
Note Making Methods and Techniques: 12th and Bank Exams


We ask students to take notes when we teach them in class because it is difficult for them to remember everything. We can’t remember everything. As a result, we advise students to note down key points. This allows them to easily connect what the teacher has taught in class. Furthermore, it is not possible to revise everything on the night of the exam. As a result, taking notes becomes necessary in such situations.

To overcome these challenges, important details should be written down. These notes assist us in our time of need. Note-taking is the process of writing down useful concepts and points. We will look at note-taking and note-taking formats in this article.

Importance of Note-Making

Although our knowledge is vast and limitless, our memory capacity is limited. We cannot remember everything all of the time. As a result, taking notes is essential. The goal of taking notes is to filter important information and help us remember it. Making notes is more than just writing down what you read or hear; it is also a process of synthesising and revisiting concepts from lectures or reading.

Making notes is a method of documenting important details from a source. This source can be a book, an article, a meeting, or an oral discussion. The writer records the essence of the information when taking notes. It aids us in comprehending and clarifying our thoughts. By going through the notes made, you can save a lot of time. A brief note can convey a lot of information.

 Benefits of Note-Making

Making notes is a skill that can be honed through practice. There are some benefits to taking notes. Let us discuss some benefits of note-making:

  1. It is crucial in exams and academic writing.
  2. It is a collection of key points for future use.
  3. Making notes allows us to keep information on hand when we need it.
  4. It allows for faster revision during exam time, especially,the previous night of the examination.
  5. It has key points that make it easier to read.
  6. It helps in concentration, and comprehension, and keeps a permanent record.
  7. A note-making format allows a writer to go through large documents more quickly
  8. It enables comprehension when notes are written in our own words.
  9. Note making distinguishes between main points and small details.
  10. Note making relies heavily on storage and retrieval of information.

Structure of Note Making

There is a set format for writing notes. To have an unambiguous understanding of it, one must adhere to this note-making format. I have provided two structures of note-making in two different colors. The note-taking format has-

Heading/Title of the Topic

It displays the note’s title or heading and is generally available in the first sentence of the first paragraph

This is the first section of your note, and it must express the passage’s main idea.  The main idea of the passage is represented by the header/title.


A subheading, as the name suggests, is a subdivision of the main topic. Subheadings are essential paragraph components that contain critical information that must be divided into points and subpoints. Subheadings describe how the passage’s main topic evolved. You can use as many subheadings as you want.


Some important points from the main topics are included under the subheadings.


More headings can be added beneath the points to show the category, types, advantages, and so on.

Keywords or Keyphrases

The key section of the note displays the various codes, symbols, or abbreviations that are used. It is beneficial to understand the keys used in the note-taking format.

Symbols and abbreviations and their values in note-making

It is common and acceptable to use abbreviations to shorten long terms when taking notes. Use abbreviative forms sparingly, and include a key at the end of your message that lists all of the full forms. Common symbols like &, @, #, and % are also permitted and can replace 1,2,3, and A, B,C They are used for word precision and economy and are thus very useful in note-taking.

Heading/Title of the Topic
  1. Sub-heading 1
          1.1 Point 1
            1.2 Sub sub-heading
               1.2.1 a, Sub point 1
               1.2.2 b sub point 2
      2. sub heading 2
         2.1 a sub point 1
         2.1.2 b sub point 2
Department= Dept.
Clarifications= Clari.

Second Method:

Heading/title of the topic
A Sub Heading 1
    A 1.1 Point 1
    A1.2 Point 2
B Sub Heading 1
     B.1.1Point 1
     B1.2 Point 2
C 1 Sub Heading 1
     C 1.2 Point 1
        C 1.2 Sub- sub- Heading 2
          C 1.2.1 Point
Abbreviations: Minimum of three abbreviations required
Note-making format


The Note-Making Process

  1. Read the provided passage and don’t worry about sentence formation as grammar is not checked in note-making.
  2. Highlight the important sentences. Making headings and subheadings is beneficial.
  3. Make a rough note to get an idea.
  4. For the last note, arrange them in logical order or sequence.
  5. Use the appropriate note-taking format.
  6. Do not modify the passage’s idea or message.

Key Points to remember in Note-Making

  1. Long sentences should not be used as headings or titles.
  2. Never lose sight of the passage’s main idea.
  3. Ignore less important information.
  4. Be concise, clear, and specific.
  5. Use logical ordering.
  6. Each note must have a meaningful title.
  7. Only the most critical examples should be provided.
  8. Include no personal interpretations or opinions.
  9. At least three abbreviations must be included in your notes. Mark full stop after each abbreviation.
  10. Add colors, drawings, and symbols to make your note more memorable.

Types of Note-Making format

There are various note-taking formats. Let us explain them one by one.

Page Split  Format: The page is divided into two sections or columns, First column contains normal notes and the second column contains a precise summary. This format is widely used for taking lecture notes.

Diagram Format: It is generally called the visual note making method and a diagram is used to store the information. This is self-explanatory and straightforward.

Outline Structure: This is a visual note-making format method where information is presented as an outline and titles and subtitles are numbered accordingly.

Question and Prompt Format: The main points are highlighted in this method as a series of questions and appropriate answers. It makes it easier to revise the note.

Solved Example for You

2. Read the following passage carefully and make notes on it using
headings and subheadings. Supply an appropriate title also :                                                                                                                                                              4 + 1 = 5
In a very short period the internet has had a profound impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made operational in 1983, it has lowered both the costs of communication and the barriers to creative expression. It has challenged old business models and enabled new ones. It has provided access to information on a scale never before achievable. It succeeded because we designed it to be flexible and open. These two features have allowed it to accommodate innovation without massive changes to its infrastructure. An open, borderless, and standardised platform means that barriers to entry are low, competition is high, interchangeability is assured and innovation is rapid. The beauty of an open platform is that there are no gatekeepers. For centuries, access to and creation of information was controlled by the few. The internet has changed that and is rapidly becoming the platform for everyone, by everyone. Of course, it still has a way to go. Today there are only about 2.3 billion internet users, representing roughly 30% of the world’s population. Much of the information that they can access online is in English, but this is changing rapidly.

The technological progress of the internet has also set social change in motion. As with other enabling inventions before it, from the telegraph to television, some will worry about the effects of broader access to information – the printing press and the rise in literacy that it affected were, after all, long seen as destabilizing. Similar concerns about the internet are occasionally raised, but if we take a long view, I’m confident that its benefits far outweigh the discomforts of learning to integrate into our lives. The internet and the world wide web are what they are because literally millions of people have made it so. It is a grand collaboration. It would be foolish not to acknowledge that the openness of the internet has had a price. Security is an increasingly important issue and cannot be ignored. If there is an area of vital research and development for the internet, this is one of them. I am increasingly confident, however, that techniques and practice exist to make the internet safer and more secure while retaining its essentially open quality. After working on the internet and its predecessors for over decades, I’m more optimistic about its promise than I have ever been. We are all free to innovate on the net everyday. The internet is tool of the people, built by the people and it must stay that way.


Title: Impact of internet on our life

A: Int. birth and impact

A.1. started in 1983

A.2. Reduce the cost of comm.

A.3. flexible designs

A.3.1 low barrier

A.3.2 high competition

A.3.3 plat. for everyone

B.1. social change con.

B.1.1 integrate lfe

B.1.2 security con. improve

C1.will be secure and free

C2. everybody tool

Abbreviations: int.=internet, plat.=platform, con.=concerns

Q. 2.Read the following passage carefully and make notes on it using
headings and sub headings. Supply an appropriate title also : 4 + 1 = 5
A headache is usually caused due to spinal misalignment of the head,
due to poor posture. Sleeping on the stomach with the head turned to
one side and bending over positions for a long time make it worse.
In migraine headaches (One handed headaches), the pain is usually on
one side of the head and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting,
irritability and bright spots of flashes of light. This headache is made
worse by activity, especially bending. The throbbing pain in the head
gets worse by noise and light. Certain triggers for migraines may be
chocolate eating, smoking or MSU in certain food items. The pain may
last from eight to 24 hours and there may be a hangover for two-three
Migraines are often preceded by an ‘aura’ – changes in sight and
sensation. There is usually a family history of migraine.
In a headache the pain originates not from the brain but from irritated
nerves of muscles, blood vessels and bones. These send pain signals to
the brain which then judges the degree of distress and relays it at
appropriate sites. The pain may sometimes be referred to sites other
than the problem areas. This is known as referred pain and occurs due
to sensation overload. Thus, though most headaches start at the base
of the skull the referred pain is felt typically behind the eyes.
Factors causing headaches are not fully understood but it is known
that a shift in the level of body hormones and chemicals, certain food
and drinks and environmental stress can trigger them. If headaches
trouble you often, visit the doctor, who will take a full health history
relating to diet, lifestyle stresses, the type of headache, triggering
factors and relief measures. You may be asked to keep a ‘headache
diary’ which tells you to list the time the headache started, when it
ended, emotional, environmental and food and drink factors which may
have contributed to it. The type and severity of pain and medications
used which provided most relief, are also to be listed.
This helps the doctor in determining the exact cause and type of
headache and the type of drugs to use. Apart from this a physical
examination is done to rule out any serious underlying cause. The
blood pressure is recorded, vision tested and muscle coordination of
the eyes is checked to rule out these as causes. Blood tests may be
done out anaemia, diabetes and thyroid disease. If any of the above is
abnormal or otherwise a CT Scan or MRI may be done to see tissues
and structures around the brain. These will rule out causes such as
tumors, haemorrhage and infection of the brain. This examination gives
a clear picture of the problem to the doctor.
Immediate relief can be certain medications and few simple self-care
techniques. Using ice against the pain ‘site’, covering eyes with dark
glasses, drinking plenty of fluids and lying down in a dark and quiet
room provide relief in a migraine attack. Pain killers like aspirin,
Ibuprofen (brufen) and crocin can be taken and provide relief in
different proportions. These should be used with caution and under
medical supervision if used for long periods and large quantities as all
of them can cause many side effects. An antiemetic like perionorm can
help the nausea associated with a migraine

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