CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Tiger King Class 12 English 2023
CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Tiger King Class 12 English 2023 is part of the upcoming “CBSE Sure-Shot Questions Class 12 English(Core) 2022-2023” article. CBSE SureShot Questions The Tiger king Class 12 English 2023 will contain short questions and answers, long questions and answers, a template of long questions and answers, and reading comprehension of the Section-C of LITERATURE. These CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Tiger King Class 12 English 2023 are designed per the CBSE’s revised pattern for Class 12 English. Free PDF of CBSE SureShot Questions The Tiger King Class 12 English 2023 is available for students.
The article “CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Tiger King Class 12 English 2023“ will include long answer questions (5 marks), most important short answer questions (2 marks), and reading comprehension of The Tiger King. CBSE Sure-Shot Questions: Vistas, Class 12 English (Core) 2022–23 will help you revise Vistas, Supplementary Reader, quickly near the examinations.
Related Article on The Tiger King:
The short answer questions for Vistas will be worth 4 marks, and you will find these questions under Question No. VI: “Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40–50 words each.” 2*2=4″ in Section C of Literature. You have to attempt two questions from the three questions.
The long answer question of Vistas will be of 5 Marks and comes under the Section-C of Literature. “VIII. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120–150 words. 1*5=5 “
CBSE SureShot Questions Class 12 English(Core) 2023

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CBSE SureShot Questions The Tiger King Class 12 English 2023
You will have the most frequently asked and answered questions from each chapter of Vistas from class 12 English (core) for the upcoming final examination of 2022–2023. The Tiger King textual questions and the previous year’s CBSE and HBSE questions are critical for the examination. The Tiger King was Kalki’s way of explaining how people treat wild animals with little care.
The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram is the hero of this story. He may be identified as His Highness Jamedar-General, “his name was Jung Jung Bahadur,” but he became famous as the Tiger King. He killed ninety-nine tigers to save his own life due to a saying by a purohit who declared that he would be killed by a tiger. Kalki explicitly explains the orthodox nature of a king who kills ninety-nine tigers just to save his own life! Let us discuss the questions in detail.
What lesson do we learn from, the tiger king ( Updated on (June 3, 2024)
“The Tiger King” by Kalki is a satirical story that offers several lessons and themes about life, power, and the consequences of hubris. Here are some key lessons that can be derived from the story:
- Hubris and its Consequences:
- The Tiger King, Maharaja Jung Jung Bahadur, is driven by his arrogance and a desire to defy fate. His obsessive quest to kill a hundred tigers to avoid the prophecy ultimately leads to his downfall. The story illustrates that excessive pride and a false sense of invincibility can lead to one’s demise.
- The Futility of Trying to Escape Fate:
- Despite the Maharaja’s efforts to alter his destiny by killing tigers, he ultimately cannot escape the prophecy. This underscores the theme that some aspects of life are beyond human control, and attempting to outwit fate can be futile.
- The Abuse of Power:
- The Maharaja’s tyrannical rule, where he bans everyone else from hunting tigers and even misuses state resources to fulfill his personal quest, highlights the dangers of absolute power. It shows how power can corrupt and lead to irrational and harmful decisions.
- Irony and Justice:
- The story is rich in irony. Despite killing ninety-nine tigers, the Maharaja is killed by a trivial wooden toy tiger. This ironic twist serves as a form of poetic justice, emphasizing that one’s actions, especially those driven by selfish motives, can have unexpected repercussions.
- Environmental Conservation:
- Indirectly, the story also touches upon the theme of conservation. The Maharaja’s relentless hunting leads to the extinction of tigers in his kingdom. This can be seen as a commentary on the destructive impact of human actions on wildlife and the importance of protecting natural resources.
- Satire on Royalty and British Colonialism:
- Kalki uses satire to critique the excesses and follies of royalty, as well as the influence of British colonialism. The Maharaja’s interactions with the British officer and his extravagant attempts to appease him reflect the absurdities of colonial power dynamics and the misplaced priorities of the ruling class.
In summary, “The Tiger King” teaches us about the dangers of arrogance, the inevitability of fate, the misuse of power, and the importance of respecting nature. It is a poignant reminder of the limits of human control and the moral implications of our actions.
CBSE SureShot Short Questions and Answers “The Tiger King”: Vistas Class 12 English (Core) 2022–23
CBSE Most Important Short Questions: “The Tiger King”
Reading with Insight(Textual Questions)
The Tiger King CBSE/HBSE Board’s Questions and Answers: Vistas Class 12 English
Q.1. Who is the Tiger King? Why does he get that name? (SAT, JULY 2019, PRE-BOARD 2020)
Answer: The Tiger King was the king of Pratibandapuram. His real name was Jang Jang Bahadur. He got this name because he had killed so many innocent tigers in different states. The author gave this name to the king to prove the feudal attitude of kings toward wild animals. The astrologer declared that one day they would die. The small child asked the chief astrologer to disclose the way the death would come. The astrologer was surprised to hear this and replied that the death would come from a tiger. The young prince growled and warned, “Let tigers be aware!” Therefore, he decided to kill a hundred tigers and got the name “The Tiger King.”
Q.2. What did the royal infant grow up to be?
Answer: The chief astrologer declared that the infant would be a king one day and that he would be the king of kings, champion of champions, and he would be called the tiger king. He was brought up by an English nanny, and the prince was tutored by an Englishman. He became the king at the age of twenty and started killing tigers for his defense, as it was declared by his chief astrologer that the tiger would be the cause of his death.
Q.3. What will the Maharaja do to find the required number of tigers to kill?
Answer: He would hunt a hundred tigers, and to complete his target, he was ready to do anything. He was able to kill seventy tigers in the first ten years. The tiger in his state asked the dewan about the remaining thirty tigers. The Tiger King then decided to marry a girl from his neighborhood state, where the tigers are in large numbers. The king got married to a girl from his enemy’s state to have more tigers to hunt.
The king used to kill five or six tigers when he visited his father-in-law. This way, he got his target completed and he killed ninety-nine tigers.
Q.4. What did the chief astrologer tell to be the cause of the Maharaja’s death? (HBSE 2010)
Answer: The chief astrologer declared that the king had to die by the hundredth tiger. It was just a simple satire that the king died due to infections created by a nail from the wooden tiger. So, we can say that orthodox ideas can’t be supported blindly.
Q.5. When did the king come to know about the prediction of his death? (HBSE 2013)
Answer: Jang Jang Bahadur became a king at the age of twenty and remembered the prophecy of the chief priest. Soon after becoming the king, he started his journey to kill the tigers.
Q.6. How did the Maharaja feel when he killed his first tiger? What did the chief astrologer say on that occasion? (HBSE 2010).
Answer: The tiger The king killed the first tiger and sent for the priest for his comment. The king was very happy and wanted praise from him. The chief astrologer praised but reminded the king about the hundredth tiger.
Q.7. What was an unforeseen hurdle that brought the Maharaja’s tiger hunt to a halt? (HBSE 2019)
Answer: The tiger king killed many tigers in his state. With the extinction of tigers and the pressure of British officers who wanted to kill tigers, The Maharaja didn’t allow Britishers to shoot tigers in his state. His empire was in danger in this way, so he sent some expensive rings to the lady to save it.
Q.8. How did the Tiger king meet his end? or How did the hundredth tiger take its revenge upon the Tiger king? (HBSE 2019, 2020).
Answer: The King died from an infection caused by a nail in a wooden tiger, not the tiger itself. The last line, it’s a clear satire on the willfulness of human beings who have an indifferent attitude towards wild animals. This is the irony of the situation: a king died not because of a wild animal but of a small nail. The rusty nail, not a tiger, is what kills the Tiger King. This is a satirical situation that the author made up to show that we need to respect wild animals or we will die from something small, not the wild animal.
Q.9. What miracle took place when the king was only ten days old? (HBSE 2014).
Answer: ‘‘The prince was born in the hour of the Bull. The Bull and the Tiger are enemies, therefore, death comes from the Tiger,’’ he explained. As soon as he heard it pronounced, the crown prince gave a deep growl. Terrifying words emerged from his lips. ‘‘Let tigers beware!’’These were the words spoken by the child and he clearly warned the tigers that he would kill them soon.
Q.10. What did the king decide to gift his son on his birthday? (HBSE 2014).
Answer: The king was very happy about killing the hundredth tiger, and fortunately, it was his son’s birthday. So, he decided to gift a wooden tiger to his son on his birthday, which later became the cause of his death.
Q.11. How did the maharaja manage to save his throne? (HBSE 2018).
Answer: The King was on his journey to kill a hundred tigers. A British officer reached his kingdom, and he was fond of shooting tigers and getting photographed with the dead tigers. So, he revealed his wish in front of the king, which was unacceptable to the king as it might have hindered his plan to kill a hundred tigers. Therefore, the king discussed the issue with his Dewan. The Maharaja arranged fifty costly diamonds for the officer’s lady. She kept all the rings and didn’t return a single ring. She thanked the king for the gifts. The Maharaja had to pay three lakh rupees for the present. Thus, he was able to save his throne after paying such a heavy bribe to the officer’s wife. Taking and giving bribes is an offense, but the things that are going on The Maharaja paid the bribe to save his throne and succeeded in his plans.
Template: Long Question and Answer CBSE Class 12 English
Long Answer Word Limit: 125-150
Q. The story is a satire on the conceit of those in power. How does the author employ the literary device of dramatic irony in the story?
Introductory Paragraph of the Long Answer Question
In The Tiger King, Kalki openly criticizes the wealthy for their indifference toward wild animals. The entire story revolves around the tiger king, who is the main protagonist. The title explains the author’s intention. The story is a satire on the arrogance of those in power.
Main Paragraph of the Long Answer Question
How can a ten-day-old boy take on the tigers? The author explains the astrologer’s flattery of His Highness, the Tiger King, who became king at the age of twenty. To save his life, he begins killing tigers. He was killed not by the tiger but by a nail in a wooden tiger, and he died from a severe infection. In the final paragraph, the author employs dramatic irony.
Conclusion Paragraph of the Long Answer Question
The Tiger King is killed by a simple, rusted nail, not a tiger. This is a satirical situation used by the author to demonstrate his point that we must respect wild animals or we will be killed by something smaller than the wild animal itself. As a result, The Tiger King is a satire on the arrogance of those in power, as powerful people will go to any length to save their own lives.
CBSE Sure-Shot Long Answer Questions The Tiger King Class 12 English 2023
What is the general attitude of human beings towards
wild animals? Write a diary entry sharing your observation after reading the chapter, The Tiger King in 125-150 words
Format of a Diary Entry
- Date: At the top of the entry, write the date.
- Day: Mention the day of the week.
- Salutation: Start with “Dear Diary,” or something similar.
- Introduction: Begin with a brief introduction or summary of the day’s events or the main topic you want to discuss.
- Body: Elaborate on the events, feelings, thoughts, and observations. This is the main part where you express your emotions and reflect on your experiences.
- Conclusion: End with a conclusion or a summary of your thoughts and feelings. You might also include any hopes or plans for the future.
- Signature: Sign off with your name or initials.
Example Diary Entry of the Tiger King
🗓️ Date: May 29, 2024
📅 Day: Wednesday
Dear Diary,
🦁 Today has been a remarkable day in my journey as the Maharaja of Pratibandapuram. 🏰 As I woke up this morning, I was reminded of the astrologer’s prophecy that one day, a tiger would be the cause of my death. 🐅
🌄 Determined to defy fate, I set out on yet another tiger hunt, determined to reach my goal of killing one hundred tigers. Armed with my trusted rifle, I ventured into the dense forests, hoping to add another trophy to my collection. 🌲🌳
🔫 The thrill of the hunt coursed through my veins as I spotted a majestic tiger lurking in the shadows. With unwavering focus, I took aim and fired. The tiger fell, and my heart swelled with pride. That’s ninety-nine tigers now! 🏆
🦸♂️ However, I am acutely aware of the ominous warning about the hundredth tiger. 🐯 I must remain vigilant and cautious, for I cannot allow destiny to outwit me. My mind is filled with determination and a hint of anxiety. What if the prophecy holds true? 🤔
💎 On a different note, I had to deal with the British officer’s demand to hunt tigers in my kingdom. To safeguard my throne, I gifted his wife an expensive set of diamond rings. 💍 Though it cost me a fortune, it was a necessary move to maintain my power. 💸
🎂 Tomorrow, I shall celebrate my son’s birthday. 🎁 It is a rare moment of joy amidst my relentless pursuit of tigers. I hope to give him a special gift, perhaps a wooden tiger I saw in the market today. 🧸
😔 As I retire to my chambers tonight, I cannot help but ponder the irony of my situation. Despite my efforts to conquer fate, the shadow of the prophecy looms large. 🌘
🙏 Dear Diary, I hope that I can outsmart destiny and live to tell the tale of my hundredth tiger hunt. Until then, I remain resolute in my mission.
The Tiger King 🐅👑
Diary Entry
Date: May 29, 2024
Dear Diary,
Today, I finished reading “The Tiger King” by Kalki, and it left me reflecting deeply on the general attitude of human beings towards wild animals. The story portrays a disturbing reality: many humans see wild animals merely as trophies or threats, rather than as integral parts of our ecosystem. The Maharaja’s obsessive hunt for tigers, driven by a desire to defy fate, underscores a lack of respect for wildlife. His actions lead to the near extinction of tigers in his kingdom, highlighting human arrogance and the disregard for animal life.
This attitude is still prevalent today, with poaching and habitat destruction continuing to endanger numerous species. We often forget that wild animals are crucial to maintaining ecological balance. Reading this story, I am reminded of the need for greater compassion and conservation efforts. Our survival is interconnected with that of the wildlife, and it is our duty to protect them.
[Your Name]
Q.1. The story is a satire on the conceit of those in power. How does the author employ the literary device of dramatic irony in the story?/(HBSE 2010)
Explain the title of The Tiger king.
In The Tiger King, Kalki openly criticizes the wealthy for their indifference toward wild animals. The entire story revolves around the tiger king, who is the main protagonist. The title explains the author’s intention. The story is a satire on the arrogance of those in power.
How can a ten-day-old boy take on the tigers? The author explains the astrologer’s flattery of His Highness, the Tiger King, who became king at the age of twenty. To save his life, he begins killing tigers. He was killed not by the tiger but by a nail in a wooden tiger, and he died from a severe infection. In the final paragraph, the author employs dramatic irony.
The Tiger King is killed by a simple, rusted nail, not a tiger. This is a satirical situation used by the author to demonstrate his point that we must respect wild animals or we will be killed by something smaller than the wild animal itself. As a result, The Tiger King is a satire on the arrogance of those in power, as powerful people will go to any length to save their own lives.
Being a wildlife lover, you read the story of “The Tiger King,” and you are shocked at how rich people are indifferent to wild animals. Explain: What is the author’s indirect comment on subjecting innocent animals to the willfulness of human beings? (HBSE 2010)
Kalki considers him the king of kings, “the warrior of warriors, the hero of heroes, the champion of champions.” But he would die one day, which happens to all human beings who are born to die, as death is the ultimate. You can’t save yourself even by killing 100 tigers. The Tiger King is a satire on human nature; he is least bothered about the lives of wild animals and is so cruel as to kill 100 tigers to save his own life.
In The Tiger King, Kalki makes it clear that the rich are wrong for not caring about wild animals. The main character of the story is the tiger king, who is at the center of the plot. The title shows what the author wanted to say. The story is a joke about how arrogant people in power are. How can a 10-day-old boy take on the tigers? To save himself, he starts killing tigers. It was the king’s will to kill a hundred tigers for the sake of his life. In the end, how did he die? He died from an infection caused by a nail in a wooden tiger, not the tiger itself. The last line is a clear satire on the willfulness of human beings who have an indifferent attitude toward wild animals.
This is the irony of the situation: a king died not because of a wild animal but because of a small nail. The rusty nail, not a tiger, is what kills the Tiger King. This is a satirical situation that the author made up to show that we need to respect wild animals or we will die from something small, not the wild animal.
Q. 3. Why did the king take a vow to kill one hundred tigers? (HBSE 2014, 2020).
Q.3.Give a brief account of the killing of ninety tigers by the king? (HBSE 2017; HYT, SEPT.2019).
In The Tiger King, Kalki criticizes the rich people for being indifferent toward wild animals. The whole story revolves around the tiger king, who is the chief protagonist of the story. The title explains the intention of the author. The story is a satire on the conceit of the people who are in power. How can a boy of ten days old challenge the tigers?
The author explains the flattery of the astrologer in front of His Highness, the Tiger King, who became the king at the age of twenty. He starts killing tigers to save his life. The story is a joke about how arrogant people in power are. How can a 10-day-old boy take on the tigers? To save himself, he starts killing tigers. It was the king’s will to kill a hundred tigers for the sake of his life. In the end, how did he die? He died from an infection caused by a nail in a wooden tiger, not the tiger itself.
He was not killed by the tiger but by a nail in a wooden tiger and got a heavy infection and died. The author employs dramatic irony in the last. The Tiger King is killed not by a tiger but by a simple rusted nail. This is a satirical situation that the author used to prove his point that we must respect wild animals, otherwise our death will be by a small thing and not by the wild animal itself.
Q.4.Giving a bribe is an evil practice. How did the Tiger king bribe the British Officer to save his kingdom? How do you view this act of his? (HBSE 2019).
Taking and giving bribes is an offense, but the things that are going on are. The Maharaja paid the bribe to save his throne and succeeded in his plans. The tigress The King was on his way to slaughter a hundred tigers. A British officer arrived in his kingdom and enjoyed shooting tigers and having his picture taken with dead tigers.
As a result, he revealed his wish to the king, which was unacceptable to the king because it could have jeopardized his plan to kill a hundred tigers. As a result, the king discussed the matter with his Dewan. The Maharaja arranged for the officer’s lady to receive fifty expensive diamonds. She kept all of the rings and did not return even one. She expressed her gratitude to the king for the gifts. The Maharaja was required to pay three lakh rupees for the gift. After paying such a large bribe to the officer’s wife, he was able to save his throne.
Thus, the bribe has become an inseparable part of our system, and we are not immune to them. There are good people in our system, but they are not counted.
CBSE Sure-Shot Additional Short Questions The Tiger King Class 12 English 2023
Additional Short Answer Type Questions
Q.1. Who is the main protagonist of the story ‘The Tiger King’? What was his famous name?
Ans. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram is the main protagonist of this story. He was known by many names as His Highness Jamedar-General, Khiledar-Major, Sata Vyaghra Samhari, Maharajadhiraja Visva Bhuvana Samrat, and Sir Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur. But he was most famous by the name The Tiger King.
Q.2. What was the matter of extraordinary interest at the beginning of the story?
Ans. The author disclosed the interesting part at the beginning of the story. The King was a man of great strength. The astrologer declared in the beginning when the prince was born. The astrologer declared that the king would die one day.
Q.3. What was the extraordinary incident that happened and what was its result?
Ans. The astrologer declared that the king would die one day. Then a miracle happened. The small boy of ten days spoke some words ” O wise prophets!” Everyone got stunned to hear those words.
CBSE Sure-Shot Reading Comprehension Passages: The Tiger King, Class 12, English 2023
CBSE Sure-Shot Questions The Third Level Class 12 English 2023: Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. 1*4=4
1. Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. 1*4=4
“The child will grow up to become the warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions. But…” they bit their lips and swallowed hard. When compelled to continue, the astrologers came out with it. “This is a secret that should not be revealed at all. And yet we are forced to speak out. The child born under this star will one day have to meet its death.” At that very moment, a great miracle took place. An astonishing phrase emerged from the lips of the ten-day old Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur, “O wise prophets!’’ Everyone stood transfixed in stupefaction. They looked wildly at each other and blinked. ‘‘O wise prophets! It was I who spoke.’’ This time there were no grounds for doubt. It was the infant born just ten days ago who had enunciated the words so clearly.
i. List the writer’s purpose for involving the astrologer(…) in this extract. 1
Answer: The author wants us to realize that the kings want to know about their future.
ii. Select the option that best describes Tiger King in the extract.
A. Warrior of warrior
B. hero of heroes
C. champion of champions
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
iii. What did the chief astrologer say about the life of the king?
A.He Can’t be killed
B. He will die one day
C. Both A and B
D. All of the above
Answer: B. He will die one day
iv. What was the one significant thing that happened “O wise prophets!’’ “Everyone stood transfixed in stupefaction.”
Answer: An astonishing phrase emerged from the lips of the ten-day old Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur, “O wise prophets!’’
2 Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. 1*4=4
The chief astrologer took his finger off his nose and fixed his eyes upon the little prince. ‘‘The prince was born in the hour of the Bull. The Bull and the Tiger are enemies, therefore, death comes from the Tiger,’’ he explained. What did the royal infant grow up to be? You may think that crown prince Jung Jung Bahadur was thrown into a quake when he heard the word ‘Tiger’.
That was exactly what did not happen. As soon as he heard it pronounced, the crown prince gave a deep growl. Terrifying words emerged from his lips. ‘‘Let tigers beware!’’
i. What did the astrologer do?
Answer: The chief astrologer took his finger off his nose and fixed his eyes upon the little prince.
ii. What did the astrologer say?
Answer: ‘‘The prince was born in the hour of the Bull. The Bull and the Tiger are enemies, therefore, death comes from the Tiger.”
iii. “As soon as he heard it pronounced, the crown prince gave a deep growl.” What does the phrase “deep growl” mean?
A. Warrior of warrior
B. to utter a deep guttural sound of anger or hostility.
C. spoke peacefully
D. All of the above
Answer: B. to utter a deep guttural sound of anger or hostility.
iv. Terrifying words emerged from his lips…
A. ‘‘Let tigers beware!’’
B. He will not kill tigers
C. He will kill all the tigers
D. Both A and C
Answer: D. Both A and C
3 Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. 1*4=4
Crown prince Jung Jung Bahadur grew taller and stronger day by day. No other miracle marked his childhood days apart from the event already described. The boy drank the milk of an English cow, was brought up by an English nanny, tutored in English by an Englishman, and saw nothing but English films — exactly as the crown princes of all the other Indian states did. When he came of age at twenty, the State, which had been with the Court of Wards until then, came into his hands
i. What was the real name of the king?
Answer: The real name of the king was Jung Jung Bahadur.
ii. When did he become a king?
Answer: The tiger king became a king at the age of 20.
iii. Crown prince Jung Jung Bahadur grew taller and stronger day by day. Is there anything happened to him?
A. No other miracle marked his childhood days
B. The boy drank the milk of an English cow
C. He killed the tigers in his childhood.
D. Both A and B
Answer: D. Both A and B
iv. What exactly the crown prince was doing during his childhood.
A. The boy drank the milk of an English cow
B. was brought up by an English nanny
C. tutored in English
D. All are true
Answer: D. All are true
4. Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. 1*4=4
There were innumerable forests in the Pratibandapuram State. They had tigers in them. The Maharaja knew the old saying, ‘You may kill even a cow in self-defense. There could certainly be no objection to killing tigers in self-defense. The Maharaja started on a tiger hunt. The Maharaja was thrilled beyond measure when he killed his first tiger. He sent for the State astrologer and showed him the dead beast. ‘‘What do you say now?’’ he demanded. ‘‘Your majesty may kill ninety-nine tigers in the same manner. But…’’ the astrologer drawled. ‘‘But what? Speak without fear.’’ “But you must be very careful with the hundredth tiger.’’
i. What was the name of the kingdom?
Answer: Jung Jung Bahadur was the king of the Pratibandapuram State.
ii. What was the old saying?
Answer: ‘You may kill even a cow in self-defense.
iii. There could certainly be no objection to killing tigers in self-defense. What did the writer want to convey?
A. Kings have prerogative to kill the tigers
B. The Maharaja was thrilled beyond measure when he killed his first tiger.
C. He killed the tigers in his childhood.
D. Both A and B
Answer: D. Both A and B
iv. ‘‘Your majesty may kill ninety-nine tigers in the same manner. But…’’ What does it mean?
A. The king must be very careful with the hundredth tiger
B. The kings will be killed by the hundredth tiger.
C. Both A and B
D. All are true
Answer: C. Both A and B
5. Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. 1*4=4
Because he prevented a British officer from fulfilling his desire, the Maharaja stood in danger of losing his kingdom itself. The Maharaja and the dewan held deliberations over this issue. As a result, a telegram was dispatched forthwith to a famous British company of jewelers in Calcutta. ‘Send samples of expensive diamond rings of different designs.’ Some fifty rings arrived. The Maharaja sent the whole lot to the British officer’s good lady. The king and the minister expected the duraisani to choose one or two rings and send the rest back. Within no time at all the duraisani sent her reply: ‘Thank you very much for your gifts.’ In two days a bill for three lakh of rupees came from the British jewellers. The Maharaja was happy that though he had lost three lakh of rupees, he had managed to retain his kingdom
i. What did the king do with the British officer?
Answer: Jung Jung Bahadur prevented a British officer from tiger hunting.
ii. What was the result of not allowing the officer to hunt?
Answer: The Maharaja stood in danger of losing his kingdom.
iii.‘Send samples of expensive diamond rings of different designs.’ What did the writer want to convey?
A. British officer wanted a huge bribe from the king
B. The King and dewans asked to send best jewelery for the wife of the officer
C. They wanted to keep the throne safe.
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
iv. Why did The Maharaja send the whole lot to the British officer’s good lady?
A. The king wanted to save his kingdom by bribing the officer’s wife.
B. The King was afraid as he felt insecure from the tigers.
C. Both A and B
D. All are true
Answer: C. Both A and B
6 Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. 1*4=4
On that day father and son played with that tiny little wooden tiger. It had been carved by an unskilled carpenter. Its surface was rough; tiny slivers of wood stood up like quills all over it. One of those slivers pierced the Maharaja’s right hand. He pulled it out with his left hand and continued to play with the prince. The next day, infection flared in the Maharaja’s right hand. In four days, it developed into a suppurating sore which spread all over the arm. Three famous surgeons were brought in from Madras. After holding a consultation they decided to operate. The
operation took place. The three surgeons who performed it came out of the theatre and announced, “The operation was successful. The Maharaja is dead.” In this manner the hundredth tiger took its final revenge upon the Tiger King.
i. What was the day when the king and the son were playing with the tiny little wooden tiger?
Answer: It was his son’s birthday when the king and the son were playing with the tiny little wooden tiger.
ii. What was the result of playing with the tiny little wooden tiger?
Answer: One of those slivers pierced the Maharaja’s right hand.
iii. ‘The next day, infection flared in the Maharaja’s right hand. ‘ What happened to the king due to infection?
A. The king was treated and nothing happened.
B. The infection got spread and became the cause of the death of the king.
C. Three famous surgeons were brought in from Madras to operate and the operation was successful.
D. Both A and B
Answer: D. Both A and B
iv. “The operation was successful. The Maharaja is dead.” Why did the author use this phrase?
A. The author felt very bad that the king couldn’t be saved.
B. The author wanted to convey that it was a small toy that killed a powerful king!
C. Both A and B
D. All are true
Answer: B. The author wanted to convey that it was a small toy that killed a powerful king!
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