately, especially first-day covers, emerges as a means to preserve memories and connect with the past.
  10. The story explores the psychological aspects of Charley’s desire to escape and raises questions about the intersection of time and space, leaving the exploration of the third level inconclusive with a final twist involving Sam’s disappearance.

The Tiger King by Kalki 🐅👑

“The Tiger King” is a satirical tale that unfolds the tragicomic life of the ruler of Pratibandapuram, known as the Tiger King. 🐅👑

Key Themes:

  • Irony of Fate: The narrative explores the irony of the Tiger King’s life, from his prophesied destiny to his obsession with hunting tigers, ultimately leading to an unforeseen demise. 🔄🔮
  • Hubris and Consequences: The Tiger King’s arrogance and disregard for the astrologer’s warning become pivotal, illustrating the consequences of unchecked pride. 👑⚖️

Plot Summary:

  • Introduction: The Tiger King, initially named Jung Jung Bahadur, is introduced as a ruler with grand titles and an early prophecy foretelling his eventual death. 🐯🤴
  • Tiger Hunt Obsession: Despite warnings, the Tiger King embarks on a relentless quest to kill a hundred tigers, facing various challenges and even risking his kingdom for his obsession. 🐅🏹
  • Astrologer’s Prophecy: The astrologer’s prophecy becomes a central theme, emphasizing the inevitability of the Tiger King’s demise, adding a layer of irony and fatalism to the story. 🔮⚔️
  • Unforeseen Ending: The Tiger King’s pursuit of the hundredth tiger culminates in a surprising twist, challenging the expectations set by the prophecy and highlighting the irony of his fate. 🔄❓

“The Tiger King” serves as a poignant commentary on the consequences of pride, the unpredictability of destiny, and the intricate balance between human desires and cosmic inevitabilities. 📜🐾

  1. Introduction of the Tiger King: 🐅👑 The chapter begins by introducing the Tiger King, highlighting his majestic and powerful presence.
  2. Royal Ambitions: 👑 The Tiger King desires to prove his supremacy by hunting a hundred tigers, driven by his royal ambitions.
  3. Astrologer’s Warning: 🔮 An astrologer warns the Tiger King that the hundredth tiger will be the cause of his demise, adding an element of foreshadowing.
  4. The Tiger Hunt: 🌳🔫 The Tiger King embarks on a relentless hunt for tigers, showcasing his determination and prowess.
  5. Counting the Kills: 📈 The Tiger King keeps track of his tiger kills, anxiously approaching the century mark.
  6. A Royal Wedding Proposal: 💍 The Tiger King considers a proposal for a royal wedding, but it is contingent on him reaching the hundredth tiger.
  7. The Mysterious Tiger: ❓ A mysterious tiger appears, and the Tiger King becomes obsessed with making it his hundredth kill.
  8. Tragic Turn of Events: 😢 The Tiger King’s pursuit of the mysterious tiger takes a tragic turn, leading to unexpected consequences.
  9. Irony and Fate: 🔄 Irony unfolds as the Tiger King’s royal ambitions clash with the unforeseen twists of fate.
  10. Reflections on Power and Consequences: 🤔 The chapter concludes with reflections on the consequences of unchecked power, adding depth to the narrative

Journey to the End of the Earth by Tishani Doshi 🌍✈️ Examination Solution 2024

In “Journey to the End of the Earth,” Tishani Doshi recounts her expedition to Antarctica aboard the Russian research vessel, Akademik Shokalskiy. 🚢❄️

Key Themes:

  • Geological History: The narrative delves into Antarctica’s geological history, connecting it to the supercontinent Gondwana and reflecting on the Earth’s evolution over millions of years. 🌐🏞️
  • Environmental Awareness: Doshi emphasizes the significance of Antarctica as an untouched region, providing vital data on climate change and serving as a warning about the impact of human activities. 🌊🌐

Plot Summary:

  • Expedition Commencement: Doshi begins her journey from Madras, navigating through nine time zones, six checkpoints, and diverse ecosystems to reach the remote continent of Antarctica. 🗺️🌍
  • Historical Context: The narrative delves into the ancient connection between India and Antarctica when they were part of the Gondwanan landmass, highlighting the drastic changes over millions of years. 🔄📜
  • Environmental Reflections: Doshi reflects on the environmental challenges faced by Antarctica, serving as a barometer for climate change. The narrative discusses the fragility of ecosystems and the urgency of environmental conservation. 🌐🔄
  • Students on Ice Program: Doshi introduces the “Students on Ice” program, focusing on educating the younger generation about environmental issues by exposing them to the realities of the Antarctic landscape. 🎓🏔️

“Journey to the End of the Earth” serves as a poignant exploration of Antarctica’s geological past, its current environmental significance, and the imperative role it plays in fostering environmental awareness for future generations. 🌎📖

  1. Setting the Scene: 🌍 The story begins by establishing the setting, capturing the essence of a journey that spans the globe.
  2. Adventurous Expedition: ✈️ The narrative unfolds as characters embark on a daring and adventurous expedition, promising excitement and discovery.
  3. Cultural Exploration: 🌏 As the journey progresses, there’s a focus on cultural exploration, delving into the richness and diversity of different societies.
  4. Personal Transformations: 🔄 Characters undergo personal transformations throughout the journey, emphasizing the impact of travel on one’s perspective.
  5. Encounters with Strangers: 🤝 The narrative includes encounters with strangers, adding an element of unpredictability and human connection to the story.
  6. Challenges and Obstacles: 🤔 The journey is not without challenges and obstacles, highlighting the resilience and determination of the characters.
  7. Nature’s Wonders: 🏞️ The travelers witness and interact with nature’s wonders, creating a sense of awe and appreciation for the Earth’s beauty.
  8. Symbolism of Endings: 🌅 The title suggests a journey to the “End of the Earth,” hinting at symbolic meanings and a deeper exploration of the human experience.
  9. Reflecting on Home: 🏡 Amidst the exploration, there are moments of reflection on home, providing a contrast between the familiar and the unknown.
  10. Emotional Resonance: 💖 The narrative carries emotional resonance, connecting readers to the characters’ experiences and leaving a lasting impression.

Vistas Class 12 English Examination Solution 2024 : All Boards

The Enemy by Pearl S. Buck 📚🌍: Learn These Lines for 2024 Class 12 Examination 

In “The Enemy,” Pearl S. Buck unfolds a compelling narrative that explores the complexities of human nature, compassion, and the impact of war. 📖🤔

Key Themes:

  • Humanity and Compassion: The story delves into the universal theme of humanity, emphasizing compassion and understanding even in the face of conflict. It challenges the boundaries of enmity and fosters a deeper understanding of the human condition. 🤝❤️
  • War’s Impact: Set against the backdrop of war, the narrative highlights the profound effects of conflict on individuals, communities, and the intricate relationships between enemies. It prompts reflection on the futility of hatred and violence. ⚔️🕊️

Plot Summary:

  • Character Dynamics: The story revolves around characters caught in the midst of war, portraying their struggles, fears, and the internal conflict arising from their roles as enemies. 🌐👥
  • Unexpected Connections: Buck weaves a tale that unravels unexpected connections and shared humanity among those deemed enemies. It challenges preconceived notions, revealing the common threads that bind individuals regardless of their backgrounds. 🤝🔄
  • Moral Dilemmas: Through nuanced characters and moral dilemmas, the narrative explores the choices people make during times of conflict. It poses questions about the nature of enmity and the potential for reconciliation. 🤔❓
  • Hope and Redemption: Amidst the turmoil, the story offers glimpses of hope and redemption, suggesting that understanding and empathy can transcend the boundaries of hostility. 🌈🌟

“The Enemy” by Pearl S. Buck is a thought-provoking exploration of human connections, the impact of war, and the potential for compassion to bridge even the deepest divides. 📖🌐

Certainly! Here are 10 important points for each of the mentioned works with emojis:

“The Enemy” by Pearl S. Buck 📚🌍

  1. Cultural Divide: 🌏 The story explores the cultural divide between an American soldier and a Japanese soldier during World War II.
  2. Humanizing the Enemy: ❤️ The narrative aims to humanize the “enemy,” challenging stereotypes and promoting empathy.
  3. Common Humanity: 🤝 Despite their differences, the characters find common ground, emphasizing the shared humanity that transcends war.
  4. Loss and Redemption: 😢 The story delves into themes of loss and redemption, portraying the emotional toll of conflict.
  5. Perspective Shift: 🔄 A significant aspect is the shift in perspective, encouraging readers to see individuals beyond nationalities.
  6. Impact of War on Individuals: 👥 The personal struggles of the characters reflect the broader impact of war on individuals.
  7. Cultural Sensitivity: 🙏 Pearl S. Buck employs cultural sensitivity in depicting the characters, avoiding simplistic portrayals.
  8. Resilience and Compassion: 💪 Acts of resilience and compassion underscore the potential for positive change even in challenging circumstances.
  9. Narrative Symbolism: 📚 Symbolism is woven into the narrative, adding depth to the exploration of wartime relationships.
  10. Hope Amidst Conflict: 🌈 The story leaves room for hope, illustrating that understanding and connection can arise even in the midst of conflict.

On the Face of It by Susan Hill 🎭🤔

On the Face of It” by Susan Hill is a poignant exploration of perception, isolation, and the transformative power of human connection. 📖💭

Key Themes:

  • Isolation and Loneliness: The play delves into the theme of isolation, particularly focusing on the character of Mr. Lamb, who lives in seclusion due to his disfigured face. It raises questions about societal attitudes towards those who are different. 🏠😔
  • Perception vs. Reality: The narrative challenges the conventional notions of beauty and normalcy, emphasizing that true understanding goes beyond physical appearances. It prompts reflection on how society often judges people based on external factors. 👤🔄

Plot Summary:

  • Mr. Lamb’s Isolation: Mr. Lamb, a man with a scarred face from a bomb blast, lives a secluded life. He is perceived as a threat by the neighborhood children, who avoid him due to his appearance. 🚷😢
  • Unexpected Friendship: Derry, a curious and rebellious boy, decides to approach Mr. Lamb. The two strike up an unlikely friendship, revealing the stark contrast between their internal worlds and external perceptions. 👦❤️👴
  • Transformation Through Connection: The play unfolds the transformative power of human connection. Through their interactions, both characters undergo a change – Mr. Lamb discovers companionship, and Derry gains a deeper understanding of empathy and acceptance. 🔄🌟
  • Social Commentary: Susan Hill uses the characters to comment on societal prejudices and the fear of the unknown. The narrative challenges stereotypes and highlights the importance of looking beyond physical appearances to discover the richness of individual personalities. 🌐👁️‍🗨️

Conclusion: “On the Face of It” is a moving exploration of how genuine human connections can break down barriers, challenging societal norms and fostering empathy in the process. 🤝❤️

“On the Face of It” by Susan Hill 🎭🤔

  1. Encounter Between Two Characters: 🤝 The narrative centers around an unexpected encounter between a disfigured man and a curious boy.
  2. Prejudice and Acceptance: 🤔 Themes of prejudice and acceptance are explored through the boy’s evolving perception of the disfigured man.
  3. Isolation and Loneliness: 😞 The disfigured man’s experiences highlight the themes of isolation and loneliness.
  4. Power of Conversation: 💬 The power of conversation emerges as a tool for bridging gaps and fostering understanding.
  5. Perceptions vs. Reality: 👤 The story challenges preconceived notions, emphasizing the disparity between appearances and reality.
  6. Character Development: 🔄 Both characters undergo significant development, revealing layers beyond their initial introductions.
  7. Impact of Disability: ♿ Disability is addressed, shedding light on societal attitudes and the resilience of individuals facing physical challenges.
  8. Unexpected Friendship: 🤝 An unexpected friendship forms, breaking down barriers and challenging societal norms.
  9. Symbolism of the Garden: 🌳 The garden setting serves as a symbolic backdrop, representing growth and transformation.
  10. Narrative Reflections: 🎭 The narrative prompts reflections on societal norms, bias, and the potential for genuine human connection.

Memories of Childhood: Zitkala-Sa and Bama 🌈👧


  • Cultural Identity: Zitkala-Sa, a Native American writer, reflects on her childhood experiences, providing insights into the challenges of navigating her cultural identity in the face of assimilation pressures. 🌐👧
  • Boarding School Trauma: She recounts the poignant story of being sent to a boarding school, where she faced cultural erasure and the suppression of her Native identity. The narrative sheds light on the harsh realities of cultural assimilation policies. 🏫😢
  • Loss and Resilience: Zitkala-Sa’s memories highlight the profound loss of cultural heritage but also depict her resilience and determination to preserve her identity amidst adversity. 💔🌱


  • Caste Discrimination: Bama, a Dalit writer, shares her memories of childhood, vividly portraying the harsh caste-based discrimination prevalent in her society. Her narrative exposes the deep-rooted inequalities and social injustices faced by Dalits. 🚫🤝
  • Education as Liberation: Despite facing oppression, Bama emphasizes the transformative power of education. Her journey reflects the hope that education can be a tool for liberation and social change, challenging the oppressive caste system. 📚🌅
  • Resistance and Empowerment: Bama’s memories are a testament to her resistance against societal norms. Her determination to break free from the shackles of caste oppression and pursue education becomes a source of empowerment. ✊🎓

Common Threads:

  • Struggle for Identity: Both Zitkala-Sa and Bama grapple with a struggle for identity in societies that seek to suppress their cultural roots. Their narratives underscore the universal challenge of preserving one’s identity in the face of systemic pressures. 🌳🤔
  • Resilience: Despite the adversities, both writers exhibit remarkable resilience. Their stories serve as inspirational accounts of individuals who, against all odds, resist oppression and strive for a sense of self. 💪🌟

Conclusion: “Memories of Childhood” brings forth the shared themes of cultural resilience, the impact of oppressive systems, and the transformative potential of education as seen through the distinct yet interconnected narratives of Zitkala-Sa and Bama. 🌍📖

“Memories of Childhood: Zitkala-Sa and Bama” 🌈👧

  1. Cultural Narratives: 🌐 The writings of Zitkala-Sa and Bama provide cultural narratives, offering insights into Native American and Indian experiences, respectively.
  2. Childhood Reflections: 👧 Both authors reflect on their childhood experiences, exploring themes of identity and cultural preservation.
  3. Impact of Colonization: 🌍 The narratives touch upon the impact of colonization on indigenous cultures and traditional ways of life.
  4. Cultural Resilience: 💪 Zitkala-Sa and Bama portray cultural resilience, highlighting the strength to preserve and celebrate their heritage.
  5. Struggle for Education: 📚 Both authors address the challenges and opportunities associated with pursuing education while navigating cultural expectations.
  6. Connection to Nature: 🍃 Nature plays a significant role in the narratives, symbolizing a connection to cultural roots and spiritual elements.
  7. Cultural Traditions: 🌺 Zitkala-Sa and Bama share insights into cultural traditions, rituals, and familial bonds.
  8. Generational Shifts: 👵👧 The narratives explore generational shifts in cultural practices and the impact on individuals within their communities.
  9. Empowerment Through Writing: ✍️ Writing becomes a tool for empowerment, allowing Zitkala-Sa and Bama to share their stories and perspectives.
  10. Legacy and Identity: 🌟 Both authors contribute to the legacy of their cultures, emphasizing the importance of preserving identity amidst changing times.

🕵️‍♂️ “Evan Tries an O-Level” by Colin Dexter:

📚 Summary: James Roderick, a prisoner, dreams of taking the GCE O-Level exam in Greek. The prison governor facilitates this by arranging for Roderick to sit the exam at an Oxford center. Inspector Morse steps in when an anonymous letter suggests a potential escape plan. As Morse investigates, the plot thickens, with unexpected twists and turns.

🧠 Themes: The story delves into intelligence, education, and the pursuit of aspirations, even in unconventional circumstances.

🔍 Plot Highlights: The title cleverly refers to the academic challenge (O-Level) central to the story. Morse navigates through the complexities to ensure a smooth exam, unveiling unexpected facets of the characters involved.

💡 Author’s Style: Colin Dexter’s signature style shines through with clever plotting and nuanced character portrayals, making “Evan Tries an O-Level” a compelling addition to the Inspector Morse series.

🎭 Emotional Undertones: The narrative explores the lengths individuals go to fulfill their dreams, adding an emotional layer to the suspenseful storyline.

🔄 Twists and Turns: The story keeps readers on the edge with its suspenseful plot, providing unexpected twists that Dexter is renowned for in his writing.

📖 Literary Context: Part of the Inspector Morse series, the story adds depth to Dexter’s exploration of human desires and motivations in unique situations.

🌟 Overall Impact: With its engaging narrative and Dexter’s storytelling finesse, “Evan Tries an O-Level” offers readers a captivating experience within the world of Inspector Morse.

“Evan Tries an O-Level” by Colin Dexter 🕵️‍♂️

  1. Eccentric Detective: 🕵️‍♂️ The story features the eccentric detective, Inspector Morse, known for his sharp intellect and unconventional methods.
  2. Prison Setting: 🏢 The narrative unfolds in a prison setting as Evan, a convict, attempts an O-level exam as part of an elaborate escape plan.
  3. Humor and Wit: 😄 Colin Dexter injects humor and wit into the detective narrative, providing a lighthearted yet intriguing atmosphere.
  4. Complex Escape Scheme: 🔄 The plot revolves around Evan’s complex and elaborate scheme to escape from prison using the O-level exam as a cover.
  5. Inspector Morse’s Deduction: 🧠 Inspector Morse deduces Evan’s intentions, showcasing his deductive prowess and attention to detail.
  6. Unlikely Protagonist: 🤨 Evan, an unlikely protagonist due to his criminal background, adds an element of unpredictability to the story.
  7. Clever Plot Twists: 🔄 The narrative features clever plot twists, keeping readers engaged and guessing about the outcome.
  8. Intellectual Challenge: 🤔 The story provides an intellectual challenge for both the characters and the readers, as they unravel the intricacies of Evan’s plan.
  9. Questioning Authority: 🤨 The narrative subtly questions authority and societal norms through the character of Evan and his unconventional escape attempt.
  10. Resolution and Outcome: 🏁 The story reaches its resolution with an unexpected outcome, showcasing the mastery of Colin Dexter in crafting a detective tale with a twist.

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