
The Tiger King Complete NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2

The Tiger King Complete NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2

The Tiger King complete NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2. Students can download a PDF of the Tiger King. The Tiger King was a “man of indomitable courage face-to-face.” The most fantastic aspect of his demise was that, as soon as he was born, astrologers had foretold that one day the Tiger King would have to die. In this article, I will be discussing a summary in English, textual questions and answers, essay-type questions, short questions and answers, and one-word questions and answers. I have discussed each concept minutely so that the students might get good marks in the examinations. MCQs will be discussed in the next article.

The Tiger King was Kalki’s way of showing how people maltreat wild animals.

Ramaswamy Krishnamurthy was born on Sept. 9, 1899, in Puthumangalam. He got his pen name, Kalki, from the tenth avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu. He was a Tamil novelist, poet, and independent activist from India.

Table of Contents

The Tiger King Summary Complete NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas


The Tiger King was Kalki’s way of explaining how people treat wild animals with little care. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram is the hero of this story. He may be identified as His Highness Jamedar-General, “his name was Jung Jung Bahadur,” but he became famous as the Tiger King. He killed ninety-nine tigers to save his own life due to a saying by a purohit who declared that he would be killed by a tiger. Kalki explicitly explains the orthodox nature of a king who kills ninety-nine tigers just to save his own life!

Main Points of Summary

The Tiger King was a “man of indomitable courage face-to-face.” The most fantastic aspect of his demise was that, as soon as he was born, astrologers had foretold that one day the Tiger King would have to die. “The child will grow up to become the warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions. But… “They bit their lips and swallowed hard.” When compelled to continue, the astrologers came up with it. “This is a secret which should not be revealed at all. And yet we are forced to speak out. “The child born under this star will one day have to meet its death.”

Kalki considers him the king of kings, “the warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions.” But he would die one day, which happens to all human beings who are born to die, as death is ultimate. You can’t save yourself even by killing 100 tigers. The Tiger King is a satire on human nature who is least bothered about the lives of wild animals and is so cruel as to kill 100 tigers to save his own life.


The plot of The Tiger King begins with a pujari declaring that the king will be killed by the hundredth tiger. The ending was equally impressive; a king of such stature is killed by a small nail rather than a tiger. This is how the author clearly explains the inhumanity of a powerful king who slaughtered 99 tigers to save his own life. The author clearly explains our doctrine and our concern for wild animals. The author values wild animals’ lives.

The Tiger King: Reading Text Class 12 English

The Tiger King Summary in Hindi Class 12 English Vistas

The Tiger King, Kalki का यह दिखाने का तरीका था कि लोग जंगली जानवरों के साथ कैसा व्यवहार करते हैं!

रामास्वामी कृष्णमूर्ति का जन्म 9 सितंबर, 1899 को Puthumangalam में हुआ था। उन्हें अपना उपनाम Kalki, हिंदू भगवान विष्णु के दसवें अवतार से मिला। वह भारत के एक तमिल उपन्यासकार, कवि और स्वतंत्र कार्यकर्ता थे।

Tiger King उनका यह समझाने का तरीका था कि कैसे लोग जंगली जानवरों के साथ बहुत कम देखभाल करते हैं। प्रतिबंदपुरम के महाराजा इस कहानी के नायक हैं। उन्हें महामहिम जमीदार-जनरल के रूप में पहचाना जा सकता है, “उनका नाम जंग जंग बहादुर था,” लेकिन वे टाइगर किंग के रूप में प्रसिद्ध हो गए। उसने अपनी जान बचाने के लिए निन्यानबे बाघों को मार डाला क्योंकि एक पुरोहित ने कहा था कि उसे एक बाघ द्वारा मारा जाएगा। कल्कि स्पष्ट रूप से एक राजा की रूढ़िवादी प्रकृति की व्याख्या करते हैं जो निन्यानबे बाघों को सिर्फ अपनी जान बचाने के लिए मारता है!

टाइगर किंग “आमने सामने अदम्य साहस का व्यक्ति” था। उनके निधन का सबसे शानदार पहलू यह था कि उनके पैदा होते ही ज्योतिषियों ने भविष्यवाणी कर दी थी कि एक दिन टाइगर किंग को वास्तव में मरना होगा। “बच्चा बड़ा होकर योद्धाओं का योद्धा, नायकों का नायक, चैंपियन का चैंपियन बनेगा। लेकिन … “उन्होंने अपने होंठों को काटा और मुश्किल से निगल लिया।” जब जारी रखने के लिए मजबूर किया गया, तो ज्योतिषी इसके साथ आए। “यह है एक रहस्य जो बिल्कुल भी प्रकट नहीं होना चाहिए। और फिर भी हमें बोलने के लिए मजबूर किया जाता है। “इस तारे के तहत पैदा हुए बच्चे को एक दिन अपनी मृत्यु का सामना करना पड़ेगा।”

कल्कि उन्हें राजाओं का राजा, “योद्धाओं का योद्धा, वीरों का नायक, चैंपियनों का चैंपियन” मानते हैं। लेकिन वह एक दिन मर जाएगा, जो मरने के लिए पैदा हुए सभी मनुष्यों के साथ होता है, क्योंकि मृत्यु अंतिम है। आप 100 बाघों को मार कर भी अपने आप को नहीं बचा सकते। टाइगर किंग मानव स्वभाव पर एक व्यंग्य है जो जंगली जानवरों के जीवन के बारे में कम से कम परेशान है और इतना क्रूर है कि अपनी जान बचाने के लिए 100 बाघों को मार डाला।

टाइगर किंग की साजिश एक पुजारी के साथ शुरू होती है जो यह घोषणा करती है कि राजा सौवें बाघ द्वारा मारा जाएगा। अंत भी उतना ही प्रभावशाली था; ऐसे कद के राजा को बाघ की बजाय छोटे नाखून से मारा जाता है। इस प्रकार लेखक एक शक्तिशाली राजा की अमानवीयता को स्पष्ट रूप से बताता है जिसने अपनी जान बचाने के लिए 99 बाघों का वध किया था। लेखक स्पष्ट रूप से हमारे सिद्धांत और जंगली जानवरों के प्रति हमारी चिंता को स्पष्ट करता है। लेखक स्पष्ट रूप से जंगली जानवरों के जीवन को महत्व देता है।

The Tiger King Explanation of words and phrases Complete NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2

The Tiger King Explanation will let you understand the zest of the story’s words, phrases, question answers, and the central idea of The Tiger King

  • “THE Maharaja of Pratibandapuram is the
    hero of this story. He may be identified
    as His Highness Jamedar-General,
    Khiledar-Major…” Who is the main character of the story? His Highness Jamedar-General.
  •  imperative: Necessary
  • to disclose a matter: to reveal
  •  vital importance: very important
  • indomitable courage: extraordinary courage
  • demise: end
  • astrologers had foretold: told about the future of the king
  • Tiger King would have to die: death is ultimate
  • “The child will grow up to become the warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions. But…”: The astrologer declared that the king will be a great warrior
  • “O wise prophets!’’: the prince warned about his plan
  • gazed intently: surprised
  • ‘‘Let tigers beware!’’: warning of killing by the small prince
  • The boy drank the milk of an English
    the cow was brought up by an English
    nanny, tutored in English by an
    Englishman saw nothing but English
    films — exactly as the crown princes of
    all the other Indian states did. When he
    came of age at twenty, the State, which had been with the
    Court of Wards until then, came into his hands: the writer explains the taste of feudal kings
  • ‘‘I shall cut off my tuft, crop my hair short and become an insurance agent,’’: a promise made by the astrologer if his declaration failed.
  • beast: tiger here
  • Because he prevented a British officer from fulfilling
    his desire, the Maharaja stood in danger of losing his
    the kingdom itself.: danger of losing the kingdom
  • Some fifty rings arrived.: bribe was given to the officer’s wife
  • The tiger population became extinct: all tigers were hunt
  • It became impossible to locate tigers anywhere: the tension of searching for a new land where tigers are available
  • He refused to leave the forest until the tiger was found.: the king waiting for the hundredth tiger
  • prey: to be killed
  • ‘‘I have killed the hundredth tiger. My vow has been fulfilled,’’: at last, the hundredth tiger was killed by the King
  • The men realized that the tiger
    was not dead; the bullet had missed it. It
    had fainted from the shock of the bullet
    whizzing past.: the tiger was live and was killed by the hunter
  • A few days later the Maharaja’s son’s third birthday was celebrated.: the birthday of the king’s son
  • The next day, an infection flared in the Maharaja’s right
    hand. In four days, it developed into a suppurating sore
    which spread all over the arm: king got an infection
  • “The operation was successful.
    The Maharaja is dead.”
    In this manner the hundredth tiger took its final revenge
    upon the Tiger King.: the king was dead and the hundredth tiger took final revenge, the astrologer saying became true.

The Tiger King Textual Questions and Answers Complete NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2

The Tiger King textual questions and previous year’s CBSE and HBSE questions are critical for the examination. The Tiger King was Kalki’s way of explaining how people treat wild animals with little care. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram is the hero of this story. He may be identified as His Highness Jamedar-General, “his name was Jung Jung Bahadur,” but he became famous as the Tiger King. He killed ninety-nine tigers to save his own life due to a saying by a purohit who declared that he would be killed by a tiger. Kalki explicitly explains the orthodox nature of a king who kills ninety-nine tigers just to save his own life! Let us discuss the questions in detail.

The Tiger King Textual Questions and Answers Complete NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2

Reading with Insight(Textual Questions)

Q.1. The story is a satire on the conceit of those in power. How does the author employ the literary device of dramatic irony in the story?/(HBSE 2010)


Explain the title of The Tiger king?

In The Tiger King, Kalki openly criticizes the wealthy for their indifference toward wild animals. The entire story revolves around the tiger king, who is the main protagonist. The title explains the author’s intention. The story is a satire on the arrogance of those in power. How can a ten-day-old boy take on the tigers? The author explains the astrologer’s flattery of His Highness, the Tiger King, who became king at the age of twenty. To save his life, he begins killing tigers. He was killed not by the tiger, but by a nail in a wooden tiger, and he died from a severe infection. In the final paragraph, the author employs dramatic irony.

The Tiger King is killed by a simple rusted nail, not a tiger. This is a satirical situation used by the author to demonstrate his point that we must respect wild animals or we will die by a small thing rather than the wild animal itself.

Q.2. What is the author’s indirect comment on subjecting innocent animals to the willfulness of human beings? (HBSE 2010)

In The Tiger King, Kalki makes it clear that the rich are wrong for not caring about wild animals. The main character of the story is the tiger king, who is the center of the plot. The title shows what the author wanted to say. The story is a joke about how arrogant people in power are. How can a 10-day-old boy take on the tigers? The author describes how the astrologer praised His Highness, the Tiger King, who became king at age twenty. To save himself, he starts killing tigers. It was the king’s will to kill a hundred tigers for the sake of his life. In the end, how did he die? He died from an infection caused by a nail in a wooden tiger, not the tiger itself. The last line, it’s a clear satire on the willfulness of human beings who have an indifferent attitude toward wild animals.

This is the irony of the situation: a king died not because of a wild animal but of a small nail. The rusty nail, not a tiger, is what kills the Tiger King. This is a satirical situation that the author made up to show that we need to respect wild animals or we will die from something small, not the wild animal.

Q.3. How would you describe the behavior of the Maharaja’s minions towards him? Do you find them truly sincere towards him or are they driven by fear when they obey him? Do we find a similarity in today’s political order?

The behavior of the Maharaja’s minions demonstrates the kings’ feudal attitudes toward their employees. The chief astrologer also makes a big flat in front of the king. The king and powerful people always want their appreciation. We can’t call them sincere as they can’t dare tell the king the reality.

Q.4. Can you relate instances of game-hunting among the rich and the powerful in the present times that illustrate the callousness of human beings towards wildlife?

In today’s world, game hunting is almost banned in all states. On the contrary, they sometimes try to kill wild animals for the sake of their interest and run away from the law. The wild animals are still the victims of rich and feudal people. In this case, Salman Khan is under trial. Nawab Pataudi was also charged with deer hunting. These are some cases that came to light, but there are still some cases that don’t become the highlight of the day. People must now change their attitude towards wild animals and stop killing innocent wild animals.

Q.5. We need a new system for the age of ecology — a system which is embedded in the care of all people and also in the care of the Earth and all life upon it. Discuss.

What did man give back to nature as he progressed?

  • Earth’s temperature has risen by one degree: Industrialisation has elevated the earth’s temperature by one degree during the previous 150 years, reducing the nutritious value of food.
  • Humans have increased water temperature by 1.5 degrees Celsius, putting sea creatures in jeopardy.
  • We have increased pollution, and as a result, 90 lac people die each year.
  • Pesticide use has harmed the earth’s fertility.
  • 13 million square miles of forest area have been lost in the last twenty-five years.

What does nature expect from us now?

  • To conserve the environment, land use must be changed.
  • Reduce excess use of water, gas, and oil.
  • Humans do not need to be concerned if trees, flowers, animals, birds, and sea animals are safe.
  • We must quickly adopt clean energy like solar energy and e-vehicles.
  • Stop interfering in the forest and wildlife

The Tiger King Long Answer Type Questions Complete NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2

Q.1.Why did the king take a vow to kill one hundred tigers? (HBSE 2014, 2020).


Q.2.Give a brief account of the killing of ninety tigers by the king? (HBSE 2017; HYT, SEPT.2019).

In The Tiger King, Kalki criticizes the rich people for being indifferent toward wild animals. The whole story revolves around the tiger king, who is the chief protagonist of the story. The title explains the intention of the author. The story is a satire on the conceit of the people who are in power. How can a boy of ten days old challenge the tigers? The author explains the flattery of the astrologer in front of His Highness, the Tiger King, who became the king at the age of twenty. He starts killing tigers to save his life.

He was not killed by the tiger but by a nail in a wooden tiger and got a heavy infection and died. The author employs dramatic irony in the last. The Tiger King is killed not by a tiger but by a simple rusted nail. This is a satirical situation that the author used to prove his point that we must respect wild animals, otherwise our death will be by a small thing and not by the wild animal itself.

Q.3.Giving a bribe is an evil practice. How did the Tiger king bribe the British Officer to save his kingdom? How do you view this act of his? (HBSE 2019).

Taking and giving bribes is an offense, but the things that are going on. The Maharaja paid the bribe to save his throne and succeeded in his plans. The tigress The King was on his way to slaughter a hundred tigers. A British officer arrived in his kingdom and enjoyed shooting tigers and having his picture taken with dead tigers. As a result, he revealed his wish to the king, which was unacceptable to the king because it could have jeopardized his plan to kill a hundred tigers. As a result, the king discussed the matter with his Dewan.

The Maharaja arranged for the officer’s lady to receive fifty expensive diamonds. She kept all of the rings and did not return even one. She expressed her gratitude to the king for the gifts. The Maharaja was required to pay three lakh rupees for the gift. After paying such a large bribe to the officer’s wife, he was able to save his throne. Bribe has become an inseparable part of our system, and we are not immune to it. There are good people in our system, but they are not counted.

The Tiger King CBSE/HBSE Board’s Questions and Answers Complete NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2

The Tiger King CBSE and HBSE questions and previous year’s CBSE and HBSE questions are critical for the examination. The Tiger King was Kalki’s way of explaining how people treat wild animals with little care. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram is the hero of this story. He may be identified as His Highness Jamedar-General, “his name was Jung Jung Bahadur,” but he became famous as the Tiger King. He killed ninety-nine tigers to save his own life due to a saying by a purohit who declared that he would be killed by a tiger. Kalki explicitly explains the orthodox nature of a king who kills ninety-nine tigers just to save his own life! Let us discuss the questions in detail.

The Tiger King CBSE/HBSE Board’s Questions and Answers: Vistas Class 12 English

Q.1. Who is the Tiger King? Why does he get that name? (SAT, JULY 2019, PRE-BOARD 2020)

The Tiger King was the king of Pratibandapuram. His real name was Jang Jang Bahadur. He got this name because he had killed so many innocent tigers in different states. The author gave this name to the king to prove the feudal attitude of kings towards wild animals. The astrologer declared that one day they would die. The small child asked the chief astrologer to disclose the way the death would come. The astrologer was surprised to hear this and replied that the death would come from a tiger. The young prince growled and warned, “Let tigers be aware!” Therefore, he decided to kill a hundred tigers and got the name “The Tiger King.”

Q.2. What did the royal infant grow up to be?

The chief astrologer declared that the infant would be a king one day and that he would be the king of kings, champion of champions, and he would be called the tiger king. He was brought up by an English nanny, and the prince was tutored by an Englishman. He became the king at the age of twenty and started killing tigers for his defense, as it was declared by his chief astrologer that the tiger would be the cause of his death.

Q.3. What will the Maharaja do to find the required number of tigers to kill?

He would hunt a hundred tigers, and to complete his target, he was ready to do anything. He was able to kill seventy tigers in the first ten years. The tiger in his state asked the dewan about the remaining thirty tigers. The Tiger King then decided to marry a girl from his neighborhood state, where the tigers are in large numbers. The king got married to a girl from his enemy’s state to have more tigers to hunt.

The king used to kill five or six tigers when he visited his father-in-law. This way, he got his target completed and he killed ninety-nine tigers.

Q.4. How will the Maharaja prepare himself for the hundredth tiger which was supposed to decide his fate?

The Tiger King had already killed ninety-nine tigers, but the main headache was the hundredth tiger. It was the last kill to be made by the king to fulfill the astrologer’s declaration. He went to the forest to kill the last one. So, he sat in his camp but no tiger was found. the king’s tension increased and he became anxious. The king knew the warning given by the astrologer. The Maharaja was in full tension and then came happy news came from a hillside village. Maharaja exempted three years of tax from the village and immediately he left to hunt to kill the last tiger. Therefore, he waited a long time to kill the last tiger.

Q.5. What will now happen to the astrologer? Do you think the prophecy was indisputably disproved?

The tiger king killed the last tiger as per his knowledge, but the fact was just the opposite. The hundredth tiger was too old and died, not by the king but by the attack. Tha dewan brought an old tiger from the People’s Park in Madras, and he kept it in his own house. He took his wife’s help and took the tiger to the forest where his Maharaja was hunting his hundredth tiger. The old tiger was left in place and was moving in front of the king. The Maharaja got excited and shot a bullet at the old tiger. The tiger fell, and the Maharaja was very happy that he had killed the hundredth tiger.

Later on, it was revealed that the tiger was alive. The old tiger just fainted due to the sound of the bullet, but they didn’t want the king to get the news. Therefore, one of them shot a bullet at him, and the tiger was dead. The dead body was carried in a procession through the city to commemorate Maharaja’s victory, and he was buried in the town with a tomb built over it.

Therefore, the prophecy of the astrologer was not disapproved by the writer, and the king died due to an infection of a nail from a wooden tiger, and in the meantime, the astrologer had already died. The author uses the last tiger to fulfill the astrologer’s saying.

Q.6. What did the chief astrologer tell to be the cause of the Maharaja’s death? (HBSE 2010)

The chief astrologer declared that the king had to die by the hundredth tiger. It was just a simple satire that the king died due to infections created by a nail from the wooden tiger. So, we can say that orthodox ideas can’t be supported blindly.

Q.7. When did the king come to know about the prediction of his death? (HBSE 2013)

Jang Jang Bahadur became a king at the age of twenty and remembered the prophecy of the chief priest. Soon after becoming the king, he started his journey to kill the tigers.

Q.8. How did the Maharaja feel when he killed his first tiger? What did the chief astrologer say on that occasion? (HBSE 2010).

The tiger The king killed the first tiger and sent for the priest for his comment. The king was very happy and wanted praise from him. The chief astrologer praised but reminded the king about the hundredth tiger.

Q.9. What was an unforeseen hurdle that brought the Maharaja’s tiger hunt to a halt? (HBSE 2019)

The tiger king killed many tigers in his state. With the extinction of tigers and the pressure of British officers who wanted to kill tigers, The Maharaja didn’t allow Britishers to shoot tigers in his state. His empire was in danger in this way, so he sent some expensive rings to the lady to save it.

Q.10. How did the Tiger king meet his end? or How did the hundredth tiger take its revenge upon the Tiger king? (HBSE 2019, 2020).

The King died from an infection caused by a nail in a wooden tiger, not the tiger itself. The last line, it’s a clear satire on the willfulness of human beings who have an indifferent attitude towards wild animals. This is the irony of the situation: a king died not because of a wild animal but of a small nail. The rusty nail, not a tiger, is what kills the Tiger King. This is a satirical situation that the author made up to show that we need to respect wild animals or we will die from something small, not the wild animal.

Q.11. What miracle took place when the king was only ten days old? (HBSE 2014).

‘‘The prince was born in the hour of the Bull. The Bull and the Tiger are enemies, therefore, death comes from the Tiger,’’ he explained. As soon as he heard it pronounced, the crown prince gave a deep growl. Terrifying words emerged from his lips. ‘‘Let tigers beware!’’These were the words spoken by the child and he clearly warned the tigers that he would kill them soon.

Q.12. What did the king decide to gift his son on his birthday? (HBSE 2014).

The king was very happy about killing the hundredth tiger, and fortunately, it was his son’s birthday. So, he decided to gift a wooden tiger to his son on his birthday, which later became the cause of his death.

Q.13. How did the maharaja manage to save his throne? (HBSE 2018).

The King was on his journey to kill a hundred tigers. A British officer reached his kingdom, and he was fond of shooting tigers and getting photographed with the dead tigers. So, he revealed his wish in front of the king, which was unacceptable to the king as it might have hindered his plan to kill a hundred tigers. Therefore, the king discussed the issue with his Dewan. The Maharaja arranged fifty costly diamonds for the officer’s lady. She kept all the rings and didn’t return a single ring. She thanked the king for the gifts. The Maharaja had to pay three lakh rupees for the present. Thus, he was able to save his throne after paying such a heavy bribe to the officer’s wife. Taking and giving bribes is an offense, but the things that are going on The Maharaja paid the bribe to save his throne and succeeded in his plans.

The Tiger King Extra Questions Solved Complete NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. Who is the main protagonist of the story ‘The Tiger King’? What was his famous name?

Ans. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram is the main protagonist of this story. He was known by many names as His Highness Jamedar-General, Khiledar-Major, Sata Vyaghra Samhari, Maharajadhiraja Visva Bhuvana Samrat, Sir Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur. But he was most famous by the name The Tiger King.

Q.2. What was the matter of extraordinary interest at the beginning of the story?

Ans. The author disclosed the interesting part at the beginning of the story. The King was a man of great strength. The astrologer declared in the beginning when the prince was born. The astrologer declared that the king would die one day.

Q.3. What was the extraordinary incident happened and what was its result?

Ans. The astrologer declared that the king would die one day. Then a miracle happened. The small boy of ten days spoke some words ” O wise prophets!” Everyone got stunned to hear those words.

The Tiger King Very Short Question Answer Complete NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2

Q.1. Who is the author of The Tiger King?


Q.2. What is the full name of Kalki?

Ramaswamy Krishnamurthy

Q.3. What is the real name of the tiger king?

Jang Jang Bahadur.

Q.4. The tiger king was the king of…?


Q.5. Who said these words, ‘ hero of heroes, champion of champions?

The priest.

Q.6. ‘‘All those who are born will one day have to die.” What does it mean?

Death is Ultimate.

Q.7. What do you mean by ‘squeaky voice.’?

Child’s voice.

Q.8. The Prince was born in the hour of…?

The Bull

Q.9. The bull and Tigers are…?


Q.10. Who said these words, ‘‘Let tigers beware!’’?

The child tiger king.

Q.11. The boy drank the milk of an…?

English Cow
Q.12. The tiger king watched movies in …?

English Language.

Q.13. The tiger king became the king at age of…?


Q.14. Who said these words, ‘‘I have killed the hundredth tiger. My vow has been

The tiger king.

Q.15. The tiger king presented a gift to his was made of…?


Q.16. Who killed the tiger king?

Infection of the nail.

Q.17. Does the tiger king care for wild animals?


Q.18. What is our attitude towards wild animals?


The Tiger King Free PDF Complete NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2

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M.S. Yadav

Lecturer in English

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