
HBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023 Answer Key Set A

HBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023 Answer Key Set A

HBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023 Answer Key Set A will assist you in determining your final HBSE Class 12 English exam score. constantly offers the greatest academic solution for pupils in school. The majority of the questions in HBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023 Answer Key Set A stem from the various topics we reviewed before the examination and are organised into the 14 most significant questions. These questions have been published as an eBook for students in grades 12.

Check your answers with ReadlearnExcel’s HBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023 Answer Key Set A. The solution to these question papers will benefit the upcoming class of 12 in 2024. Therefore, the students of ongoing class 12 should mark the articles on the answer key for future reference.

HBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023 Answer Key Set A


For All Groups


Time allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 80

Note: Students will get the answer key of all 14 questions appeared in HBSE Class 12 English (Core) 2023 Final examination. Let us solve the questions.


(Reading Skills)

Question 1. Reading Comprehension


(i) (c) on seasons

(ii) (d) all of the above

(iii) (b) 4

(iv) (d) Progress


(i) (a) Speech

(ii) (d) They produce sounds and symbols

(iii) (d) All of the above

(iv) (b) words

Question 2. Note-Making


Title: Importance of Plants

A. Plants provide us with fruits and vegetables

A.1 tree provide fruits

A.2. plants give stems, leaves, and flowers, from roots

A.3. Provide grains like pulses, grams, beans

A.4. Food like carrot, radish, beetroot, turnip, sweet potatoes

B. Fruits are eaten as leaves

B.1.1. leafy vegetable as spinach, cabbage, and mustard.

B.1.2. food products such as liquid sunflower, jasmine

B.1.3. Apples, oranges, and bananas from trees.

B.1.4. Seeds are eaten as almonds. walnuts, cashew nuts.

B.1.5. This Means all parts of the trees are eaten by humans.


  1. sunflowers: sunflower.
  2. almonds: almond.
  3. cabbage: cab.


(Grammar/Writing Skills)

Question 3.

(a) correct Forms of Verbs

(i) go

(ii) caught

(iii) Have been suffering

(b) Change Narration

(i) The teacher said that Quinine tastes bitter.

(ii) She told her mother that Ganga is a holy river.

(iii) The electrician warned not to touch the live wire.

(c) Suitable Articles

(i) the

(ii) An

(iii) a

(d) Change of Voice

(i) Take risk now.

(ii) Are holidays not being declared by them?

(iii) The principal has been honoured by teachers.

(e) Modals

(i) must

(ii) must

(iii) will

Question 4. Notice, Advertisements, Poster

(a) Notice

Annual Sports Meet

Govt. Girls Senior Secondary School, Silana, is organizing its annual sports meet on March 15 in the school sports complex. There will be different teams from different houses, and the winning teams will be awarded cash prizes. Therefore, students who want to participate in sports should give their names to the undersigned.


Sports Secretary

(b) Advertisement


Important File Containing Important Documents

I lost a file containing important certificates for Class 12 and my graduation degree on the Jhajjar bus stand. This file also contains some other documents. The finder will be given a treat. Contact the undersigned:


Mobile No: 4567890

(c) Poster

Poster for exams Hbse q no 4 2023

Question 5
(a) Write a report on ” An eye-witnessed chain snatching incident held in the last week.


Yesterday, I was in the market to purchase some household items. Suddenly, I saw a chain snatcher come on the bike and snatched a gold chain from a woman who had come to market with her friends. This incident happened at 5 p.m. when there was a big crowd in the Jhajjar market.

The police reached the scene, but the chain snatcher had already fled. It was the seventh such incident in 10 days when two men on bikes allegedly stole a woman’s gold necklace from her as she walked home.

After a case was filed, the police said they were looking at CCTV footage to find the criminal. According to the police, the accused are typically young people on bikes who approach the victim before the pillion rider snags the chain and the rider speeds off.

The police were investigating the case when this report was written.

(b) Paragraph on: Cheating in Exams

Have you ever thought about what will happen to students whose futures depend on cheating in exams? Cheating has become a serious issue, and for some time it has become a question of prestige for some students and people. Instead of discouraging the students, they encourage them by putting pressure on them to score more marks. Unfortunately, some other circumstances, like showing to the neighbors and peer pressure to score, have also contributed to cheating in the exams. Cheating in exams has almost spoiled the children, which is unfortunate. Society and the administration should step forward to help the students get out of such a nuisance. Thus, the government must take strict action to stop cheating in examinations.

Question 6. You are Harsh/Harshita, living at Amar Nagar, Rajpura. The unsanitary condition of your street has made life worse than hell. Write a letter to the Sanitary Inspector of the Municipal Committee requesting him to take necessary steps so that the people may lead a healthy life.


H.No. 5

Amar Nagar


Date: March 15, 2023

The Sanitary Inspector

Municipal Committee


Subject: Insanitary Conditions in the locality

Respected Sir

I want to draw your kind attention to the unsanitary condition of our street, which has made life worse than hell for the people of the Amar Nagar colony. People are living with open manholes, overflowed drainage, and uncleaned streets.

With this letter, I want to bring your attention to the unsanitary conditions in the Amar Nagar colony, where people are forced to live with open manholes that make the colony smell bad and make it hard for people to breathe. The elderly and children face breathing problems. The straw animals move freely in the colony, and no sweeper comes to clean the street. The sewer system is choked, wastewater is coming out and spreading in front of the houses, and people are not able to enter their houses due to waterlogging in the street.

We expect that you will listen to our complaints and ask the sweepers and sewer people to clean the manholes and streets. The locals will be extremely appreciative of your positive action.


Yours sincerely


Question 7

It was not more than half an hour before they heard
the sound of carriage wheels outside the forge, and a new
guest came in, but this time it was not the ironmaster. He
had sent his daughter, apparently hoping that she would
have better powers of persuasion than he himself.
She entered, followed by a valet, carrying on his arm a
big fur coat. She was not at all pretty, but seemed modest
and quite shy.

(i). Who came as ‘a new guest’?

Ans. The new guest is captain, the rattrap seller.

(ii). Who are ‘they’ who heard the sound of carriage?

Ans. The ironmaster and his daughter.

(iii). Name the chapter from which these lines have been taken.

Ans. Name the chapter is The Rattrap.

(iv). Who is the writer of these lines?

Ans. Selma Lagerlof is the writer.


Yes. Because I consider myself a
university professor who writes novels on Sundays.
It’s not a joke. I participate in academic conferences
and not meetings of Pen Clubs and writers. I
identify myself with the academic community.
But okay, if they [most people] have read only the
novels… (laughs and shrugs). I know that by writing
novels, I reach a larger audience. I cannot expect
to have one million readers with stuff on semiotics

(i). What is the name of the chapter?

Ans. The name of the chapter is The Interview.

(ii). Who is the ‘I’ in the above passage?

Ans. Umberto Eco.

(iii). What does the narrator consider himself?

Ans. The narrator considers himself a University Professor.

(iv). What do you mean by the word ‘audience’ here?

Ans. The audience here are the readers of his novel.

(v). Who laughs and shrugs?

Ans. Umberto Eco.

Question 8. What changes did the order from Berlin cause that day?


In the chapter “The Last Lesson,” Alphonse Daudet explains the conditions after the war. The French lost the war to the Purrsians. Therefore, Berlin issued an order to stop the teaching of French in Alsace and Lorraine. The author explains his views through the French teacher, M. Hamel. He started his lecture by saying, “My children, this is the last lesson.” Berlin has issued an order to stop teaching French in schools as German is going to be taught in schools from tomorrow onwards.

The order from Berlin compelled M. Hamel to deliver his last lesson in French. He had been teaching French for forty years at the school. The teacher came to school in his green coat to deliver his last lesson. Villagers were there to thank him for his long service to his nation as a French teacher.

Everybody was looking sad. The author also felt sorry for not learning French. The teacher explained the importance of the French language, and he praised French as being the best language in the world. He asked the people to defend the French language. He became emotional at the end and couldn’t speak his last words. Therefore, the orders from Berlin affected a lot in two districts of France.


Question: How did William Douglas overcome his fear of water?

Douglas recounts a childhood experience of terror and his conquering of it as he wanted the readers to wipe out their terror of childhood. Everyone can have a childhood fear that they will always face throughout life. William Douglas started his journey of learning to swim at the Y.M.C.A. as it was safer than the Yakima River, which was “treacherous”.

The author got a pair of water wings and went to the pool. The author’s fear of water started when he was three and the waves knocked him down, almost drowning him. Thus, finally, the author wants to understand what Roosevelt said: “All we have to fear is fear itself.”

We soon discovered that there was nothing like that. As a result, age can play a role in instilling fear in children, and once they reach adulthood, such fear fades away. As a result, such fears are fictitious, and we must share the truth with our children to eliminate their childhood apprehension. As a result, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Question 9. Answer any five of the following in a sentence or two:

(i) What is the complete name of Saheb? What is the contrast in his name and what he is in reality?

His full name is ‘Saheb-e-Alam’, and he doesn’t know the meaning of his name. He roams the streets collecting garbage with his friends. It means God but he is a poor by.

(ii). Why did Gandhiji agree to a settlement of 25 percent refund to the farmers?

Champaran Movement became a symbol of Indian Independence. Gandhi agreed to a settlement of a 25 percent refund to the farmers as he explained, “The real relief for them is to be free from fear.” Mahatma Gandhi helped the Indian farmers to come out of the fear of English landlords who used to exploit the sharecroppers of Champaran. Therefore, Gandhi knew the importance of courage in fighting against the exploitation of landlords.

(iii). How and why do people in Firozabad lose the brightness of their eye/eyesight?

Anees Jung explains how our traditions cause us to be poor and illiterate, as in the case of Mukesh, who aspires to be a car mechanic like any other normal family boy. His entire family has worked in the glass industry for many generations and has always been exploited by middlemen. The bangle makers live in houses with low lighting, and most people lose their eyesight as a result of the furnace’s excessive heat and low lighting.

(iv). What is the example of national integration that the author refers to in ‘Poets and Pancakes’

The makeup of the Gemini Studios was considered a symbol of national integration. The author, Asokamitron, explicated the Gemini Studios as a place full of national integration feelings. The make-up department was first headed by a Bengali who became too big for a studio and left. He was succeeded by a Maharashtrian who was assisted by a Dharwar Kannadiga, an Andhra, a Madras Indian Christian, an Anglo-Burmese, and the usual local Tamils. All this shows that there was a great deal of national integration. People of different states and religions were working in Gemini Studios, and thus, the make-up room was a symbol of unity in diversity.

(v). Did Sophie really meet Danny Casey? Explain a little in two or three lines.

Sophie did not actually meet Danny Casey. To get the attention of her brother, Geoff, she made up the tale of her encounter with Danny Casey.

(vi). What do understand by the expression ‘thumbprints on his pipe’?

“Thumbprints on his windpipe” means to block or throttle suffocating someone by putting pressure on his throat. Saul Bellow makes use of this expression to cite the pressure and stiffness felt by the celebrity while being interviewed.

(vii). What idea came to peddler’s mind when he was thinking of his own rattraps?

One day, the peddler was thinking of his rattraps, and suddenly he structured an idea: “The whole world was nothing but a big rattrap.” As a result, he was forced to engage in both begging and petty thievery to keep his body and soul together. He was a man with torn clothes, sunken cheeks, and hungry eyes, which reflected his state of poverty. Therefore, he considers the whole world to be like a rattrap. Selma Lagerlof explains her idea that a bad man can be turned into a good human being if we treat the person with a human touch.

Question. Sure-Shot Questions from the author desk from Flamingo

Most of the questions have appeared from the above article.

Section-C  :11 Marks

(B) Main Reader (Poetry)

Question 10. Read the stanza below and answer the questions that follows: 

Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
out of their homes, but after the airport’s
security check, standing a few yards

away, I looked again at her, wan,pale
as a late winter’s moon and felt that old

familiar ache

(i). What did the poet look out?

Ans. The young trees amd merry children.

(ii). Who is the poet of these lines?

Ans. kamla Das is the poet.

(iii). Who looked at whom?

Ans. The poetess looked at her mother.

(iv). What was the old familiar ache?

Ans. The fear of loosing her mother is old familiar ache.

(v). At what distance was the poet standing?

Ans. The poet was standing few yards away.


Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,

(i). Name the poem and the poet.

Ans. John keats is the name of the poet.

(ii). What does the word ‘morrow’ means in the poem..

Ans. It means morning.

(iii). What type of days does the poet talk about?

Ans. The poet talks about the gloomy days or dark days.

(iv). What binds us to the earth? 

Ans. A flowery band binds us to the earth.

(v). What ‘dearth’ is the poem taliking about?

Ans. The poet talks about inhumanity.

Question 11. Answer two of the following questions:

(i). Do you think that the poet has used the expression ‘sour cream’ to descrobe the classroom in the poem, An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum?

The poem portrays a dilapidated and inadequate classroom in a slum, where children are struggling to learn in a difficult environment. The imagery used in the poem includes cracked walls, broken desks, and a chalkboard that is barely visible. The overall tone of the poem is one of despair and frustration, as the speaker laments the lack of resources and opportunities for the children in the slum.

(ii). Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death in the poem Keeping Quiet ?

No, the poet Pablo Neruda does not advocate for total inactivity and death in his poem “Keeping Quiet.” Instead, the poem encourages people to take a moment to pause, reflect, and connect with others in a peaceful and meaningful way. The poem emphasizes the importance of silence and stillness as a way to transcend individual concerns and embrace a sense of unity with others and the natural world.

(iii). What is the central idea of the poem, ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’?


“Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” is a poem by Adrienne Rich that explores the themes of gender roles and oppression. The central idea of the poem is the contrast between Aunt Jennifer’s current life as a passive, powerless wife and her imagined ideal life as a free, bold creator.

Through the image of Aunt Jennifer’s embroidered tigers, the poem suggests that she finds solace and empowerment in her art, which allows her to express her desires for a life of freedom and strength. The tigers are described as “proud and unafraid” and “prancing,” in stark contrast to Aunt Jennifer’s own timid and fearful demeanor.

The poem also highlights the ways in which patriarchal society oppresses women like Aunt Jennifer, trapping them in traditional gender roles and denying them opportunities for self-expression and independence. Aunt Jennifer’s marriage is portrayed as a burden that weighs her down and stifles her creativity.

Overall, the poem conveys a powerful message about the struggles of women in a male-dominated society and the importance of artistic expression as a means of resistance and empowerment.

Question 12. How did Derry get attracted towards Mr. lamb? 

In the chapter “The Face of It” in Vistas, Derry is initially wary and defensive towards Mr. Lamb, a kind old man who tries to befriend him. However, as they spend more time together, Derry begins to feel a connection with Mr. Lamb and becomes attracted to his warm and understanding personality.

Mr. Lamb is patient and non-judgmental, listening to Derry’s concerns and offering advice and support without imposing his own views on him. Through their conversations, Derry begins to see Mr. Lamb as a father figure, someone who cares about him and is willing to help him through his struggles.

Derry’s attraction to Mr. Lamb is therefore based on his genuine kindness and concern, as well as his ability to offer guidance and support in a way that Derry has not experienced before. Ultimately, their relationship becomes a source of comfort and healing for Derry, helping him to overcome his emotional pain and face the challenges of life with greater resilience.


In the chapter “The Tiger King” in Vistas, the Maharaja of Pratibandapuram is determined to hunt and kill one hundred tigers in order to surpass the record of his grandfather and become known as the greatest tiger hunter in India. However, he quickly realizes that the number of tigers in the region has dwindled due to hunting and habitat destruction.

To find the required number of tigers, the Maharaja orders his officials to go to neighboring states and purchase tigers from other hunters. He also offers rewards and incentives to local villagers to bring him any tigers they may have captured or killed.

When his attempts to hunt enough tigers fail, the Maharaja decides to marry the daughter of his enemy, the Maharaja of Pachamba, in the hopes of receiving tigers as a dowry. The Maharaja of Pachamba, eager to rid himself of his daughter and improve his relationship with the Maharaja of Pratibandapuram, agrees to the marriage and sends the Maharaja several tigers as gifts.

Question 13.

1. What was the aim of ‘Students on Ice’ programme?

The aim of the ‘Students on Ice’ program, as described in the chapter “Journey to the End of the Earth” in the Vistas textbook, is to provide young people with the opportunity to experience and learn about the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The program aims to promote greater awareness and understanding of these fragile ecosystems and to inspire the next generation of environmental leaders and advocates. Through experiential learning and engagement with scientists and Indigenous communities, participants gain a deeper appreciation of the natural world and the urgent need for conservation and sustainability efforts.

2. How does Charley define ‘a first day cover’ in the chapter The Third Level? 
In the chapter “The Third Level” in the Vistas textbook, Charley defines a “first day cover” as an envelope with a stamp that has been cancelled on the first day of its issue, with the goal of preserving the stamp’s historical significance and rarity. Charley is a stamp collector and describes his love for collecting stamps and first day covers as a way to escape the pressures of the modern world and explore a different time and place.
3. What did Dr. Sadao and his wife do with the enemy
In the story “The Enemy” by Pearl S. Buck, Dr. Sadao and his wife Hana find an injured American prisoner of war washed up on the shore near their home in Japan during World War II. Despite the risks, Dr. Sadao chooses to operate on the soldier and save his life, aided by Hana and their loyal servant, the old retainer.

However, the couple faces a dilemma as they cannot turn the soldier over to the authorities without putting him at risk of execution, nor can they keep him hidden in their home without being caught by the Japanese authorities themselves. After much debate, Dr. Sadao and Hana make the difficult decision to help the soldier escape to safety, with the help of some trusted friends and a fishing boat.

The story portrays the complexity of morality and loyalty during wartime, and the humanity that can emerge even amidst great conflict and division.

4. Why was Evans called ‘Evans the Break’?
In the chapter “Evans Tries an O-Level” in the Vistas textbook, Evans is a notorious criminal known as “Evans the Break” because of his ability to escape from prison multiple times. He is brought back to prison to serve out his sentence, but he sees an opportunity to escape again when he learns that he will be sitting for an O-level exam in English.

Evans believes that if he can pass the exam, he can convince the authorities to transfer him to a less secure prison where he can more easily escape. He manages to smuggle in notes and materials to help him cheat, but his plan is foiled by the quick thinking of the invigilator, who sees through his scheme and ensures that he fails the exam.

The story highlights the ingenuity and desperation of a criminal who will go to great lengths to regain his freedom, as well as the determination and integrity of those who uphold the law and seek to prevent such escape attempts.

Question 14. (i). (a) racial prejudice

(ii) (c) university

(iii) (b) Clare


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