
Unseen Passage Class12|Reading Comprehension: Self- Regulation For Students

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

Generally, every individual can resist impulses at a personal level, adapt their behaviour to a range of standards, and modify prevailing behaviour in the service of achieving distal goals; it is called Self-regulation. You can call self-regulation different names such as self-control of anger, self-management, and emotional regulation. Our self-regulation ability in every field e.g. education, sports, health and vocational, etc. associated with positive functioning and outcomes.

One of the elements that contribute to the poor quality of student learning is a poor self-learning pattern. Students with effective self-regulation are aware of the value of learning and can regulate their emotions to improve the learning process and outcomes. Self-regulation enables students to evaluate their performance. Students with a high degree of independence can generally arrange their learning process, and complete activities, and homework without relying on teachers, parents, or friends. Consciously, he is highly independent in his studying since he desires to attain great success. Students with low degrees of learning independence, on the other hand, are heavily reliant on others to learn.

Self-system beliefs and Learning strategies are fundamental to a student’s motivation and performance. Its positive association with other constructs has indicated that self-regulated learning has a stronger effect on academic performance, and emotional, cognitive as well as behavioral functioning of the students. Therefore, Researchers can say that these are the most important variables that determine the academic achievement of students and their success in other areas of life

Self-regulation strategies can be used as a promotional as well as curative techniques or routes to better health. Self-regulation capacity will always work as a controller or buffering agent in health complaints. In the academic field self-regulated learning improves students’ academic engagement, goal-setting, task selection, perseverance and effort, intrinsic motivation, strategy usage, performance and accomplishment, and even career choice.  Self-regulation ability increase the student’s strategic control and domain, as they can better conduct their learning processes and tactics, manage the effort to be placed to know a certain topic, and control their emotions in the face of adversities

Questions for comprehension

  1. What is the meaning of self-regulation?
  2. What are the other names for self-regulation?
  3. Name the fields where you can have self-regulation.
  4. How does self-regulation improve students’ performance?
  5. Which type of student achieves more in the learning process?
  6. Do students with a low degree of independence depend upon others?
  7. What are the fundamentals of a student’s motivation?
  8. Does self-regulation affect a student’s academic performance?
  9. How does self-regulation affect us?
  10. How does self-regulation affect our health?
  1. Self-regulation means controlling our feelings in odd circumstances.
  2. The other names for self-regulation are: self-control of anger, self-management, and emotional regulation.
  3. We can have self-regulation in education, sports, health, and vocational.
  4. It helps the students evaluate their performance.
  5. Students with a high degree of independence can achieve more in learning.
  6. Yes, the student with a low degree of independence depends upon others.
  7. Self-system beliefs and learning strategies are fundamental to a student’s motivation and performance.
  8. It increases a student’s learning abilities.
  9. Self-regulation helps us excel in life.
  10. It affects our ability to build good health.

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