Monthly Lesson Plan for Class 12 English (Core): April will assist teachers in developing lesson plans for Class 12 English in order to deliver effective instruction in the classroom. A monthly lesson plan is part of pedagogy, the heart of classroom instruction. The syllabus has been designed by HBSE according to the time of year so that it can be completed on time. Teachers are free to download the PDF of the Monthly Lesson Plan for Class 12 English (Core): April.
Teachers should keep in mind when designing the lesson plan that 24 periods are allotted for the various topics to be covered in April for the class of 12, and 2 periods are allotted for checking and giving homework to the students.
Lesson Plan for Class 12 English (Core) PDF:
- Monthly Lesson Plan for Class 12 English (Core): December
- Monthly Lesson Plan for Class 12 English (Core): April
Class 12 English (Core) Syllabus of HBSE Bhiwani: Monthly Lesson Plan

Monthly Lesson Plan for Class 12 English (Core): April (26 Periods)
ReadLearnExcel Class 12 English Lesson Plan: April (26 Periods)
Name of the School:
Class 12 English(Core):
Name of the Teacher:
Flamingo: The Last Lesson(5)
Learning Objectives/Skills to be Developed among Students
- Learning the importance of language which is related to patriotism.
- How people feel concerned about the importance of language when they lose it.
- Students should value what their teachers teach.
- Developing reading skills to enhance the understanding of the main idea of the chapter.
- Values of freedom and individual identity.
- Alsace, Lorraine,Prussia have Historical importance. Find out?
Assessment Exercises/ Activities
- Summary of the chapter
- Underlining the important words.
- Reading comprehension of passages by providing MCQs.
- Understanding the text by providing critical analysis of passages.
- Talking about the text and importance of language in excelling in academic career.
- Discussing the short answer questions by asking the students to write the answer of the questions in their notebook.
Learning Outcome
- Acquire Listening skills and word pronunciation.
- Reading comprehension skills
- Skimming skills
- Writing notice for school notice board.
- Paragraph writing on importance of language
- Theme, working with synonyms and antonyms., tenses etc.
Poetry: My Mother at Sixty -six(4)
Learning Objectives/Skills to be Developed among Students
- Poetry structure and rhymes
- Recitation of poem
- Reading the stanzas
- Understanding reading comprehension of poetry stanzas, old age and respect for old people
- Poetic Devices
Assessment Exercises/ Activities
- Assessing reading skills
- Deriving the main ideas of the poem
- Writing questions short, MCQs, Poetic Devices
- Home Work: Learn the poem’s theme, comprehension of stanzas, and short question and answers.
Learning Outcome
- Main ideas of the poem
- Old people and their weaknesses
- Age is ultimate
- Values of the old people for the young ones.
- Improves reading, and writing skills.
Vistas: The Third Level(5)
Learning Objectives/Skills to be Developed among Students
- Learning the importance of reality, which is related to the levels in the chapter,
- How do people learn to escape from reality?
- Learn to face the music.
- Understand the reality and work accordingly.
- Students should value reality.
- Developing reading skills to enhance the understanding of the main idea of the chapter
- Practical work values
- Imagination doesn’t work in real life; hence, be practical.
- Learning human psychology
To Secure Good Marks in Class 12 English Examination
Assessment Exercises/ Activities
Home work:
Ask the students to write the following questions in their notebook:
- Q.1. What does the third level refer to?
- Q.2. How does Charley reach the third level? (HBSE 2017 D)
- Q.3. Describe Charley’s experience at the third level. (HBSE 2020A)
- Reading with Insight
- 1. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why?
- 2. What do you infer from Sam’s letter to Charley?
- The Third Level Long Questions and Answers: Vistas Class 12 English
- Q.1. Describe Charley’s experience at the third level. (HBSE 2012, 2013, 2020)
- Q.2. Is the ‘Third Level’ in the story a medium or a way of escaping from the unpleasant and insecure present?
- Q.3. How did Charley reach the third level of Grand Central? What did he experience there? (HBSE 2010, 2014, 2017, 2018).
Learning Outcome
- Improves reading, and writing skills.
- Face the situation instead of running away like Charley
- There is no third level, hence face the reality.
Grammar: Tenses( Correct forms of the verbs)(06)
Learning Objectives/Skills to be Developed among Students
- improving writing skills
- writing proper sentences
- Writing rules for the tenses
- General Discussion about 12 Tenses in English Grammar
- Do students understand the tenses in English grammar?
- Do tenses in English create worry among students?
- Do you know the meaning or definition of the 12 tenses in English grammar?
- Do tenses or the correct forms of verbs matter for learning the English language?
- The Importance of Tenses for Speakers of English as a Second Language: 12 Tenses in English Grammar
- English Grammar Chart: 12 English Grammar Tenses
- 12 English Grammar Tense Rules and Structures or Correct Verb Forms
- The present tense and the first form of the verb
- 1. Uses of the Present Indefinite Tense
- 2. Uses of the Present Continuous Tense
- 3. Uses of the Present Perfect Tense
- 4. Uses of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- 1. A Perfect Present When an action began in the past and is still ongoing, the continuous tense is used.
- Uses of the past tense
- 1. Uses of the Past Indefinite Tense
- 2. Uses of the Past Continuous Tense
- 3. Uses of the Past Perfect Tense
- 4. Uses of the Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- Uses of the Future Tense
- 1. Uses of the Future Indefinite Tense
- 2. Uses of the Future Continuous Tense
- 3. Uses of the Future Perfect Tense
- 4. Uses of the Future Perfect Continuous Tense
- 12 Tenses’ Exercises for Practice for Students
- Use the correct verb tense: Sentences for Practice From the Previous Year’s HBSE Board
- 12 Tenses in English Grammar: Correct Form of Verbs MCQs (Practice Exercises)
- Conditional Tenses: Four Rules of Conditional Sentences in English Grammar
Assessment Exercises/ Activities
- 12 Tenses’ Exercises for Practice for Students
- Use correct form of verb: HBSE Previous Years Board’s Sentences For Practice
- 12 Tenses in English Grammar: Correct Form of Verbs MCQs (Practice Exercises)
Learning Outcome
- Helps in learning writing
- Capable to write small writing work
- Able to analyse the structure of sentences
Why should you study the tenses?
Tenses are an essential component of the English language. They can assist in the following ways:
- to describe events that occur at various times (past, present, and future).
- to construct complex sentence structures in order to convey complex ideas
- to improve the clarity of your communication
- In other words, if you want to speak English, you must master the tenses!
Writing Techniques: Notice Writing
Learning Objectives and Skills to be Developed among Students
- A notice is written or printed information or a news announcement.
- framing questions and answers that will help the students write notices for different events, like annual days.
- Developing writing skills
- formal announcement or information
- Notice on the top:
- suitable Heading
- purpose of the notice
- Who is organising the event?
- What is the subject of the notice?
- Where is the venue of the camp?
- Who is the target group or person for the notice?
- When is it going to be organized?
- What will the time be?
- What is the purpose of this notice?
- What is the last date for responses or submissions?
- What is to be awarded?
- Who is the chief guest?
- What is the name and designation of the person?
Assessment Exercises/ Activities
- Asking students to read the question and draft the notice on annual function, sports events, charity show
- Ask the students to write on the school notice board for practice.
Project: Cutting of notices from the newspapers and pasting in the notebook.
Learning Outcome
- Learn the format of writing notice
- Boosting of writing skills
- Event detailing
Teacher’s Signature: