
Unseen Passage Class 10|Reading Comprehension: Choosing Streams

Science: For Non-Medical: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Medical: Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Commerce: Business Management, Accounts, Economics, and Mathematics.  Humanities or Arts: History, Geography, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, and Political Science. Students always face the dilemma of selecting subjects for admission in class 11 and this is natural as they are not mature enough to answer the question of selecting streams in class 11 admission. Your whole career will depend upon how you choose streams in Class 11. Therefore, you have to be very cautious while selecting the streams of your choice. Do your own research. Students always face the dilemma of selecting subjects for admission in class 11 and this is natural as they are not mature enough to answer the question of selecting streams in class 11 admission. Your whole career will depend upon how you choose streams in Class 11. Therefore, you have to be very cautious while selecting the streams of your choice. Do your own research.

For example, if you want to become an engineer, you will have to opt for science. If you want to go into the finance field, you will have to choose Commerce, and if you want to become a psychologist, go for Psychology in class 11 admission. If you want to pursue Science, are you proficient in Mathematics? Mathematical expertise is required for careers in computer science. If you are not comfortable with mathematics, don’t go for the Science Stream. Hard work is the key to success. All streams require hard work. You can’t compromise on hard work; otherwise, you will repent. Hard work is required to compete in your field.

Assemble your pros and cons. Improve your strong points to make a balance. Suppose mathematics is your power, then you can improve your physics in the future. Check your analytical skills. If they are strong enough, go for computer science. We are fond of copying others as we never work on our own choice. Parents also interfere in your career. Parents need to guide you. But the decision should be yours as per your interest.

  • Q.1. What are the three streams in Class 11?
  • Ans. Science, commerce, and arts.
  • Q. 2. What is the dilema for students after class 10?
  • Choosing the subjects in class 11.
  • Q.3. What stream is required to become an engineer?
  • Ans. Science.
  • Q. 4. Which subjects should be strong if you want to become a computer engineer?
  • Ans. Mathematics
  • Q. 5. What is the key to success?
  • Hard work is the key to success.
  • Q.6. Use similar words to describe the pros and cons.
  • Pros-Advantages; Cons-Disadvantages.
  • Q.7. Should we copy others while choosing subjects in class 11?
  • No, we should not copy others while selecting subjects in class 11.
  • Q.8. Do parents have any say in the subjects chosen for class 11?
  • Ans. Yes, sometimes parents pressurise the kids.
  • Q.9.  Which stream should I choose in class 11?
  • Choose subjects according to your interests
  • Q.10.  Can I change subjects after Class 11?
  • You can shift from the science stream to the arts.
  • Q.11. Should I take coaching in the 11th grade?
  • You can if it’s comfortable for you to manage both.
  • Q.12. Should I study hard in class?
  • Always read your subjects thoroughly.


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