The students have to revise the CBSE Sure-Shot Questions from the Last Lesson for Class 12 English to score full marks in the final examinations.
CBSE Sample Question Paper The Last Lesson Class 12 English will contain Sure-Shot Questions The Last Lesson Class 12 English will cover, the summary is the key to understanding the depth of The Last Lesson, the most important reading comprehension, and sure-shot questions long and short. CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Last Lesson Class 12 English is designed by an expert teacher with 25 years of experience as an English Lecturer

Alphonse Daudet(1840-1897) is considered to be one of the most iconic names in French literature. Unlike many famous writers in world history, Alphonse wasn’t very well educated and wrote his first novel at the age of fourteen. The Last Lesson is set in the days of the Franco-Prussians War(1870-1871) in which France was defeated by Prussia led by Bismarck. Prussia then consisted of Germany, Poland, and parts of Austria. In this story, the french districts of Alsace and Lorraine have been taken over by Prussians
The Last Lesson Summary Helps CBSE Sure-Shot Questions Class 12 English
Explanation of The Last Lesson
The Last Lesson Summary NCERT Class 12 English
People say that Alphonse Daudet is one of the most famous writers in French literature. Alphonse didn’t have a very good education like many famous writers in history, and he wrote his first book when he was only fourteen. He lived from 1840 until 1897. The story of The Last Lesson takes place during the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871), in which the Prussians, led by Bismarck, defeated France.
In the chapter called “The Last Lesson,” the author tells how France was defeated. He talks about how bad it is to lose and how war changes people. The story takes place in Alsace and Lorraine’s school. The chapter’s name is the key to the whole story. Little Franz is the author. He tells the story of his school. He was never interested in learning how to read French. The writer went to school. He was surprised to see the villagers in the school, in front of the bulletin board, and the classroom.
M. Hamel, who has taught French at the school for more than forty years, wore a beautiful green coat. On that day, there was no noise in the school, so everything was very different. The author was afraid that his teacher would punish him for not doing his homework before class. He saw a lot of people from the village sitting in the classroom.
Since this was the last lesson in French, the title of the chapter fits. The author wishes he had taken French in high school. Starting the day after tomorrow, German will be taught. M. Hamel gets upset because he couldn’t say anything in the last meeting. He wrote, “Long live France!” in French.
The author explains the theme of the chapter through M. Hamel. Alphonse Daudet was a famous French novelist. He explains the effects of war in the last chapter, The Last Lesson. He explains how war can affect even the education system of a country. He taught French at the school for forty years. France lost the war to the Persians. Berlin’s orders to stop teaching French in schools in Alsace and Lorraine. This shows the cruel nature of rulers toward language. They try to spread their language with a simple order. Berlin sent an order to teach German in French schools.
The theme and plot of the story are heavily influenced by the title. Alphonse Daudet, the author, explains the title very well. The entire plot revolves around the chapter title.
In The Last Lesson, he discusses the effects of war. He explains how war can have an impact on a country’s education system.
Through M. Hamel, the author explains the chapter’s theme. For forty years, he taught French at the school. The Persians defeated France in the war. Berlin’s orders to stop teaching French in Alsace and Lorraine schools. The title completely determines the chapter’s theme. Everything is centered on school. Berlin issued an order mandating the teaching of German in French schools.
CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Last Lesson Class 12 English
The goal of reading is to gain understanding. If readers can read the words but do not understand or relate to what they are reading, they are not reading. Good readers are active and purposeful, able to absorb, analyze, make sense of, and apply what they read. The Last Lesson’s Reading Comprehension Class 12 English will help you to understand the techniques of reading and skimming. Thus, take the reading comprehension of The Last Lesson seriously to understand the complete solution of The Last Lesson class 12 English.
The Last Lesson Sure-Shot Reading Comprehension paragraphs Class 12 English
CBSE Sample Question Paper The Last Lesson Class 12 English
The goal of reading is to gain understanding. If readers can read the words but do not understand or relate to what they are reading, they are not reading. Good readers are active and purposeful, able to absorb, analyze, make sense of, and apply what they read. The Last Lesson’s Reading Comprehension Class 12 English will help you to understand the techniques of reading and skimming. Thus, take the reading comprehension of The Last Lesson seriously to understand the complete solution of The Last Lesson class 12 English.
The Last Lesson’s reading comprehension of important passages.
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow The Last Lesson :
For a moment I thought of
running away and spending the day out of doors. It was so
warm, so bright! The birds were chirping at the edge of the
woods, and in the open field back of the sawmill the
Prussian soldiers were drilling. It was all much more
tempting than the rule for participles, but I had the
strength to resist and hurried off to school.
Think of the meaning of Important words in the paragraph of Indigo:
- running away: not attending
- chirping: the sound of birds
- drilling: parade
- tempting: attracting
- What is the name of the chapter?
- Who is ‘I’ here?
- Why did the author not want to attend the school?
- What were the birds doing?
- What were the soldiers doing?
- Why did the author hurry up for the school?
- The name of the textbook is “The Last Lesson.”
- I represent the author.
- The author didn’t want to attend school as it was a very warm day.
- The birds were chirruping.
- The soldiers were drilling.
- He hurried up as he was late for the school.
The Last Lesson Reading Comprehension of important paragraphs Class 12 English Flamingo
The Last Lesson’s reading comprehension of important passages.
2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :
When I passed the town hall there was a crowd in
front of the bulletin board. For the last two years all our
bad news had come from there — the lost battles, the draft,
the orders of the commanding officer — and I thought to
myself, without stopping, “What can be the matter now?”
Think of the meaning of Important words in the paragraph of Indigo:
- bulletin-board: notice board
- Where did the author come from?
- Who was standing in front of the bulletin board?
- What were they doing in front of the bulletin board?
- What was the bad news?
- What was the matter that day?
- The author was crossing the town hall.
- The villagers were standing in front of the bulletin board.
- They were reading the news.
- The loss of battle to the Germans.
- It was the last day of the teacher, M. Hamelin, at the school.
The Last Lesson Reading Comprehension of important paragraphs Class 12 English Flamingo
The Last Lesson’s reading comprehension of important passages.
3. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow 🙁 2019 HBSE)/Reading comprehension MCQs
Then as I hurried by as fast as I could go, the blacksmith, Wachter, who was there with his apprentice, reading the bulletin, called after me, “Don’t go so fast bub; you’ll get to your school in plenty of time !” I thought he was making fun of me and reached Mr. Hamel’s little garden all out of breath. Questions : 1 × 5 = 5
(i) Name the chapter from which this passage
has been taken?
(a) The Last Lesson
(b) The Enemy
(c) The Rattrap
(d) Lost Spring
Ans. (a) The Last Lesson
(ii) Who was Wachter?
(a) A blacksmith
(b) A carpenter
(c) A teacher
(d) An apprentice
Ans. (a) A blacksmith
(iii) Who is the writer of this chapter?
(a) Anees Jung
(b) Alphonse Daudet
(c) A. R. Barton
(d) Asokamitran
Ans. (b) Alphonse Daudet
(iv) Who was standing with Wachter ?
(a) His wife
(b) His son
(c) His apprentice
(d) His teacher
Ans. (b) His son
(v) Who does ‘I’ in the passage refer to?
(a) the writer
(b) the student
(c) the teacher
(d) the blacksmith
Ans. (a) the writer
The Last Lesson’s reading comprehension of important passages.
4. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :(2018C HBSE)
Poor man! It was in honor of this last lesson that he had put on his fine Sunday clothes, and now I understood why the old men of the village were sitting there in the back of the room. It was because they were sorry, too, that they had not gone to school more. It was their way of thanking our master for his forty years of faithful service and of showing their respect for the country that was theirs no more. Questions : 1 × 5 = 5
Think of the meaning of Important words in the paragraph of Indigo:
- Poor man: a humiliated person
(i) Name the chapter from which the above lines have been taken.
(ii) Name the author of the chapter.
(iii) What were the old men of the village sorry about?
(iv) Why was ‘their country theirs no more?
(v) Why was the man in fine Sunday clothes? - The Last Lesson
- Alphonse Daudet
- They were feeling sorry for M. Hamel
- Germany had defeated France.
- It was M. Hamel’s last in the school.
The Last Lesson’s reading comprehension of important passages.
5. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :
- While I was wondering about it all, M. Hamel mounted
his chair, and, in the same grave and gentle tone that he
had used to me, said, “My children, this is the last lesson
I shall give you. The order has come from Berlin to teach
only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The
new master comes tomorrow. This is your last French
lesson. I want you to be very attentive.”
Think of the meaning of Important words in the paragraph of Indigo:
- mounted: fixed
- What was the author wondering about?
- What did the teacher do?
- Why was it the last lesson?
- What had come from Berlin?
- Who is coming tomorrow?
- Who said these words, “this is the last lesson.”?
- He wondered why his teacher didn’t say anything to him.
- The teacher took the chair and sat in it with grace.
- The Germans had been ordered to teach Germans in Alsace and Lorraine.
- German would be taught in the school.
- The new German teacher was coming to teach German.
- M. Hamel said these words.
CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Last Lesson Class 12 English
Think As You Read
Q1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
Franz is the narrator of the story, and he has no interest in learning French. The French teacher, M. Hamel, had asked him to prepare some participles. The narrator was afraid that he would be punished for not learning the participles.
Q2. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day? (2017B HBSE)
Franz was late to school that day. He found that villagers were standing in front of the bulletin board. There was no noise in the school; “What could be the matter now?” He reached into the classroom and found that villagers were sitting on the last benches, which was an unusual thing for him.
Q3. What had been put up on the bulletin board?
The school’s bulletin board was supposed to be about the daily news. Unfortunately, when he passed the town hall this time, there was a crowd in front of it. Moreover, he found all the bad news for the last two years came from this bulletin board.
Questions on Page 8: Flamingo NCERT
Q1. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?
After the Prussians defeated the French Army, Berlin issued an order mandating that the German language be taught in schools beginning the following day. There won’t be any French language and M. Hamel delivered his last lesson on the French language. It was his last day in school. As a result, villagers gathered in the school to bid him farewell after he had taught there for over forty years.
Q2. How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school change?
Franz was feeling sorry for M. Hamel and the school change. He was also missing the French language, as he never tried to learn his mother tongue. It was his last lesson when he became serious about learning French. It was the last lesson in the French language from his teacher, M. Hamel.
Understanding the text: The Last Lesson
Q1. The people? in this story suddenly realize how precious their language is to them. What shows you this? Why does this happen?
As per M. Hamel, French was not going to be taught from tomorrow. Hamel informed the villagers that French was not going to be taught in the school. There was an order from Berlin that German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The author, who showed no interest in the French language, started missing his mother tongue and felt sorry for not learning the language. Being a French teacher, he knew the value of language, but unfortunately, people couldn’t realize the importance of French. Naturally, people realize the value only when they are free to learn the language. The same thing happened with the author. Everyone loves the country and its language. The mother tongue always reflects the rich culture of any country.
Q2. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What could this mean? (There could be more than one answer.)
Franz thinks that the Germans can’t stop birds from singing. they are in power. therefore, they can stop the people from learning French but they are unable to stop the birds as they will sing in the french language. He has a symbolic meaning behind it that Germans can’t stop themselves to love their country.
Writing Skills: The Last Lesson
Q1. Write a notice for your school bulletin board. Your notice could be an announcement of a forthcoming event, a requirement to be fulfilled, or a rule to be followed.
Annual Function of G.S.S.S., Dadri Toye, Jhajjar.
The Govt. Senior Sec. The school is organizing its annual function on March 20, 2023, at 10 a.m. in the school’s auditorium. All students and parents are invited to attend the function. There will be a prize distribution for the meritorious students who got positions in the last board exams. The D.E.O., Jhajjar, will be the chief guest at the function. There will be a lunch party after the function. All class instructors and monitors are requested to manage their classes.
The Principal
Q2. Write a paragraph of about 100 words arguing for or against having to study three languages at school.
In most Indian states, schools use one of three linguistic systems. This system has both advantages and disadvantages. It is justified from a national standpoint to have more languages in schools. We all know that a society’s culture is reflected in its language. The students receive an in-depth understanding of India’s diverse civilizations. For jobs, people travel to different states. They feel more at ease speaking with people from various states and are more productive at work. Our country’s foundation is its languages, which express both our unity and variety. This system has some drawbacks. Students are under increased pressure to learn new languages. For these students, learning becomes a challenge. In India, there are many languages, and some governments are hesitant to apply the three-language system.
Q3. Have you ever changed your opinion about someone or something that you had earlier liked or disliked? Narrate what led you to change your mind.
Choosing a career after senior school is a major concern for both students and parents. Some students are unsure of what they want to do after 12th grade. They choose subjects that others have chosen without considering their interests or the future of the chosen field. Parents are more enthusiastic about subject selection in the eleventh grade. Some students choose the science stream without understanding the facts. They are compelled to change subjects after discovering their hidden talents and interests. They choose the humanities group in college. There is nothing wrong with it because our educational system is more theoretical. As a result, students are not exposed to their interests. Students change careers even after completing technical education. As a result, some changes should be made to our system. Things will change in the new educational system.
The Last Lesson Most Important Short Questions and Answers Class 12 English
Q1. What was the usual scene when Franz’s school began in the morning?
There was a great bustle in the school. The noise from the school can be heard in the street. Generally, when the school opens, there is the sound of desks and benches. The teacher ramps the ruler on the benches.
Q2. What three things in school surprised Franz most that day?
There was complete silence in the school. The visitors were gathered in front of the bulletin board in the school. M. Hamel said nothing to Franz as he arrived late in the classroom. M. Hamel was wearing a green coat, which he usually wore on special occasions.
Q3. Why had the villagers come to school that day?
There was a crowd of villagers in front of the bulletin board. It was an unusual scene. The villagers gathered in the school to say goodbye to M. Hamel. There was an order from Berlin that German would be taught in the school. It means that there will be no French language in the school. Villagers reached the school to show sympathy towards the teacher who served the school for a long time.
Q4. What tempted Franz to stay away from school? [Delhi 2014]
Franz was late for school. The day was sunny and warm. The birds were chirping at the edge of the trees. Open fields and the drilling of Prussian soldiers tempted Franz to run away from the school. Moreover, he had not completed his homework on participles.
Q5. What did M. Hamel tell them about the French language? What did he ask them to do and why? (2018 HBSE)
M. Hamel explained the importance of the French language. He told the students that the French language is the most beautiful, clearest, and most logical language in the world. He asked the gathering to guard and remember the French language.
Q6. Why were the elders of the village sitting in the classroom? [All India 2014]
The last benches in the classroom used to remain vacant. Today, the villagers were sitting on the last benches listening to M. Hamel. They reached the school to give honor the teacher who had served the school for a long time. They were not free as the Germans had occupied Alsace and Lorraine. The order from Berlin came to stop teaching French in schools.
Q7. How did M. Hamel behave as the last lesson came to an end?
He started his lesson by saying that it was his last lesson and asked the students to protect the French language. He became emotional. He couldn’t speak in the end and scribbled on the blackboard that France might live a long time. class is dismissed for the last time.
Q8. What dread did Little Franz have when he started school in the morning? (2019 HBSE)
Franz was afraid that his teacher might scold him for not doing his homework. He had not prepared the participles. He didn’t understand the first word of principle. He didn’t want to go to school as the sun was shining.
Q9. What did the blacksmith say to Franz? (2019B HBSE)
Franz was late for the class. So, he was running fast to reach the class. He found people in front of the bulletin board. The blacksmith, Wachter, was also there. He told Franz that he was not late and that there was no need to be in a hurry. The blacksmith said, “You’ll get to your school in plenty of time.” It means that Franz was not late that day.
Q10. Did M. Hamel get angry with Franz for being late? (2018 B HBSE)
Franz arrived very late to class, and he was afraid that he might get punished in class. Fortunately, he was lucky. M. Hamel didn’t scold him. He simply welcomed Franz and asked him to take his seat.
Q.11. What caused bustle when the school began? (2017 D HBSE)
It is natural that when school starts, there is a lot of noise in all schools. Students come and set their desks and benches. So, there was a lot of bustle in the school. But that day there was pin-drop silence like Sunday.
Q12. Reproduce in your own words what Little Franz did or thought on his way to school. (2019 HBSE)
While going to school, Franz was unable to decide whether go or not to go school as he was late for school. The day was sunny and warm. The birds were chirping at the edge of the trees. Open fields and the drilling of Prussian soldiers tempted Franz to run away from the school. Moreover, he had not completed his homework on participles.
CBSE Sure-Shot Long Questions The Last Lesson Class 12 English
The Last Lesson: Long Questions and Answers Class 12 English Flamingo is critical in achieving high marks in the CBSE and HBSE class 12 English papers. These questions and answers from the last lesson are prepared with utter care so that the students get the highest possible score on the examination for class 12 English.
Template: Long Question and Answer The Last Lesson CBSE Class 12 English
Long Answer Word Limit: 125-150
Q. 4. Explain the theme of “The Last Lesson.” What is the reason behind its universal appeal?
Introductory Paragraph of the Long Answer Question
Alphonse Daudet was a famous French novelist. He explains the effects of war in the last chapter, The Last Lesson. He explains how war can affect even the education system of a country. The author explains the theme of the chapter through M. Hamel. He taught French at the school for forty years. France lost the war to the Persians. Berlin’s orders to stop teaching French in schools in Alsace and Lorraine shows the cruel nature of rulers toward language. They try to spread their language with a simple order. Berlin sent an order to teach German in French schools.
Main Paragraph of the Long Answer Question
The whole story revolves around a village school where French was taught by M. Hamel. It shows one more thing people value the language when it is not allowed to be taught. The author himself had the least interest in French till the last day. When he couldn’t learn French, he finally understood how important it was to know more than one language.
Conclusion Paragraph of the Long Answer Question
Therefore, in the last, we see that the teacher becomes emotional and can’t utter words. He had a great love for his country, but he was helpless.
Q1. Describe the feelings, emotions, and behavior of Mr. Hamel on the day of the last lesson. (2019 HBSE)
In the chapter “The Last Lesson,” Alphonse Daudet explains the conditions after the war. The French lost the war to the Persians. Therefore, Berlin issued an order to stop the teaching of French in Alsace and Lorraine. The author explains his views through the French teacher, M. Hamel. He started his lecture by saying, “My children, this is the last lesson.”
M. Hamel was a strict teacher. He had been teaching French to students for forty years. Throughout his career as a teacher, he remained disciplined and punctual in his work. The students considered him a strict teacher. He had a great love for his country and language. He delivered his last lesson and told people to protect the French language.
In his last lesson, he became emotional and couldn’t speak for the last time. Therefore, he wrote on the blackboard that the French might live a long time. He was very polite on the last day of his lesson. His behavior was excellent and he spoke softly.
Q2.The order from Berlin aroused a particular zeal in the school. Comment. (2018 D HBSE)
Q3. What order had been received from Berlin that day? What effect did it have on life at school?
In the chapter “The Last Lesson,” Alphonse Daudet explains the conditions after the war. The French lost the war to the Persians. Therefore, Berlin issued an order to stop the teaching of French in Alsace and Lorraine. The author explains his views through the French teacher, M. Hamel. He started his lecture by saying, “My children, this is the last lesson.” Berlin has issued an order to stop teaching French in schools as German is going to be taught in schools from tomorrow onwards.
The order from Berlin compelled M. Hamel to deliver his last lesson in French. He had been teaching French for forty years at the school. The teacher came to school in his green coat to deliver his last lesson. Villagers were there to thank him for his long service to his nation as a French teacher.
Everybody was looking sad. The author also felt sorry for not learning French. The teacher explained the importance of the French language, and he praised French as being the best language in the world. He asked the people to defend the French language. He became emotional at the end and couldn’t speak his last words. Therefore, the orders from Berlin affected a lot in two districts of France.
Q4. Explain the theme of “The Last Lesson.” What is the reason behind its universal appeal?
Alphonse Daudet was a famous French novelist. He explains the effects of war in the last chapter, The Last Lesson. He explains how war can affect even the education system of a country.
The author explains the theme of the chapter through M. Hamel. He taught French at the school for forty years. France lost the war to the Persians. Berlin’s orders to stop teaching French in schools in Alsace and Lorraine shows the cruel nature of rulers toward language. They try to spread their language with a simple order. Berlin sent an order to teach German in French schools.
The whole story revolves around a village school where French was taught by M. Hamel. It shows one more thing people value the language when it is not allowed to be taught. The author himself had the least interest in French till the last day. When he couldn’t learn French, he finally understood how important it was to know more than one language.
Therefore, in the last, we see that the teacher becomes emotional and can’t utter words. He had a great love for his country, but he was helpless.
Q5. Explain the appropriateness of the title “The Last Lesson”.
The theme and plot of the story are heavily influenced by the title. Alphonse Daudet, the author, explains the title very well. The entire plot revolves around the chapter title.
In the last lesson, he discusses the effects of war. He explains how war can have an impact on a country’s education system.
Through M. Hamel, the author explains the chapter’s theme. For forty years, he taught French at the school. The Persians defeated France in the war. Berlin’s orders to stop teaching French in Alsace and Lorraine schools The title completely determines the chapter’s theme. Everything is centered on school. Berlin issued an order mandating the teaching of German in French schools.
The entire plot revolves around a village school where M. Hamel teaches French. It demonstrates yet again that people value the language when it is not permitted to be taught. Until the very last day, the author had little interest in French. When he was unable to learn French, he realized the value of knowing more than one language.
As a result, we can say that the title is appropriate for the story and plot.
Q6. What impression do you form of M.Hamel based on your study of the story ‘The Last Lesson’?
Explain the character sketch of M. Hamel, the French teacher.
How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school change ? CBSE 2019
M. Hamel is an experienced teacher who has taught in the village school for the past forty years. He is a strict teacher, and students like Franz, who are slow learners, are terrified of being punished by him.
The order from Berlin compelled him to leave the school forever. He became emotional while he was delivering his last lesson. So, we can say that he became emotional in the end.
His performance in the last lesson was outstanding. He uses a solemn and gentle tone when he is addressing the villagers and students. He has a logical mind and can analyze problems to determine what is causing them.
He is aware of a language’s emotional hold on its users. He is an excellent communicator who patiently explains everything. Partings are painful, and M. Hamel, being human, is no exception. He can’t say goodbye because his throat is blocked the last. Overall, he is a patriotic gentleman.
Q1. War destroys lives and spreads enmity. People are uneasy. Consider the drawbacks of war while remembering the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1971).
Ans: War is a significant threat to humanity. Some of the consequences of conflict are fear, worry, stress, and hatred. No one is in favor of such heinous conduct. Because of the vested interests of some crooked politicians, innocent people are killed. Furthermore, fighting is not the answer to any situation. It merely widens the chasm between the two countries. Hatred and feelings of hostility spread as a result of the desire to dominate the other. The effects of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still visible. It’s also worth remembering that each country is making every effort to become a nuclear power. Nuclear weapons can destroy entire countries. Hundreds of thousands of people will perish. There will be no one left alive. If anyone survives, he or she will be handicapped. There is no doubt that conflict has jeopardized humanity’s existence. We’ve heard seers advise people to let go of their egos. Nations must likewise believe that they are equally significant. There is no such thing as a self-sufficient nation. Peace boosts productivity and creativity. All countries should adopt the concept of a global community. As a result, no one benefits from conflict. It is not something that should be encouraged.
Q3. People in Alsace and Lorraine were compelled to learn German. It was forbidden for them to study French. It means that just one language was taught to students in the area. At school, they did not understand the concept of three languages. Write an article about the “School Advantages of Three Language Systems.”
Discussion: The Advantages of a Multi-Language System
India is a democratically run country. It’s full of people from various backgrounds and cultures. Their traditions and customs differ. Their dialects are also distinct. A South Indian’s language differs significantly from that of a North Indian. People have their regional dialects and languages. In such situations, deciding which language should be taught in schools becomes a mammoth effort. As a result, India’s educational system is based on a three-language system. It is a boon to the people who live in a specific area. They do not believe that their language is unimportant or unheard. They have a lot of options when it comes to the languages they want to learn or speak. Pupils gain a basic understanding of three languages and can appreciate literature in all three languages. Due to language hurdles, such kids never fail. They offer honor to both their parents and their countries. They seem to effortlessly explore new paths and horizons. To familiarise youngsters with multiple language patterns, all nations must adopt three language systems. Both languages, German and French, could be taught to the people of Alsace and Lorraine. Linguistic discrimination marries humanity’s future.