Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022, The Last Chance to Fill Choices Sensibly, has become the most sought-after topic for the teachers and the Govt. The date of participation in the Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022 has been extended many times due to some unavoidable circumstances. Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022 dates have been extended to August 24, 11.59 p.m. Everyone hopes that some positive outcome will be there after each extension of the date of the Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022. HSLA is sincerely trying its best to bring the best from the Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022 for the benefit of the students and teachers’ community. The President, Sh. Satpal Sandhu has put all his efforts into making it the best Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive since its inception in 2016. When it was first introduced in India by the Haryana Govt., it was considered a milestone to improve the teaching atmosphere in Haryana Govt. schools.
Don’t get panicked at the last moment of filling stations(Transfer Drive 2022)
As all of you know, today is the last day to fill in your choices. Therefore, it is natural to have some technical problems on the server part of the transfer drive as it becomes slow due to excess load on the system. There is some chaos due to the fact that the filling is not visible. This is not the problem and you should have full faith in the system as it might not show your choices due to the internet or some other problem with refreshing the page. Therefore, don’t get panicked at the last moment of filling stations(Transfer Drive 2022). Keep in mind that don’t wait for the last second to close the date, as it has happened in previous drives and the candidates went anywhere due to the pending posting of your work. Keep the following points in mind before 11.59 p.m.
- Don’t play with your MIS or filling choices.
- Don’t work till 11.59 p.m.
- It means finishing your work on time.
- Give a final call at 9 p.m.
- Submit your choices before 9 p.m.
- Have good food and sleep.
- Everything will be fine.
- You can’t do that with the demographic problems of teachers.
- So, be positive as we are ready to face the music.
- Don’t get panicked as there are demographic differences in the availability of candidates.
- In some districts, we have more teachers as compared to other districts. Consider yourself a state cadre working in a sanctioned position.
- You are a confirmed employee of the education department. Nothing will happen except the distance from your home.
- SUGAM PORTAL is there if something mishappens, and God is great.
- You have the blessings of your students; therefore, nothing wrong will happen to any of my friends. I hope so, too.
- Wait for the final outcome of the transfer drive in 2022.
- Don’t do “Resume Preferences” or “Add Preferences”. Just log out and log in again to resume your filling of choices in the Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022.
- Live streams, The website is slow due to excessive burden, and most people are working; as it is human psychology, we try something new till the last moment.
- Be on the safe side and finally submit.
- All the best to all your friends.
- Relax with your family and forget it. Just wait.
History of the Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive
The Haryana Govt. introduced the Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive in 2016. There was a lot of confusion among the teachers at that time, and I was also a participant at that time and got online transferred at my opted station. Every new thing is accepted by society with a reservation in the minds of the people, and the same thing happened to the Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive. Slowly, it was accepted by all and the drive was a milestone in the digital progress of Haryana State and, later on, followed by many states as an example.
Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Policy 2016
The government introduced the policy after a long consultation with the educators and administrative office and reached a final draft of the Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Policy 2016. The policy has been revised many times, but some teachers still feel the other way. Both teachers and the government are trying their best to make it a viable document.
Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, School Education
Director Secondary Education, Haryana, Panchkula
Director Elementary Education, Haryana, Panchkula
Dated: 29.6.2016
Sub: Teachers Transfer Policy- 2016 of School Education Department, Haryana In supersession of letter No. 1/71-2015-e.Gov. dated 30.4.2016 the The government has approved the following policy to regulate the Transfers of Teachers working in the School Education Department in Haryana:
To ensure equitable, demand-based distribution of teachers/ Heads to protect the academic interest of students and optimize job satisfaction amongst its employees fairly and transparently.
Main features:
Teachers who are members of State Cadre and District Cadre are liable to be transferred anywhere in the State and anywhere in the District respectively, at any point in time This Transfer Policy shall be applicable w.e.f. academic session 2016-17. The Transfer Policy shall apply to all teaching Cadre Posts including Principals and Headmasters. Posts of Ministerial Cadre, Block Officers, District Officers, Principal DIETs shall not be covered under the policy. The teaching post of Sarthak School, Govt. Model Sanskriti Schools and Aarohi Model Schools will be kept out of the purview of the Teachers Transfer Policy, as these posts are to be filled up through a selection process for ensuring that the)(.teaching faculty so selected is of high caliber and can teach in English
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(v) While effecting transfers, the academic interest of students shall be supreme.
3. Zoning of schools
All Government Schools shall be categorized into the following seven zones for the purpose of transfer of teachers:
Zone 1 Schools are located within the Municipal area of the City of District Headquarters.
i) Periodicity of the transfers General Transfers will be made only once a year, as per the schedule given in para 4(ii) below or as notified by the Government for a given year. However, transfers can be effected by the Government at any time during the year in cases of administrative exigency, transfer of spouses of employees of
Departments/ Organizations of Government of Haryana and Central Government and on compassionate grounds other than those under para 6(iii)
(b). The reasons for transfers under these grounds should be recorded on file.
ii) Time Table: The following schedule shall be followed for various activities every year except the first year in which the online transfer the policy is being implemented:
a) Decision about the opening of new schools, upgradation of schools/section, addition of new subject/streams and redistribution/ rationalization of teaching posts will be done
from 1 st December to 31 st December, every year.
2 Notification of “Actual Vacancies” and “Deemed Vacancies” will be done from 1 st January to 15 January, every year.
Eligible teachers will submit their choice of schools online, from 15 January to 15 February, every year. Transfer orders will be issued from 1 st April to 30th April,
every year.
The qualifying date for actual vacancies deemed vacancies, points calculation, count of stay shall be 30th April every
Transfer/posting to the opted zone/school will not be claimed or treated as a matter of right. Each year vacancies in the schools will be notified. Definition of vacancy and
the deemed vacancy is given in para 7(i). The option once availed and confirmed shall be final and can be changed only under the provisions of this Policy. No male teacher below the age of 50 years shall be posted in a Girl’s School. Unless protected under a provision of this Policy, every teacher completing 5 years continuous stay in a particular school shall be transferred.
(vi) In some cases no option may be received for a “deemed vacancy”. In such a case, the teacher occupying that post will be allowed to continue in the same school for the next tenure of five years, if he/she opts for this. In such a scenario, his/her immediate next option shall stand exhausted and after the completion of his extended tenure, he/she will consider his/her next priority zone and onwards. Such a teacher shall not be allowed to seek transfer before the completion of his/her stretched tenure for the Next Five Years.
Provided that such post is not to be kept vacant as per provisions of para 7(ii) below.
Know more
Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Policy 2016
User Manual for Transfer Preference
The teachers need to follow the guidelines laid by the department before filling their school preferences in the transfer drive.
The following are the steps one must follow while filling out their choices:
Step 1.
Open the School MIS portal or click here to open the page directly.
- First of all log in to your MIS account.
- Do you remember your password?
- If yes, login, otherwise go to forgot password.
- Make your new password.
- Don’t disclose your password to an unknown person.
Step 2.
Users need to login into MIS with their Employee code and
- Keep your password safe and write it somewhere.
Contact me for any guidance on the Transfer Drive.
Step 3.
After Successful Login, click on the Profile correction Request button
then click on Update and Verify profile for further actions.
- Click on the Profile correction button
- Click on Update and verify for further action.
Step 4.
The user would be able to view the Dashboard with an option to select
Transfer Preferences (present on the left side of the screen)
- You will see your dashboard
- Select transfer Preferences
Step 5.
On selecting the Transfer Preferences option, the user will be able to see the
current Transfer Drive details and Add Preferences button.
- After selecting the Transfer Preferences option
- You will see the current Transfer Drive details and Add Preferences button.
- Add Preferences button
Step 6.
On selecting Add Preferences button, the User can select the preference
District and zone-wise.
- After selecting Add Preferences button
- Select your zone
- Before selecting zones, make a manual list and write your preferences after checking your competitor
- Study your list carefully
- Finalise your list manually
- Start filling your choices
- Don’t use your phone for filling the choices.
- Use your laptop or desktop
- Fill maximum station to avoid anywhere option.
Step 7.
Only those vacancies will be visible to the user for which he/she is
- You will be able to see only those vacancies for which you are eligible.
- Fill your stations carefully and properly and countercheck your preferences.
Step 8.
Once the user has added all the preferences, the user needs to select
Save Preferences button is present on the bottom right corner of the
- After filling in the choices, just save your preferences.
- Make a manual list as per the distance from your home.
- First make a list of schools under 10 kilometers
- Then, another list from 11 to 20 km
- This way, you will be able to fill the stations as per the requirement.
Step 9.
In case a user added a Preference by mistake, he/she can remove the
same by selecting the Remove button in front of the added preference.
- After entering all your preferences, check again from your manual list
- Correct if you have made any mistakes.
- Remove the wrong entries
- Again check your list
Step 10.
Further, on selecting the Save Preferences button, the user will be shown
with a success message that Preference is stored. The user will have
to confirm the preferences by selecting the checkbox for
- Save your preferences
- Confirm your selection
- Check the checkbox to finalize your preferences
Step 11.
Permanently save the preferences and select Confirm and Submit
my Preferences button on the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Then save your preferences
- Select the confirm button
- Submit for the final button
- Final submission is on the right side of the user manual
Step 12.
Once the Preferences are saved, the user will be able to view the
following screen with details of saved preference along with the
submission date and time.
- After filling the final submission
- A screen will be shown with the detailed filling of choices
- Final submission and date will be displayed on the screen
Step 13.
If the user clicked on the Resume Preference button, the saved choices
will be unlocked and the user can add/ remove the preferences. In
In this case, users have to select Confirm and Submit my Preferences
button again to submit their preference final otherwise
- If you want to resume preferences button
- Your saved choices will be unlocked
- You can add or delete your choices
- Again, you will have to submit your choices
Important Links for Teachers Transfer Drive
Communication is the best way to discuss and solve the problem of Transfer Drive 2022.

Today is the last day to fill out the final choices of stations by the teachers. Keeping this in mind, everyone should make wise choices, as I previously discussed. We aim to bring the best results for the students of Haryana. Therefore, the union and the government will reach a final agreement to keep the students’ worries in mind. We are all committed to doing our best to protect the academic interests of students, which has been disturbed a lot, and half-yearly exams will commence in September 2022. Therefore, it is my heartily request to all reach a final decision quickly to save the academic session as the matter of transfer drive has become a matter of worry among teachers as they feel that they will be sent somewhere away from their houses. The government has set up the SUGAM PORTAL to address any issues that arose during the transfer. So, let’s be positive and allow the driver to go ahead smoothly, as time is a great healer and makes us more wise and experienced.
Negotiations and movements are going on simultaneously between the government and HSLA.
Negotiations and movements are going on simultaneously between the government and HSLA. HSLA and other unions are also doing their best to bring the best outcome from the teachers’ transfer drive in 2022. The HSLA president is putting his last efforts to satisfy the requirements of all teachers, and teachers are also positive towards the government and union.
By HSLAWe are all one and we have to take care of our students, whose rights must be on top irrespective of any communication gap. The Education Minister, Sh. Kanwar Pal is also trying his best to talk to the teachers, and we hope that he will do the best for students under the guidance of the Honourable Chief Minister of Haryana Govt., Sh. Manohar Lal Khattar.
Latest updates on Haryana Teachers’ Transfer Drive 2022
The following are the latest updates regarding teachers’ transfer drive 2022.
List of Eligible Candidates
District-wise Number of Vacancies
School-wise list of vacancies
Appeal to all teachers and government
Protect Students’ Academic Rights. Lets us work together to make Haryana No. 1.
Jai Hind , Jai Bharat, Jai Education, Jai Teachers, and Jai HSLA.
25/08/2022 Transfer Drive Button(Sample only)