
Memories of Childhood: Complete NCERT Solution 12th English

Memories of Childhood: Complete NCERT Solution 12th English

Memories of Childhood: The Complete NCERT Solution for 12th Grade English will give you the best answer to the summary, textual questions, and answers, extra-small questions, reading comprehension, writing skills, and long answer questions all in one article. The book “Memories of Childhood,” written by Zitkala-Sa and Bama, exposes orthodox society’s discrimination against highly educated women from all countries. In this article, Readlearnexcel provides you with the ultimate NCERT solution for class 12 students.

Table of Contents

Complete Details About the Authors of “Memories of Childhood”

The first account is by an American Indian woman born in the late nineteenth century. Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, born in 1876, was an extraordinarily talented and educated Native American woman who struggled and triumphed in a time when severe prejudice prevailed towards Native American culture and women. As a writer, she adopted the pen name “Zitkala-Sa” and in 1900 began publishing articles criticising the Carlisle Indian School. In her writings, she criticised dogma, and as a Native American woman, she spent her whole life fighting against the wrongs of oppression.

The second is by a contemporary Tamil Dalit writer. Bama is the pen name of a Tamil Dalit woman from a Roman Catholic family. She has published three main works: an autobiography, “Karukkue pen-name of a Tamil Dalit woman from a Roman Catholic family. She has published three main works: an autobiography, “Karukku,” in 1992; a novel, “Sangatioman from a Roman Catholic family. She has published three main works: an autobiography, “Karukku,” in 1992; a novel, “Sangati,” in 1994; and a collection of short stories, “Kisumbukkaarann works: an autobiography, “Karukku,” in 1992; a novel, “Sangati,” in 1994; and a collection of short stories, “Kisumbukkaaran,” in 1996. The following excerpt has been taken from “Karukku.” Karukku means “palmyra” leaves, which, with their serrated edges on both sides, are like double-edged swords.

“Memories of Childhood”: Complete Summary NCERT Class 12 English

The summary and MCQs in “Memories of Childhood” help the students understand the main ideas in the chapter, and the answers to the questions become easy for them. Memories of Childhood: Summary and MCQ of Class 12 English Vistas “Memories of Childhood,” written by Whicand Bama, presents autobiographical episodes from two women who belong to marginalised communities and look back on their childhoods and reflect on their relationship with mainstream culture.

Discrimination against Women in India and America: “Memories of Childhood”

The book “Memories of Childhood,” written by Zitkala-Sa and Bama, exposes orthodox society’s discrimination against highly educated women from all countries. America and India are the two biggest democracies in the world. America is considered the most developed country in the world, and India is a developing country where caste discrimination still prevails. On the other hand, American society is considered mature, but discrimination still prevails, even against native Americans with a high academic record. “The Memories of Childhood” is divided into two parts. The first part belongs to an American Indian woman born in the late nineteenth century who adopted the pen name “Zitkala-Sa.” The other part tells us about the Tamil Dalit writer Bama, the pen-name of a woman from a Roman Catholic family.

Detailed Summary: ‘The Cutting of My Long Hair’ of “Memories of Childhood”

The Cutting of My Long Hair, from the book “Memories of Childhood,” is written by Zitkala-Sa. In this extract, Zitkala- Sa explains her painful experience at an American school. She describes her painful experience at an American school. She belonged to the family of warriors who took pride in keeping long and thick hair. She was admitted to the school where her hair was cut.

It was painful for a woman like her to be terrified of such a heinous crime. She tried her best to save her hair and struggled a lot to save herself from such humiliation. “No, I will not submit! “I will struggle first!” she protested. She further explains with apathy that nobody came there to help her and she suffered “extreme indignities.” My long hair was shingled like a coward’s. She cried for help from her mother, but she didn’t. She further explains that she is now like an animal driven by a herder.

Full Summary: ‘We Too Are Human Beings’ of “Memories of Childhood”

Bama is a contemporary Tamil Dalit writer. Bama is the pen name of a Tamil Dalit woman from a Roman Catholic family. She tells us how the people of her caste have to be discriminated against by the zamindars of the area. They considered them untouchable and not related equally. She further describes that one day when she was coming home from school, she saw a very strange incident where the zamindar was sitting on a stone watching the people of low caste.

Bama saw a man of their caste coming towards him with a packet in his hand in such a way that it shouldn’t touch his fingers. He handed over the packet to Zamindar with full respect and bowed down. She took the incident lightly and discussed the matter at home with her brother, who told her that it was an insulting gesture by the higher caste people. Bama became serious about this after hearing this from his brother. She feels that “we too are human beings,” which means that people should not insult low-caste people. Her brother advised her to work hard to shine in life, and then people would respect her. She followed his advice, and one day she became a famous writer. “Because we are born into this community.” “We are never given any honour, dignity, or respect; we are stripped of all that.” “But if we study and make progress, we can throw away these indignities.” Bama later wrote that “as Annan had urged, I stood first in my class.” And because of that, many people became my friends.

Therefore, we can say that these two incidents happened in different cultures, but the one thing that was common between them is that discrimination still prevails in our society, irrespective of our country. There is a big difference between the cultures of India and the USA, but one thing is common: we never respect low-caste people.

“Memories of Childhood” Summary NCERT Class 12 English in Hindi by Google Translation

ज़िटकला-सा और बामा द्वारा लिखित “बचपन की यादें”, दो महिलाओं से आत्मकथात्मक एपिसोड प्रस्तुत करती हैं जो हाशिए पर रहने वाले समुदायों से संबंधित हैं जो अपने बचपन को देखते हैं और मुख्यधारा की संस्कृति के साथ अपने संबंधों को दर्शाते हैं। सारांश यह समझने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है कि सामंती समाज कैसे कार्य करता है, इसमें लेखकों की दिलचस्पी नहीं है।

“बचपन की यादें” के लेखकों के बारे में

पहला खाता उन्नीसवीं सदी के अंत में पैदा हुई एक अमेरिकी भारतीय महिला का है। 1876 ​​​​में पैदा हुए गर्ट्रूड सीमन्स बोनिन एक असाधारण रूप से प्रतिभाशाली और शिक्षित मूल अमेरिकी महिला थीं, जिन्होंने ऐसे समय में संघर्ष किया और जीत हासिल की जब मूल अमेरिकी संस्कृति और महिलाओं के प्रति गंभीर पूर्वाग्रह व्याप्त था। एक लेखिका के रूप में, उन्होंने “ज़िटकला-सा” उपनाम अपनाया और 1900 में कार्लिस्ले इंडियन स्कूल की आलोचना करते हुए लेख प्रकाशित करना शुरू किया। अपने लेखन में, उन्होंने हठधर्मिता की आलोचना की, और एक मूल अमेरिकी महिला के रूप में, उन्होंने अपना पूरा जीवन उत्पीड़न के अन्याय के खिलाफ लड़ने में बिताया।

दूसरा एक समकालीन तमिल दलित लेखक का है। बामा एक रोमन कैथोलिक परिवार की एक तमिल दलित महिला का उपनाम है। उन्होंने तीन मुख्य रचनाएँ प्रकाशित की हैं: एक आत्मकथा, ‘करुक्कू’, 1992; एक उपन्यास, ‘संगति’, 1994; और लघु कथाओं का एक संग्रह, ‘किसुंबुककरन’, 1996। निम्नलिखित अंश “करुक्कू” से लिया गया है। कारुक्कू का अर्थ है ‘पलमायरा’ के पत्ते, जो दोनों तरफ अपने दाँतेदार किनारों के साथ, दोधारी तलवार की तरह होते हैं।

“बचपन की यादें” सारांश एनसीईआरटी कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी

ज़िटकला-सा और बामा द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक “मेमोरीज़ ऑफ़ चाइल्डहुड”, सभी देशों की उच्च शिक्षित महिलाओं के प्रति रूढ़िवादी समाज के भेदभाव को उजागर करती है। अमेरिका और भारत दुनिया के दो सबसे बड़े लोकतंत्र हैं। अमेरिका को दुनिया का सबसे विकसित देश माना जाता है और भारत एक विकासशील देश है जहां अभी भी जातिगत भेदभाव है। दूसरी ओर, अमेरिकी समाज को परिपक्व माना जाता है, लेकिन उच्च शैक्षणिक रिकॉर्ड वाले मूल अमेरिकियों के खिलाफ भी भेदभाव अभी भी कायम है। “बचपन की यादें” दो भागों में विभाजित है। पहला भाग उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी के उत्तरार्ध में पैदा हुई एक अमेरिकी भारतीय महिला का है, जिसने ‘ज़िटकला-सा’ उपनाम अपनाया था। दूसरा भाग हमें तमिल दलित लेखक बामा के बारे में बताता है, जो रोमन कैथोलिक परिवार की एक महिला का उपनाम है।

“बचपन की यादें” के पहले भाग ‘द कटिंग ऑफ माई लॉन्ग हेयर’ का सारांश

“मेमोरीज़ ऑफ़ चाइल्डहुड” पुस्तक से द कटिंग ऑफ़ माई लॉन्ग हेयर, ज़िटकला-सा द्वारा लिखी गई है। वह एक अमेरिकी स्कूल में अपने दर्दनाक अनुभव का वर्णन करती है। वह उन योद्धाओं के परिवार से ताल्लुक रखती थी जो लंबे और घने बाल रखने में गर्व महसूस करते थे। उसे उस स्कूल में भर्ती कराया गया जहां उसके बाल काटे गए थे। उसके जैसी महिला के लिए इस तरह के जघन्य अपराध से घबराना दर्दनाक था। उसने अपने बालों को बचाने की पूरी कोशिश की और खुद को इस तरह के अपमान से बचाने के लिए बहुत संघर्ष किया। “नहीं, मैं नहीं मानूंगी! “मैं पहले संघर्ष करूंगी!” उसने विरोध किया। वह उदासीनता के साथ आगे बताती है कि कोई भी उसकी मदद करने के लिए नहीं आया और उसे “अत्यधिक आक्रोश” का सामना करना पड़ा। मेरे लंबे बाल कायरों की तरह झड़ गए थे। वह रोती थी अपनी माँ से मदद की, लेकिन उसने नहीं किया। वह आगे बताती है कि वह अब एक चरवाहे द्वारा चलाए गए जानवर की तरह है।

“बचपन की यादें” के दूसरे भाग ‘हम भी इंसान हैं’ का सारांश

बामा एक समकालीन तमिल दलित लेखक हैं। बामा एक रोमन कैथोलिक परिवार की एक तमिल दलित महिला का उपनाम है। वह हमें बताती हैं कि किस तरह उनकी जाति के लोगों के साथ क्षेत्र के जमींदारों द्वारा भेदभाव किया जाता है। वे उन्हें अछूत मानते थे और समान रूप से संबंधित नहीं थे। वह आगे बताती है कि एक दिन जब वह स्कूल से घर आ रही थी, तो उसने एक बहुत ही अजीब घटना देखी, जहां जमींदार एक पत्थर पर बैठकर नीची जाति के लोगों को देख रहा था। बामा ने देखा कि उनकी जाति का एक व्यक्ति उनके हाथ में एक पैकेट इस तरह से आ रहा है कि वह उनकी उंगलियों को नहीं छूना चाहिए। उन्होंने पूरे सम्मान के साथ पैकेट जमींदार को सौंप दिया और नतमस्तक हो गए। उसने इस घटना को हल्के में लिया और अपने भाई के साथ घर पर इस मामले पर चर्चा की, जिसने उसे बताया कि यह उच्च जाति के लोगों का अपमानजनक इशारा था। अपने भाई की यह बात सुनकर बामा गंभीर हो गए। वह महसूस करती है, “हम भी इंसान हैं,” जिसका अर्थ है कि लोगों को नीची जाति के लोगों का अपमान नहीं करना चाहिए। उसके भाई ने उसे जीवन में चमकने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करने की सलाह दी और तब लोग उसका सम्मान करेंगे। उसने उसकी सलाह मानी और एक दिन वह एक प्रसिद्ध लेखिका बन गई। “क्योंकि हम इस समुदाय में पैदा हुए हैं।” हमें कभी कोई सम्मान, सम्मान या सम्मान नहीं दिया जाता है; हमसे वह सब छीन लिया गया है। लेकिन अगर हम अध्ययन करें और प्रगति करें, तो हम इन अपमानों को दूर कर सकते हैं। ” बामा ने बाद में लिखा कि “जैसा अन्नान ने आग्रह किया था, मैं अपनी कक्षा में प्रथम स्थान पर रहा।” और उसके कारण, बहुत से लोग मेरे मित्र बन गए।

इसलिए, हम कह सकते हैं कि ये दोनों घटनाएं अलग-अलग संस्कृतियों में हुईं, लेकिन एक बात जो उनके बीच सामान्य थी, वह यह कि हमारे देश में भेदभाव अभी भी हमारे समाज में व्याप्त है। भारत और संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका की संस्कृतियों में बहुत बड़ा अंतर है, लेकिन एक बात आम तौर पर: हम कभी भी निम्न जाति के लोगों का सम्मान नहीं करते हैं।

Main Points to Rememeber: Helps Students to Solve all the Questions of NCERT Book

  • Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, who was born in 1876, was a Native American woman with a lot of talent and education.
  • Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, and the pen name is Zitkala-Sa.
  • She fought against the widespread prejudice against Native American culture and women.
  • Tamil Dalit writer Bama is the pen name of a Tamil Dalit woman from a Roman Catholic family.
  • The Cutting of My Long Hair, from the book “Memories of Childhood,” is written by Zitkala-Sa.
  • Zitkala-Sa explains her painful experience at an American school.
  • She belonged to a family of warriors who took pride in keeping long and thick hair.
  • She was admitted to the school where her hair was cut.
  • She explains that she is now like an animal driven by a herder.
  • Bama saw a man of their caste coming towards him with a packet in his hand in such a way that it shouldn’t touch his fingers.
  • She feels that “we too are human beings,” which means that people should not insult low-caste people.
  • “Because we are born into this community.”
  • “We are never given any honour, dignity, or respect; we are stripped of all that.”
  • “But if we study and make progress, we can throw away these indignities.”
  • “Bama later wrote that “as Annan had urged, I stood first in my class.”
  • Therefore, we can say that these two incidents happened in different cultures, but the one thing that was common between them is that discrimination still prevails in our society, irrespective of our country. There is a big difference between the cultures of India and the USA, but one thing is common: we never respect low-caste people.

Reading Comprehension Skills of Memories of Childhood: Complete NCERT Solution 12th English

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

The first day in the land of apples was a bitter-cold one; for the snow still covered the ground, and the trees were bare. A large bell rang for breakfast, its loud metallic voice crashing through the belfry overhead and into our sensitive ears. The annoying clatter of shoes on bare floors gave us no peace. The constant clash of harsh noises, with an undercurrent of many voices murmuring an unknown tongue, made a bedlam within which I was securely tied. And though my spirit tore itself in struggling for its lost freedom, all was useless.

Q.1. How did Zitkala-Sa describe the surroundings of her school?


Q.2. How did the breakfast start in Zitkala-Sa’s school?


Q.3. “its loud metallic voice crashing through the belfry overhead and into our sensitive ears.” What does Zitkala-Sa want to convey in this line?


Q.4. What disturbed her peace of mind in the school mess?


Q.5 What did Zitkala-Sa dislike most about her school?


Q.6. “a place, scene, or situation that is full of noise and confusion” is the meaning of which word in the passage?


Q.7. What does the phrase “annoying clatter” mean in “Memories of Childhood”?


Q.8. Write the antonyms of “sensitive.”


2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

“No, I will not submit! I will struggle first!” I answered. I watched my chance, and when no one noticed, I disappeared. I crept up the stairs as quietly as I could in my squeaking shoes, — my moccasins had been exchanged for shoes. Along the hall I passed, without knowing whither I was going. Turning aside to an open door, I found a large room with three white beds in it. The
windows were covered with dark green curtains, which made the room very dim. Thankful that no one was there, I directed my steps toward the corner farthest from the door. On my hands and knees I crawled under the bed, and huddled myself in the dark corner.

Q. 1. Who is “I” here in the above passage?

Ans. Zitkala-Sa

Q.2: Why was Zitkala-Sa struggling?

Ans. Zitkala-Sa was struggling to save her hair.

Q.3. What did Zitkala-Sa do when no one noticed?

Ans. Zitkala-Sa disappeared when no one noticed her.

Q.4: Where did she hide herself?

Ans. Zitkala-Sa hid herself in a large room with windows covered with dark green curtains.

Q.5. How were windows covered in the room where Zitkala-Sa hid herself?

Ans. Windows were covered with dark green curtains.

Q.6. Who was present in the room?

Ans. There was no one in the room.

Q.7. Why did Zitkala-Sa crawl to hide?

Ans. Zitkala-Sa crawled to hide as the bed height was very low.

Q.8. Write the passage word that is the same as “hide.”

Ans. Huddled

I cried aloud, shaking my head all the while until I felt
the cold blades of the scissors against my neck, and heard
them gnaw off one of my thick braids. Then I lost my spirit.
Since the day I was taken from my mother I had suffered
extreme indignities. People had stared at me. I had been
tossed about in the air like a wooden puppet. And now my
long hair was shingled like a coward’s! In my anguish I
moaned for my mother, but no one came to comfort me.
Not a soul reasoned quietly with me, as my own mother
used to do; for now I was only one of many little animals
driven by a herder

“Memories of Childhood,”MCQ of Class 12 English

  1. Who wrote “Memories of Childhood”?: Zitkala-Sa and Bama
  2. Which country does Zitkala-Sa belong to? : USA
  3. Which country does Bama belong to?: India
  4. Bama belongs to a… caste.: Dalit caste
  5. Which family does Zitkala-Sa belong to?: Warrior family
  6. Why did Zitkala-Sa have long hair?: Due to family tradition
  7. Was Zitkala-Sa ready to get her hair cut?: No.
  8. What happened when a small bell was tapped?: pupils drew their chairs
  9. Who gave a threat to Zitkala-Sa’s life? Her friend Judewin
  10. Where did Zitkala-sa hide? Under the bed
  11. What happened to Zitkala-Sa when she was dragged out?:  She was tied to a chair.
  12. What happened to Zitkala-Sa, who was tied to a chair? Her hair was shingled.
  13. How was Shingling of hair considered in her community?: A sign of cowardice
  14. What does “shingled of hair” mean?: cutting of hair
  15. Whose hair was to be supposed in her community?: A captured soldier.
  16. In which class was Bama reading when tells the incident?: Third
  17. Where was the huge bell hanging? Marriyata Temple.
  18. Which tree was on her way to school? An almond tree.
  19. How did the elderly person deliver the package?: He was holding it by its sting.
  20. Where was Bama’s brother studying?: At University.
  21. Who was Annan? : Bama’s elder brother.
  22. She was impressed by his… brother.: elder brother
  23. Which state does Bama belong to?:  Tamil Nadu.

Memories of Childhood Textual Questions Answers are the main issues in front of the students in the CBSE and HBSE exams. We always take care of your career. NCERT Class 12 English questions and answers are designed by an expert teacher with 25 years of experience as a lecturer in English.

Memories of Childhood Textual Questions Answers NCERT Class 12 English

Reading with Insight

Q.1. The two accounts that you read above are based in two distant cultures. What is the commonality of the theme found in both of them?

The book “Memories of Childhood,” written by Zitkala-Sa and Bama, exposes orthodox society’s discrimination against highly educated women from all countries. America and India are the two biggest democracies in the world. America is considered the most developed country in the world, and India is a developing country where caste discrimination still prevails. On the other hand, American society is considered mature but discrimination still prevails, even against native Americans with a high academic record. “The Memories of Childhood” is divided into two parts. The first part belongs to an American Indian woman born in the late nineteenth century, who adopted the pen name ‘Zitkala-Sa’. The other part tells us about the Tamil Dalit writer Bama, the pen-name of a woman from a Roman Catholic family. Therefore, we can say that these two incidents happened in different cultures, but the one thing that was common between them is that discrimination still prevails in our society, irrespective of our country. There is a big difference between the cultures of India and the USA, but one thing in common: we never respect low-caste people.

Q.2. It may take a long time for oppression to be resisted, but the seeds of rebellion are sowed early in life. Do you agree that injustice in any form cannot escape being noticed even by children?

The book “Memories of Childhood,” written by Zitkala-Sa and Bama, exposes orthodox society’s discrimination against highly educated women from all countries. Both the writers are discriminated against when they were children. Such injustice is always reflected in their character and work when they grow. It is visible from both Bama and Zitkala-Sa. Both became writers and their works are reflected in their work. Such oppressed people always work hard and become an eminent personalities. The first part belongs to an American Indian woman born in the late nineteenth century, who adopted the pen name ‘Zitkala-Sa’. The other part tells us about the Tamil Dalit writer Bama, the pen-name of a woman from a Roman Catholic family.

Q.3. Bama’s experience is that of a victim of the caste system. What kind of discrimination does Zitkala-Sa’s experience depict? What are their responses to their respective situations?

Bama is a contemporary Tamil Dalit writer. Bama is the pen-name of a Tamil Dalit woman from a Roman Catholic family. She tells us how the people of her caste have to be discriminated against by the zamindars of the area. They considered them untouchable and were not related equally.

The Cutting of My Long Hair, from the book “Memories of Childhood,” is written by Zitkala-Sa. She describes her painful experience at an American school. She belonged to the family of warriors who took pride in keeping long and thick hair. She was admitted to the school where her hair was cut. It was painful for a woman like her to be terrified of such a heinous crime. She tried her best to save her hair and struggled a lot to save herself from such humiliation. “No, I will not submit! “I will struggle first!” she protested. She further explains with apathy that nobody came there to help her and she suffered “extreme indignities.” My long hair was shingled like a coward’s. She cried for help from her mother, but she didn’t. She further explains that she is now like an animal driven by a herder.

Q.4. Describe Zitkala-Sa’s first experience at her school. (HBSE 2015)

The Cutting of My Long Hair, from the book “Memories of Childhood,” is written by Zitkala-Sa. She describes her painful experience at an American school. She remembers her first day of school very well. All the students from the school were taken to the dining hall in a queue. There were different lines for boys and girls. Then a bell rang. Everyone drew the chair out but didn’t sit. She was not aware of the rule, so she sat on the chair and then again tried to stand. Then another bell rang, and all the students sat on their chairs. She was ashamed, and again, another bell rang and all the students sat and started eating. Everyone was staring at Zitkala-Sa. This experience was strange and unique for her.

“Memories of Childhood,” Short Questions and Answers NCERT Solutions Class 12 English

Q.1.How were the Indian girls dressed?

The Indian girls were wearing stiff shoes and tight clothes. The small girls were wearing sleeved aprons, and they had shingled hair.

Q.2.How was Zitkala-Sa hair cut?

She was taken down and tied to a chair like an animal. After that, her hair shingled forcefully. She couldn’t do anything, and nobody helped her. She felt very bad as it was not her tradition to get her hair cut.

Q.3.Why did Zitkala-Sa feel ashamed?

She felt insulted as her hair got cut without her concern. Moreover, it was against her tradition. In her community, cowardice hair gets cut.

Q.4.What happened when Zitkala-Sa was found?

She was forcefully dragged from the bed and tied to a chair. Her hair got cut down. This was a total insult to a brave woman. The author clearly shows that the system in the school was orthodox where women were not treated equally to men.

Q.5.What happened when Zitkala-Sa was taken downstairs?


Q.6.How was Zitkala-Sa’s hair cut?

She was tied to a chair forcefully and got her hair cut without her wish. It was a shame on our American system.

Q.7.What was Bama’s routine while coming home from school? (HBSE 2014)


Q.8.Why did Bama take about one hour to reach home from school?

Bama reached home late as she had an awkward incident on her way home where an old man from the Dalit community brought a pack but he was not supposed to touch the packet. So, he was holding it by a string. The Zamindar was sitting on a stone and he didn’t react to it as the Dalits were not allowed to toss anything.

Q.9.How was the Dalit old holding the packet?

The Dalit was holding the packet with a string. Bama was surprised to see it as she was a small child and couldn’t understand. The old man kept the packet away from his body as he was not allowed to touch the packet with any parts of his body.

Q.10.What did Bama have to say about untouchability?

The Dalit was holding the packet with a string. Bama was surprised to see it as she was a small child and couldn’t understand. The old man kept the packet away from his body because it was forbidden to touch it with any part of his body. He reached near to the zamindar and bowed before him. The landlord opened the packet and started eating. Bama couldn’t understand this incident, and she asked about it from his brother. Then, her brother explained to her about her untouchability in society.

Q.11.What advice did Bama’s Brother give her?

Her brother advised her to do hard work to establish herself in this discriminatory society. She followed his advice and became a famous writer.

Q.12.How did Bama take her brother’s advice?

She took his advice seriously and worked hard to reach the top level and become a writer of fame.

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