
Balancing Class 12 Board Exams and Entrance Exams: A Strategic Guide for Students

Balancing Class 12 Board Exams and Entrance Exams

Balancing Class 12 Board Exams and Entrance Exams: A Strategic Guide for Students. Students experience pressure in class 12 since they have to take entrance tests like JEE and NEET in addition to board exams. As a result, they find it extremely challenging to balance these tests. However, if you organise your approach in a way that makes preparing simple. Thus, with careful planning, you can succeed.

Balancing Tips Between Class 12 Board Exams and Entrance Exams

Students preparing for admission examinations such as JEE and NEET are recommended to implement the following tactics in order to perform well on both tests:

  1. Recognise the content of admission exams like as JEE and NEET, as well as board exams.
  2. Determine which subjects—Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology—are covered in both tests.
    Make plans based on the division of the entire curriculum into manageable chunks.
  3. If you notice a recurrent theme while studying for the board exams, set aside an additional one to two hours to focus on these issues. Your preparation will be robust in this way.
  4. When preparing for theory exams, give MCQs more weight.
  5. Now, start by preparing the most captivating topic out of all the others.
  6. Select the challenging subjects for the last exam to reduce exam stress.
  7. After then, remember to edit what you’ve written.
  8. You’ll be able to comfortably cover 90% of the course in this method.
  9. Take the mock exam to see how well-prepared you are. You will be able to identify your weak areas and subjects that require more effort after taking practise exams. Before exams, take one or two practise exams.
  10. Read NCERT books for two to three hours.
  11. Make sure your schedule aligns with the syllabus for classes 11 and 12. Invest three to four hours in classes 11 and 12, for instance, as a number of the topics covered in JEE and NEET are applicable to the board test.
  12. Allocate some time for General Awareness, English, and Logical Reasoning on other tests, such as the CUIET and CLAT.Balancing Class 12 Board Exams and Entrance Exams

Success Strategies: Juggling Board, NEET, and JEE Exam Preparation

In order to do well on admission exams, such as JEE and NEET, preparation calls for a calculated approach. This post provides students with the necessary strategies to pass board exams and perform well on these tests.

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Comprehending the Exam Topic

The first stage is to understand the material covered in entrance exams such as JEE and NEET, as well as board exams. Determine which subjects—math, physics, chemistry, and biology—will be tested on in order to develop a thorough study schedule.

Organising the Programme to Make Balance between Competitive and Board Exam

Break up the curriculum into digestible sections. Arrange your study time so that each subject receives the same amount of focus. Over time, this methodical approach guarantees comprehensive coverage of the course.

Focusing on recurring themes

If you notice patterns while you prepare for the board exams, set aside more time to work on these problems. Investing an additional hour or two in common themes improves the breadth of your preparation.

The weight of MCQs

Consider giving Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) more weight when preparing for theory exams. By practising multiple-choice questions (MCQs), you can strengthen your conceptual knowledge and increase the effectiveness of your answers.

Initially, fascinating topics

Start your preparation with the most interesting subject. This early triumph increases motivation and establishes a good mood for your study sessions.

Managing Difficult Subjects

Put difficult courses off till the very end of your exam preparation. By now, you should have a solid comprehension of other subjects, which will lessen your anxiety throughout the test.

Revising Your Writing

Spend some time going over and editing your notes after studying a subject. This procedure guarantees that you grasp the material clearly and helps you consolidate it.

Extensive Reporting

By taking this logical approach, you will be able to cover about 90% of the course with ease. A comprehensive plan of action includes setting priorities and attending to important areas.

Mock Tests for Evaluation

Take practise tests frequently to see how well-prepared you are. Practise tests make it easy to pinpoint areas of weakness and subjects that need more work. Prior to the real tests, take one or two practise exams at the very least.

Perusing NCERT Texts

Set aside two or three hours to read NCERT publications. These resources offer a strong basis and go over key ideas that are pertinent to board exams as well as admission exams.

Complying with the Curriculum

Make sure your study plan corresponds with the 11th and 12th class syllabus. It is imperative to devote three to four hours to the topics covered in classes 11 and 12, since many of the concepts are relevant to the JEE, NEET, and board exams.

Including logical reasoning, general awareness, and English

Set aside time for General Awareness, Logical Reasoning, and English, particularly if you are getting ready for other exams like the CLAT and CUIET. Keeping these disciplines in balance improves your overall preparedness for competitive exams.

It would be difficult but worthwhile to adopt an integrated educational approach that combines competitive test readiness with board exam preparation. Through efficient alignment of study methodologies, time management, and resources, students can achieve success in both areas. Recall that this method prepares students for success in competitive examinations as well as future academic endeavours, in addition to helping them ace their board exams. Students that embrace balance and remain dedicated will develop into successful, well-rounded people.

The following are practical methods for juggling board preparation with competitive exam preparation.

Recognise the overlapped syllabus.

An integrated strategy starts with identifying the areas where the board and competitive test syllabuses overlap. Students can simplify their study plans and save duplication by identifying similar concepts in areas like chemistry, physics, and mathematics.

arranged study schedule

Create a well-organized study schedule that allots time for preparing for competitive and board exams. Students need to make sure they allot enough time to go over the material on each syllabus. Make a realistic, flexible schedule that can be adjusted as circumstances change.

Time management that works

For the students, maintaining effective time management is essential. Their study sessions ought to be broken up into more manageable, concentrated chunks with pauses in between. The order of subjects should be determined by their relative merits and demerits. Set up distinct time windows for studying for board exams and topics unique to competitive exams.

Choosing Study Resources

Select study aids and materials that address both tests. NCERT textbooks are a great resource for board exams, but make sure the materials you use support the integrated approach. Using the appropriate study materials guarantees complete coverage of the ideas and also saves time.

Parallel training would be beneficial.

Make practise sessions a daily part of your preparation for both exams. For instance, after studying a particular topic, students can take practise questions linked to the board test and then go on to competitive exam questions on the same topic. Students’ understanding levels will be reinforced by this.

Past papers and practise exams

For both board and competitive exams, students should solve past years’ papers and take mock exams on a regular basis. This will enhance time management skills, boost confidence, and assist the pupils become used to the format of the questions.

Seek advice and mentorship.

It may be advantageous to enrol in a coaching programme that provides integrated tutoring for competitive exams as well as board exams. Mentors with experience can help students along the way and offer advice on how to successfully balance both. Speaking with educators and getting your questions answered might help you become more confident.

Being well is crucial.

Students’ emotional and physical well-being should not be neglected. For students to maintain high levels of energy and low levels of stress, they must get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and exercise frequently. Include relaxation methods in your routine to help you cope with test anxiety.

Frequent self-evaluation

Students must concurrently prepare for board and competitive tests and evaluate their progress on a regular basis. Determine the areas in which the students require improvement, then modify their study schedule appropriately. Self-evaluation makes sure that pupils continue on the right path to success.

Boards and competitive admission examinations are two major milestones that students frequently have to navigate simultaneously in today’s intensely competitive educational environment. Competitive tests provide entry to esteemed schools and professions, while board exams are essential for establishing a solid academic foundation. Although juggling both can be difficult, students can succeed in both areas if their education is integrated.


How crucial is it to focus on recurring topics when studying for the board exams?
Focusing on recurring topics improves preparation depth and guarantees a deeper comprehension of important ideas.

Why, when studying for theory exams, should MCQs be given more weight?
MCQ practise strengthens conceptual knowledge and increases response speed, which is an important ability for theoretical tests.

Board ExamsSAT-1 Exams Sample Papers August 2023 HBSE Class 10 English,

When preparing for an exam, why not begin with the most interesting subject?
Selecting an engaging topic at the outset of study sessions creates a good atmosphere that increases motivation and overall involvement.

How do practise examinations aid with exam preparation?
Mock tests provide important insights for progress by assessing readiness, highlighting weak areas, and simulating exam situations.

Why is it crucial to prepare for exams in accordance with the course syllabus?
Following the course syllabus guarantees that you learn the fundamentals that apply to both admission examinations and board exams.

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