CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23
“CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23” is the third solved CBSE Sample Question Class12 English(Core) 2022-23 to boost your understanding of the new pattern and design of the question which you are going to attempt in the coming March 2023. CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23 is designed by an experienced English teacher having 25 years of teaching experience.
CBSE has made some changes in the pattern of examinations of class 12 English(Core) for the session 2022-23. The syllabus is also revised for the benefit of students. Therefore, you need good practice to become familiar with the new pattern of exams. will answer all your queries about CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class 12 English 2022-23. CBSE Sample Question Paper Class 12 English Solved will be an edge for you to overcome exam fear. ReadLearnExcel will provide the best sample papers of CBSE and their solutions so that you may score 100% in your CBSE Examinations. Download a free pdf to study offline.
CBSE Sample Question Papers 2022-2023 Class 12 English:
- CBSE Sample Question Paper 2022-2023 Class 12 English Solved SET-1
- CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 2 Class12 English(Core) 2022-2023
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CBSE English Core Code No. 301, Class XII, 2022–23: Curriculum
CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23
CBSE Class 12 English(Core-301) Question Papers 2022 Solved SET-3
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Download PDF
General Instructions :
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them :
(i) This question paper contains THREE sections READING, WRITING, and LITERATURE.
(ii) Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23: Reading Section Part-i
Section A: Reading Skills (20 marks)
Note: You will get two paragraphs to test your reading comprehension skills.( 10*2=20)
The Ultimate Solution of Reading Comprehension Passages:
- Reading Comprehension of Unseen Passge 1: CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23
- Reading Comprehension of Unseen Passages: The Best Solved and Unsolved Unseen Passages
Section A: READING SKILLS (20 marks) Marks: 2022-2023 Sample Paper
Passage I. Read the passage given below. 10 Marks
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 10
1 Last week, a wild elephant was radio-collared for the first time in Assam State Forest Department and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) India, it is being described as a step to study and mitigate human-elephant conflict. The department plans to collar at least five elephants in high-conflict habitats in the coming months. Experts say the exercise is challenging and runs the risk of low success.
2 What it means? Radio collars are GPS-enabled collars and can relay information about an elephant’s whereabouts. They weigh roughly 8 kg identifying a suitable candidate (generally an adult elephant), darting it with a sedative, and fitting the collar around its neck before it is revived. Additionally, the team also attaches an accelerometer to the collar to understand what exactly the elephant is doing at any given time (running, walking, eating, drinking, etc.).
3 Why is it done? The objectives are two-fold, said M.K. Yadava, Chief GPS would help us track and study the movement patterns of the herd, across regions and habitats, he said. Added Hiten Ba e will know where they are moving, which corridors they frequent, if the habitat is sufficient, if it needs protection, what is driving the conflict. The second objective is incidental : The collar would serve as an early warning system to people if elephants incidents, said veterinarian and elephant expert Kushal Konwar Sarma, who is involved in the exercise.
4 The Plan in Assam : In March 2020, the Ministry of Environment of Forest and Climate Change gave approval to collaring of five elephants nitpur and Biswanath districts. It set a number of of periodic reports. The Challenges : Collaring is an extremely time consuming and challenging exercise. We have to identify the matriarch of the herd we will tag ……. identification alone takes time
and involves us stalking them for days, said the elephant expert Sarma.
5 For there to go on foot. There is risk for very skilled experts on board and they are doing the job with utmost care. officials said, not all components for radio collaring are available in India including collars and tranquilising drugs. These have to be imported and are another challenge. Also elephants grow collars may become tight, so we usually take a senior elephant so there is less chance Baishya said, They will have it on for maximum six months, before it falls off , id Bibhuti Lakhar, a senior scientist. Last year, an elephant, which had strayed into Guwahati from Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary in 2019, was radio-collared on a trial basis. We monitored it for a month, but due to the weight of the belt and the elephant brushing against trees, the signal was feeble and ultimately the collar fell off, aid a forest official.
6 Is it worth it ? Yadava said while there were risks and the success rate was low, there has been no better mechanism than collaring to study conflict long-term.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the question below: 10*1=10
Q. (i) Show evidence from the passage that radio collaring of elephants is a challenging task.
Ans. The radio-collaring of elephants is a challenging task because they have to be imported and soon become tight and fall down.
Q. (ii) What purpose is served by radio collaring of elephants ? 1
Ans. The purpose of radio collaring is to track and study the movements of the elephant.
Q. (iii)Which device in the collar gives information about the elephant’s activities ? 1
Ans. Radio collars with GPS give information about the elephant’s moments.
Q. (iv) What are the twin objectives of collaring the elephants ? 1
Ans. The twin objectives of collaring the elephants are to track them at the moment and, second, the collar would serve as an early warning system to people if elephant incidents occur.
Q. (v) What two conditions are prescribed by the concerned Ministry for collaring elephants ? 1
Ans. The weight of the collar shouldn’t be more than 8 kg and should be on the neck for a maximum of six months.
Q. (vi) Why is collaring a time consuming exercise ? 1
Ans. Collaring is a time-consuming exercise as darting it with a sedative and fitting the collar around its neck is very difficult. Second, the identification of the matriarch of the herd is again a difficult task.
Q. (vii) Why is it not advisable to put a collar on a young elephant ? 1
Ans. It is not advisable to put a collar on a young elephant, as the young elephant will grow and become fat and the collar will become tight.
Q. (viii) Why does the collar fall off from the elephant’s neck? 1
Ans. The collar falls off from the elephant’s neck as the weight of the belt and the elephant brush against trees.
Q. (ix) Find the word in the passage which means “to make a person or animal unconcious”. (Para 5) 1
Ans. tranquilising
Q. (x) What is the main idea in the paragraph?
Ans. Saving animals with help of technology.
Q. (xi) A wild elephant was radio-collared:
(a) study and mitigate human-elephant conflict.
(b) to check the weight
(c) trace the location of elephant.
(d) both b and c
Ans. (a) study and mitigate human-elephant conflict.
ReadLearnExcel SureShot Questions Class 12 English(Core): Coming Soon

Reading Comprehension of Unseen Passge 2: CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23
Passage II. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 10
2. Read the passage given below : 10
1 Research by a team of scientists has uncovered a surprising way to stimulate the development of healthy fat in humans. In the long-term, findings may have implications for the development of weight loss medication. These scientists found that the kind of stress that accompanies third degree burns may induce the human body to convert normal fat cells into brown fat, which burns calories at a higher rate. If future research can determine how and where the body accomplishes this conversion, it may be possible to develop drugs that induce artificial yet remarkably rapid fat burning in obese patients.
2 White adipose tissue normal, white fat accounts for most of the fat in the bodies of most mammals. Small mammals and newborn humans, however have a high proportion of brown fat. The difference between the two types led scientists to believe that brown fat has the potential to combat obesity. This is because brown fat contains excess of mitochondria : the structures within body cells that are responsible for producing energy. This means that brown fat burns more calories and releases more heat when it burns. After all, the function of naturally occurring brown fat is to generate heat in small animals, or in human infants, who do not yet have the ability to shiver.

3 The research began with the observation that patients with severe, widespread burns needed to consume more calories each day in order to maintain their weight. On studying the fat cells of 48 severe burn patients throughout their treatment, analysis of the fat samples revealed that what was once white adipose tissue , acquiring many characteristics similar to brown fat, including its ability to burn fat at a high rate. Of course we are still long way from the practical applications of these findings. This research however indicates the possibility of converting white fat into brown and reveals something about the conditions that catalyze such a conversion. BODY FAT CHANGES
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions that follow:
Q. (i) What has the team of scientists uncovered ? 1
Ans. The team of scientists have uncovered the way to stimulate the development of healthy fat in humans.
Q. (ii) What kind of implications will the findings have ? 1
Ans. The findings may have implications for the development of weight loss medication.
Q. (iii) Does the information in the graphsupport the author’s statements regarding brown fat percentages in humans ? 1
Ans. Yes, the information in the graphsupport the author’s statements regarding brown fat percentages in humans.
Q. (iv) Based on the data in the graph, state at what age does the greatest percent change occur in body fat type. 1
Ans. The greatest percent change occur in body fat type is at age of 20.
Q. (v) What accounts for most of the fat in the bodies of mammals ? 1
Ans. White fat accounts for most of the fat in the bodies of most mammals.
Q. (vi) What does the passage state about small mammals and newborn humans ? 1
Ans. Small mammals and newborn humans have a high proportion of brown fat.
Q. (vii) What does brown fat contain ? What is it responsible for ? 1
Ans. Brown fat contains excess of mitochondria and it has the potential to combat obesity.
Q. (ix) What is the side effects of stress?
Ans. Stress converts normal fat cells into brown fat, which burns calories at a higher rate.
Q. (x) Brown fat has the capacity to control:
(a) height
(b) weight
(c) obesity
(d) both b and c
Ans. (d) both b and c
SECTION B – CREATIVE WRITING SKILLS( 20 marks): CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23
How to Score Maximum Marks in Creative Writing Skills in Class 12 English
i. Notice up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered.(5 Marks: Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar : 1 ).
ii. Formal/Informal Invitation and Reply up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered. (5 Marks: Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).
iii. Letters based on verbal/visual input, to be answered in approximately 120-150 words. Letter types include application for a job with bio data or resume. Letters to the editor (giving suggestionsor opinion on issues of public interest) . One out of the two given questions to be answered . (5 Marks: Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).
iv. Article/ Report Writing, descriptive and analytical in nature, based on verbal inputs, to be answered in 120-150 words. One out of the two given questions to be . (5 Marks: Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).
Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below.[Notice Writing]
Notice Writing on Communal Harmony Day 2022 for Class 12: CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23
How to Score Maximum Marks in Notice Writing Skills in Class 12 English
1. NOTICE Writing
Format – 1 Content -2 Organisation of ideas -1 Accuracy 1
FORMAT – 1 mark
Box, NOTICE (centre), name of issuing authority- organisation/ agency (centre), date of issue(aligned left),
Authorisation name, designation & signature (bottom left)
NOTE-full credit if all aspects included.
NOTE FOR GIVEN DESCRIPTORS—Dedicated marks at a level are to be awarded only if ALL descriptors match. If one
or more descriptors do not match, the marks are awarded at a level lower.
CONTENT – 2 marks
(As listed in value points) — ½ mark *4=2 marks
1 mark — Consistent to frequent display of the listed parameters.
- Highly effective style capable of conveying the ideas convincingly with appropriate layout of a notice viz. opening line to indicate the target audience, details/ information to be shared, mention of last date (if the Q lends itself to it), Line about contacting the undersigned etc.
- Carefully structured content with organised information presented cohesively in an aligned manner.
- Highly effective register (formal tone, tense, and vocabulary), relevant, lucid and appropriate sentences for conveying the idea/s precisely and effectively.
ACCURACY -1 mark - Spelling, punctuation and grammar consistently/largely accurate, with occasional minor errors, that do not impede communication.
Q. 1. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5
A: The main aim of the communal harmony day is to provide financial assistance to children rendered orphans or destitute by communal, caste, ethnic, or terrorist violence for their education and rehabilitation. Your school wants to celebrate “Communal Harmony Week” in the school. Write a notice in not more than 50 words asking the students to participate in different programmes on this day.
Notice Writing on Communal Harmony Day 2022 for Class 12
G.S.S.S. Dadri Toye is going to celebrate communal harmony day to provide financial assistance to children rendered orphans or destitute by communal, caste, ethnic, or terrorist violence for their education and rehabilitation. “Communal Harmony Week” will be from November 19th to November 25th, with Flag Day. Students who want to participate in different programmes such as speeches, articles, poster-making, and painting competitions can give their names to their class teacher.
The Principal
Notice Writing on Constitution Day, November 26, 2022: CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23
B: Question:
The Legal literacy Cell of G.S.S.S. Dadri Toye, Jhajjar is going to celebrate the constitution day on November 26, 2022 in the school campus. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for the school notice board.
Every year, November 26, 2022, is celebrated as Constitution Day in India. The school will celebrate Constitution Day on the campus on November 26, 2022, at 10 a.m. There will be a speech and painting competition on the theme of the Constitution. Interested participants may give their names to the undersigned:
M. S. Yadav
Incharge, Legal Literacy Cell
Best Notice Writing Articles for Class 12 English Students: CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23
- 31 Notice Writing Examples for CBSE 12th English
Notice Writing12th Class: Format, Examples, Exercises and Pdf
Drafting Invitation Letter: CBSE Sample Question Paper Set 3 Class12 English 2022-23
How to Score Maximum Marks in Invitation Writing Skills in Class 12 English
Format – 1 Content -2 Organisation of ideas -1 Accuracy 1
2 A. Features:
Letter type -Formal reply
- Acknowledge the invitation express gratefulness
- Express thanks in third person (if someone else is replying for the invited / first person – if the invited is replying themselves)
- Mention acceptance or regret- (give reason)
- Use formal and polite language Layout usually pertains to the format of a formal letter.
2 B. Features:
Card type-formal invite - a single sentence presentation in third person / end line punctuations skipped
- Use the simple present tense
- answers the questions who, whom, when, where, what time and for what
- includes name and address of the organiser /host and name/s of special invitees (if any)
- No signatures
Layout usually pertains to the following– - Name of host /hosts
- Formal standard expression-cordial
- Purpose of invitation
- Date /time of event
- Venue (address)
- Name of special guest (if any)
- Contact detail/ number
FORMAT – 1 mark
A. Reply to formal invite— Letter type & B. Formal invite to many —Card type
NOTE-full credit if all aspects included. Partial credit (½ mark) if one-two aspects are missing. No credit if more than
two aspects are missing.
CONTENT – 2 marks
(As listed in value points) — ½ mark *4=2 marks
1 mark — Consistent to frequent display of the listed parameters. - Highly effective style capable of conveying the ideas convincingly with appropriate layout [Reply to formal invite— Letter type] & [Formal invite to many —Card type]
- Carefully structured content with organised information presented cohesively in an aligned manner.
- Highly effective register (formal tone, tense, and vocabulary), relevant, lucid and appropriate sentences for conveying the idea/s precisely and effectively.
½ mark – Limited display of listed parameters. - Inconsistent style, expression sometimes awkward, layout, barely accurate.
- Poor sequencing of ideas; often sporadically clear and related to the given topic in an attempt to maintain a general overall cohesion. Displays disjointed portions, exhibiting a lack of coherence of ideas.
- Range of vocabulary is limited but manages to convey, largely, the overall meaning and the purpose of
the writing.
ACCURACY -1 mark
1 mark
Important: Spelling, punctuation and grammar consistently/largely accurate, with occasional minor errors, that do not impede communication.
2.A You are Dr. Suchitra Mukherjee. You have received an invitation from the Director, Health Services, Kharagpur, W.B, to preside over a gathering of leading medical practitioners attending a workshop on mental wellness on 09 November, 2023 at 11 a.m. in the Public Hospital, Jammu, J & K. Respond to accept the invitation.
Value Points - Reference to invitation
- Acceptance of invitation
- Confirmation of date, time and venue
- Comment on looking forward to attending (if at all)
2.B Draft an invitation in about 50 words, on behalf of your aunt, Meghna Menon, which she has to share to invite prior work colleagues to the inaugural event of her own investment consultancy firm, in the Acer mall, Kozhikode, Kerala.
Q. 2. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5
A: Draft an invitation in about 50 words, on behalf of your aunt, Meghna Menon, which she has to share to invite prior work colleagues to the inaugural event of her own investment consultancy firm, in the Acer mall, Kozhikode, Kerala.
Meghna Menon, Managing Director
cordially invites you on the auspicious ocassion of the
an investment firm and grand luch party.
Date: March, 25, 2022
Time: 1 P.M.
Venue: Acer mall, Kozhikode, Kerala.
Menon Family
Mobile: 45878587
With Best Compliments!
B: You are Faiz/Falak Mazumdar living at 39, Udampur Colony, Shimla. You decide to hold a dinner party to congratulate your grandparents on their golden wedding anniversary. Draft a formal invitation in not more than 50 words to all family members to attend a grand dinner at home. CBSE-2018
Faiz Mazumdar & Family
cordially invite you on the ocassion of our beloved
All the family members are invited to congratulate our grandparents who have completed their happy married life. Come and have blessing of the old couple.
Faiz Mazumdar & Family
39, Udampur Colony
M: 857747478
Related Articles on Letter Writing:
- The Format, Template, Topics, and Examples of Letters to the Editor
- The Cover Letter: The Most Important Tool for Landing Your Dream Job
- Formal Letter Writing in English: Ultimate Letter Writing Solution
How to Score Maximum Marks in Letter Writing Skills in Class 12 English
Format – 1 Content -2 Organisation of ideas -1 Accuracy 1
Sender’s address, Date, Receiver’s address, Subject and Salutation/ Salutation and Subject, Letter, Complimentary close (largely accepted –Yours truly for letter to editor & in business circuits -Yours sincerely)
FORMAT – 1 mark
NOTE-full credit if all aspects included. Partial credit (½ mark) if one-two aspects are missing. No credit if more than two aspects are missing.
CONTENT – 2 marks
2 marks
- All points included
- Well-developed with sustained clarity
1 mark — Consistent to frequent display of the listed parameters.
- Highly effective style capable of conveying the ideas convincingly with appropriate layout of a formal letter viz. addresses, salutation, subscription, and ending
- Carefully structured content with organised paragraphing presented cohesively.
- Highly effective register (formal tone, tense, and vocabulary), relevant and appropriate sentences for conveying the ideas precisely and effectively.
ACCURACY -1 mark
- Spelling, punctuation and grammar consistently/largely accurate, with occasional minor errors, that do not impede communication.
Q. 3. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below: 5
Letter to the Editor: Importance of CSR for the community
Q. A: In response to the undermentioned classified advertisement in a reputed newspaper, write a letter in about 120 150 words for the post with the detailed curriculum vitae. Mention personal details, academic qualifications.
ROSE PUBLIC SCHOOL invites applications for NTT qualified and experienced teachers.
Knowledge of computers and art and craft preferred.
Contact : The Principal, Rose Public School, Sitara.
H. No. 120
Golf Course Road
November 6, 2022
The Principal
Rose Public School
Subject: Application for the post of NTT teacher.
Respected Sir
Your advertisement in ” The Times of India” for the post of NTT teacher in your reputed school, Rose Public School, Sitara attracted me because of my 5 years of experience as an NTT teacher at a convent school. Moreover, my Nursery Teacher Training course from Kurukshetra University made me suitable for the said post.
I have completed my NTT in English medium from the Department of Education, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. I have been working as an NTT teacher in an English-medium school for the last two years. While working as a teacher with students and parents, I have come across a lot of challenging situations. Therefore, I have gained a lot of experience as an NTT teacher. I am digitally strong and I have good knowledge of computers. I am fond of solving students’ problems in all circumstances.
I have attached my detailed CV with the application. I hope you will consider my application for an interview. Your positive response will be highly solicited. Thank you in anticipation.
Sincerely yours
Menu Sen
Resume Format the post of NTT Teacher
Making learning an easy task for small kids to excel in my my career as an excellent teacher.
K.U. Kurukshetra, May 2016
NTT Course
Delhi University Delhi, May 2014
B.A. in Economics
Strong computer, Interpersonal, and communication skills in verbal and written way
Asst. NTT Teacher: October, 2016-Present
D.P.S. Public School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
- Worked as Asst. Teacher
- Four Years experience with small kids to make the learning as a hobby
Got First position at Senior Secondary School; Two months NTT Training in a reputed school.
Check your skills of Cover Letter Writing
Letter to The Editor of Newspaper Highlighting the Road Accidents for Class 12 English
B: You are Mahesh, a resident of Urban Estate, Rohtak. You are concerned about the increasing number of road accidents in your city. Write a letter to the editor of”The Tribune” highlighting the problem and suggesting measures to check the problem.
Sender’s Name and Address:
H.No. 942
Urban Estate
Reference no. and date:
March 5, 2023
Receiver’s Name and Address:
The Editor
The Tribune
The subject of the Letter:
Subject: Letter about the increase in accidents in our city.
Greeting or Salutation:
Respected sir
The body of the letter:
I, Mahesh, a responsible citizen of Urban Estate, Rohtak, want to highlight the increasing incidents of accidents in my city in your esteemed newspaper. The roads are closed due to heavy traffic and illegal encroachments by the shopkeepers. Accidents have become common in such areas.
The reasons behind road accidents are reckless driving and the encroachment of roads in the city by city dwellers. Furthermore, we find that people are always in a hurry and are unconcerned about speed bumps, cyclists, and pedestrians on the street during peak hours.
Drinking and driving are prohibited, but unfortunately, such cases of driving are increasing day by day. People are fond of breaking traffic rules, and they don’t even care about the red light signals.
I want you to highlight such accidents and the causes behind them in your valuable newspaper. The police must strictly act against such people to save innocent lives. Please start an awareness programme for safe driving. I hope you will publish my concerns regarding accidents in your reputed newspaper. Thank you in anticipation.
Complimentary closing
Yours sincerely
Signature and name:
Related Articles on Letter Writing:
Q. 4. Report Writing
Q. 4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below: 5
How to Score Maximum Marks in ARTICLE / REPORT Writing Skills in Class 12 English
Format – 1 Content -2 Organisation of ideas -1 Accuracy 1
Article: Assessment Parameters
Title & By line
Organisation & Content:
CONTENT – 2 marks
2 marks
All points included
Well-developed with sustained clarity
1 mark — Consistent to frequent display of the listed parameters.
Highly effective style capable of conveying the ideas convincingly with appropriate layout
Carefully structured content with organised paragraphing presented cohesively.
Highly effective register (formal tone, tense, and vocabulary), relevant and appropriate sentences
for conveying the ideas precisely and effectively.
ACCURACY -1 mark
1 mark
Spelling, punctuation and grammar consistently/largely accurate, with occasional minor errors, that
do not impede communication.
Report: Assessment Parameters
Headline & By line
Reporting place and date
Paragraphing organisation (Introductory paragraph + one or two Body paragraphs including event
details + Concluding paragraph inclusive of witness accounts)
Organisation & Content:
FORMAT – 1 mark
NOTE-full credit if all aspects included. Partial credit (½ mark) if any one aspect is missing or erroneous. No credit if
more than one aspect is missing or erroneous.
NOTE FOR GIVEN DESCRIPTORS—Dedicated marks at a level are to be awarded only if ALL descriptors match. If one
or more descriptors do not match, the marks are awarded at a level lower.
CONTENT – 2 marks
2 marks
All points included
Well-developed with sustained clarity
1 mark — Consistent to frequent display of the listed parameters.
Highly effective style capable of conveying the ideas convincingly with appropriate layout of a newspaper
report viz. headline and by-line, place, date.
Carefully structured content with organised paragraphing presented cohesively.
Highly effective register (formal tone, tense, and vocabulary), relevant and appropriate sentences
for conveying the ideas precisely and effectively.
ACCURACY -1 mark
1 mark
Spelling, punctuation and grammar consistently/largely accurate, with occasional minor errors, that
do not impede communication.
4.B The construction sector is believed to be quite hazardous and has the maximum number of fatal work
injuries. A safety fair was organised by ‘Building Safely’, an NGO in Mysuru, Karnataka with the overarching
theme ,‘Worker Safety Needs to be a Priority in Construction Zones’. You were asked to cover this event as
the junior correspondent of a local daily. Write a report covering this event in about 120-150 words. Support
your ideas with outline cues given below, to craft your newspaper report
A: India is celebrating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav on its 76th Independence Day. Your school also celebrated Independence Day on the school campus. As the chief editor of the school magazine, write a report on the celebration of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav for your school magazine.
Report on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav/Independence Day 2022
By Neha, Class 12
August 15, 2022
As a class 12 student, I am writing a report on the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav/Independence Day 2022, which was observed in G.S.S.S., Bahadurgarh, and Jhajjar. Independence Day function. The school entrance was filled with national flags. Children at a primary school were holding national flags in their hands. The 75th Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in India, with the theme “Nation First, Always First,” was celebrated with different programs. The Rangoli was created in tricolour by students in class 12. The Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav started at 9 a.m. with the flag being hoisted by a girl who was highly qualified with excellent academic records. When the flag was hoisted, the National Anthem was played.
The principal, Sh Suresh Kumar, delivered a speech on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav/Independence Day 2022.He asked the students to celebrate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in their neighbourhood.
Then, the cultural programmes started with Saraswati Vandna for the class 11 girls. After that, there was a speech on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in English by Payal, a student of Commerce 12. Then, there was Ragni, a teacher on patriotism who explained the freedom movement in India. After that, the poster-making programmes on Independence Day started.
After cultural and other competitions, the prize distribution programmes started. The chief guest distributed the prizes for the different activities. In the end, sweets were distributed to all, which were organised by our physical education teacher. Thus, the programme ended with flag hoisting by all the students and a song on national integration. The school commemorated the freedom fighters by raising the national flag on the whole campus. Finally, the principal declared a holiday on August 16.
Article Writing on Constitution Day 2022 for Class 12
B: India is commumerating its Constitution Day on November 26, 2022. Students and teachers of Govt. Sr. Sec. School Dadri Toye Celebrated Constitution Day 2022 in the school campus. Govt. Sr. Sec. School Dadri Toye Celebrates Constitution Day 2022 on November 26th. Write an article on Constitution Day in 125-200 words include the importance of preamble and values of constitution of India.
India celebrates 26th day of November every year as ‘Constitution Day’ to promote Constitution values among citizens. The knowledge of the constitution helps the citizens to know about their rights and duties. Constitution Day is celebrated in the educational institutions throught the country to mark the values of the Indian constitution. Indian constitution is developed to protects the peoples’ rights and strengthening of democracy. Ambedkar, who presided over the Constituent Assembly’s drafting committee and was essential in the constitution’s writing.
We celebrate Constitution Day 2022 on November 26th, our nation observes Constitution Day, often referred to as “Samvidhan Divas,” to mark the promulgation of the Indian Constitution. The Indian Constitution was enacted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949, and it became operative on January 26, 1950. The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment on 19th November 2015 notified the decision of Government of India to celebrate the 26th day of November every year as ‘Constitution Day’ to promote Constitution values among citizens of India.
Preamble’s importance
The preamble serves as an introduction to the act and clarifies the purpose and policy of the legislature. It outlines the primary goals that the legislation is meant to accomplish. Ideals that the Constitution aspires to accomplish are listed in the Preamble. Although it does not bestow any authority, it gives the Constitution direction and purpose. It describes the overall Constitution’s goals. Additionally, it codifies the broad goals and socioeconomic objectives that must be accomplished through constitutional procedures. The phrase “We, the People of India…” shows that the Constitution is a product of the people and that they hold the sovereignty. The people’s will is the Constitution’s main inspiration. According to the Department of Education and Literacy, every student in every school read the preamble of the constitution. Previously, this day was observed as Law Day. Hence, the Constitution Day was chosen for this celebration to highlight the significance of the Constitution and to promote Ambedkar’s ideals.
IV Read the given extracts to attempt the questions with reference to context.
1. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 1*6=6
Q. 1.A
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow briefly : 1x 6=6
I saw my mother,
beside me
doze, open mouthed, her face
ashen like that
of a corpse and realised with
that she was as old as she
looked but soon
put that thought away, …
(a) What did the poet notice about her mother ?
Answer: She felt that her mother end was near.
(b) What were her feelings ?
Answer: She had feeling of loosing her mother.
(c) Why did the poet put ‘that thought’ away ?
Answer: She didn’t want to loose her mother.
(d) Identify the figure of speech used in the expression : ‘her face ashen like that of a corpse’.
Answer: Simile
(e) What is the name of the poet?
Answer: Name of the poet is Kamla Das.
(f) The words ‘doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like’ represent:
(i) old age
(ii) young age
(ii) children age
(iv) Both i and ii
Answer: (i) old age
Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull
The massive weight of uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
(a) Why are Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool ?
Answer: Aunt Jennifer’s fingers are fluttering through her wool because she had become old.
(b) What is Aunt Jennifer doing that she finds very hard to do ?
Answer: She was knitting and her fingers were shaken.
(c) Why does the wedding band seem too heavy ?
Answer: Her wedding has brought lot of pressure on her.
(d) What impression do you form of Aunt Jennifer from the extract ?
Answer: She was helpless.
(e) Was she happy ?
Answer: She was not happy.
(f) What is the meaning of “hard to pull”
Answer: Difficult to manage.
Q. 2 Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 1*4=4
THE presidents of the New York Central
and the New York, New Haven and
Hartford railroads will swear on a stack
of timetables that there are only two. But
I say there are three, because I’ve been
on the third level of the Grand Central
Station. Yes, I’ve taken the obvious step:
I talked to a psychiatrist friend of mine,
among others. I told him about the third
level at Grand Central Station, and he said it was a wakingdream wish fulfillment. He said I was unhappy. That made
my wife kind of mad, but he explained that he meant the
modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and all
the rest of it, and that I just want to escape. Well, who
doesn’t? Everybody I know wants to escape, but they don’t
wander down into any third level at Grand Central Station
Q. i. The author talks of two levels. What are these levels and are they real?
Answer: The author talks of ground level and underground level.
Q. ii. ‘I say there are three’,what does it meanin the chapter”TheThirdLevel”?
Answer: There no third level. It’s just an escape from material problems.
Q. iii. Everyone wants to escape from the situation. Does Charley want to escape from his problem?
Answer: Yes, Charley wants to escape from the reality of his life.
Q. iv. What did author’s friend tell him about his escape?
Answer: The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry
v. Is third level a reality or a way of escapism?(extra question)
Answer: Try Yourself
vi. Write down the name and author of the chaper from where these lines have been taken.(extra question)
Answer: Try Yourself
Q. 2.B
“The child will grow up to become the warrior of
warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions. But…”
they bit their lips and swallowed hard. When compelled to
continue, the astrologers came out with it. “This is a secret
which should not be revealed at all. And yet we are forced
to speak out. The child born under this star will one day
have to meet its death.”
i. The lines are taken from………
Answer: The Tiger King
ii. Who is the child here?
Answer: The Tiger King, Maharaja.
iii. Who is the “warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, and champion of champions?”
Answer: The Tiger King
iv. Which word or phrase best represents surprise in the passage?
Answer: bit their lips
Q. 3 Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 1*6=6
A girl from the countryside, she hadn’t gone through all the stages of worldly experience that generally precede a position of importance and sophistication that she had found herself catapulted into. She never quite recovered from the terror she felt that day. That was the end of a brief and brilliant acting career — the legal adviser, who was also a member of the Story Department, had unwittingly brought about that sad end. While every other member of the Department wore a kind of uniform — khadi dhoti with a slightly oversized and clumsily tailored white khadi shirt — the legal adviser wore pants and a tie and sometimes a coat that looked like a coat of mail. Often, he looked alone and helpless … (Poets and Pancakes)
i. Select the option that completes the given sentence appropriately.
‘Stages of worldly experience’ in the given context would refer to .
A. good education to gain knowledge.
B. situations that require one to be street smart.
C. smaller, not so important roles in acting.
D. training in soft skills.
Ans. Check Your Answer
ii. Select the suitable word from the extract to complete the following analogy:
sealed: closed :: propelled:
Ans. Check Your Answer
iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank.
The harm done to the actress was a/an
A. well-planned act.
B. unintentional act.
C. act of jealousy.
D. act of male dominance.
Ans. Check Your Answer
iv. Based on the above extract, choose the statement that is TRUE for the legal adviser.
A. He disliked the actress from the countryside.
B. He acted after thinking through things carefully.
C. He did not gel well with others in the Department.
D. He was always dressed smartly.
Ans. Check Your Answer
v. Identify the textual clue that allows the reader to infer that the writer is sympathetic towards the professional fate of the actor. (Clue: a phrase)
Ans. Check Your Answer
vi. Complete the sentence with an appropriate explanation, as per the extract. The writer uses the word ‘uniform’ to refer to the outfits of the Department members because just like a uniform
Ans. Check Your Answer
Q. 3.B
Some might make quite extravagant claims for it as being, in its highest form, a source of truth, and, in its practice, an art. Others, usually celebrities who see themselves as its victims, might despise the interview as an unwarranted intrusion into their lives, or feel that it somehow diminishes them, just as in some primitive cultures it is believed that if one takes a photographic portrait of somebody then one is stealing that person’s soul. (The Interview)
i. What is the most likely reason some people consider the practice of interview to be an art? This could be because it requires
A. fluency of words.
B. sensitive and careful handling.
C. creativity and imagination.
D. probing and focusing on details.
Ans. Check Your Answer
ii. Rewrite the sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with its inference. Celebrities feel that an interview diminishes them.
Ans. Check Your Answer
iii. On the basis of the extract, choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below.
(1) Celebrities don’t consent to be interviewed.
(2) Interviews intrude the privacy of celebrities.
A. (1) Can be inferred from the extract but (2) cannot.
B. (1) cannot be inferred from the extract but (2) can.
C. (1) is true but (2) is false.
D. (2) is the reason for (1).
Ans. Check Your Answer
iv. Rationalise, to support the given opinion: To say that an interview, in its highest form, is a source of truth, is an extravagant claim.
Ans. Check Your Answer
v. Replace the underlined word with its antonym from the extract. Some celebrities hate the idea of having to give an interview because it makes them feel like supporters.
Ans. Check Your Answer
vi. The author’s views on interview, in the extract, can best be described as statements based on .
A. facts
B. hypothesis
C. beliefs
D. superstitions
Ans. Check Your Answer
V. Answer ANY FIVE of the following in about 40-50 words each. 5×2=10(Short Answer Questions)
i. “You realise the true value of a thing only on losing it.” Comment on this statement in the light of the story, The Last Lesson.
Ans. As per M. Hamel, French was not going to be taught from tomorrow. Hamel informed the villagers that French was not going to be taught in the school. There was an order from Berlin that German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The author, who showed no interest in the French language, started missing his mother tongue and felt sorry for not learning the language. Being a French teacher, he knew the value of language, but unfortunately, people couldn’t realise the importance of French. Naturally, people realise the value only when they are free to learn the language. The same thing happened with the author. Everyone loves the country and its language. The mother tongue always reflects the rich culture of any country.
ii. State the common issue faced by most of the aged in the current times, with reference to the poem My Mother at Sixty-six.
Ans. All of us are going to be old one day, and aging is a natural process. In this poem, the poetess explains the old age of her mother, and she tries to explain that all of us have to become old. Old age symptoms and gestures are common among all human beings. She explains the problems of old age in her poem, “My Mother at Sixty-six.” She was seated beside her mother and looked at her face. Her mother’s face was ‘doze, open-mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse’. All these words are the symbol of old age, which all of us have to face.
iii. What work did the “office boy” do in the Gemini Studios? Why did he join the studios? Why was he disappointed? Poets and Pancakes
The office boy was not an ordinary boy but a man in his forties. The office boy used to do the make-up for a large crowd in Gemini Studios. “Even the make-up department of the Gemini Studio had an ‘office boy!” The office boy of the studios was not a boy in the true sense of the word. He used to mix paint in a large vessel to throw it at the large crowd. The office boy was an educated and talented person who joined the Gemini Studio in the hope of becoming a famous actor or writer, but unfortunately, he couldn’t. Therefore, he always used to criticise Subbu, who was No. 2 in Gemini Studios due to his higher caste. Yes, he was disappointed and he used to avenge his anger in front of the writer, Asokamitron.
iv. Give two reasons why, according to Pablo Neruda, is ‘keeping quiet’ essential to attaining a better, more peaceful world. (Keeping Quiet)
Ans.The poet, Pablo Neruda, wants to convey through his poem, Keeping Quiet, that stillness is important for human beings. He conveys this idea through the title of the poem. We are always busy with our actions and don’t have time for self-reflection. Therefore, the poet wants us to be still for a second, and during this stillness, we will realise the importance of being quiet in our acts. This moment of silence will be an esoteric moment for the whole world.
v. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day? The Last Lesson
After the Prussians defeated the French Army, Berlin issued an order mandating that the German language be taught in schools beginning the following day. There won’t be any French language and M. Hamel delivered his last lesson on the French language. It was his last day in school. As a result, villagers gathered in the school to bid him farewell after he had taught there for over forty years.
vi. Why do most celebrity writers despise being interviewed? ( HBSE 2020; Pre-Board Jan. 2020) The Interview
Most celebrity writers hate interviews as they blemish their reputations. V.S. Naipaul “feels that some people are wounded by interviews and lose a part of them.” Lewis Carroll, the writer of “Alice in Wonderland,” considered it “horror” and was never allowed to be interviewed. Rudyard Kipling and his wife, Caroline, expressed their criticism with a strong attitude toward the interviewer. She considers the interview “immoral”, “a crime”, and “vile”. H.G. Wells considered the interview an “ordeal”. They consider themselves victims of being interviewed
VI Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. 2*2=4
i. ‘It’s easy to judge others and give advice, but much more difficult to apply it to ourselves.’ Elaborate with reference to the character of Sam in The Third Level.
Ans.The author or narrator of The Third Level creates a character named Charley who wishes to escape the problems in his life and travel to an imaginary world known as the third level. Charley fought with his girlfriend, Louisa. He was lost in his thoughts and wanted to reach home with this problem in his mind. He reached the third level of the Grand Central. It was a total escape from problems for Charley. On the ‘Central has been an exit, a way of maybe that’s how the tunnel I got into… ‘
ii. Comment on any one aspect of the writing style of the author, Kalki in The Tiger King. 2
Ans. The author uses the method of satire on the society. The Tiger King was a “man of indomitable courage face-to-face.” The most fantastic aspect of his demise was that, as soon as he was born, astrologers had foretold that one day the Tiger King would have to die. “The child will grow up to become the warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions. But… “They bit their lips and swallowed hard.” When compelled to continue, the astrologers came up with it. “This is a secret which should not be revealed at all. And yet we are forced to speak out. “The child born under this star will one day have to meet its death.”
iii. How do we know that Dr. Sadao was conscientious as well as loyal? (The Enemy) 2
Ans. Sadao was a renowned surgeon who had taken an oath to save lives at any cost. They approached him and examined him. He was a wounded American soldier in the war. Dr. Sadao was in a pickle. Should he treat the injured American soldier or turn him over to the police? They would be arrested if they kept the man in their home. He would die if they left him there. They took him to their house after much deliberation. The servants were terrified when they saw the person and asked the doctor not to treat the war prisoner. They protested by leaving the house. This is how he was able to save his life as a doctor, but as a citizen, we might think that he didn’t fulfill his duty. DDrSadao did his duty as a doctor and saved the life of a soldier by fleeing from his house. It was natural for a doctor who saved their life to kill the same person whose life he had saved.
Long Answer Questions
VII Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. 1×5=5
i. You’ve finished The Last Lesson and Indigo. There is a concept of patriotism in both chapters. “The Last Lesson” and “Indigo” There is a concept of patriotism in both chapters. M. Hamel explains the importance of language in “Indigo” country in “The Last Lesson.” M. Hamel helps people understand the importance of language in “The Last Lesson,” and Gandhiji helps people overcome their fear of landowners in “Indigo.” Explain in 120-150 words how the two chapters make people love their rights, elaborating on events in the two chapters that make readers love their countries.
Patriotism is your love for your country, and students learn the value of patriotism in “The Last Lesson” and “Indigo.” M. Hamel, the teacher in “The Last Lesson,” tells the students how important the language, French, is for their country, as it keeps the people united in their fight against the Germans. Germans had taken over the districts of Alsace and Lorraine. The author realises the value of learning French on the last day of French class. In Indigo, Gandhiji assisted people in overcoming their fear of landlords, and the freedom movement began in Champaran. The people of the Champaran district overcame their fear. Gandhi’s own acts of civil disobedience aided the Indian freedom movement.
ii. ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ and ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Thigers’ are two poems about elderly women. Both are elderly and have become helpless with age. Explain the problems of old age by elaborating on old age symbols. Consider yourself a teacher, and speak to your students about the symptoms of old age and helplessness in both poems.
You may begin like this … Good morning, students! We all know that old age is a reality and how we become helpless in old age……..
Q. VIII Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. 1×5=5
How to Score Maximum Marks in ESSAY TYPE QUESTIONS in Class 12 English
Content 2 Expression 2 Accuracy 1
Use the given descriptors to mark the LQs. For CONTENT (refer to Value points) and EXPRESSION
If the response does not justify all points of a level, the response is marked down.
DESCRIPTORS FOR CONTENT (with reference to value points) MARKS
Sustained, clear, well-developed personal response to the task
Well-developed and justified arguments/evidence for the characters 2
Carefully structured content with a beginning, middle and end
with highly relevant ideas presented cohesively.
Highly effective vocabulary usage, relevant and appropriate
sentences for conveying the ideas precisely and effectively.2
Spelling, punctuation and grammar consistently/largely
accurate, with occasional minor errors, that do not impede
Spelling, punctuation and grammar display some errors spread
across, causing minor impediments to the message
No credit
Frequent errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar, impeding
Q. i. While hatred against a member of the enemy race is justifiable, especially during wartime, what makes a human being rise above narrow prejudices? Explain it with the help of ‘The Enemy’
We may encounter situations in our lives where our profession requires us to do our duty but our duty to others prevents us from doing so. Such conditions arise at the time of war and with the people who are involved in the war. Dr. Sadao also faces the dilemma of treating an American soldier as a doctor or handing over the soldier to the police to show his integrity towards his nation.
Sadao was a renowned surgeon who had taken an oath to save lives at any cost. They approached him and examined him. He was a wounded American soldier in the war. Dr. Sadao was in a pickle. Should he treat the injured American soldier or turn him over to the police? They would be arrested if they kept the man in their home. He would die if they left him there. They took him to their house after much deliberation. The servants were terrified when they saw the person and asked the doctor not to treat the war prisoner.
Q. ii. It’s human nature to take the easy way out by ignoring problems rather than dealing with them. We try to find easy respite. Is the “Third Level” in the story a medium or a way of escaping from the unpleasant and insecure present?
The author addresses the human nature of running away from a problem and seeking solace in an imaginary world in The Third Level. In The Third Level, the author or narrator, Jack Finney, creates a character named Charley who wishes to escape the problems in his life and walk into an imaginary world known as the third level.
Charley wants to escape from reality. One day, he was coming home from his office. He decided to travel by train and reached the Grand Central Railway Station. In the meantime, he lost himself in his thoughts and reached the imagistic third level, where he felt happy to see a different world. It is human nature to run away from the present, and sometimes it feels like a temporary relief, but it is not the solution to the problem. Charley also did the same thing and lost himself in an imaginary world where he wouldn’t have any stress, anxiety, or fatigue from the modern world. Therefore, the author uses the medium of the third level to explain human apathy to have some consolation in the tense situation, like Charley’s way of escapism.
It would just mean running away, leaving, or ignoring a bad situation instead of dealing with it or being afraid of it.
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