
CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Rattrap Class 12 English

CBSE SureShot Questions Class 12 English(Core) e-book

Download a free PDF of CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Rattrap Class 12 English Flamingo. The Rattrap Complete CBSE Sure-Shot Questions Class 12 English Flamingo will provide you with the most important textual questions and answers, long answers,  and the most important questions from previous years’ questions on different board examinations. The best solutions are on The Rattrap Complete NCERT Solution Class 12 English Flamingo is designed and solved by an eminent teacher of English who has been teaching class 12 English for the last 25 years. Students and teachers can download a free PDF of The Rattrap Complete NCERT Solution Class 12 English Flamingo.

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About the author

Selma Lagerlof: The author of The Rattrap and Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf won
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1909

Selma Lagerlöf
Image courtesy:

Selma Lagerlof was born in 1858 and died in 1940, she was a Swedish writer. Her stories have been translated into many languages. Her theme is universal and is visible in all her stories. She discussed in The Rattrap that “the essential goodness in a human being can be awakened through understanding and love”. The story of The Rattrap was set in the mines of Sweden which were rich in iron ore. They became important in the history and legends of the country. The Rattrap story is told in a fairy tale style.

The questions discussed in Think as you read are the most important questions from the examination point of view. Therefore, the students must learn these questions and answers to secure 100 % marks on their English Paper for Class 12 English.

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Think as you read

The Rattrap Most Important Textual Questions and Answers CBSE Solutions Class 12 English

The Rattrap NCERT Solutions Class 12 English

Q.1. From where did the peddler get the idea of the world being a rattrap? (HBSE 2010, 2013).

Ans. One day, the peddler was thinking of his rattraps, and suddenly he structured an idea: “The whole world was nothing but a big rattrap.” As a result, he was forced to engage in both begging and petty thievery to keep his body and soul together. He was a man with torn clothes, sunken cheeks, and hungry eyes, which reflected his state of poverty. Therefore, he considers the whole world to be like a rattrap. Selma Lagerlof explains her idea that a bad man can be turned into a good human being if we treat the person with a human touch.

Q.2. Why was he amused by this idea?

Ans. The vagabond plods along the road to sell his small rattrap and, unfortunately, his business was not profitable enough to support his livelihood. He got happy upon thinking that the whole world was full of rattraps. Therefore, he considers cheese and pork as bait for rattrap, and once people are in, therefore, they are trapped in worldly rattrap.

Q.3. Did the peddler expect the kind of hospitality that he received from the crofter? (HBSE 2010).

Ans. The crofter also wanted company from someone. Therefore, he decided to welcome the peddler, and he gave him hot food and tobacco to smoke. Both of them play cards and engage while talking. Thus, during their conversations, the peddler comes to know that the crofter got thirty kronor in payment for selling milk, which he keeps in a pouch on the window frame. Therefore, Crofter’s treatment surprised him.

Q.4. Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler? (HBSE 2018).

Ans. The old crofter, who was living alone, therefore, welcomes the peddler. The crofter also wanted company from someone. Therefore, he decided to welcome the peddler, and he gave him hot food and tobacco to smoke. Both of them play cards and engage while talking. Thus, during their conversations, the peddler comes to know that the crofter got thirty kronor in payment for selling milk, which he keeps in a pouch on the window frame. The old crofter thus was alone after retirement and he wanted someone to talk to him. So, the crofter was so talkative and friendly with the peddler

Q.5. Why did he show the thirty kronor to the peddler? (HBSE 2012, 2014).

Ans. The crofter wanted company from someone. Therefore, he decided to welcome the peddler, and he gave him hot food and tobacco to smoke. Both of them play cards and engage while talking. Thus, during their conversations, the peddler comes to know that the crofter got thirty kronor in payment for selling milk, which he keeps in a pouch on the window frame. The stranger saw him keeping the money in a leather pouch and hung it from the window. The crofter had never thought about the cheating he would face. Therefore, in routine, he kept the money without much care.

Q.6. Did the peddler respect the confidence reposed in him by the crofter?

Ans. One day, the peddler got the idea that the whole world was a rattrap. He feels that the world is made for rich people who have shelter and food. He didn’t respect the confidence reposed in him by the crofter and the peddler came back to the cottage to steal the money. Therefore, after stealing the money, he felt pleased with his smarts.

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Think as you read

Q.1. What made the peddler think that he had indeed fallen into a rattrap? (HBSE 2010, SEPT. 2019).

Ans. Now, it is the peddler’s turn to be caught in a rattrap as he lost his way in the woods and couldn’t come out. His thoughts about the world and the rattrap are now applicable to him. Therefore,  now, his turn had come. “He had let himself be fooled by a bait and had been caught”

Q. 2. Why did the ironmaster speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home?

Ans. It was a cold evening, and he reached a cottage to ask for a night shelter due to the excessive cold outside. The old crofter, who was living alone, therefore, welcomes the peddler. The crofter also wanted company from someone. Therefore, he decided to welcome the peddler, and he gave him hot food and tobacco to smoke. Both of them play cards and engage while talking. Thus, during their conversations, the peddler comes to know that the crofter got thirty kronor in payment for selling milk, which he keeps in a pouch on the window frame. The stranger saw him keeping the money in a leather pouch and hung it from the window.

Q. 3. Why did the peddler decline the invitation?

Ans. The peddler declined the offer of invitation as he was afraid of being caught. Therefore, the fear of being caught compelled him to decline the offer. In the woods, he meets an ironmaster who took him as his old comrade. Therefore, the ironmaster invites the peddler to a Christmas party but the peddler denied to join. Then. Elda, the ironmaster’s daughter convinced him to join them. In the meantime, he feels bad about stealing the crofter’s money. They assist the peddler in getting a makeover, dressing him in nice clothes, and shaving his beard. The ironmaster then realizes he made a mistake; the peddler was not his comrade.

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Think as you read

The Rattrap Complete NCERT Solutions Class 12 English

The Rattrap Complete NCERT Solution Class 12 English Flamingo

Q.1. What made the peddler think that he had indeed fallen into a rattrap?

Ans. Now, it is the peddler’s turn to be caught in a rattrap as he lost his way in the woods and couldn’t come out. His thoughts about the world and the rattrap are now applicable to him. Therefore,  now, his turn had come. “He had let himself be fooled by a bait and had been caught”

Q.2. Why did the ironmaster speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home?

Ans. It was a cold evening, and he reached a cottage to ask for a night shelter due to the excessive cold outside. The old crofter, who was living alone, therefore, welcomes the peddler. The crofter also wanted company from someone. Therefore, he decided to welcome the peddler, and he gave him hot food and tobacco to smoke. Both of them play cards and engage while talking. Thus, during their conversations, the peddler comes to know that the crofter got thirty kronor in payment for selling milk, which he keeps in a pouch on the window frame. The stranger saw him keeping the money in a leather pouch and hung it from the window.

Q.3. When did the ironmaster realize his mistake? (HBSE 2018, SEPT. 2019).

Ans. In the woods, he meets an ironmaster who took him as his old comrade. Therefore, the ironmaster invites the peddler to a Christmas party but the peddler denied to join. Then. Elda, the ironmaster’s daughter convinced him to join them. In the meantime, he feels bad about stealing the crofter’s money. They assist the peddler in getting a makeover, dressing him in nice clothes, and shaving his beard. The ironmaster then realizes he made a mistake; the peddler was not his comrade.

As a result, the ironmaster suspects him of deception and decides to report him. Edla, on the other hand, insists on allowing him to stay and celebrate Christmas with them. Her father agrees, and the two of them spend Christmas together. The ironmaster and Edla learn the next day from the church that the peddler was a thief after the incident at the old crofter’s. They rush home, convinced that he has stolen all the silver.

Q.4. How did the peddler defend himself against not having revealed his true identity? (HBSE 2010).

Ans. The peddler clarified that he had not pretended to be his acquaintance. He was not to blame. He had always claimed that he was a bad trader. He had begged and pleaded to be allowed to remain in the forge. His presence had caused no harm. He was ready to put on his rags and leave.

Q.5. Why did Edla still entertain the peddler even after she knew the truth about him?

Ans. In the woods, he meets an ironmaster who took him as his old comrade. Therefore, the ironmaster invites the peddler to a Christmas party but the peddler denied to join. Then. Elda, the ironmaster’s daughter convinced him to join them. In the meantime, he feels bad about stealing the crofter’s money. They assist the peddler in getting a makeover, dressing him in nice clothes, and shaving his beard. The ironmaster then realizes he made a mistake; the peddler was not his comrade. She understood the peddler’s life and wanted him to spend the day with them in peace. As a result, even after learning the truth about the peddler, she continued to entertain him.

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Think as you read

The Rattrap NCERT Solutions Class 12 English

Q. 1. Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler? (HBSE 2010, 2014).

Ans. The peddler wrote this letter to Elda to thank her for helping him become a nice man. Selma Lagerlof explains her idea that a bad man can be turned into a good human being if we treat the person with a human touch. Thus, the author thinks that understanding and love can bring out the basic goodness in a person. In this way, the author uses the main character, the peddler, who sells small rattraps of wire and sells them at odd times, but his business was not profitable. Therefore, Elda was happy to see the letter and feel proud that her help to the peddler made him a good man.
Q. 2. Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain von Stahle?

Ans. The ironmaster mistook the peddler for Captain von Stahle and invited him to his home. Even after the truth was revealed, he was welcomed and cared for as captain. The peddler was allowed to atone for his dishonesty by portraying an honorable Captain. Thus, the peddler was moved by the treatment he got at Ironmaster’s house.

Understanding the text

The questions discussed in Understanding the text are the most important questions from the examination point of view. Therefore, the students must learn these questions and answers to secure 100 % marks on their English Paper for Class 12 English.

The Rattrap NCERT Solutions Class 12 English

Page 43. The Rattrap Flamingo Chapter 4.

Question.1. How does the peddler interpret the acts of kindness and hospitality shown by the crofter, the iron master, and his daughter?9HBSE 2012, SEPT. 2019).

Answer: The peddler interprets the three characters, the crofter, the iron master, and his daughter in a different manner. He asks in his letter to Elda that the money must be returned to “you can give back the money to the old man on the roadside, who has the money pouch hanging on the window frame as a bait for poor wanderers.” The peddler considers the crofter a poor man. He was astonished by the different attitudes of the daughter and the father. They assist the peddler in getting a makeover, dressing him in nice clothes, and shaving his beard. The ironmaster then realizes he made a mistake; the peddler was not his comrade. He is now a changed man of the polite treatment of Elda. Thus, The peddler had different views about the different people he confronted with. “Written with friendship and high regard, “Captain von Stahle.” Thus, Selma Lagerlof proves her point that a bad man can be turned into a good human being if we treat the person with a human touch.

Question. 2. What are the instances in the story that show that the character of the ironmaster is different from that of his daughter in many ways? (HBSE 2014).


Why did the ironmaster’s daughter insist that the peddler should stay with them? What happened in the end?

Answer: In the woods, the peddler meets an ironmaster who takes him as his old comrade. Therefore, the ironmaster invited the peddler to a Christmas party, but the peddler refused to attend. Therefore, the ironmaster was not capable of identifying the peddler.

But on the other hand, Elda was an intelligent girl who could change into a bad man even after knowing that the peddler was a thief. Then, Elda, the ironmaster’s daughter, convinced him to join them. In the meantime, he feels bad about stealing the crofter’s money. They assist the peddler in getting a makeover, dressing him in nice clothes, and shaving his beard. The ironmaster then realizes he made a mistake; the peddler was not his comrade. Thus, it is visible that both the ironmaster and Elda had different points of view in understanding a person.

As a result, the ironmaster suspects him of deception and decides to report him. Edla, on the other hand, insists on allowing him to stay and celebrate Christmas with them. Her father agrees, and the two of them spend Christmas together.

Question. 3. The story has many instances of unexpected reactions from the characters to others’ behavior. Pick out instances of these surprises.

Answer: The story has many instances of unexpected reactions from different characters. In the beginning, the peddler was welcomed by the ironmaster, who, out of his alienation, welcomed a thief into his house. The peddler, on the other hand, stole money from a house that had sheltered him during a cold night. So, he cheated on an innocent man who sheltered him.

Elda, on the other hand, represents the author, who feels that a bad man can be a good man if he is treated with empathy. Elda, even after knowing that the peddler was a cheat, still respected him, and the peddler was impressed by her treatment and left the house as a good man. Thus, it is visible that there are instances of unexpected reactions from different characters.

Question. 4. What made the peddler finally change his ways? (HBSE 2014).

Answer: Edla Willmansson handled the peddler in a respected way. Therefore, her empathy toward the peddler helped him to change his life. This is the main idea of The Rattrap where the author, Selma Lagerlof asks us that a bad man can be turned into a good human being if we treat the person with a human touch.

Elda cooperates with the peddler to change himself and offers him a Christmas suit as a gift. Therefore, her love and care help him to become a nice fellow. Thus, the peddler wrote to Elda and appreciated her, “Honoured and noble Miss,” since you have been so nice to me all day long. “

In the last, he was a changed human being. Therefore, compassion and empathy play a vital role and can change the world; moreover, it teaches us that material possessions never bring inner joy; only love and reverence does.

Question. 5. How does the metaphor of the rattrap serve to highlight the human predicament? (HBSE 2010).

The world provides “Riches and joys, shelter and food, heat and clothing, just as the rattrap did. And the moment anyone allowed himself to be tempted by the bait, it closed in on him, and everything came to an end.” These lines demonstrate that the world attracts humans, and once a person is drawn to such allurement, they become trapped in a rattrap. The world resembles a rattrap.

So, he decided to leave the public highways, and he turned off the road and went into the woods. Thus, he lost his way in the jungle, and he walked and walked without ever coming to the end of the woods. He couldn’t find a way to get out of the jungle, and hence, the thoughts about the world and rattrap. This time, it was his turn to become “fooled by a bait and have been caught.

Thus, the author, Selma Lagerlof, uses the metaphor of the rattrap to highlight the human predicament.

Question. 6. The peddler comes out as a person with a subtle sense of humor. How does this serve in lightening the seriousness of the theme of the story and also endear him to us?

Answer: The truth about the peddler is revealed and it was revealed that he was a thief, then, he reveals a subtle sense of humor in his interactions with the ironmaster and his daughter. “if I was a real captain — for I do not want you to be embarrassed at this Christmas season by a thief;” He is not afraid of being turned out in the cold in rags or of being imprisoned. With his rattrap metaphor, he makes the ironmaster laugh. His letter to Edla with the Christmas present is an excellent example of his ability to make others laugh at him. As a result, he both lightens the seriousness of the story’s theme and endears himself to us. “The rattrap is a Christmas present from a rat who would have been caught in this world’s rattrap”

Talking About The Text The Rattrap

The questions discussed in Talking About The Text The Rattrap are the most important questions from the examination point of view. Therefore, the students must learn these questions and answers to secure 100 % marks on their English Paper for Class 12 English.

Page 43. The Rattrap Flamingo Chapter 4.
Discuss the following in groups of four. Each group can deal with one topic and present the views of your group to the whole class.

Question.1. The reader’s sympathy is with the peddler right from the beginning of the story. Why is this so? Is the sympathy justified?

Group No. 1. 

The Rattrap is the story of a peddler who is the chief protagonist of the story. He sells small rattraps to make ends meet. Selma Lagerlof exposes her character and tries to convince the reader to buy her rattraps with sympathy. She delivers her idea that a bad man can be turned into a good human being if we treat the person with a human touch. The street hawker sells small rattraps but with the bad intention of thievery, as he was helpless because nobody bought his rattraps. The story is set around the main character, The Rattrap, who is a poor man with a miserable condition. He was physically weak and wore torn clothes. He looked famished. He was not like this, but circumstances made him poor and thieving. He was a sad vagabond and roamed in search of work to meet both ends.

He is a poor man without shelter. The world has never been very kind to him and he feels happy calling it a rattrap. Whenever he asks for shelter for the night, he meets sour faces. He is an unwelcome, unwanted, and undesirable figure. The blacksmiths at the forge glanced at him only casually and indifferently. The master blacksmith nods a haughty consent without honoring him with a single word. Thus, the author thinks that understanding and love can bring out the basic goodness in a person. In this way, the author uses the main character, the peddler, who sells small rattraps of wire and sells them at odd times, but his business was not profitable. His poor business, his plight with torn clothes, and his exposure to the cold nights arouse our sympathy toward him.

Question.2. The story also focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others.

Group No. 2. 

In The Rattrap, the author emphasizes the need for bonding among humans; they are alienated due to their old age and the fact that there is always someone to come to them and talk to them. The crofter wanted company from someone. Therefore, he decided to welcome the peddler, and he gave him hot food and tobacco to smoke. Both of them play cards and engage while talking. Thus, during their conversations, the peddler comes to know that the crofter got thirty kronor in payment for selling milk, which he keeps in a pouch on the window frame.

The stranger saw him keeping the money in a leather pouch and hung it from the window. The crofter had never thought about the cheating he would face. Therefore, in routine, he kept the money without much care. Thus, the crofter wanted someone to accompany him during the night, and he was least worried about his safety, so he welcomed an unknown person just for the sake of the company. Therefore, he wanted to bond with someone.

Question.3. Have you known/heard of an episode where a good deed or an act of kindness has changed a person’s view of the world?

Group No. 3. 

Yes, we have seen many cases where a good deed or an act of kindness has changed a person, and Phoolan Devi, an Indian bandit, and politician (born Aug. 10, 1963, Uttar Pradesh state, India—died July 25, 2001, New Delhi, India), was the notorious “Bandit Queen” who became legendary for both her acts of revenge on those who had abused her and her Robin Hood-like activities to aid the lower castes. She was a changed woman when she was treated well by society.

After being imprisoned, however, she became a member of the Lok Sabha, the lower house of Parliament, where she continued as a champion of the poor and oppressed. Devi’s life story was a mixture of fact and legend, beginning with her arranged marriage at age 11 to a man three times her age

A year later, having been brutalized by him, she returned home, an act her family considered disgraceful. By the time she was in her early 20s, she had joined (or been kidnapped into) a gang of dacoits (bandits), been sexually assaulted numerous times—once by upper-caste landownersThakurs, in the village of Behmai—and left barren, and become the mistress of a dacoit leader. On Feb. 14, 1981, Devi led a notorious act of revenge known as the Saint Valentine’s Day massacre; some 20 of Behmai’s Thakurs were rounded up and shot in retribution for her gang rape.

This act intensified both her status in modern folklore and the police search for her. In 1983, in poor health and exhausted by the struggle to stay hidden, Devi negotiated her surrender to avoid a death sentence. Although she agreed to 8 years imprisonment, she ended up being jailed for 11 years, without trial, and gained release only through the efforts of the lower-caste chief minister of Uttar Pradesh. In 1994, shortly before her release, she was the subject of the Bollywood film Bandit Queen. In 1996, Devi took advantage of her cult status and, as a member of the Samajwadi Party, won the election to Parliament. She lost her seat two years later but regained it in 1999. Devi was killed when masked assassins opened fire on her outside her home. (

Question.4. The story is both entertaining and philosophical. Discuss.

Group No. 4. 

The story, The Rattrap, amuses us by revealing details of human nature and how individuals respond to various situations. This is human nature, that he behaves differently in different situations. The peddler stole thirty kronor, and he feels happy. Moreover, he was given shelter by a blacksmith just for the sake of company without knowing his background. Can we call it assistance or sympathy? The peddler was allowed just for the sake of the company, and ultimately, the crofter lost his money.

In the woods, he meets an ironmaster who takes him as his old comrade. Therefore, the ironmaster invited the peddler to a Christmas party, but the peddler refused to attend. Then, Elda, the ironmaster’s daughter, convinced him to join them. In the meantime, he feels bad about stealing the crofter’s money. They assist the peddler in getting a makeover, dressing him in nice clothes, and shaving his beard. The ironmaster then realizes he made a mistake; the peddler was not his comrade.

As a result, the ironmaster suspects him of deception and decides to report him. Edla, on the other hand, insists on allowing him to stay and celebrate Christmas with them. Her father agrees, and the two of them spend Christmas together. The ironmaster and Edla learn the next day from the church that the peddler was a thief after the incident at the old crofter’s. They rush home, convinced that he has stolen all the silver. To their surprise, however, the peddler did not steal anything. He left Edla a note in the form of a tiny rattrap. There was also a note thanking her for her kindness in rescuing him from the rattrap he had become entangled in. Most importantly, he left the crofter’s money and requested that it be returned to him.

His daughter’s comments are both amusing and profound. She wishes for the vagrant to have a peaceful day. Second, she does not want to kick out a guest they invited and promised Christmas fun.

Long Questions and Answers of The Rattrap

Long Questions and Answers of The Rattrap are the major sources of securing excellent marks in Class 12 English of CBSE/HBSE examinations. Therefore, the students must learn these long questions and answers to secure 100 % marks on their English Paper for Class 12 English.

The Rattrap NCERT Solutions Class 12 English

Additional Most Important Questions of The Rattrap NCERT Solutions Class 12 English

Question 1. Give a brief character sketch of the peddler.
Who was the poor peddler? Why did he think that the whole world was a rattrap?

Answer: The Rattrap is the story of a peddler who is the main protagonist. To make ends meet, he sells small rattraps. Selma Lagerlof reveals her character and attempts to persuade the reader to sympathize with the peddler. She expresses her belief that if a bad man is treated humanely, he can be transformed into a good human being. The street hawker sells small rattraps with the intent of stealing, as he was helpless because no one bought his rattraps. The story revolves around the main character, The Rattrap, who is a poor man in a bad situation. He was physically frail and dressed in torn clothes. He appeared to be starving. He was not like this, but circumstances forced him to be poor and a thief. He was a sad vagabond who roamed in search of work to make ends meet. He is a destitute man without a place to live. The world has never been kind to him, and he enjoys labeling it a rattrap. When he asks for a place to sleep for the night, he is met with frowns. He is an unwanted, unwelcome, and unsolicited figure. The blacksmiths at the forge only gave him a sidelong glance. The master blacksmith nods haughtily in agreement without saying anything. Thus, the author believes that understanding and love can bring out a person’s basic goodness. In this way, the author employs the main character, a peddler who sells small rattraps made of wire at odd times, but his business is unprofitable. We sympathize with him because of his poor business, his plight with torn clothes, and his exposure to cold nights.

The peddler reacts differently in different situations. This is human nature, that tramps behave differently in different situations. The peddler stole thirty kronor, and he feels happy. Moreover, he was given shelter by a blacksmith just for the sake of company without knowing his background. The peddler was allowed just for the sake of the company, and ultimately, the crofter lost his money. As a result, he was forced to engage in both begging and petty thievery to keep his body and soul together. He was a man with torn clothes, sunken cheeks, and hungry eyes, which reflected his state of poverty. Therefore, he considers the whole world like a rattrap in which he is trapped in the woods. Thus, in the last, we confront a changed person who returned the money he stole. Therefore, the writer makes her point clear that proper empathy can transform a bad man into a righteous person.

Question 2. Elda is a better judge of character than her father. Justify. (HBSE 2019).
Question. What impression do you form of Edla on reading the story ‘The Raitrap’?

Answer: Edla Willmansson is another character who becomes a tool to change a bad man into a good human through her positive attitude and affection towards the peddler. Thus, she respectfully handles the peddler. Therefore, her empathy toward the peddler helped him to change his life. This is the main idea of The Rattrap, where the author, Selma Lagerlof, asks us if a bad man can be turned into a good human being if we treat the person with a human touch. Thus, it proves that Elda is a sympathetic girl.

Elda is a positive girl, and she is different from her father, the ironmaster. Elda cooperates with the peddler to change himself and offers him a Christmas suit as a gift. Therefore, her love and care help him to become a nice fellow. So, he wrote Elda a letter that said, “Honored and noble Miss,” because she had been so nice to him all day.

In the end, he was a changed human being. Therefore, compassion and empathy intervene in her character, which plays a vital role and can change the world. Moreover, it teaches us that material possessions never bring inner joy; only love and reverence does.

Question.3. What is the theme of the story ‘The Rattrap’? How has this theme been developed?
Answer: The Rattrap is the story of a peddler who lives with negative and passive thoughts about the world. Selma Lagerlof explains her idea that a bad man can be turned into a good human being if we treat the person with a human touch. Thus, the author thinks that understanding and love can bring out the basic goodness in a person. In this way, the author uses the main character to explain her main idea, the peddler who sells small rattraps of wire and sells them at odd times, but his business was not profitable. As a result, he was forced to engage in both begging and petty thievery to keep body and soul together. He was a man with torn clothes, sunken cheeks, and hungry eyes which reflect his state of poverty. Therefore, he considers the whole world like a rattrap. Thus, the rattrap summary deals with essential human righteousness that everyone must own which is reflected in a young generous woman taking in the rattrap seller.
The world provides “Riches and joys, shelter and food, heat and clothing, just as the rattrap did. And the moment anyone allowed himself to be tempted by the bait, it closed in on him, and everything came to an end.” These lines demonstrate that the world attracts humans, and once a person is drawn to such allurement, they become trapped in a rattrap. The world resembles a rattrap.

Thus, her amplitude and warmth change her “tramp” negative take on life with the help of Elda, who is different from her father. Thus, the author, Selma Lagerlof, uses the metaphor of the rattrap to highlight the human predicament.

Question.4. Do you think the title of the story ‘The Rattrap’ is appropriate? Give reasons to support your answer.
Answer: The title of the story plays a vital role in the development of the main idea, the character, and the plot development. The main story of The Rattrap is set amongst the mines of Sweeden, which are rich in iron ore. Selma Lagerlof told the story like a fable. The story is set around the main character, The Rattrap, who is a poor man with a miserable condition. He was physically weak and wore torn clothes. He looked famished. He was not like this, but circumstances made him poor and thieving. He was a sad vagabond and roamed in search of work to meet both ends.
In the story The Rattrap, a hawker serves as the main character. He markets little rattraps to make ends meet. To get the reader to empathize with the peddler, Selma Lagerlof discloses her persona. She conveys her conviction that a terrible man can become a good one if he is treated with compassion. Because no one purchased his rattraps, the street vendor sells small ones to steal. The Rattrap, a poor man in a difficult situation, serves as the story’s primary character. He had torn clothing and was physically fragile. He looked like he was starving. He wasn’t like this, but his situation made him a thief and impoverished. He was a depressed nomad who wandered in quest of employment to support himself.
Thus, the title, The Rattrap is appropriate and suitable to deliver the main idea of the story.

My interpretation of Flamingo’s The Rattrap

The theme of The Rattrap is appealing and students should follow the main idea that “a bad man can be turned into a good human being if we treat the person with a human touch.” Thus, the author thinks that understanding and love can bring out the basic goodness in a person.

Download The Rattrap Reading Comprehension PDF. The Rattrap Reading Comprehension NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Reading paragraphs and answering the questions related to the paragraphs will help the students understand the reading comprehension of the text of The Rattrap. The critical analysis of The Rattrap will be the best technique to understand the main idea of the story.

The purpose of reading is to gain comprehension. Readers are not reading if they can read the words but do not understand or relate to what they are reading. Good readers are both purposeful and active, with the ability to absorb, analyze, make sense of, and apply what they read. 

The Rattrap Reading Comprehension

The Rattrap Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers NCERT Solutions Class 12 English

1. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: Reading Comprehension The Rattrap
“Once upon a time, there was a man who went around selling small rattraps of wire. He made them himself at odd moments, from the material he got by begging in the stores or at the big farms. But even so, the business was not especially profitable, so he had to resort to both begging and petty thievery to keep body and soul together. Even so, his clothes were in rags, his cheeks were sunken, and hunger gleamed in his eyes.”
Q.1. Who is the author of the passage?
Ans. Selma Lagerlof is the author.
Q.2. What was the peddler selling?
Ans. He was selling the rattraps.
Q.3. What were the small rattraps made of?
Ans. The small rattraps were made of wire.
Q.4. What is the odd moment mentioned in the paragraph?
Ans. Throughout the night
Q.5. How was his business of rattrap selling?
Ans. His business was poor.
Q.6. What does the word “rags” indicate?
Ans. in poor condition.
The Rattrap Reading Comprehension of class 12 English
2. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: Reading Comprehension The Rattrap
“how sad and monotonous life can appear to such a vagabond, But one day this man had fallen into a line of thought, that seemed to him entertaining. He had naturally been thinking of his rattraps when suddenly he was struck by the idea that the whole world with its lands and seas, its cities and villages — was nothing but a big rattrap.”
Q.1. What are some synonyms for monotonous life?
Ans. boring, dreary, dull.
Q.2. Who is a vagabond?
Ans. The vendor
Q.3. What was entertaining for the peddler?
Ans. The world was like a rattrap.
Q.4. Why was he struck by the idea?
Ans. The world is like a rattrap.
Q.5. What is the name of the chapter where the above lines are taken from?
Ans. The Rattrap.
The Rattrap Reading Comprehension of class 12 English
3. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: Reading Comprehension The Rattrap
“It offered riches and joys, shelter and food, heat and clothing, exactly as the rattrap offered cheese and pork, and as soon as anyone let himself be tempted to touch the bait, it closed in on him, and then everything came to an end.”
Q.1. What is “it” referenced for?
Ans. “it” is used for the word.
Q.2. What does the world offer the rich?
Ans. The world offers shelter, food, heat, and clothing for the rich.
Q.3. What does the rattrap offer?
Ans. Rattrap offers cheese and pork.
Q.4. Who is tempted by the bait of the rattrap?
Ans. The rat is tempted by the bait.
Q.5. What would happen if the rat touched the bait?
Ans. It will be closed and everything will come to an end.
The Rattrap Reading Comprehension of class 12 English
4. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: Reading Comprehension The Rattrap
“One dark evening as he was trudging along the road he caught sight of a little gray cottage by the roadside, and he knocked on the door to ask for shelter for the night. Nor was he refused. Instead of the sour faces which ordinarily met him, the owner, who was an old man without wife or child, was happy to get someone to talk to in his loneliness.”
Q.1. What did the peddler want in the dark evening?
Ans. The peddler wanted shelter during the night.
Q.2. What did the peddler see on the roadside?
Ans. He saw a lonely cottage.
Q.3. What did the vagabond ask of the cottage owner?
Ans. The vagabond asked for shelter during the night.
Q.4. Was he allowed to enter the cottage?
Ans. Yes, he was allowed to enter the cottage.
Q.5. Why did the owner allow the peddler to enter his cottage?
Ans. The owner wanted the company of someone.
The Rattrap Reading Comprehension of class 12 English
5. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: Reading Comprehension The Rattrap
“But half an hour later the rattrap peddler stood again before the door. He did not try to get in, however. He only went up to the window, smashed a pane, stuck it in his hand, and got hold of the pouch with the thirty kronor. He took the money and thrust it into his pocket.”
Q.1. What did the peddler do after half an hour?
Ans. He came back to steal the money.
Q.2. Did the peddler enter the house to steal the money?
Ans. No, he didn’t enter the house.
Q.3. What did he do with the window?
Ans. He broke the window pane.
Q.4. How much was the money in the pouch?
Ans. There were thirty kronor.
Q.5. Who is the writer of these lines?
Ans. Selma Lagerlof is the author.
The Rattrap Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers NCERT Solutions Class 12 English
6. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: Reading Comprehension The Rattrap
The next day both men got up in good season. The crofter was in a hurry to milk his cow, and another man probably thought he should not stay in bed when the head of the house had gotten up. They left the cottage at the same time. The crofter locked the door and put the key in his pocket. The man with the rattraps said goodbye and thank you, and thereupon each went his way
Q.1. Why was the crofter in a hurry in the morning?
Ans. He wanted to milk the cow.
Q.2. What is the meaning of “good season”?
Ans. Happy
Q.3. What did both of them do in the morning?
Ans. Both of them left for their destination.
Q.4. What did the crofter do?
Ans. The crofter locked the door.
Q.5. Did the peddler thank the crofter?
Ans. The peddler thanked the crofter.
The Rattrap Reading Comprehension of class 12 English
7. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: Reading Comprehension The Rattrap
“He asked permission to stay, and the master blacksmith nodded a haughty consent without honoring him with a single word. The tramp did not say anything, either. He had not come there to talk but only to warm himself and sleep. In those days the Ramsjo iron mill was owned by a very prominent ironmaster, whose greatest ambition was to ship out good iron to the market. He watched both night and day to see that the work was”
Q.1. What did the peddler ask the blacksmith?
Ans. He asked for shelter.
Q.2. What was the reaction of the blacksmith?
Ans. The blacksmith allowed him to go with a reservation.
Q.3. Who is the “tramp” here?
Ans. The peddler.
Q.4. What did the tramp want in the Ramsjo Iron Mill?
Ans. He wanted to spend the night.
Q.5. Who is the owner of the Ramsjo iron mill?
Ans. The ironmaster was the owner of the mill.
The Rattrap Reading Comprehension of class 12 English
8. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: Reading Comprehension The Rattrap
“He realized, of course, that at first he dared not continue on the public highway, but must turn off the road, into the woods. During the first hours, this caused him no difficulty” All at once he recalled his thoughts about the world and the rattrap. Now his turn had come. He had let himself be fooled by a bait and had been caught”

Q.1. Why did the peddler choose the woods?

Ans. He didn’t want to be caught after the theft.

Q.2. What happened to the peddler in the woods?

Ans. He lost his way in the woods.

Q.3. Why did he recall his thoughts about the world and rattrap?

Ans. He recalled his thoughts as he lost his way in the woods.

Q.4. Did he find a way to come out of the woods?

Ans. No, he didn’t find the way into the woods.

Q. 5. Who is the writer of the chapter?

Ans. Selma Lagerlof is the author.

The Rattrap Reading Comprehension of class 12 English

9. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: Reading Comprehension The Rattrap 

“Honoured and noble Miss, “Since you have been so nice to me all day long, as if I was a Captain, I want to be nice to you, in return, as if I was a real captain — for I do not want you to be embarrassed at this… power to clear himself. “Written with friendship and high regard, “Captain von Stahle.”

Q.1. What are the words “honored and noble Miss” used for?

Ans. The peddler used these words for Elda.

Q.2. How was Elda’s behavior with the peddler?

Ans. She was very kind to the peddler.

Q.3. Who is the captain here?

Ans. The paddler is the captain here.

Q.4. Who is “Captain von Stahle”?

Ans. The peddler is “Captain von Stahle.”

Q.5. Write down the antonyms of “embarrassed”?

Ans. composed.

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