
Writing a Paragraph for Class 10 and 12: Exam Panic 

HBSE Pre-Board Sample Paper Class 12 English (Core) 2022–23/ TIPS TO SCORE MAXIMUM MARKS in exams hbse cbse, english grammar

Writing a Paragraph for the Exam Panic or fear of exams is an important topic for the students of classes 12 and 10 at HBSE schools.

Exam panic is common among students. Exams always bring tension, fear, and anxiety, irrespective of their nature, and nobody can avoid them. In fact, Albert Einstein suffered from exam fever when he took an entrance exam. To relieve mental stress, it is critical to first quiet your thoughts and relax them by taking deep breaths. Yoga and meditation can help. Now, with a clear and stress-free mind, write down your strategy. Make a study schedule to ensure that you have enough time to revise before your exams. A good plan will also allow the student to take breaks between studying sessions, reducing stress and maximising time. Eat well and rest close to the test. Take frequent and short breaks during the exam. Avoid exam anxiety by rehearsing for your exams. Students should get enough sleep the night before their exams. It is critical to maintain a positive attitude throughout the test planning process. Accept that you will pass the exam. Prepare everything the night before, and double-check that you have everything you’ll need in your bag—extra pencils, water, Kleenex, and so on. Tension can cause you to forget something important the morning of the exam. So, unwind and relax with friends.

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